🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 29th March 2022

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Mar 29, 2022

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 29th March 2022

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting you there from the Oracle of the Mermaids for you 🧜🏻‍♀️🐬

I’m a tell it how it is mentor. I’m a kind mentor. I will pull you into line when you’re not facing what is right in front of you to shift. You may run and you may hide but I will pull the darkest abyss out of you and shine light on the parts you thought you’d hidden from everyone. I see you. Deeply. Madly. Truly. With love. With compassion. With tough love.

I am the kind of mentor that activates your intuition and opens doors for you that you had given up faith on. I hold space for things no one has ever held for you before and you almost gave up on, well everything. I am the kind of mentor that activates your Life Purpose and gives you the courage, confidence and back support to make it happen. I am the kind of mentor, that won’t baby you… but spread your Eagle wings and make you fly! But let’s be real, that’s why you came to me in the first place! 

As our Intense Eclipse Season begins, click here for all the details to work 1:1, it's going to be a wild ride these next few weeks! https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-reconfiguration-quantum-portal-sessions

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Air - ‘Breathing deep, entering into life, exchange of life-bringing energies.’

Whilst this card is deeply about releasing old patterns through conscious breathing, repatterning the cells of your being through changing what you do subconsciously and consciously breathe for a time to reawaken old ancient and new technologies within the coding and genetic makeup of your being - I am also getting another message here for you. The ‘holes’ in your aura - who is breathing in your energy? Who is ‘in your aura’ that is not meant to be there? Who have you had in your life that recently you have felt like this is a ‘No’ but you haven’t done anything about it? Even though it’s been a no, it also hasn’t been, it feels like you’ve been trying to ‘work it differently’ - this repatterning of cells and patterns right? It feels like you’ve been trying something new in this situation, however this ‘holes in the aura’ sense - is two fold. Literal tears and rips in your aura from addictions/abuse/trauma but also, the ‘sponge’ of our aura. So like imagine the ‘bubble of energy around you, is like a sponge, you’re a sponge and absorb energy around you, just like a sponge soaks up water. When you have been intimate with someone or have looked up to someone closely, you ‘absorb’ them more easily. As someone who is highly sensitive (you) you pick this energy up and carry it regardless, but having a strong bond/connection with them, it is even stronger. This ‘Air’ card you have drawn today is this ‘what and whose energy are you breathing in?’ What ‘air’ do you actually need to breathe instead? What new air do you need to breathe? What new path do you need to walk? Have you even had sleep dreams giving you signs recently about the path to take? That have been so clear but almost confused you because they were so clear and you deep down know the new air you need to breathe? Shake off the old energy, use my Sponge Clearing Meditation in my free Clear & Activate Pack you can find on my website and trust yourself enough to walk the path of the new Air. It is a breath of fresh air and will bring you back to life. Oh, and some conscious meditative breathing, Wim Hoff or Breathwork techniques - or keep it simple and no excuses - just stay conscious of your breathing and repeat. Recode your frequency, recode your cells therefore your life, that, is what is going on right now. Breathe in new life. Love xxx I’m a tell it how it is mentor. I’m a kind mentor. I will pull you into line when you’re not facing what is right in front of you to shift. You may run and you may hide but I will pull the darkest abyss out of you and shine light on the parts you thought you’d hidden from everyone. I see you. Deeply. Madly. Truly. With love. With compassion. With tough love. I am the kind of mentor that activates your intuition and opens doors for you that you had given up faith on. I hold space for things no one has ever held for you before and you almost gave up on, well everything. I am the kind of mentor that activates your Life Purpose and gives you the courage, confidence and back support to make it happen. I am the kind of mentor, that won’t baby you… but spread your Eagle wings and make you fly! But let’s be real, that’s why you came to me in the first place! As our Intense Eclipse Season begins, click here for all the details to work 1:1, it's going to be a wild ride these next few weeks! https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-reconfiguration-quantum-portal-sessions


Card #2: Telepathy. ‘Non-verbal communication, energetic pulses, ‘mind-reading’.’

First of all - of course trust your intuition here about - everything! #ofcourse! No, but seriously and there is a topic in particular or an issue or a situation with a person that you have been doubting yourself about or wondering if you’re feeling correctly because you actually don’t have ‘proof’ however, I am sensing for this card for you, to trust yourself because what you’re sensing is correct. I am also getting the message that something is wanting to birth out of you - are you currently increasing and fine tuning your psychic development? Is this a message to step up and teach it or teach about telepathy specifically in some way shape or form? I am also getting the message about ‘fire’ - what does fire mean to you? This can mean about warming by a fire, melting the ice from your heart, setting your passionate heart and soul on fire with your Soul Purpose. I am also getting the message about the Salamanders and Sprite energy, it feels like it is ti to light a fire under your butt and get to it! What do you want to ‘set the world on fire’ with your Soul light? What lights up the world? What do you value? This ‘Telepathy’ card for you, feels like to deeply trust your intuition and do what lights your Soul on fire with the big YES that you know you need to do - even though you don’t know ‘how’ you do know the  first step and… that, is all you ever need. Your intuition does the rest, always has. You just got to keep following it, follow that passion, follow the fire burning your Soul - it’s what keeps you alive! Love xxx I’m a tell it how it is mentor. I’m a kind mentor. I will pull you into line when you’re not facing what is right in front of you to shift. You may run and you may hide but I will pull the darkest abyss out of you and shine light on the parts you thought you’d hidden from everyone. I see you. Deeply. Madly. Truly. With love. With compassion. With tough love. I am the kind of mentor that activates your intuition and opens doors for you that you had given up faith on. I hold space for things no one has ever held for you before and you almost gave up on, well everything. I am the kind of mentor that activates your Life Purpose and gives you the courage, confidence and back support to make it happen. I am the kind of mentor, that won’t baby you… but spread your Eagle wings and make you fly! But let’s be real, that’s why you came to me in the first place! As our Intense Eclipse Season begins, click here for all the details to work 1:1, it's going to be a wild ride these next few weeks! https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-reconfiguration-quantum-portal-sessions


Card #3: Water Flight. ‘Heaviness Lifts, Burdens are cast away, Weightlessness.’

Have you shifted into a new energy, just in this last few days? It feels like a huge heavy weight and burden has released from your field? There is nothing ‘bad’ about it - it is just that it is not aligned with your Soul, nor your destiny and - is this about a specific relationship? Or career path? Or mentor? As it feels like something has ‘let go’ ‘released from you’ and you feel wwwaaayyyy lighter? That feeling? Is also you just coming into the full Soul alignment of your being, your true, correct path - the path of your Soul. You. Magical you. I feel that these next few weeks will see lots of change coming into your life - big life changes or if you’ve just made some recently, this is about you ‘settling into’ these new changes, but still, I’m getting the sense another big change is coming fairly quickly again for you. The anchors have been cast away, cut away, let go - you are no longer held back by what has held you captive for a good several if not decade or more years. This has deep ancient past life roots and those… have been dissolved. This karma has completed its cycle. There will be no more lifetimes of this repeat - because - this - is the ‘heaviness lifts, burdens are cast away.’ This past life karmic trauma on repeat cycle is no more. The deep ‘Water Flight’ of this card, there maybe deep emotions that surface for you - or are trying to. These can manifest as panic attacks, anxiety or a tightening in the chest - grief - must come out, don’t hold it in, it can even make you feel nauseas if you don’t let yourself feel it. It’s okay to break down and cry as this huge weight lifts from your life - as you go through these massive changes. In fact, it’s normal to feel every aspect that you feel right now. You’re safe as your life direction shifts, changes and anchors into its new direction, as the burdens of your past are cast aside. Love xxx I’m a tell it how it is mentor. I’m a kind mentor. I will pull you into line when you’re not facing what is right in front of you to shift. You may run and you may hide but I will pull the darkest abyss out of you and shine light on the parts you thought you’d hidden from everyone. I see you. Deeply. Madly. Truly. With love. With compassion. With tough love. I am the kind of mentor that activates your intuition and opens doors for you that you had given up faith on. I hold space for things no one has ever held for you before and you almost gave up on, well everything. I am the kind of mentor that activates your Life Purpose and gives you the courage, confidence and back support to make it happen. I am the kind of mentor, that won’t baby you… but spread your Eagle wings and make you fly! But let’s be real, that’s why you came to me in the first place! As our Intense Eclipse Season begins, click here for all the details to work 1:1, it's going to be a wild ride these next few weeks! https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-reconfiguration-quantum-portal-sessions


