๐ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐ฎ for 28th March 2023
Mar 28, 2023
๐ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐ฎ for 28th March 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Daily Guidance From Your Angels oracle ๐คฉ
You’ve been working on this gig for a long time.. so long it seems and it seems like you’re going backwards not forwards! Even though you know you’ve made progress, even though you know you’re doing the work it just seems like everything has got harder or something, or more things fall apart than normal and just… you just want a break through some how… but how… is what you always get stuck on and some and then you come back to surface, to everything is fine, but deep down you know it isn’t because you aren’t ‘there yet’ and it is here at this Life gig, you know you are born for more, you know you are meant for more, you know there is something inside of you that wants to come out to show the world who you really are and some but there is just something that… you’re just not sure anymore but you KNOW there is more… and that, is what LIFE is all about. 6 Weeks Private Mentoring with me to untangle, unravel and come back to the true you, you know you’re born for, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
It is the Daily Guidance From Your Angels oracle that was used today, you can click here to get your own oracle deck of these on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3lD83H3
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ๐
Card #1 Ground Yourself. “When you detach from the awareness of your body and the physical world, you become ungrounded. Although it’s pleasant to float heavenward, your attention and work are needed upon the Earth. We’re healing you balance the spiritual and material so that you can enjoy a fulfilling Earthly life.”
Hmmm, the first message coming through here is that, ‘your needs and desires will be fulfilled’. If you’re worried about finances or how it will all work out I am here to tell you that this strong message is about grounding you, your purpose, and your divinely guided ideas onto this Earth plane is a big part of ‘how’ everything is going to work out at this time. Being grounded in your body is definitely a huge part of this. We can ‘leave our body’ out of fear, flight or fight when a traumatic situation has happened that we haven’t ‘come back to Earth’ from. I am sensing that you are needing a change of environment - is that holiday or actually moving somewhere? Or is there something in the home that is needing to shift. Is that you? Are you needing to shift your internal environment with your physical body’s health, so that you can be a clear channel for what you are asking of in your life? Regardless, everything is going to be okay. Why? Because you’re someone who follows your intuitions, takes risks when it doesn’t make logical sense, but you know it feels right and you have to do it this way, that you always make everything work and you always find a way and that.. is why everything is going to work out. By grounding what you’re guided to do, by grounding who you’re guided to be, by grounding all of you and not hiding in the dark anymore, not hiding in the shadows. Enjoying your life, but also grounding your passions, your purpose and the reason for your Being. This can also be about coming back into life from a busy period of time where you have been hibernating and I feel this is a time for you to come out of hibernation now and this ‘grounding’ is you truly living who you really are, truly living the purpose of your life - with freedom, joy and passion. Grounding you, is grounding your joy and living from your heart. It feels like it is time to put those crazy ideas into action, to stop hiding who you truly are and following your intuition on those nudges that make no logical sense, but you know are what are going to help that seed become the Oak Tree that you are. Love xxx You’ve been working on this gig for a long time.. so long it seems and it seems like you’re going backwards not forwards! Even though you know you’ve made progress, even though you know you’re doing the work it just seems like everything has got harder or something, or more things fall apart than normal and just… you just want a break through some how… but how… is what you always get stuck on and some and then you come back to surface, to everything is fine, but deep down you know it isn’t because you aren’t ‘there yet’ and it is here at this Life gig, you know you are born for more, you know you are meant for more, you know there is something inside of you that wants to come out to show the world who you really are and some but there is just something that… you’re just not sure anymore but you KNOW there is more… and that, is what LIFE is all about. 6 Weeks Private Mentoring with me to untangle, unravel and come back to the true you, you know you’re born for, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #2: There’s Nothing to Worry About. “You are safe, and this situation is under the perfect control of the Divine providence and universal order. Only infuse loving throughs and emotions into the situation to ensure that the highest possible outcome flows effortless to and through you.”
Hmmm, straight away, something bout your home here? What is that for you? Also, are you worried about someone in particular as well? There is Nothing To Worry About is the best card you could’ve received for this situation that you are concerned about. There are two things here - talk to someone who gets it about this situation (a mentor or friend, not someone who doesn’t understand what you’re in) and also? Your fears surfacing? Are not warranted. In essence that - this isn’t about brushing them aside and that they are not important nor valid. You’ve lived through circumstances in your life that not many people would ever walk through - the fears surfacing for you are valid in essence, that you don’t want to go through that again right?! Yep, exactly. So your fears are valid in what you are feeling - but they are not warranted to your current situation. Why? Because you have healed. Because you have had your dark night of the soul about this situation. You have walked through the hardest part of your life and the worst is now behind you. You have broken through to a new dimension - that is exactly what you are feeling right now when you are in it - this new you, this new life - so this, is so important in understanding that ‘right now’ is very different to your old life and you know that - but when these fears surface the key here for you - is to catch it, realise that that is not your life now and what you have right now is a very good life you’ve created for yourself and ‘There is Nothing to Worry About’ in this space and it is here, that you know these fears are just the old clearing out - because you just went so deep into your current present moment right now of the life you are living now and that is why the old surfaced. It is old vibrations in your body that are no longer required in this stage and space of your life, so up and out they come - just like cleaning out an old cupboard or changing the oil in your car, the old needs to be emptied for the new, clean, efficient oil and organisation of your energy to fully enjoy your life where you are present now. There is Nothing to Worry About. Whatever you are worried about, is going to work out. Your dreams will come true, your wish fulfilment will manifest, everything is going to be okay. Your only job is to stay focused on what you want, take care of your body, your health and your energy - go out and enjoy your life and know that when you are worried it is A: another layer of what is no longer needed in your body is released and B: it is time to go and do something to shift the energy (sleep more, exercise more, come back to what you love more for example). So, where are you at? There’s Nothing to Worry About - so, what would you be doing, living and enjoying now, if that were true? Come back to this place and stay here a while. Everything is going to be okay. Love xxx You’ve been working on this gig for a long time.. so long it seems and it seems like you’re going backwards not forwards! Even though you know you’ve made progress, even though you know you’re doing the work it just seems like everything has got harder or something, or more things fall apart than normal and just… you just want a break through some how… but how… is what you always get stuck on and some and then you come back to surface, to everything is fine, but deep down you know it isn’t because you aren’t ‘there yet’ and it is here at this Life gig, you know you are born for more, you know you are meant for more, you know there is something inside of you that wants to come out to show the world who you really are and some but there is just something that… you’re just not sure anymore but you KNOW there is more… and that, is what LIFE is all about. 6 Weeks Private Mentoring with me to untangle, unravel and come back to the true you, you know you’re born for, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #3: Joy. “Joy, is the highest energy of all. It’s the magical sense that everything is possible. Joy springs from appreciating the gifts within each moment. Joy allows you to attract and create your present and future moments at their highest possible levels.”
