🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 28th November 2023
Nov 28, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 28th November 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards.
Do you trust yourself through the hard times? Or only when you’re in synchronistic super flow?
When bad things happen it’s very easy to say things like ‘my heart got it wrong’ ‘my intuition wasn’t right about this one’ - when in actual fact - it was always right and is still right today. Your intuition has been and is still leading you down the correct path.
How much that ‘feels’ right for you is very dependent on ‘how far going went away from your intuition on the path’ - meaning - how many times did your intuition try to speak to you ‘before the bad thing happened’? If you want to hone, super tune and accelerate your intuitive understanding, remove the traumas standing between you and accurate intuition so you stop brushing it aside when you need to listen and take action on it - then Trust Your Intuition is for you. 48 hours left before Early Bird Investment increases, click here for all the details and to jump on before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Surrender & Release.
A situation has just left you or you have just left it. Let. It. Go. You knew this was coming for a while but it took a bit for this to actually happen. I feel like you were giving it opportunities and trying all the things (or perhaps you’re in a space where you’re doing this) and it just… never made it through. Sometimes things are meant to be and sometimes they aren’t. Sometimes they are forever and sometimes they are for a season. I feel your body has been going through significant body changes too. Are you sick or have been sick? As much as this situation was promising - it wasn’t forever - and I think deep down you knew it. This was something that pulled you out of a hole of some sort and even though you may feel like you’re deeper in a hole or regret things or wonder if you’d made different decisions what the outcome would’ve been, underneath it all, you knew it was for a season. There was something that kept coming up for you recently and you knew - but weren’t ready to face it - or - it was just timing. Regardless - Surrender & Release. There is something just around the corner that is going to rock and change your world in a good way - and this… is why at this time Surrender & Release. I feel the surrender part is really strong in this - like you’re 100% right in all you feel and it is important to trust your intuition at this time with this. You’re making huge progress in your career but there is other factors that in this surrender you literally can’t do anything - meaning the universe has taken charge of your destiny and all you can do is surrender to it. But this is… what you also asked for right? Love xxx Do you trust yourself through the hard times? Or only when you’re in synchronistic super flow? When bad things happen it’s very easy to say things like ‘my heart got it wrong’ ‘my intuition wasn’t right about this one’ - when in actual fact - it was always right and is still right today. Your intuition has been and is still leading you down the correct path. How much that ‘feels’ right for you is very dependent on ‘how far going went away from your intuition on the path’ - meaning - how many times did your intuition try to speak to you ‘before the bad thing happened’? If you want to hone, super tune and accelerate your intuitive understanding, remove the traumas standing between you and accurate intuition so you stop brushing it aside when you need to listen and take action on it - then Trust Your Intuition is for you. 48 hours left before Early Bird Investment increases, click here for all the details and to jump on before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #2: Answered Prayer.
Whatever just happened - even if it seems like it was the rug being pulled out from under your foot - destiny has taken hold. Your Life Purpose is right on path and that means people, places, careers and things you once knew all have dissolved very rapidly and ‘you didn’t see that coming’. There is a strong message about timelines here for you too - and I feel that - this entire situation has left you in shock and grief and anger all in waves and yet… you also have very quickly dropped into a huge amount of gratitude about it (processing it very fast!). Of course there will be waves and grief - you know how these tides roll - and yet the strong thing coming through here is that you - have chosen your Purpose inadvertently or not. You chose it. You asked for space for it and now it is here. And that, is why the relief feels stronger than the grief (even though the grief waves are strong when they come). You are here to channel and bring something to Earth, Earth hasn’t seen. This is requiring all of your dedication, attention, devotion and energy and you’re here for it. I feel like I want to say, “You’ve passed the initiation, you’ve passed the test.” And because of this - the doors to your true Purpose are about to blow open wider than the largest damn wall you’ve ever seen. I feel like your confidence will increase - because you’re trusting yourself and that is where the spark of life is - that you magnetise all you have been ‘working hard for’ - all of a sudden it comes with ease - why? Because you’ve completely aligned and chosen… that this is how your life gets to be now. You chose it. You prayed. You listened. You let happen. And you chose it - over and over again. You’ve passed the test. Now fly. Love xxx Do you trust yourself through the hard times? Or only when you’re in synchronistic super flow? When bad things happen it’s very easy to say things like ‘my heart got it wrong’ ‘my intuition wasn’t right about this one’ - when in actual fact - it was always right and is still right today. Your intuition has been and is still leading you down the correct path. How much that ‘feels’ right for you is very dependent on ‘how far going went away from your intuition on the path’ - meaning - how many times did your intuition try to speak to you ‘before the bad thing happened’? If you want to hone, super tune and accelerate your intuitive understanding, remove the traumas standing between you and accurate intuition so you stop brushing it aside when you need to listen and take action on it - then Trust Your Intuition is for you. 48 hours left before Early Bird Investment increases, click here for all the details and to jump on before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #3: Dreams.
Now is not the time to put your dreams on the back burner - now is the time to make them reality. What projects did you have planned to finish by Christmas/New Year? Have you been distracted or procrastinating about this? You know there is still time to achieve your dreams right?! You know that there is still time to get this done and make it happen? That you’re the ONLY thing in between making it happen and not? That there are 24hrs in a day and you can sleep when you’re dead? That you have the means to move things around so you can get this done? Yes I know you know and this is your kick up the butt and reminder that distractions have been removed and via discipline and dedication that if there was just one thing you had to do everyday for the rest of your life that supported your Life Purpose - what is that? Do it. Follow it. Make it happen. Also, in our 3 Day Psychic Skills Activator Workshop, in Workshop 2 (todays replay is now available just comment replay if you haven’t seen it) we spoke about Dreams - your waking Day Dreams and Sleeping Dreams and how to accentuate and hone your Third Eye Clairvoyance to train yourself to interpret and build this potent relationship with your Third Eye so you can use and enhance your intuition on a daily basis - but truly ‘see’ your visions when you are being shown them by your intuition just like watching a tv or device screen. Your Clairvoyance can be this clear - is yours? This card has also come to pay attention to the visions you’re being shown and that it’s never too late to follow your dreams. Love xxx Do you trust yourself through the hard times? Or only when you’re in synchronistic super flow? When bad things happen it’s very easy to say things like ‘my heart got it wrong’ ‘my intuition wasn’t right about this one’ - when in actual fact - it was always right and is still right today. Your intuition has been and is still leading you down the correct path. How much that ‘feels’ right for you is very dependent on ‘how far going went away from your intuition on the path’ - meaning - how many times did your intuition try to speak to you ‘before the bad thing happened’? If you want to hone, super tune and accelerate your intuitive understanding, remove the traumas standing between you and accurate intuition so you stop brushing it aside when you need to listen and take action on it - then Trust Your Intuition is for you. 48 hours left before Early Bird Investment increases, click here for all the details and to jump on before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #4: Divine Timing.
You’re waiting for something. And it never comes. So you give up. And it is here - it happens. You’re being tested right now - in your faith. You might be in a place where you’re feeling like something isn’t working or you’re questioning everything, you have no idea which direction to go in right now and everything feels at a loss, even though you put on a brave face and know you’re being tested, know your faith is being stretched and then you’ve just ‘all of a sudden’ - let go. Surrendered (did you get Card 1 today too?!). But it isn’t that you forced this. I feel like you have felt a full body surrender shift and this is true alignment. This is you fully letting go and letting god and things have just all fallen apart and all fallen into place at the same time. I keep hearing ‘focus’ - with the Angel cherub holding the bow and arrow on this card it feels like such a strong message of don’t lose focus right now. It’s like channel this energy into your focus and show the world what you’re made of because… it’s not that it’s not happening it’s that certain things had to happen before you could’ve ‘allowed’ this into your life and career and now - it’s inevitable. Well, it always has been. But it’s closer than ever and you’re being asked to hold the vision, hold the faith, hold the focus and hold your heart. Your success is imminent. Love xxx Do you trust yourself through the hard times? Or only when you’re in synchronistic super flow? When bad things happen it’s very easy to say things like ‘my heart got it wrong’ ‘my intuition wasn’t right about this one’ - when in actual fact - it was always right and is still right today. Your intuition has been and is still leading you down the correct path. How much that ‘feels’ right for you is very dependent on ‘how far going went away from your intuition on the path’ - meaning - how many times did your intuition try to speak to you ‘before the bad thing happened’? If you want to hone, super tune and accelerate your intuitive understanding, remove the traumas standing between you and accurate intuition so you stop brushing it aside when you need to listen and take action on it - then Trust Your Intuition is for you. 48 hours left before Early Bird Investment increases, click here for all the details and to jump on before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #5: Support.
You’ve an army of Angels around you right now - in the spirit world and the physical world - who - ‘is your Angel’? It feels like there are choices that you made that felt right for you but now you’re questioning everything. Doubt ALWAYS comes up when we’ve made a decision - so this is normal to feel - but your key here is to walk on through your doubt and continue on at this time. There is something that just caught your awareness and at this time, the ‘Support’ and your unwavering dedication, strength and focus on your Dreams is pulling everything and all the resources to you like you couldn’t even fathom right now. A few weeks back, I released a reel of my daily readings and there was a message about how much the Fae are supporting you behind the scenes and you aren’t even aware of it. This message is coming back to mind strongly for you with this Support card right now and it’s true - so many synchronicities have been lining up for you - it’s all - about to Land. Are you ready for this next level Support to swoop in and give to you all you’ve been giving to others? That.. it’s your turn to receive? The Ascended Masters, Fae and Archangels have been watching… and you haven’t faltered one single moment in your purpose, your mission and your intent. For that… everything you need is provided. Open your arms to receive. Love xxx Do you trust yourself through the hard times? Or only when you’re in synchronistic super flow? When bad things happen it’s very easy to say things like ‘my heart got it wrong’ ‘my intuition wasn’t right about this one’ - when in actual fact - it was always right and is still right today. Your intuition has been and is still leading you down the correct path. How much that ‘feels’ right for you is very dependent on ‘how far going went away from your intuition on the path’ - meaning - how many times did your intuition try to speak to you ‘before the bad thing happened’? If you want to hone, super tune and accelerate your intuitive understanding, remove the traumas standing between you and accurate intuition so you stop brushing it aside when you need to listen and take action on it - then Trust Your Intuition is for you. 48 hours left before Early Bird Investment increases, click here for all the details and to jump on before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #6: Romance.
Your heart is not wrong. There is a message here of - the love you have shared is eternal and also - this situation is calling for you to love yourself more. What has happened when you look back and wish you made different choices? It feels like - you’re all good - but there is something that is erking you a bit and it is a deep down reflection of you - if something deep inside yourself - of loving yourself on this deeper level. Something has been brought to your attention in an almost dramatic way and you’re being asked to choose yourself in this situation (maybe you already have) but this love you feel won’t go away. There is a divine purpose for what you are experiencing right now and it feels like whilst you’re clear on a lot of things there are some things you’re not clear on - confused even but underneath you’re clear. Remember, confusion is that you’ve taken on somebody’s words/point of view when you were clear. So come back to this clarity to come back into full alignment of what is right for you in this situation. Where do you need to take your self love up a notch? Remember this is more than taking a bubble bath, this is about boundaries, taking care of your physical and financial reality, owning who you are and following your Purpose - doing whatever it takes in the meantime to get there. Your life is becoming more stable - because you’ve created it so. If it doesn’t feel like it - ask yourself, where do I need to love myself more? Your Purpose requires a base - what and where is your base? Love xxx Do you trust yourself through the hard times? Or only when you’re in synchronistic super flow? When bad things happen it’s very easy to say things like ‘my heart got it wrong’ ‘my intuition wasn’t right about this one’ - when in actual fact - it was always right and is still right today. Your intuition has been and is still leading you down the correct path. How much that ‘feels’ right for you is very dependent on ‘how far going went away from your intuition on the path’ - meaning - how many times did your intuition try to speak to you ‘before the bad thing happened’? If you want to hone, super tune and accelerate your intuitive understanding, remove the traumas standing between you and accurate intuition so you stop brushing it aside when you need to listen and take action on it - then Trust Your Intuition is for you. 48 hours left before Early Bird Investment increases, click here for all the details and to jump on before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition