🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 28th May 2024
May 28, 2024
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 28th May 2024
Scroll down to see what message is awaiting you there from number you picked earlier today from the Daily Guidance From Your Angels Oracle.
There is heart and then there is soul. There is human self and then there is the source of all. There is a divine gift of that which you are, birthed from the heavens inside that give life to all that resides, a life once but lived, but relived where you are right now. To rectify, to alight, to bring life to your soul, to birth the reason you’re born again and again to see out your destiny.
To bring forth hope, dreams and all that you are, you’re here for a reason and your soul is ready to shine on a path less travelled but paves the way for humanity to shift and light to give way. A new dimension is born as you follow your soul and remember the truth of all that you are.
You’re a gift, a magnificent being, a light to this earth and a brilliant mind. Magic, mystery and a depth that you know, if you’re ready to channel this, own this and do what you’re born to do, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Opportunity to Forgive. “This situation brings you the opportunity to heal, grow and release negative patterns. Hold the intention of seeing the other person’s inner Divine light and goodness. We will help you release unforgiving thoughts, feelings and energies and lift you to a higher place of peace and compassion.”
There is someone you are needing to forgive - and it’s you. Yourself. For all the times you didn’t listen to yourself. For all the times you placed your power in someone else’s hands and words instead of your own. You knew what to do, you knew what was right, but instead, you listened to what they said over what you already knew was right for you. The thing about confusion is that you weren’t confused before you asked their opinion and it’s this place of power you need to come back to. To forgive yourself for all the things you think you did wrong, for all the choices you made that in hindsight you thought were wrong - they were actually the right choice btw. For all the life changing choices that you’ve been reminiscing on thinking that you should’ve made different choices that would’ve not ended you up ‘here’. And yet, you’re right where you’re meant to be. Reality has changed. Life has changed and you’re not who you used to be. And you’ve reached this point where structures of reality you once knew are completely disintegrating before your very eyes. This is because you chose the Soul path, not the path of the constructs of society. If you were to choose a life that was made up of the generational lineage and societal constructs of imprinting of the reality you were to be a product of - you would’ve chosen this and this is the ONLY reason you’re looking back, because it is the generational and societal imprinting programming you’re looking back on that ‘could’ve been’ what you ‘would’ve chosen’. This information - that you’ve chosen the soul path is why you must forgive yourself now. For holding onto things that are past their use by date, for the big purge out of your system that is happening now as your Soul embodies into your human body there is DEFINITELY going to be a purge out as your Soul takes the drivers seat - the path you’ve chosen and that is WHY this is all happening. Forgiveness is a place where we are not necessarily forgiving the person ‘because society says we have to’ I say fuck forgiveness - heal the hurt, pain and trauma of your past and then forgiveness is a by-product of releasing the trauma from your body. Forgiveness today - is about your forgiving yourself for looking back thinking and wondering what life would’ve been like today if you had chosen that path, forgiveness of self is arriving here, today, with deep love for yourself, rather than thinking you’ve done wrong. And yet, right now - it’s all you can seem to think about. You’ve gone down the spiral of what you thought you did or didn’t do and can’t seem to shake this feeling. Let me tell you - you ARE shaking this feeling - right now. You’re feeling it, because you’re healing. So forgive yourself what do you DID do wrong (even though you didn’t do anything wrong, right now, you feel like you did, so forgive yourself for your mistakes) to let yourself arrive in this moment where you have ‘ended up right now’ at this time and space and place in your life. Forgiving yourself for ‘how you’ve ended up’ in this stage and place in your life is going to be one of the most healing and potent portals of time for you right now. Oh and the other piece? Remember - you’re feeling it, means you’re healing it, so you’re free of it - because your best life yet, is on it’s way to you - right now. Moments away even… so keep purging cause it’s working. You’re ‘finally’ facing it. Love xxx There is heart and then there is soul. There is human self and then there is the source of all. There is a divine gift of that which you are, birthed from the heavens inside that give life to all that resides, a life once but lived, but relived where you are right now. To rectify, to alight, to bring life to your soul, to birth the reason you’re born again and again to see out your destiny. To bring forth hope, dreams and all that you are, you’re here for a reason and your soul is ready to shine on a path less travelled but paves the way for humanity to shift and light to give way. A new dimension is born as you follow your soul and remember the truth of all that you are. You’re a gift, a magnificent being, a light to this earth and a brilliant mind. Magic, mystery and a depth that you know, if you’re ready to channel this, own this and do what you’re born to do, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #2: Trustworthy Guidance. “You’ve received a wonderful idea as an answer to your prayers. This idea is real and trustworthy. You can safely move forward with it, knowing that we are with you every step of the way. Ask for and be open to receiving our support for anything that you need related to this idea.”
Right now, you’re going through a portal of great change and transition and I feel that you knew this but it feels like it has been going on for SO. LONG. And you have lost your way within in. It’s like the being/person going on the spiritual pilgrimage knowing they are going on an initiation and journey but then once they are in it, they forget this as they get lost in all the initiation trials and tribulations and lose their way. And yet, you’re not lost. You are following your guidance and you can trust yourself on this one. You’re not lost, you’re recalibrating. You only feel lost because you left a structure of reality (your old life) because your Soul called you to something else. Even though you knew where you were could not be anymore, you did not know where you were going, but all you knew is that you had to go - this way 👉🏻 You were excited and exhilarated, upset and sad all at the same time and you went anyway. And now you’re here, in the midst of the vortex, shifting dimensional field that was attached to your body and nervous system framework that created your reality to date and in this space outside of the constructs of your old reality that you walked away from, inside the vortex of rebirth… of course you ‘forgot who you are’, of course ‘you feel lost’, of course you don’t know who you are anymore….. that’s the point. Rebirth, change, and becoming who your soul deems you to be - who you were born to be, to birth the legacy you were born for. You can’t birth what you’re here to do, you can’t live a deeply soul fulfilled life when you are carrying and encloaked with the constructs of societal and bloodline family generational lineage encloakment. You’re not lost, you’re recalibrating. You’ve gone on this journey to remember who you, what you’re here for and now you’re here of course there is grief in losing your old life. That’s a normal part of being human and an important part of letting go - the grief. This ‘spiritual pilgrimage’ you’re deep in… this journey… is going to continue. The only constant is change and when you can ‘arrive’ in this constant, you will find stability in detachment that allows you a level of power that will see you through this life and… you never know you might just find joy along the way. ‘Cling onto’ the constant of change as your stability rope and you’ll find your feet again, not just knowing, but feeling the journey is the destination and a deeper connection to Source that allows you to witness all your human self is experiencing about this life with graceful ease, see the beauty… and come to a fulfilled sense of nourishment - the deep seated - soul fulfilling nourishment that only your soul can fill - because - you chose it. This is deep sacral chakra work. This is where grief is stored in the human body and as you purge this out in this transformational vortex, what is left in your sacral - is gestating the reason you were born - your purpose - that you then give birth to via your base chakra, as you come down and ascend down to earth, birthing the reason you’re born. That… is why you’re feeling this way. You’re not lost, you’re recalibrating and you can trust yourself on this one, just like when you began. Trust, yourself. Trust your soul. You’ve got this. Love xxx There is heart and then there is soul. There is human self and then there is the source of all. There is a divine gift of that which you are, birthed from the heavens inside that give life to all that resides, a life once but lived, but relived where you are right now. To rectify, to alight, to bring life to your soul, to birth the reason you’re born again and again to see out your destiny. To bring forth hope, dreams and all that you are, you’re here for a reason and your soul is ready to shine on a path less travelled but paves the way for humanity to shift and light to give way. A new dimension is born as you follow your soul and remember the truth of all that you are. You’re a gift, a magnificent being, a light to this earth and a brilliant mind. Magic, mystery and a depth that you know, if you’re ready to channel this, own this and do what you’re born to do, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #3: Wedding. “Marriage is the union of two souls joined in love, mutual respect and commitment. It signifies a desire to deepen love over time. Your wedding day is a testament to your well-founded faith in love’s power. Continually breath life into that faith and love, Dearest One.”