What brings you Joy? It feels like at this time, this is all you should focus your attention on, this is all you should bring yourself to light and love about, this…. should be made your priority at this time. It feels like you’ve been delaying things that will bring you joy, because you think you should be doing something more productive and I wonder if this is about sharing your joy lately too? Because you feel that you’ve been actually quite happy in your life? You’ve reached a point where you’re celebrating who you really are, celebrating what you really are, celebrating all that you’ve created, been through and become from and through it all and where you’re going and…. have you been scared to share that joy in case of… what? In case others will judge you? In case family abandons you? In case you’ll be killed like you did in that past life? In case… stop! ENOUGH. This… is your chance, your opportunity to come out and show the world who you really are - aside from working! You’re allowed to enjoy your life. You’re allowed to have FUN. You’re allowed to open your heart and share that… and is that it? Is that what you’re afraid of? That if you open your Heart, you’ll be shot down again like you did in the past? The thing is, is that you’re in a very, very different situation to what you were in before and that… will of course happen again because honey, haters going to hate, but reality is - you’re stronger now. You’ve walked it before. You’re more confident in who you are. You know where you’re going. You have a stronger support system around you now. You’re creating the life you dream of and love the life you currently have. And you know what? You’re breaking karmic cycles, old family patterns and breaking through to a new dimension by sharing your joy. You were really good at sharing your karmic toxic drama shite so now you can get really good at sharing your joy okay honey? Yeah. That one! It’s time to bust through that new dimension with arms wide open, receiving the life you’ve worked so hard to create… now you can be in the divine essence of it. Pure Joy. Pure Opulence. Pure Love. All these feelings… that comes from sharing the divine Joy - that is the message of this card. If you’ve been asking what the secret ingredient is that you’ve been missing.. it is this. Sharing the Joy. You will trigger people.. but you did that with the trauma drama too. So, share away. Because this, is the life you’ve been looking for and by sharing this Joy.. the Universe, will only reflect more things to be Joyful about. You know how this works. So stop shaming yourself and keeping yourself in the dark for the Joy. You’re safe as you allow your heart to open… and to stay in this. This is the divine essence of who you are. No need to be scared of that! This is YOU. The world needs more YOU. Love xxx You’ve been working on this gig for a long time.. so long it seems and it seems like you’re going backwards not forwards! Even though you know you’ve made progress, even though you know you’re doing the work it just seems like everything has got harder or something, or more things fall apart than normal and just… you just want a break through some how… but how… is what you always get stuck on and some and then you come back to surface, to everything is fine, but deep down you know it isn’t because you aren’t ‘there yet’ and it is here at this Life gig, you know you are born for more, you know you are meant for more, you know there is something inside of you that wants to come out to show the world who you really are and some but there is just something that… you’re just not sure anymore but you KNOW there is more… and that, is what LIFE is all about. 6 Weeks Private Mentoring with me to untangle, unravel and come back to the true you, you know you’re born for, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #4: Be Honest With Yourself. “Look into your Heart and you will know the truth of this situation. It’s safe to admit the truth to yourself for we will support and guide you through any necessary changes. Lean upon us for courage and the strength to take good care of yourself. Focus only upon your true desires and they’ll come to you upon angel’s wings.”
Have you been tired lately? Like ridiculously tired at some points you’re like what is actually going on?! What have you been putting off? What self care have you dropped - like a long time ago and haven’t picked back up yet? I am also wondering - what is it, that you are sick of? Like what you are so tired about - but feel powerless to change and so you’re sinking down into this hole of depression that you’ve found awesome coping mechanisms to get you through this time, but when you’re asked to be honest about this situation - that you just get angry because you’re like, “I KNOW BUT HOW TF DO I CHANGE IT???” That. That one. Ouch. I know. Frustrating is an understatement. Now, this is not about beating yourself up for your current coping mechanisms, - you know what they are for you right now. This is not about trying to change them, because that doesn’t work. The healing of those coping mechanisms comes from healing the core underneath and I feel that you’ve almost buried ‘that’ because you simply don’t know what else you can do at this time, because there is literally nothing you can do at this time. I am sensing that there is truth in that and to be gentle with yourself - this feels like a time for you to trust your intuition more than anything at this time and allow yourself the grace that you are working on exactly what you need to be working on. You are exactly where you are meant to be at this time and receiving important information and learnings, lessons and teachings that… drives you a bit insane hearing this, because whilst divine timing and working on what you are at this time is what you deep down KNOW - you are also frustrated because well, why can’t it happen sooner, why can’t this happen faster, why can’t this just… argh. That feeling. It sucks. I feel you are learning and reintegrating huge deep karmic cycles right now - like what you’ve been working on and working through? Is huge karmic cycles - being broken. Like you know how they say that karma is repeated through lifetimes and you’re just playing out karma back and forth each lifetime? Well, the sense I am getting here, ist hat you’re breaking the karmic cycles once and for all - so they are not repeated, but a whole other reality is opening to you - you’ve reached a point in your spiritual evolution where you don’t need to continue repeating karmic cycles anymore, you’ve ‘gone beyond that’ in a sense of where you’re at in your journey of creation and the Destiny for your Life Purpose. So, this ‘Be Honest with Yourself’ - whilst there is a huge divine timing aspect to this for sure, I also feel there is a big play here in you releasing the need to think you need to be doing anything other than what you are right now. You are on Purpose, you ARE doing what you’re meant to be doing and whilst you have goals and dreams that you want done yesterday - you’re also aware of the divine time that things take in physical human terms and that is the frustration you’re releasing and ‘coming to terms with’. it feels like you’re making peace with what it takes to be human, whilst bridging fantasy, dream land and reality and becoming a master manifestor in reality for yourself. Also, have new ideas and huge new life changing opportunities just ‘landed’ for you in these last few days? I feel this is the key of success of showing you just how much you’re grounding the truth of being human and accepting the ‘timing in reality’ whilst consciously working on being present with where you are. You’ve come into a whole other level of power right now, this needs to be acknowledged. This honest with yourself - is acknowledging how far you’ve come and your level of spiritual maturity right now with where you’re at. Own it precious, this is significantly huge and needs to be celebrated. This, is just the beginning of a whole other level of reality. Embrace it. Love xxx You’ve been working on this gig for a long time.. so long it seems and it seems like you’re going backwards not forwards! Even though you know you’ve made progress, even though you know you’re doing the work it just seems like everything has got harder or something, or more things fall apart than normal and just… you just want a break through some how… but how… is what you always get stuck on and some and then you come back to surface, to everything is fine, but deep down you know it isn’t because you aren’t ‘there yet’ and it is here at this Life gig, you know you are born for more, you know you are meant for more, you know there is something inside of you that wants to come out to show the world who you really are and some but there is just something that… you’re just not sure anymore but you KNOW there is more… and that, is what LIFE is all about. 6 Weeks Private Mentoring with me to untangle, unravel and come back to the true you, you know you’re born for, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #5: Reward Yourself. “You’ve been giving a lot of yourself lately and it’s time for you to receive.
I feel this is taking the whole receiving thing, to the next level for you. In essence of - you’ve been busy right? And you’ve been living life at the same time and yet, you’re still feeling - hmm, is there an undertone agitation because you’re not getting what you truly want done? Is there something there with that? The message I am getting here is that you’re not meant to be doing that this second and to enjoy what you ‘are’ doing right now. What you want to get done - will get done. But this isn’t the old hustle push get shit done and only this mentality and lifestyle anymore. You’ve come into a different lifestyle and that’s not who you are anymore with that way of Being. This Reward Yourself - feels like an acknowledgment that you have pushed through a different way of being in reality, in your life, in your business and how you get things done and there is the old threads still lingering and surfacing (hmm, this feels like the fears in Card #2?!) of that it is just releasing out of your body when this surfaces. Thing is, you’ve been super conscious of it, catching them, releasing them and coming back to what is really important. What you’ve really been doing? Is dropping into deep, deep TRUST. You’re learning to let go of control and understand what and where the control comes from in the first place. You’ve simply been through a lot in your life and you’re healing right now - on so many levels. The little girl is also jumping out at me on this card - have you been needing to connect more with your Inner Child? Have you been playing more with your Inner Child Self and enjoying - consciously creating more joy in your life? Or ready to start deeply healing your Inner Child so that you can heal to experience the love and joy again in your life? And to trust that? It feels like you’ve ‘relaxed into reality’ in essence that you have allowed yourself to give yourself the grace of space of time to heal, time to recalibrate, time in understanding what it takes to heal - to truly heal, and you’re willing to give this gift to yourself - that honey? That is the biggest Reward you could ever give yourself. Healing from all your childhood experiences to allow yourself the Freedom to live the life you truly want - with an open heart again. That, is a true Reward. You feel better just knowing and stepping into this right? Imagine what your life will be like in 6-12 months time when you’ve truly allowed yourself this grace of space with this level of consciousness - not many get ‘here’ - acknowledge this and look how far you’ve come precious one. You’re doing more than most ever will and I honour and see you. Love xxx You’ve been working on this gig for a long time.. so long it seems and it seems like you’re going backwards not forwards! Even though you know you’ve made progress, even though you know you’re doing the work it just seems like everything has got harder or something, or more things fall apart than normal and just… you just want a break through some how… but how… is what you always get stuck on and some and then you come back to surface, to everything is fine, but deep down you know it isn’t because you aren’t ‘there yet’ and it is here at this Life gig, you know you are born for more, you know you are meant for more, you know there is something inside of you that wants to come out to show the world who you really are and some but there is just something that… you’re just not sure anymore but you KNOW there is more… and that, is what LIFE is all about. 6 Weeks Private Mentoring with me to untangle, unravel and come back to the true you, you know you’re born for, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #6: Cleanse & Detoxify. “With great love and respect, we ask you to detoxify your precious and sensitive body. At your request we’ll help you to develop life-affirming ways to deal with stress, as well as ease any sorrow at shedding your old ways. Give your cares, worries and concerns to us and feel the beautiful grace of your newly purified body.”