Card #4: Lumeria Returns. 'Earthy Spirituality, Community, Ocean Conservation'

You are being called to the sea, the ocean. Your bushland home, your grounded home - has changed. You have changed and the reflection of what your external environment looks like - suddenly gone from out underneath you. You may have found yourself in a place you did not expect or even want to be… but your Soul - is calling you to the ocean. Perhaps you have moved and you’re not near the ocean - but the ‘vibe’ the ‘feel’ of it, is more ‘ocean’ than where you were before. Lumeria - is - has - called you Home. Get ready, the next level of your Purpose is going to birth through you and become very clear in the next few weeks and months, everything that is unravelling is very ‘out of your hands’ and you can’t do anything but just… let yourself go through these changes. But the biggest shift? Is you. The internal you. In the past, the past you would’ve been freaking out already and even through the process or moving forward there would’ve been a hurried stressed out energy - but the shift is more like, ‘Of course this is happening now, of course this has happened, of course it gets to be bigger and I follow this new idea that has landed me here reading this and confirming everything I had been thinking of.’ Of. Course. That One. This ‘Community’ I also feel is you reaching out, receiving support and extending your knowledge and skills in new areas that has been on your mind but you’ve just put off because well, it hasn’t been a priority, but it keeps coming back, tap, tap, tapping you on your shoulder and you now know it’s just time to add these skills and support to the mix of your ‘mentor bag’ so you speak. This ‘Community’ feels like a reconnection back to your Soul in some way, it fulfils your Heart in a way that only this can and has been a deep ‘Soul missing link’ in a way, (tricky to describe) but, I know you know and can feel what I’m talking about. It’s a grounding, Soul fulling feeling that…. Has brought a lot of gratitude and almost, ‘Wow, why didn’t I do this sooner!’ Feeling, right? Blessed you are, breathe it in. You’re definitely on the right path, continue to trust, more good things are on its way. This rebirth and birthing of a new reality, has only just begun. Love xxx I’m a tell it how it is mentor. I’m a kind mentor. I will pull you into line when you’re not facing what is right in front of you to shift. You may run and you may hide but I will pull the darkest abyss out of you and shine light on the parts you thought you’d hidden from everyone. I see you. Deeply. Madly. Truly. With love. With compassion. With tough love. I am the kind of mentor that activates your intuition and opens doors for you that you had given up faith on. I hold space for things no one has ever held for you before and you almost gave up on, well everything. I am the kind of mentor that activates your Life Purpose and gives you the courage, confidence and back support to make it happen. I am the kind of mentor, that won’t baby you… but spread your Eagle wings and make you fly! But let’s be real, that’s why you came to me in the first place! As our Intense Eclipse Season begins, click here for all the details to work 1:1, it's going to be a wild ride these next few weeks! https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-reconfiguration-quantum-portal-sessions


Card #5: Falling In Love. ‘Kissing the Divine in Another, in Yourself.’

A deep balance card. This card can deeply represent Soulmate Relationships, Twin Flames and Divine Feminine and Masculine Balance within yourself. It can mean all of these and just one of these. In this particular card for you today, I am getting the sense of the balance within yourself yes, definitely but also - your Soulmate. Your divine counterpart. Your one true Soul - the other half of you. I feel that you will meet them soon. There has been some big change in your life recently and it has/may have knocked you around with what it ‘took’ from you, and it has created a big life change. This - is leading you to your divine Soulmate. I feel that there might be another big life change coming up shortly for you soon and this is ‘moving you closer to them’ type feeling. Maybe you need to or just have physically moved and you will meet them soon after this physical move/change in your life. I don’t often get messages like this or even share things like this when I do, because nothing is set in stone, but for you, with this card today, it feels like you’ve done a lot of work on yourself, you’ve dedicated, committed and shifted internally and you’ve felt it hence why people have shifted and dropped out of your life this last week especially and this is a strong message for you. I am wondering if you have noticed signs lately of this too? Trust these signs, it feels like you’ve actually had a lot of signs but almost brushed them off - even in dreams? More signs. I am also wondering if you met someone recently or a while ago and you wondered why it wasn’t them when there was sooo much in common or you were so sure? That, was also a sign - at how far you’ve come because it was like they were a deep reflection of you, but, it didn’t happen but that - was just a sign - at how close they are. Continue doing the things you do - as you’re deeply in, internal balance - it’s working whatever you’re doing. Keep trusting, following your inner guidance, getting support and help/mentoring where you’re being called to (because you’ve recently stepped this up again too right? Or about to even more?) It just feels like you’re so close - continue on with faith in your heart, love in your life and balance in your Being, your dreams have and are coming true. Love xxx I’m a tell it how it is mentor. I’m a kind mentor. I will pull you into line when you’re not facing what is right in front of you to shift. You may run and you may hide but I will pull the darkest abyss out of you and shine light on the parts you thought you’d hidden from everyone. I see you. Deeply. Madly. Truly. With love. With compassion. With tough love. I am the kind of mentor that activates your intuition and opens doors for you that you had given up faith on. I hold space for things no one has ever held for you before and you almost gave up on, well everything. I am the kind of mentor that activates your Life Purpose and gives you the courage, confidence and back support to make it happen. I am the kind of mentor, that won’t baby you… but spread your Eagle wings and make you fly! But let’s be real, that’s why you came to me in the first place! As our Intense Eclipse Season begins, click here for all the details to work 1:1, it's going to be a wild ride these next few weeks! https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-reconfiguration-quantum-portal-sessions


Card #6: Farewell to the Moon. ‘Appreciate and Enjoy the Lunar Light Cycles.’

Have you been noticing the Moon Cycles more consciously? Even just the Moon in general? Have you been seeing ‘Moon’ everywhere and wondering what the meaning of it is, of you seeing it seemingly everywhere lately? First of all, the ‘I’ve been seeing the Moon everywhere!’ (I know kinda a thing following me with it on my forehead right?! 🙃) but in general, it feels like you have been seeing these signs because your intuition wants you to pay more attention to it, trying yourself in skills with it, get a mentor in it and also - the Triple Goddess is deeply calling with this too. We are coming up to eclipse season soon, which is deeply connected to the Moon Cycles and releasing old karmic ties, clearing and finishing Past Life Cycles, and embodying a new way of life. Have you been feeling more intuitive, more telepathic, more sensitive lately? Almost like you’re noticing your sensitivity more than ever before? ‘Farewell to the Moon’ is here to honour your intuition. What has your intuition been telling you that you’ve also been ignoring? I am hearing as well about ‘limits being reached’? Where is your tolerance? Have you drawn a line in the sand with what you are willing to tolerate and it tolerate? Do you need to have a conversation with a person about it? Or do you just need to move on? It feels like deeply attuning and learning more about the cycles of the Moon, as well as working with them in your day to day life - become conscious of the New Moon and Full Moon and extend your learning from there. Attuning to the Cycles of the Moon taps us back into the rhythms of nature and life… to your life. This is about trusting your intuition, following your intuition, adhering to it and activating that deepest, most sensual, wild, animalistic part of yourself to move forward ‘on the whim of intuition’ and let yourself be guided to where you’ve always been destined to be. Love xxx I’m a tell it how it is mentor. I’m a kind mentor. I will pull you into line when you’re not facing what is right in front of you to shift. You may run and you may hide but I will pull the darkest abyss out of you and shine light on the parts you thought you’d hidden from everyone. I see you. Deeply. Madly. Truly. With love. With compassion. With tough love. I am the kind of mentor that activates your intuition and opens doors for you that you had given up faith on. I hold space for things no one has ever held for you before and you almost gave up on, well everything. I am the kind of mentor that activates your Life Purpose and gives you the courage, confidence and back support to make it happen. I am the kind of mentor, that won’t baby you… but spread your Eagle wings and make you fly! But let’s be real, that’s why you came to me in the first place! As our Intense Eclipse Season begins, click here for all the details to work 1:1, it's going to be a wild ride these next few weeks! https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-reconfiguration-quantum-portal-sessions