🔮Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 29th December 2020
Dec 29, 2020![](https://kajabi-storefronts-production.kajabi-cdn.com/kajabi-storefronts-production/blogs/7863/images/5WTxyDTbRYO5A8tTPnys_SM_TT_4.png)
🔮Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 29th December 2020
Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Oracle of the Mermaids for you for our last Tuesday Tarot for 2020 🧜🏻♀️🔮🧜🏻♀️
Come and join us for our Final Full Moon of 2020 through deep initiation Ceremony in less than 24 hours that will help you let go of the karmic cycles for good, unlock the reason why they haven’t let go until now… and discover aspects of your Third Eye, your Clairvoyance that will see you through 2021 (pun intended!)
With acute clarity of what you are meant to be focusing on, to enhance and activate your Life Purpose.
Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/full-moon-ceremony
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Fertility. ‘Potential, powerful, creative energy, initiation energy.’
You are walking through portal gates right now - your life will never be the same AND you are setting the tone, setting up your life for the next 10-15 years. It feels like you have been through big initiation energy this last few weeks, hmmm, maybe months and it feels you are coming to the end of a hard cycle. You have put in the work, you have made the changes, you have…. Kept going when you haven’t wanted to. Right now - due to all your hard diligent work, you have a powerful portal in time right now - where anything you start and commit to - will be successful 10 x your effort. It feels like there is a huge opening right now, a huge portal that is enabling you to take your life to the next stage - with effortless ease. I am getting the message - now is not the time to rest, now is the time to put in more hours than ever before. It feels like you are about to cross the finish line, so don’t stop now. I am also getting the message, there is a decision you need to make? Like, how much evidence do you really need before you are ‘forced’ to make the decision? I know how hard it can be to face a reality that is blindingly obvious in our face, that we don’t want to leave.. but know we have to. I am wondering what that is? Do you feel you keep going back or know it isn’t what you want but stay and then ‘it happens again’? If you’re in this space, know that this doorway of opportunity to leave these cycles for good - are on your doorstep right now. I am also sensing that by mid January, if you haven’t made any steps yourself to make the changes, you will be ‘forced’ to make the changes - Spirit will do it for you, which isn’t… always a nice feeling - at all. It is a highly potent time right now to make some big changes, to push yourself through to the next stage - because if it feels hard right now, or like you want to stop and rest… you’re just about to have the biggest break through of your life - so… don’t stop now! Strong message for you. Rest, but keep going. Gentleness - with, getting it done and making it huge priority for yourself. I am also hearing ‘incubation’ - and wondering what has been ‘incubating’ for you? Is it this big change coming up? Did it start in February 2020? And then touched on again in November and now, it is something that you can’t ignore? Trust this potent door way for yourself - life will be exponentially ‘lighter’ and ‘freer’ when you step through this portal doorway. The question is - will you? Love xxx Come and join us for our Final Full Moon of 2020 through deep initiation Ceremony in less than 24 hours that will help you let go of the karmic cycles for good, unlock the reason why they haven’t let go until now… and discover aspects of your Third Eye, your Clairvoyance that will see you through 2021 (pun intended!) With acute clarity of what you are meant to be focusing on, to enhance and activate your Life Purpose. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/full-moon-ceremony
Card #2: Visions. ‘Psychic images, clairvoyances, seeing, out of body travel.’
Have you felt an increase in your sensitivity? Has your intuition increased, seemingly overnight? Does it feel like you’re walking in a daze? Ungrounded almost? Deeply at peace, but feeling almost ‘out of body’ sensations? Have you been seeing ‘shadows’ walk past you out of no where, or that you just sense something is in the house with you? Have you even felt physically sick this last week or gut aches randomly?! Your intuitive switch has been activated! You have ‘had a spiritual awakening’ or shifted to a new level of awareness in your awakening, your spiritual journey and… are understanding your intuitive gifts at a more conscious level. I am getting the sense that you will feel more sensitive and over this next 6 months, feel so much clarity with things. I am also getting the message that you may feel… somewhat isolated - like you don’t have anyone in your direct circle that you can chat openly about these things…. yet. I feel there is a part of your Soul longing to have the deep conversations that are ever so normal to you - but with someone and friends who just… get it, who are right there with you with it all. This.. is your mission in 2021 (in a way) - to attract high vibing friends who get it… however, this comes with… creating it.. and letting go of all that is no longer in vibrational alignment with your life. I feel that your intuition increases ten fold when you continue to walk away from situations that are not serving your Soul anymore - because… you already have been haven’t you? Spending less and less time with those that are not a match anymore? I am also getting the message - with the Full Moon on this card for you - to follow the Moon Cycles closely over 2021. They will help amplify your life, but also getting the sense that your intuition will increase by following the moon cycles. Why? Because it gets us in touch with the natural eb and flow of the cycles of life. When you can work them, you connect back into your true nature, the nature of your intuitive self, where your senses are heightened and… I am getting the strong message to trust yourself. What have you been umming and arring about? Trust your intuition about this one - if something is off… it is. Remember your first initial feeling about it. Don’t let them talk you into something that you… knew is 100% what you want. Even if it is 99% - the shiny thing aint worth it. Wait for the 100% alignment. The more you say no to what isn’t in alignment, the faster the 100% alignment comes into view, into… reality. And that, is what you’re doing all the work for anyway right? What, aha moment, what, just came to mind as you read that? Trust this next stage - trust this Vision - its 100% Full Capacity, Full Alignment.. Full Moon - it’s 100% for you. Don’t settle for anything less than that. Love xxx Come and join us for our Final Full Moon of 2020 through deep initiation Ceremony in less than 24 hours that will help you let go of the karmic cycles for good, unlock the reason why they haven’t let go until now… and discover aspects of your Third Eye, your Clairvoyance that will see you through 2021 (pun intended!) With acute clarity of what you are meant to be focusing on, to enhance and activate your Life Purpose. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/full-moon-ceremony
Card #3: Yearning. ‘Longing for someone, undesired separation, pining.’
Ah, there is a difference between dating to meet someone from a space of complete fullness and readiness in your life and dating to be with someone that is going to fill a gap, fill a hole, that.. is vacant energy gap in your body/aura, from running away from facing a reality that is right in front of your face that you haven’t dealt with yet. #ouch. Bare with me here.. What relationship caught your attention in 2005, that you haven’t let go of? What ‘hooks’ are still hanging from a relationship in 2015, 2017 and 2002? They may seem odd dates, but there is something there still ‘pining away at’ that hasn’t been fully released aka healed yet. I am also sensing there is something in your reality that is there, but you are somewhat avoiding the reality of this, scared to tell them to move on, move out or scared to face the ‘fall out’ from not having them around you anymore. The reason you can’t let go, is because you haven’t fully grieved the situation yet - and yet, it is deeper than that. ‘Dig deeper’ - there is a space here that is pining away, like a little lost boy or girl that has lost their parent and.. is trying to latch on to anyone that can whisk them away and distract them from the pain of… being alone. Being all alone in this big bad world that.. nothing seems to have gone right for me, that nothing.. is supporting me and that… everything I do seems pointless. You look around and realise that where you are right now, is NOT where you thought you would be. If you’re triggered by this… get angry, cry.. get it OUT! You won’t meet your ‘match made in heaven’ until you’re ready to face the pain of what you’ve buried in your Heart… which - has been surfacing this last week, has it not? What ever you locked away and buried a long time ago - HAS been surfacing. Whether that has been triggered by family or the lack of it, or losing something near and dear to your heart, or just plain flabbergasted that this can even be happening or STILL after all this time and all the boundaries you’ve set… then it’s time to dig deeper at what you have been ignoring/buried… that.. is breaking you apart right now. “It’s not broken hearted, it’s broken open.” Sometimes we don’t think we can even grieve anymore, or cry any longer.. but it truly is the best Healer - ever! That deep, deep sobbing. I am also getting the message that, if you have lost something just recently - what does that represent to you in your life? What ‘holes did it fill’? So to speak? If you can tap into what the need was under neath that it gave you - this is the core focus to turn to. Also, what time in your life did it come to you/represent for you? Sometimes we get things in our life, or have them - to fill a hole and we don’t even realise it. When it is gone, it feels 50 times worse (in a way), but that is only because all the pain of the past that it was ‘filling’ - has finally surfaced and feels like the end of the world. It isn’t - even though it feels like it. ‘Dig deeper’ - is that there is a core, very old wound here surfacing for you right now. If you want to shift your life and ‘find the one’ - deal with this wound, or you’ll only continue to wind up each cycle, each time, wondering why it has happened - again. Or wondering what you’ve done wrong. You’ve done nothing wrong, you just… need to grieve the woman/man you lost a long time ago, because you buried that one honey. Love xxx Come and join us for our Final Full Moon of 2020 through deep initiation Ceremony in less than 24 hours that will help you let go of the karmic cycles for good, unlock the reason why they haven’t let go until now… and discover aspects of your Third Eye, your Clairvoyance that will see you through 2021 (pun intended!) With acute clarity of what you are meant to be focusing on, to enhance and activate your Life Purpose. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/full-moon-ceremony
Card #4: The Crane Bag. ‘Sacred Ocean Medicine, clutter, de-clutter, choice.’
Tying up loose ends - what is unfinished that you REALLY need to tend to? What have you been ‘putting off for another day’? If you’re wondering what is/has been blocking you - it’s this thing that you’ve been putting off! And.. it isn’t really ‘blocking’ you per se, which could sound contradictory to what I just said… however, this thing you’ve been putting off, feels like - a big deal actually! Maybe you have already begun taking action in this direction… because the ‘not really blocking you’ is that actually - this is about this life you keep dreaming about/thinking about, is actually just the next stage of your life. This thing you’ve been putting off - is a part divine timing and everything you’ve been through is/was preparation to ‘get here’ - however, what I am sensing deeply is that perhaps you have had resistance to it, because, it just wasn’t time yet - but now it is. So, it is important to not delay it any longer. It’s time to drag those skeletons out of the closet. It is time to say no to that thing you keep denying. What needs to change, in order for you to have the space to do this? This card, ‘The Crane Bag’ is also deeply symbolic to your ‘magic’. Do you feel like your life is a magical synchronistic flow? Or do you feel that you’re always bogged down with day to day chores? It feels like this card is asking you to find your magic again. Find what makes your Soul light up and your Heart sing with the divine synchronistic magic that life once had for you. Time to clean out those closets (yes, literally get rid of the clothes that you’re holding onto for ‘one day’ and create SPACE in your life in all ways. When you’re holding onto the old, the new doesn’t have space to come in and shower you with the magical light sparkles that you are made up of when you’re bogged down with the weight of your past. Sometimes, 99% of the time, it isn’t the magic pill that is going to fix you, but what you can let go of and stop, that creates the space for the magic to light up your Soul again. I am also getting the message for you to remember when that magic was around you - that one time, or perhaps it was a period of your life that was like that. What was different back then? How can you recreate that magic - but with your life today and what you are wanting to bring in these next 5 years to your life. Wait - are you even clear on that? Time to create that vision baby! Because with out that, what have you got? Sometimes during a recalibration and clean out, it is okay to not know what you want, allow the space, but know that it is about creating what you want. Knowing what your heart wants - ALLOWING your Heart to have what it wants, sometimes comes when we reclaim that magic in our life that… is about reclaiming what we really want. Clear out the clutter, enjoy the space and create your life from the clean slate where magic resides. Love xxx Come and join us for our Final Full Moon of 2020 through deep initiation Ceremony in less than 24 hours that will help you let go of the karmic cycles for good, unlock the reason why they haven’t let go until now… and discover aspects of your Third Eye, your Clairvoyance that will see you through 2021 (pun intended!) With acute clarity of what you are meant to be focusing on, to enhance and activate your Life Purpose. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/full-moon-ceremony
Card #5: Divination. ‘Prophecy, fate, destiny, future fortune.’
Okay - so it feels like there are a few messages here that are all interconnected of course. It feels like there is a huge recalibration going on for you right now. You are stepping out of the old patterns of your ways of being that have been a collaboration, a deep part of just who you are, who you have always been - because of your environment that you grew up in. It made you who you are. However, I bet, for the last several years, you have been doing the work to change that right? To not be a by-product of your upbringing and instead, bring something new into your reality - to create a life that you know and feel in your heart is possible, it just… hasn’t happened yet? You have a dream life, even if you are not aware of it - because you are.. always thinking aka dreaming about something being different than what you have right now. A lover, soulmate friendships, a different amount of income, a different environment (home/location), a different career? Something different to what you have now? And… in that - this is the path of your destiny. I am sensing that you have had some big aha moments this last few days - around how what you have now, this somewhat peace and ‘new life’ already, (that may or may not be 100% fulfilled to what you really want) - you are noticing you are ‘going back to your old ways’ - well, almost. You are catching yourself right now - and realising that if you continue doing the old ways of being, that… is a by-product of your upbringing - you are not going to be able to move forward, let alone create what you really want to create in your life. I am feeling for you that everything that is falling away, shedding skins almost, is because it is not your authentic truthful self. If you have just lost something - let yourself grieve it because this is shedding what is not your authentic destiny and life path. There is MORE for you - if you would only allow this SPACE to create that which you truly desire. Do you - even trust this SPACE that enables you to embed new ways of being into course? Into… your life? Your destiny is counting on you to walk away from that thing for good and face all the emotions that come up in the process. The more you clear this out - the faster and more rapidly that it comes into alignment for your being. I can’t really put into words what I see for you - however, let me try. If you were standing in front of me and you have your Aura around you, your bubble of energy that makes up you, I see like a big spider web over you - in you - that is your energy and make up of your reality from childhood right up until now. Right now, this web is disintegrating and ‘shedding’ off you, it is completely releasing and dissolving away. This means, that in all this SPACE it might feel super uncomfortable like you are stripped bare, or feeling… very different. It is because this is changing. Allow yourself to be comfortable in this space - as you are aligning with your destiny and all of your dreams are about to come into reality more than you could even imagine, things that you had even forgotten about in your dream list. Any hook back to old patterns or wanting to go back, is just retreating back to the familiar because you are not comfy yet in this new space. One could call it sabotage to your ultimate dreams coming to fruition. Train yourself to get comfortable in the uncomfortable. Your destiny is counting on it. Love xxx Come and join us for our Final Full Moon of 2020 through deep initiation Ceremony in less than 24 hours that will help you let go of the karmic cycles for good, unlock the reason why they haven’t let go until now… and discover aspects of your Third Eye, your Clairvoyance that will see you through 2021 (pun intended!) With acute clarity of what you are meant to be focusing on, to enhance and activate your Life Purpose. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/full-moon-ceremony
Card #6: The Selkie and Her Skin. ‘Reclaiming Your Authenticity.’
There is a story about The Selkie and Her Skin, that if I can make a long story short, is that a Selkie, is a Seal Woman, a bit like a Mermaid. A fisherman was captivated by her and captured her, keeping her on land and ‘stealing her skin’ so she didn’t have her magical powers anymore. He would go out fishing and kept her captive in his home and had 3 children with her. She lived, but was not happy, and was depressed. One day, he went fishing and she managed to escape, reclaiming her skin, killing and taking her 3 children with her, that they became Seals with Her in the ocean. She was able to live a whole, healthy and happy life, without the torture of not being her true self. Have you let yourself out of captivity recently? Have you walked away from that which no longer serves you? Or, is the current situation you are in, stealing your inauthentic self that you are… a prisoner of because YOU have chosen to stay or keep going back to? I feel that you are deeply realising this and consciously choosing the path that lifts you up that… enables an environment that keeps you being your authentic self and not a watered down version of you? I feel this card is a big sign/symbology for you that you have done this? That you are walking forward into the ocean so to speak, where you are at Home, where your true self shines, where you can be in the full glory of you, without anyone ‘capturing’ your true spirit and shutting you down. I feel you are deeply in alignment and are saying no way more easily than you used to even if you are still ‘captivated’ by someone’s words for a moment you quickly pull yourself back to your authentic self and are staying put so to speak, until the 100% alignment shows up. Until then, you are your wild, free spirited self that enables you to stay connected to your flow, your true self and all that you are to become - even discovering things about yourself that you didn’t know existed. Stay deeply connected to your authentic self - for it is your magnetism that draws people to you, draws opportunities to you - without pushing, without feeling less than… but from a place of pure love for self, love of life and creation that seems like magic, because… it is when you divinely connected to your authentic self. I feel I need to mention the overlying card is Falling In Love. ‘Kissing the Divine in another, in yourself.’ This is a divine balance, the masculine and feminine coming together. One could say this is the ‘lovers’ card, but it is also when there is a direct healing of the masculine and feminine within yourself and this comes from standing up and saying no to what is not in alignment with you anymore, taking action and moving into what is in alignment. Self love, is also the message I am hearing here. Don’t drop anything, don’t let anything interfere with loving yourself. This has been a high priority for you I am sensing and is what has created these ‘waves’ of change that have enabled you to reclaim your authentic skin, your authentic self, your Selkie, wild free hearted self. Stay here a while, remember who you are and let the world rise to meet you. Love xxx Come and join us for our Final Full Moon of 2020 through deep initiation Ceremony in less than 24 hours that will help you let go of the karmic cycles for good, unlock the reason why they haven’t let go until now… and discover aspects of your Third Eye, your Clairvoyance that will see you through 2021 (pun intended!) With acute clarity of what you are meant to be focusing on, to enhance and activate your Life Purpose. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/full-moon-ceremony