🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 29th November 2022

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Nov 29, 2022

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 29th November 2022

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Mermaids & Dolphins Oracle đŸ§œâ€â™€ď¸đŸŹ

2022 has been a RIDE and a half! And some! Things have let go that you didn’t think would ever and things have come in that you didn’t think would ever.

Other things are still sitting there wondering what to do with, other pathways that are stirring deep curiosity awaiting the ‘go sign’ and others are dropping in so fast you are excited by this new wave and almost feel like you can’t keep up and others have created a whole new way of being and others that you don’t know when the grief is going to stop.

And yet, amongst all of this, you’ve never felt so clear in your entire life with your next steps and you’re ready to accelerate that into 2023 - there are only days left to book your VIP One Week with Me Secret Mentoring Offer that clears out your 2022, activates and accelerates your 2023 and positively heals and impacts like no other. Send me a message of SECRET VIP for all the details before this closes this week! 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Waves of Prosperity. “New abundance and exciting opportunities wash over you now.” 

You have the power to achieve, do anything, make anything happen and yet I feel amongst this ‘Waves of Prosperity’ card for you today, is to be able to create a dedicated schedule, routine and discipline and stick to it. I feel that you’ve had a time in your life where you were thriving and now? It’s time to make that happen again and this time, it is a solid lifestyle hack - meaning - it is just who you are now. I feel you have been mentally preparing for this time in your life for quite some time and now the physical is ready to take action (perhaps you have already begun this). I am getting the message your energy has felt better, you’ve been more in flow than ever before, your ideas are solid, you’re having opportunities drop in your lap, you’re aligning to your highest potential and its… paying off. You may not 100% see physical results yet - but you can FEEL it and your energy says it’s already here - so…. Stay here a while. I feel you have 3 solid projects to work on and I feel that it is important to JUST continue with these to completion. It feels like strongly this is the time for you to shine and this next 20 years are your golden years. This is your time to make impact on this planet - in 10 years time we are going to be living in a very different world (good world) and this is because of YOU and your gifts to the world. Do not doubt for one moment that it may not work, because 2027 is going to see the biggest shift of human consciousness since the beginning of time and… it’s your time. So if people don’t understand you - simply - don’t talk to them and do it anyway AND… you’re ahead of your time - remember this. You’re here to rock, shake and shift the world and that requires new technology, new advancements in human consciousness, new things, new ideas, new systems, new structures, new ways of being…. Soooo drop back into trust, set a schedule and discipline and GET IT DONE! If you’re holding back releasing something waiting for the right time - honey - time is now - don’t hold back or that energy dissipates and you’ve ‘missed the boat’ - time is now and you can step into super flow at any time, you know this. If you’ve been worried about finances - also don’t. Things are about to become super solid, super stable, super present, super grounded.. .because you’re already feeling these things and this.. is how life is now and always is and just is - wealth included. Sooooo…. Stay here a while… in this space of ‘New Abundance and Exciting Opportunities’ because.. this is the energy baby.. this is the vibe… you got this! Love xxx 2022 has been a RIDE and a half! And some! Things have let go that you didn’t think would ever and things have come in that you didn’t think would ever. Other things are still sitting there wondering what  to do with, other pathways that are stirring deep curiosity awaiting the ‘go sign’ and others are dropping in so fast you are excited by this new wave and almost feel like you can’t keep up and others have created a whole new way of being and others that you don’t know when the grief is going to stop. And yet, amongst all of this, you’ve never felt so clear in your entire life with your next steps and you’re ready to accelerate that into 2023 - there are only days left to book your VIP One Week with Me Secret Mentoring Offer that clears out your 2022, activates and accelerates your 2023 and positively heals and impacts like no other. Send me a message of SECRET VIP for all the details before this closes this week! 


Card #2: Protection. “You, your loved ones and your possessions are safe and protected by Heaven!”

There is no need to worry, everything is working out just fine. You are going to receive all that you need, all that you’re asking for and God, the Angels, your Spirit Helpers and all are important to you are working behind the scenes right now to support your situation. Keep the faith right now, for it is the magical ingredient to all that you are asking for in this situation. It feels like you have been sooooo worried about something and.. as I say - don’t worry - pray! Shift your focus, watch your thoughts and instead of thinking how worried you are about a situation, change your thoughts to things like, “I am safe and protected. Everyone is safe and protected in this situation and everything is working out in my favour. I am ready to experience the highest love, joy and happiness and I am safe as I head into this new territory that has showed up in my life. I am grateful for this opportunity to step into more trust, safety and love as I walk forward with confidence in my life.” = Things like that. I am also getting the  message that something you were wanting recently, didn’t come to pass as you expected it would? That is - of course, because something better is on it’s way. I feel that if you had received what you asked for, this next thing that is way more suited for you - wouldn't have come in (is about to come  in) I also feel that by mid-next year, it will all make COMPLETE sense and you will be glad it  all worked out this way. You will be much happier and just so at peace with life. “It all worked out in a wonderful way.” Is coming to mind and you can use this as an affirmation - as though it already happened, as if you have fast forward into the future and telling someone about the  chain of events that happened - “I thought it was going to happen this  certain way, but it happened like a, b and c and it just make soo much sense that it happened like this and I am sooo grateful now, I couldn’t have planned that if I tried.” - speaking of the miracles that showed up because… you kept the faith. You are safe, you are protected, you are grateful and it is all working out in a wonderful way.  If you are waiting on news, you will know in the coming days, stay strong and keep the faith. Love xxx 2022 has been a RIDE and a half! And some! Things have let go that you didn’t think would ever and things have come in that you didn’t think would ever. Other things are still sitting there wondering what  to do with, other pathways that are stirring deep curiosity awaiting the ‘go sign’ and others are dropping in so fast you are excited by this new wave and almost feel like you can’t keep up and others have created a whole new way of being and others that you don’t know when the grief is going to stop. And yet, amongst all of this, you’ve never felt so clear in your entire life with your next steps and you’re ready to accelerate that into 2023 - there are only days left to book your VIP One Week with Me Secret Mentoring Offer that clears out your 2022, activates and accelerates your 2023 and positively heals and impacts like no other. Send me a message of SECRET VIP for all the details before this closes this week! 


Card #3: Ready, Set, Go! “Now is the perfect moment to dive in and embrace your heart’s desire.” 

What are you waiting for honey?! NOW - GO TIME NOW! Not tomorrow, not next week - TODAY! Sure, finish up projects, tidy shit up - but you KNOW when this is becoming OCD and avoidance rather than just doing the thing you KNOW is going to accelerate you forward. It feels like you are yes, working on it, but then letting other things get in the way and yet, coming back to it - yes it is a cycle and roll with that cycle, but don’t get caught up in doing things for the sake of doing things.. you have work to do - very important work and your Purpose is needed in this world. Hmmm, something about training or mentoring or learning something is coming to mind? Is that, that you are thinking you need more training before you can? Or… that, that is enough training for now? The thing is, is that you can continue learning, growing, training AND do the thing at the same and in fact it SHOULD be this way. You breath in and you breathe out. In the same day, you can be learning your new system, implementing it - ie, getting on that livestream, putting that post out, writing that book AND continuing your learning and getting done what you need to get done in your daily life. This comes into time management, being strict on your own boundaries around doing things. For example if you need to clean the kitchen and it takes ages - put on some music you love, set a timer for 20mins and get as much done as fast as you can in 20mins (or less) and with a timer going, good tunes and your mindset of getting it done as fast as you can - you will be surprised how much you can accomplish, rather than letting it drag out, pick up and scroll 50 times and get distracted just as much. I am also getting the message of setting deadlines for yourself. So if you have a pile of tasks to do - get it done by a specific day and time - that way, cleaning the kitchen gets done in 7 mins not 20 when you have a reason ‘why’. Maybe you want your book published by a certain date you pick, maybe you want your business at a certain place by a certain date and there are things you need to do to accelerate that (there is that discipline and organisation again) and perhaps you want a job, project or task at a certain place by a certain time… well honey.. now is the time - so what are you waiting for? Get to it! Love xxx 2022 has been a RIDE and a half! And some! Things have let go that you didn’t think would ever and things have come in that you didn’t think would ever. Other things are still sitting there wondering what  to do with, other pathways that are stirring deep curiosity awaiting the ‘go sign’ and others are dropping in so fast you are excited by this new wave and almost feel like you can’t keep up and others have created a whole new way of being and others that you don’t know when the grief is going to stop. And yet, amongst all of this, you’ve never felt so clear in your entire life with your next steps and you’re ready to accelerate that into 2023 - there are only days left to book your VIP One Week with Me Secret Mentoring Offer that clears out your 2022, activates and accelerates your 2023 and positively heals and impacts like no other. Send me a message of SECRET VIP for all the details before this closes this week! 


Card #4: Break Free. “Try different ventures and experiences as a way to grow and learn.”  

Hmmm, similar message through some of these cards today - discipline, action and consistency is what I am hearing with this card for you. I feel this yoyo up and down, stop and starting isn’t… working for you anymore. Sure, there is a flow, there is an in flow and an outflow… but for some things? There is every single friggin day baby. Want to grow fast? Do it DAILY. No weekends off, not when you feel like it - but DAILY. Want to grow slowly… just do it when you feel like or once a week. What do you choose? I feel like you’ve reached a point where it is ENOUGH and you’re DONE with this situation. And that? Calls for something out of the box, something you didn’t see coming in to help you, something that ‘wasn’t in the plan’, something that is not what you thought you’d end up doing - for now and what you have to remember is that nothing is permanent, nothing is stable, nothing is the same - forever. Everything is always evolving and changing and the more you can ‘keep up with the change’ the more you can be with the change and even ahead of it. You’re intuitive, you feel the flow and I am getting the message to move with it, rather than resist it. I am also getting the message - are you  needing to let something go that you thought was a direction, place, person or relationship that you thought you had to pursue, continue or was the path for you? I am feeling you’ve had some ‘shocking revelations’ about a relationship or identity you’ve been carrying for yourself for quite some time and now you’re receiving all the signs  to let it go/walk away from it and just… stop it. You’re not meant to go that way. I am getting the message for you to focus on what is going to support you to be where you want to be in 5 years time - and only give your energy to these things right now as this is setting you up with what you want, the foundations that are going to get you there and this is so important for ‘right  now’ and breaking out of these ‘ENOUGH’ cycles too. So, what is it that you only need to give your attention to? Don’t give up, don’t stop because it gets hard - remember, you’re breaking a cycle right now - hold the line and stay focused on where you want to go. You will make your mark - focus. Love xxx 2022 has been a RIDE and a half! And some! Things have let go that you didn’t think would ever and things have come in that you didn’t think would ever. Other things are still sitting there wondering what  to do with, other pathways that are stirring deep curiosity awaiting the ‘go sign’ and others are dropping in so fast you are excited by this new wave and almost feel like you can’t keep up and others have created a whole new way of being and others that you don’t know when the grief is going to stop. And yet, amongst all of this, you’ve never felt so clear in your entire life with your next steps and you’re ready to accelerate that into 2023 - there are only days left to book your VIP One Week with Me Secret Mentoring Offer that clears out your 2022, activates and accelerates your 2023 and positively heals and impacts like no other. Send me a message of SECRET VIP for all the details before this closes this week! 


Card #5: Empowerment. “You’re more powerful than you realise. It’s safe for you to be powerful!” 

BIG shifts for you! You have stepped into a place of OWNING YOUR POWER! You have   had experiences lately where you are being shown, just how much you’ve grown, how mature you are now, how your skill set is exceptional and really coming into a place where you are confident in what you are doing. It feels like now is the time to shine and whatever you commit to - make it something - you use that word to it’s core - commit. No turning back, no stop starting, no letting fear getting the better of you and running away, no questioning just DO DO DO. Better to DO and make mistakes along the way, than to sit there trying to figure it out. That is like sitting next to car, reading the book on how to drive 50 times and still thinking you need to continue sitting there, than actually getting in the car after you’ve read the book on how to drive and actually moving the car by DOING IT and ending up at the destination you actually want to go, rather than sitting there frustrated you’re not there yet - sooo DOING IT is what your message is right now for you. Feels soooo important. I am also getting something about a holiday - are you needing a break? Or is it a travel work expedition? Are you constantly living the life you want anyway so it is not a holiday but a shift in energy that you are requiring? It  feels like whatever is going to empower you right now to keep this forward movement is so important and it  is not an expense but an INVESTMENT in your energy and that? That is what creates your life and business baby, so it is never not a good idea to do something that is going to make you feel better - no matter how ‘much it costs’ because the costs of not doing it are much much higher yes? Especially when you’re  clear  where you want to end up! (Drive that car baby!) Also, what are you needing to upgrade to create more ease and flow in workflow? What is going to create a flow so that you are not limited by ‘doing it when you can’? Instead, being able to do it whenever you get the idea to? What would be more Empowering? That… is the only question you need to  keep asking to keep this flow. Alongside, “What would love do? What would my Higher  Self/Soul choose?" These questions are gold for staying on track and….Feeling Empowered in all that you do. Love xxx 2022 has been a RIDE and a half! And some! Things have let go that you didn’t think would ever and things have come in that you didn’t think would ever. Other things are still sitting there wondering what  to do with, other pathways that are stirring deep curiosity awaiting the ‘go sign’ and others are dropping in so fast you are excited by this new wave and almost feel like you can’t keep up and others have created a whole new way of being and others that you don’t know when the grief is going to stop. And yet, amongst all of this, you’ve never felt so clear in your entire life with your next steps and you’re ready to accelerate that into 2023 - there are only days left to book your VIP One Week with Me Secret Mentoring Offer that clears out your 2022, activates and accelerates your 2023 and positively heals and impacts like no other. Send me a message of SECRET VIP for all the details before this closes this week! 


Card #6: Friendship. “Make a date for a play with one or more friends.” 

Right now? Your Soul is CRAVING friendships! Soul mate, cherished, people who GET you and want to HAVE FUN with you beside you and do this together! If you do this - great! I feel you are right on track and have sooo much about to step/come into your life for you - how does life get any better than this right? If you don’t feel this, this is your sign to step out of your comfort zone and make new friends and ‘make a date for a play day’. I am also hearing ‘day spa’ - are you wanting to go to regular spa appointments as your new level of self love, self care and ‘just how life is now’? Or perhaps you already do this? Or are creating day spa, work in one, want to or are upleveling the day spa  experience and making it your own in some way? I am also getting the message for you that there is a newcomer on the horizon - whether a friend or lover, that you are going to have a lot of FUN with - and yet, this comes from you WANTING to have fun again and starting to let yourself HAVE this without guilt, without judgment and just ‘let your hair down again’- are you a dancer? This card is sooo much about fun, dance, play, adventure, new fun times and learning through joy - not pain. And.. is someone around you pulling you down? You may think you can ‘handle it’ and it’s fine I can  be happy and have them  around - honey - reality check - have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately and actually SEEN yourself? Is your Soul TRULY happy af? Fun can be used as an  avoidance mechanism (yes it can be an addiction - anything can be) of not facing the  real issues of what is in your face bringing you down - quite literally. And yet.. this is a sign for you to come into the TRUE alignment of your Soul - are you REALLY happy with who you have around you in your close, physical vicinity or are you just making do with what you have but know deep SOUL knowing that you are actually not your Soul fuelled  lit up asf, fun filled ones you can hang with and they accept all parts of you unconditionally? With this ‘Friendship’ card, you’re either needing to look at reality for what it is, instead of covering it up with ‘it’s fine joy’ when really it’s not… or you’re ready to step into true aligned Joy - maybe you already ARE here with this and your Friendship game is on point… then this is time to truly let yourself receive this without guilt, with more fun, joy, dancing and all the  things, because… fun and joy creates a high vibration steps you into flow and that? Is where ALL the things that you’re craving, desiring and  just… want for life are. Do you give yourself permission to walk away from those anchors in your life, actually face reality about them, claim your energy back and set yourself  free to - life the life you truly came here to - live? Isn’t it - time? Love xxx 2022 has been a RIDE and a half! And some! Things have let go that you didn’t think would ever and things have come in that you didn’t think would ever. Other things are still sitting there wondering what  to do with, other pathways that are stirring deep curiosity awaiting the ‘go sign’ and others are dropping in so fast you are excited by this new wave and almost feel like you can’t keep up and others have created a whole new way of being and others that you don’t know when the grief is going to stop. And yet, amongst all of this, you’ve never felt so clear in your entire life with your next steps and you’re ready to accelerate that into 2023 - there are only days left to book your VIP One Week with Me Secret Mentoring Offer that clears out your 2022, activates and accelerates your 2023 and positively heals and impacts like no other. Send me a message of SECRET VIP for all the details before this closes this week!