This card has a definite strong obvious meaning - Cleanse and Detoxify your body - and whilst this is a very strong message about this - maybe you’re not ready, maybe you feel you can’t, maybe you are too busy, maybe, maybe, maybe - are these excuses? I want to say - what CAN you do to detoxify if the above were true? What can you cut out (Wheat, Gluten, Coffee, Chocolate) or have a day a week where you only eat healthy or have six days where you are strict on your habits and one day off to do as you please? Regardless it feels like there needs to be an overhaul of some form here. Perhaps this is switching to certain organic products that you’ve been ‘waiting until you can’ - but to start little by little now. Perhaps this is about the cleaning products you use or skincare/makeup - is that organic? Little things, added up over time, equal big things. Lemon juice and water first thing in the morning over time adds up. All the little things you are doing and can do - will make a difference at this time. I feel the main message here is don’t want until you can - but do what you can now with what you have. When you REALLY want something - you MAKE it happen. The other part I am hearing here with this is about Boundaries. Where are you upset about someone’s boundaries? In their business, in their life? In essence, these boundaries help everyone in the long run. The key is understanding why you are so triggered about how someone else is living their life. What are you needing to detoxify in your mind that is creating this deep trigger surfacing for you at this time? This is a deeper wound that you haven’t healed and is surfacing to be healed. This.. is also Cleansing from your system right now, the emotional core wounds, the deep wounds are the ones we ruminate on. When they are all you think about and continue to watch your mind about all the issues about what they are doing - is simply you have not healed the deeper core layer, that this current issue, is just sitting on top of. A deeper ‘Cleanse & Detoxify’ is required here. We know very well that the longer you stay on a Cleanse and Detox program, the deeper healing and cleaning goes into the cells of your being. How does a longer ‘program’ of whatever is coming up for you - relate to this? What has been on your mind to heal, clear, move forward on and yet you know that you have to stick it out for longer than you have been? The beautiful long stem large flower she is holding on this image is a sign you are on the right track, that everything is opening and ‘blooming’ for you - and yet, big beautiful Lillies have a big journey in the dark mud before they reach the clear water and break through to the surface of a whole new world above water. Hang in there, the long term healing is coming, and you’re already half way there. Breathe, cleanse, live and repeat. Love xxx You’ve been working on this gig for a long time.. so long it seems and it seems like you’re going backwards not forwards! Even though you know you’ve made progress, even though you know you’re doing the work it just seems like everything has got harder or something, or more things fall apart than normal and just… you just want a break through some how… but how… is what you always get stuck on and some and then you come back to surface, to everything is fine, but deep down you know it isn’t because you aren’t ‘there yet’ and it is here at this Life gig, you know you are born for more, you know you are meant for more, you know there is something inside of you that wants to come out to show the world who you really are and some but there is just something that… you’re just not sure anymore but you KNOW there is more… and that, is what LIFE is all about. 6 Weeks Private Mentoring with me to untangle, unravel and come back to the true you, you know you’re born for, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life