The Wedding Card has many meanings - the obvious wedding of course, so perhaps you are getting married soon or are newlywed. This card also means, what are you committing to? It could be a relationship, a way of being, a state of being, a mindset, a behaviour shift in your life. It could be a project or goal you’re working on - what are you committing to? This card, today, has a double meaning. You are needing to release past life vows you made with someone - or yourself - that are ‘still written’ in past life contracts. Using my Past Life Meditation will help release and undo this - just comment PAST LIFE below and I will send it to you. This - alongside committing to something that is so near and dear to your heart - is going to heal you right now. I am getting the strong sense to commit to a deadline to get this project done or a timeframe you’re going to commit to this ‘way of living’ that is outdated and now you’re shifting gears to match what your heart and soul knows to be true. Setting a deadline with yourself and making it happen is thinly way life improves, gets better, you heal your self worth, sense of self and deep soul truth and way that you’re being shown to live your life. You might be constantly crying right now - but you’re releasing and old paradigm. You might be making massive life changing directional moves that are shifting the entire trajectory of your life. You are clear on what you want and the piece about this commitment - is going to allow you to arrive at your dreams. Enough of what anyone thinks, enough of how someone ‘interferes’ with your life, energy, way of thinking or otherwise. You’re committing to you, your life and how you run your time, energy, way of being and - even the way you think. You’re a genius and it is time to own this. You have a purpose that only you can fulfil, that only your mission entails, that only you’ve been given, because it is your Soul that can articulate what this means to bring it to Earth. You’re here to destruct the old paradigm by creating a new one and you’re doing it - just damn fine. Blinkers on. Commit to you and watch the Universe back you - like you’ve never felt before. Think about it - those time you truly committed to yourself before - the Universe stepped up and in ways that you could never even think about before it happened. The Miracle is when something is taken away - and you’re left with a brand new path before you. One that is clear and allows you to move forward in doing what you’re born to do. You honey, are the Miracle. It’s time to fully commit and watch where this wondrous path opens up before because you simply chose… you. Love xxx There is heart and then there is soul. There is human self and then there is the source of all. There is a divine gift of that which you are, birthed from the heavens inside that give life to all that resides, a life once but lived, but relived where you are right now. To rectify, to alight, to bring life to your soul, to birth the reason you’re born again and again to see out your destiny. To bring forth hope, dreams and all that you are, you’re here for a reason and your soul is ready to shine on a path less travelled but paves the way for humanity to shift and light to give way. A new dimension is born as you follow your soul and remember the truth of all that you are. You’re a gift, a magnificent being, a light to this earth and a brilliant mind. Magic, mystery and a depth that you know, if you’re ready to channel this, own this and do what you’re born to do, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #4: Innocence. “Beloved One, everyone is guiltless in truth, as no one can alter God’s handiwork of perfection. Give us your feelings of heaviness so we can lighten your load. Give us any guilt, anger or blame that may shroud you loving outlook. Enjoy the peace within your heart once more.”
You haven’t done anything wrong. This card has ties in Card #1: Opportunity to Forgive, so if you haven’t read that, do that also - as this card here on the innocence is a deep understanding that the inner child in you - holds the divine key to your unique life purpose. If she/he is clouded in hurt, pains and trauma that you have buried and made your life what it is because of psychological imprints you call reality - this is your sign - your message - is there is something more wanting to birth through you. You’re comfy. It’s time to stretch. You’ve been waiting, now it’s time to move. You’ve been holding out, now it’s time to speak. You’ve gone inside, now it’s time to bloom. There is a love awaiting you on the other side of this door and it’s a pure, magical innocence you’ll recognise once more. There’s an essence, a knowing, a deeply soul aligned feeling, a presence, a heart, that you won’t be able to walk away from. It’s a place you’ve been waiting for and it also waits for you. The time is nearing and you’ll be glad you waited. Waited for the storm to pass. Let the dregs pass by and show you who they really are. You’ll be glad you trusted your own pure innocent heart - even when everyone doubted you and you questioned yourself, felt like the worst person in the world, but deep down, you could not not walk any other path anyway, so you beared it. You carried the weight of everyone turning their backs on you, you carried it, of everyone telling you that you’re the crazy fucked up one with all the problems and that you’re doing it wrong. You carried it - all. And yet, you’re the one who knows your purpose and the one who is clear on their path. You’ll be glad you went through the trials, tribulations, turmoils and trauma you faced…. And rose like the Phoenix from the fire. Your heart knows and now isn’t the time to doubt yourself, but I know you’re at the end and yet… your pure, magical innocent heart, is attracting every good person, place and thing to you and you’re…. ready to rise. There is only one way up from hitting the rock bottom darkest depths… UP. ARISE. Love xxx There is heart and then there is soul. There is human self and then there is the source of all. There is a divine gift of that which you are, birthed from the heavens inside that give life to all that resides, a life once but lived, but relived where you are right now. To rectify, to alight, to bring life to your soul, to birth the reason you’re born again and again to see out your destiny. To bring forth hope, dreams and all that you are, you’re here for a reason and your soul is ready to shine on a path less travelled but paves the way for humanity to shift and light to give way. A new dimension is born as you follow your soul and remember the truth of all that you are. You’re a gift, a magnificent being, a light to this earth and a brilliant mind. Magic, mystery and a depth that you know, if you’re ready to channel this, own this and do what you’re born to do, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #5: Entrepreneur. “Self-employment suits your disposition and intentions. Working for yourself allows you to better follow your intuition and Divine guidance. We are your co-workers and teammates, who remain loyally by your side to ensure your success in all ways.”
Trusting your intuition about what to do in your business right now - is going to ensure your success. Yes, we learn from mentors, courses, understand the technical aspects, structures, systems and business development that is required to run a successful business - 150 million % - but right now - you are being asked to FUCK ALL THE RULES and do it your way. Of course, don’t break laws and do things legally 150 million % - but this card has come to you because you’re too caught up in ALL the information, mentors, courses, structures and systems and you’ve lost your way but… wait for it… because you’re right where you’re meant to be, because you’re about to have the biggest break through of your life and it IS because you have trusted yourself, your choices, you’ve been spiritually protected out of and away from circles that were not of your path. You have a unique life purpose and being an entrepreneur, as the card says: Working for yourself allows you to better follow your intuition and Divine guidance - this allows your life purpose to break out and ‘run the world’. Because you know you’re here to change the world, to have a great impact on humanity - you’re one of the chosen that has dedicated your waking life on Earth to shift mass global consciousness. Do not forget this. And therefore - trust your vision. Trust your knowing. Ignore the naysayers. Ignore the reason people turned their back on you. You know who the real ones are and that.. is all that matters. You’re a born Entrepreneur and this is all you should focus your attention on right now. You have a very strong diligent team of support around you that is recalibrating through the ethers of time right now - whether they are the Archangels, Spirit Guides or other deities you regularly work with - they are guiding your purpose - helping you remember what you are here for. Call upon them, commune regularly with them in deep meditation, clear your traumas and heal your psychic field, so you have a clear connection with God, the Universe, your Guides and of course, your Soul - to bring your unique life purpose blueprint to Earth. This.. is what you are born for. This… is why you’ve never settled into a ‘normal’ job. You’re born for this. Step into it and create it baby. Love xxx There is heart and then there is soul. There is human self and then there is the source of all. There is a divine gift of that which you are, birthed from the heavens inside that give life to all that resides, a life once but lived, but relived where you are right now. To rectify, to alight, to bring life to your soul, to birth the reason you’re born again and again to see out your destiny. To bring forth hope, dreams and all that you are, you’re here for a reason and your soul is ready to shine on a path less travelled but paves the way for humanity to shift and light to give way. A new dimension is born as you follow your soul and remember the truth of all that you are. You’re a gift, a magnificent being, a light to this earth and a brilliant mind. Magic, mystery and a depth that you know, if you’re ready to channel this, own this and do what you’re born to do, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #6: Notice the Signs. “Yes, the signs you’ve been receiving are heaven sent. We drop feathers, coins and other signs upon your path to remind you that you’re loved and never alone.”
The sign when your cat comes home out of the blue and rubs against your leg. The sign when the dog is jumping at your leg trying to get your attention. The sign when the crow/raven is cawing so loudly letting you know that the other side is working FOR you and everything is falling into place, beyond what you can possibly comprehend right now. Those moments when you feel soooo alone and the wind gently rubs your face like an angel giving you a hug that you then feel with you whole body and you break down crying even more. You’re not alone - even though it feels like it, but what is happening right now, is you’re being stripped of everything you once knew, so your connection to all that is, to your soul, to Source, is stronger and clearer than ever before. You are carrying more than your fair share of the weight and you have also been under a lot of stress recently and yet - behind the scenes Spirit has your back, they are busily rearranging things and the Universe is working in symbiosis alongside the divine time that everything is ripe for the rising of what your next steps are. This is all in divine plan, nothing is out of place and you’re here to see this through. You may have even been feeling spirit guides that you don’t usually associate being your spirit guides. They may have been making their presence known through you just thinking about them, or suddenly having the urge to research about a certain topic, ‘history’ lineage or read books on an author that has come to your awareness are all signs that are leading you to knowledge to support you on your mission, your next steps, heal you and give you the confidence, reassurance and healing that you are not alone right now. The spirit world is real, the veils are thinning and you’re sensing what you’re sensing - is real. Trust it with your whole heart and know that everything is alive, everything is speaking to you. You’re not dying, you’ve ascended to a level of consciousness and reality of being that is here to help humanity and your path is a unique one that lays ahead a foundation for others to follow. You’re a leader. You’re One of a Kind. You’re here to shift the constructs of current reality. The signs you’re receiving are real. And yet, you’re being guided to take action even when you have no signs, even when everyone tells you it is wrong. And yet…. you’re here, following the wisps, following that sounds, that only your soul can hear and you know what? It’s the right sign, it is the right path - for you - and that is all - you need focus your attention on right now. The signs are real. Follow your soul, it’s right for you. Love xxx There is heart and then there is soul. There is human self and then there is the source of all. There is a divine gift of that which you are, birthed from the heavens inside that give life to all that resides, a life once but lived, but relived where you are right now. To rectify, to alight, to bring life to your soul, to birth the reason you’re born again and again to see out your destiny. To bring forth hope, dreams and all that you are, you’re here for a reason and your soul is ready to shine on a path less travelled but paves the way for humanity to shift and light to give way. A new dimension is born as you follow your soul and remember the truth of all that you are. You’re a gift, a magnificent being, a light to this earth and a brilliant mind. Magic, mystery and a depth that you know, if you’re ready to channel this, own this and do what you’re born to do, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition