đź”® Reading Results are IN đź”® for 29th October 2024
Oct 29, 2024
đź”® Reading Results are IN đź”® for 29th October 2024
Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Oracle of the Fairies for you 🧚🏻♀️
You’re seeing things more clearly, feeling that wave of change rise within you, and you’re ready to answer the call. It’s time to elevate, to step into your purpose with full alignment, and to create a life that’s both deeply fulfilling and purposefully prosperous asf.
This is about extraordinary - about happiness and about aligning with your soul’s true calling. Imagine living a life where your intuition guides every step, where you draw in clients who value your gift, who pay you in full and stay for life, and where your purpose brings deep heartfelt soul fulfilment and financial freedom - doing what you love. Life Purpose Accelerator doors close next week and we do just this, get you on divine purpose, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen đź‘‘
Card #1: Protect Your Dreams. You are the guidance of your precious dreams and they are safe in your care. Keep them close to your heart until you’re ready to release.
Don’t tell anyone what you’re doing in relation to your dreams and goals - just go and do it. Hire that mentor in silent, get fit and healthy as fuck in silent, build your online empire in silent, date and marry the relationship of your dreams in silent and LIVE your Destiny. Don’t tell anyone just do it. Telling people before you’ve done it all, just means your not confident in trusting your own decisions about what you’re actually doing and you’re secretly looking for validation about what you’re doing. This also shows you’re scared about what you’re doing, about stepping out and rocking the status quo boat but honey - you ALREADY rock the boat lol! You already have people who have witch hunted you in this life and previous so what’s new?! The thing is, is that they will only ‘hunt’ you until you are solid in your certainty of what you are doing and then those fears don’t exist and in the name of shadow work - you’ve integrated and healed that part of yourself that they are simply reflecting to you and your whole world shifts to a new level and what you do becomes normal. Just like learning to drive a car, it’s scary and overwhelming at first and now you don’t even think about driving! You’re being asked to keep your dreams to yourself - except in trusted circles - with people who get you, celebrate you, support you, teach you and encourage you - make sure their vision is aligned with yours. Make sure they stand up for you and deeply encourage you. Make sure they’re living the life you want to. Otherwise shhhhh.. Just do it. The caterpillar transforms in the cocoon in quietness and darkness and emerges in a shining spectacle that makes people awe at their colours and beauty. It’s time to shine your light - it’s time to come out of the dark.. but whilst you’re laying precious incredible and life changing foundations, surround yourself only with those who have done it before you, are teaching you, supporting you and mentoring you. Your dreams are calling.. you to bring them to reality. Trust yourself, follow your heart (all the green on this card) and let your wings show you just how far you can go because at this point, the only limits are the ones you’re placing yourself around and on yourself. The pathway is clear - your heart is right and you’re dreams are the guiding light. Your intuition is on point - trust yourself. Love xxx You’re seeing things more clearly, feeling that wave of change rise within you, and you’re ready to answer the call. It’s time to elevate, to step into your purpose with full alignment, and to create a life that’s both deeply fulfilling and purposefully prosperous asf. This is about extraordinary - about happiness and about aligning with your soul’s true calling. Imagine living a life where your intuition guides every step, where you draw in clients who value your gift, who pay you in full and stay for life, and where your purpose brings deep heartfelt soul fulfilment and financial freedom - doing what you love. Life Purpose Accelerator doors close next week and we do just this, get you on divine purpose, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Life Energy. The happy Fairy of Sunshine brings lots of life-giving energy. She reminds you to shine your light and to reveal anything in the shadows that needs to be healed.
Your bandwidth is stretching - this means that people, places and things might be ‘rearing their head’ or being shaken off right now - it is simply not in alignment anymore. You can make a clear decision on this by asking - does this lift me up? Does this make my light shine brighter or duller? Does this light my entire being up (not just one part of you)? Does this make me go HELL FUCKING YESSSSSS or is it just a kinda yes - because if it is the latter it means it is a HELL FUCKING NO. Remember - if it is not a HELL YES it is a no. You can’t want the fulfilment of your ULTIMATE purpose and then have crumbs in some areas of your life! Doesn’t work that way. ALL IN or none in if you want the complete alignment of your Purpose. As you step up - the bandwidth of the other stretches you - meaning, the shadows are pulled up as your energy, light and consciousness increases - however, it does get to a level where you’re not as effected by it so much you have ‘dealt with your demons’ if you may and I am getting the strong message that you have and that the message for you is to not lose sight of your ultimate purpose. You’ve given a lot to something that has shown you recently that it is simply not in alignment. As heart wrenching as it is to say no more and fully focus on your purpose - so the full alignment of all you ask comes into play - you also know that you are ready for this next stage of fully cutting anything out that is not that because you simply? Cannot even physically function and do that old thing anymore! Your tolerance has reached a level, your energy has fully locked into gear for your Purpose and you cannot not do it anymore - like full 100% commitment. Thank fuck for that. The world needs your light, let alone your own body, soul and life are so ready to give it all to you. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. Love xxx You’re seeing things more clearly, feeling that wave of change rise within you, and you’re ready to answer the call. It’s time to elevate, to step into your purpose with full alignment, and to create a life that’s both deeply fulfilling and purposefully prosperous asf. This is about extraordinary - about happiness and about aligning with your soul’s true calling. Imagine living a life where your intuition guides every step, where you draw in clients who value your gift, who pay you in full and stay for life, and where your purpose brings deep heartfelt soul fulfilment and financial freedom - doing what you love. Life Purpose Accelerator doors close next week and we do just this, get you on divine purpose, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: Wait for Winter. During the colder months, the Fairy Queen of Winter will help you manifest your most heartfelt wishes, as long as your intentions are for the highest good of all.
Whilst I am one to not promote ‘waiting’ in regards to taking action on your purpose - sometimes I do - when I am telling you to train yourself to ‘sit still’ and wait for the intuitive nudge instead of steamrolling along and end up in burnout or worse - down the wrong path. I also tell you to ‘sit still’ and wait… when… our Life Purpose goes in Seasons and right now - your Purpose has shifted frequency - you have asked for and dedicated yourself to your unique true alignment of your purpose - the very true reason you were born. You didn’t get here by accident and this ‘winter of your purpose’ is not by accident. Unlike the ‘real’ seasons - when referring the cycle - when referring to your purpose - the seasons start at Winter. You will ‘flip’ almost in an instant ‘into the winter of your purpose’ when the true purpose alignment has begun. You might experience the biggest business lulls, the hugest relationship changes, the very foundation shifting beneath your feet as you undergo huge energetic restructure and physical restructuring to recalibrate same. This winter season can last longer than a ‘normal 3 month winter’ - not to dishearten you - but to prepare you so you can truly use this winter as it should be - not just resting, but deeply transformative. I guarantee you will be in a very different place by the time you ‘come out of this winter’ - physically, spiritual, emotionally, mentally. At first you will hate it - as all the hate buried deep within you - that disassociated rage and wildfire will rise and you will be feeling feelings you’ve never felt before and if you don’t let it surface you’ll be so depressed you’ll wonder what on Earth is going on to your life like never before….. Let. Winter. Happen. Even though it is ‘winter’ you have to remember that the ice defrosts and spring does come again and you come out of the cave, out of the cocoon and you’re transformed and this.. is what is happening right now. Whether you are forced to be stopped for a time, or by choice or you are feeling rage and tears like you’ve never felt before… please know this is a HUGE shift in consciousness and deep healing happening for you. Let. Winter. Happen. When the Spring of your Purpose starts to shine warm sunlight on that frozen ice and as it drip, drip, drips away, you will start moving in ways you didn’t move before, using elements, arms, legs and different parts of you that you haven’t felt before, all this movement will ‘all of a sudden come’ and you’ll be busy. So for now, rest - feel to heal and know that your Spring is coming or this card could’ve come to you today to let you know the worst is now behind you and now the Spring has dawned, you are feeling so much movement and also much unexpected movement and restructuring going on that you ‘didn’t see coming’ - roll with it (which you are) and know that after Spring, comes the great Summer harvest. You can smile again and enjoy this part… you deserve it, good things are on their way. Love xxx You’re seeing things more clearly, feeling that wave of change rise within you, and you’re ready to answer the call. It’s time to elevate, to step into your purpose with full alignment, and to create a life that’s both deeply fulfilling and purposefully prosperous asf. This is about extraordinary - about happiness and about aligning with your soul’s true calling. Imagine living a life where your intuition guides every step, where you draw in clients who value your gift, who pay you in full and stay for life, and where your purpose brings deep heartfelt soul fulfilment and financial freedom - doing what you love. Life Purpose Accelerator doors close next week and we do just this, get you on divine purpose, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Ask for Help. Angels are celestial beings how protect everyone and the fairies say now is the time for you to ask for Angelic assistance.
No more doing this on your own. No more holding it all. No more trying to fit the old paradigm into the new - it simply will not work so do not try! With this - the Fae asking the Angels - this is your sign of ‘yes’ - what you’ve been thinking about is correct. You need to try something completely out of the box - something you haven’t done before. It’s on your mind, your soul is definitely guiding you - heck, you’re even having dreams about it! The Fae Realm and the Angelic Realm are very different realms - sure same ‘world’ - but different realms and you’re being asked and guided to truly take the leap of faith and take a pathway you’ve not thought about until now, train your skills in something you haven’t done before and follow your Soul this time, instead of your logic mind. I am also getting the message to not get distracted right now and I know that sounds contradictory to what I just said. However, there is a difference between doing something that is old and outdated that is trying to achieve different results by doing the same thing and then there is dedication of what has worked in the past and what does work for you now to trying something completely new - meaning - the Fae and the Angelic realms are ‘same worlds - but different’. You’re being asked to step outside your realm and seek the other realms for support. For example instead of a psychologist - use a trained healer. For example instead of the chemical sprays, try the organic sprays. Instead of polyester, try cotton. Instead of meat, go vegan for a while. Same worlds different realms. It is similar but different and your heart is asking you to listen deeply to what you’re being guided to do - it’s different, but not that different. This - is a frequently loading that is coming in for you to remember that you’ve shifted and now you’re being asked to step up and remember that you have changed, the world around you has changed and… things are way better than they were and getting better so now is the time for tweaking to match and meet this changes. They will amplify what you’re already doing and this is your sign that - it’s time to do this. You’ve already been getting nudges and as soon as you ‘say yes’ the Universe will open up pathways about it you haven’t seen before ‘right in front of you’ - because you simply ‘changed and opened your mind’ and magic happens when you do this sooooo… what do you decide? What do you choose? Love xxx You’re seeing things more clearly, feeling that wave of change rise within you, and you’re ready to answer the call. It’s time to elevate, to step into your purpose with full alignment, and to create a life that’s both deeply fulfilling and purposefully prosperous asf. This is about extraordinary - about happiness and about aligning with your soul’s true calling. Imagine living a life where your intuition guides every step, where you draw in clients who value your gift, who pay you in full and stay for life, and where your purpose brings deep heartfelt soul fulfilment and financial freedom - doing what you love. Life Purpose Accelerator doors close next week and we do just this, get you on divine purpose, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: Abundance. Prepare yourself for incoming abundance! Release any mental blocks you may have. In Fairyland and human land, there is enough abundance for everyone.
The change you’re making now (or considering making) are leading you to the answers to your prayers, pay attention to the subtle signs as this is your intuition guiding you through your thoughts, feelings and what you are experiencing in your day to day reality. The thoughts are not made up, those brilliant ideas are your intuition guiding you - your claircognisent. Abundance is many things and right now I am getting the message for you to trust that Abundance right now for you is about following and trusting flow. That means you can be doing 10 things at once - and you are actually in flow. So instead of looking and beating yourself up for this - look it as a Priestess/Wizard skill. You have a gift for following flow, for seeing the intricate weavings of the web of energetics of the synchronistic flow of life - you have a gift for seeing what people need before they need, of seeing the divine connection of all living things all interwoven together, of the calling of people’s hearts and what is their Purpose - of what you are wanting to do that is leading you to your divine inheritance - of doing what you love and making a good living from it. You’re born for this and the Abundance that you seek is in following the callings of your Soul and right now you’re being asked to open and trust this ‘wholeheartedly’. Recently, your heart has been opening and healing deeply. You have had it shut for quite some time but you’re willing to do the work and have made huge leaps and bounds in a very short amount of time and you’re being asked to see this and witness how amazing you are. The more you do this, the more people will see you differently and your entire reality will shift. See yourself as abundant as fuck, see yourself as a rich as fuck queen/king and you’ll start experiencing it. Clients will come out of the blue and book in with you - and you’l be ready. See yourself as loving and kind, and deeply appreciate yourself, be kind to yourself and take care of yourself no matter what and new love will walk into your life and be the reflection you’ve been offering to the Universe. You’re being asked to remember this truth and to take your power back in what you are creating in the world around you - you’re a powerful being and you reclaiming your power? Is you reclaiming your abundance. The doors are opening for you - open your arms to receive and truly let yourself choose this new life - your ideas are correct, follow them. Love xxx You’re seeing things more clearly, feeling that wave of change rise within you, and you’re ready to answer the call. It’s time to elevate, to step into your purpose with full alignment, and to create a life that’s both deeply fulfilling and purposefully prosperous asf. This is about extraordinary - about happiness and about aligning with your soul’s true calling. Imagine living a life where your intuition guides every step, where you draw in clients who value your gift, who pay you in full and stay for life, and where your purpose brings deep heartfelt soul fulfilment and financial freedom - doing what you love. Life Purpose Accelerator doors close next week and we do just this, get you on divine purpose, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: Hope. Hope is always there, even if we can’t see it. Optimistic expectations can help change a negative situation into a positive one.
Rainbows, doves, sparkles of light, wind that catches your attention as it touches your face. These are all signs that every thing is going to be okay - that everything is working out for you, that you’ve made the right choice and - ‘Optimistic expectations can help change a negative situation into a positive one.’ The only negativity is other people’s expectations and opinion of your choices. You’re being asked to not just stay positive about your situation - but to continually choose to focus on the positive - not avoiding feelings and trying to slap positivity over negativity - you know where I stand on that, but as a place to truly choose the Hope, the Love, the Joy, the Positivity. You have the power to exponentially shift what you’re experiencing right now and this message has come to you today to, today and moving forward, consciously choose the positive. There is a time and a place for deep heavy healing and feeling of the past to release it and today, you’re being asked to consciously choose the positive. Not even give one last look at the past, just choose to focus on moving forward choose to consciously seek out and find the happy and positive in every situation you are in and experiencing right now. In the darkest of days - Hope, is the piece that lifts us up. People say it is Love - but without Hope, there is no thought of Love. Hope of love, hope of a better life, hope of a new beginning, hope of a new destination - is hope is the thought that allows all the rest to actually come in - hope is like the cotton thread that pierces the darkness and lifts you up that allows your eyes to open to see the light that is awaiting to enter your life. You are being shown what is possible right now and even though you might not see ‘how’ all you need to do is continue to draw on Hope, continue to believe that good things are on their way and be so conscious of all the amazing good things that you’re experiencing right now that are already here. The more you seek the positive, the more you drop into gratitude of the place in your journey where you have found yourself right now - the more the Universe will give you things to be grateful for, the more positive experiences you will have - what focus are you feeding to expand on? This concept allows your Life Purpose to rapidly accelerate towards you - because you are choosing to let in all the good pieces and actually receive them - right now - about exactly where you are right now. This is a GOLDEN KEY to actually even finding your purpose and allowing all that is for you ON your purpose to find it’s way to you. Because when you think about it - your Life Purpose is ‘all the good things you want’ - and so by allowing yourself to open up to the good and CHOOSE to focus on the good now - no matter what external circumstances look like, then you automatically jump to the timeline of your purpose and open the floodgates of your life to be good now - because truly? It is. If it is not, it is your perception of it that is not. We will always desire more things for ourselves during our lives, but if you cannot receive what you have right now, you won’t be able to receive what’s coming for you - what you’re desiring that is already on it’s way to you now - Hope. Positive. Consciously CHOOSING that now - seeking it out, for what you are seeking is seeking you. Love xxx You’re seeing things more clearly, feeling that wave of change rise within you, and you’re ready to answer the call. It’s time to elevate, to step into your purpose with full alignment, and to create a life that’s both deeply fulfilling and purposefully prosperous asf. This is about extraordinary - about happiness and about aligning with your soul’s true calling. Imagine living a life where your intuition guides every step, where you draw in clients who value your gift, who pay you in full and stay for life, and where your purpose brings deep heartfelt soul fulfilment and financial freedom - doing what you love. Life Purpose Accelerator doors close next week and we do just this, get you on divine purpose, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator