🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 2nd April 2024 Eclipse Season Vibes 🍂🌕🌏☀️🌷
Apr 02, 2024
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 2nd April 2024 Eclipse Season Vibes 🍂🌕🌏☀️🌷
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today, to see what message is awaiting you from the Archangels today 🤍
This is for you if you can feel yourself in huge transition in your life right now, whether you are moving through a relationship break up, divorce, career change or some other big move that you’ve just made in your life.
This is for you if you know you’re born for more, if you’ve always known you’d be a millionaire, doing what you love because you love it, helping others in some way shape or form - loving and living the fuck out of your life, living life by design. This is for you if you’ve always felt like the black sheep of the family or like people don’t understand you.
This is for you if the people around you suddenly are tearing you down and it’s come out of the blue, complete side swiped and a little bit challenging - but you’re holding it.
This is who you’ve always been.. but now you’re holding this power that you’ve hidden away for too long, this is, the iteration of your highest self and you’re being it, you’re living it - the lunar eclipse has worked her magic - wait until the dawning total solar eclipse!
Unhook Me is for you if this has been in deep resonance with you, we start this week, the 4 days leading up to the eclipse, this is a big one, you won't want to miss this, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Three of Michael. ‘Release the past. You will grow from this situation. Time heals all wounds.’
First of all - I do not believe for one second that time heals all wounds - it definitely does not. Stuff is just buried and rears it’s head at a later date. Healing heals wounds, not time. Right now - sooo much is releasing from your life, you don’t even want to say it but you can feel you’re just waiting for the next thing, because far out - sooo much has happened and let go from you in the last couple of weeks and even though you’re holding your head high and holding the damn line, it is just. A. Lot. HUGS. It is HUGE eclipsing shit out of your life stage and literally like a dimension shift that you cannot take anything with you into this next life. I am getting the message that you feel like you’ve done wrong, that it was your fault, that everything has always been the way you did things and it was you and this message is no, it was not your fault and it is time to let all of this go. Let go of the guilt, let go of the past changes, let go of the thinking you could’ve done it differently because the reality is - it is all as it is. You will feel like you have no one around you, you will feel like there is just…. nothing…. it actually feels really weird for you - like you are in two different places right now - two different realities. It’s like you’re flicking into two deep realities at the same time and it is the… strangest feeling when you really sink into it, but you haven’t really let yourself because you’re not sure if you’ll come back from this one. I ask you - what one do you choose? This is a timeline split and time is shifting for you. And the thing is honey - you get to choose where you want to go from here. I feel like you’ve been ‘feeling old’ or - your environment around you ‘feels old’ and it is that you have outgrown this and this ‘weird’ feeling is because your energy and self is in ‘the new reality’ but at times you ‘drop’ back to present reality and is like, ‘geez, has this been what it actually is that I have been actually in?!’ - and what this is, is your frequency shift - you are vibrating differently you have moved your physical and energetic vibration to a place where you have outgrown your current circumstances and I want to say, I know you feel like you just can’t anymore… but just. Keep. Going. Keep. Going. One. Breath. At. A. Time. Keep. Going. Even though it feels like you’re walking in mud and some, you’ve got this. You so do. I am getting the message to grieve as much as you need to at this time, but to also stay… FOCUSED on where you are going on what you’re choosing for your life from here on after - it feels so important as you let this old reality go.. that you are so focused on where you want to go. At the same time - let yourself drop pinto the grief. Sounds contradictory and is a skill.. you’re not ignoring the ‘bad’ feelings… you’re feeling them in their fullness. And you’re moving the fuck on with your life because holding onto this isn’t serving you anymore and that… is why you’re here reading this. I love you. Love xxx This is for you if you can feel yourself in huge transition in your life right now, whether you are moving through a relationship break up, divorce, career change or some other big move that you’ve just made in your life. This is for you if you know you’re born for more, if you’ve always known you’d be a millionaire, doing what you love because you love it, helping others in some way shape or form - loving and living the fuck out of your life, living life by design. This is for you if you’ve always felt like the black sheep of the family or like people don’t understand you. This is for you if the people around you suddenly are tearing you down and it’s come out of the blue, complete side swiped and a little bit challenging - but you’re holding it. This is who you’ve always been.. but now you’re holding this power that you’ve hidden away for too long, this is, the iteration of your highest self and you’re being it, you’re living it - the lunar eclipse has worked her magic - wait until the dawning total solar eclipse! Unhook Me is for you if this has been in deep resonance with you, we start this week, the 4 days leading up to the eclipse, this is a big one, you won't want to miss this, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me
Card #2: Three of Ariel. ‘Do what you love! A time of great personal growth in your career or artistic endeavours. Working with others in a cooperative manner.’
If it’s meant to be - it is up to you to make it happen. Not, if it’s meant to be, it will be. No. This is a strong message that it is time for a dedicated action plan and no more dilly dallying around. You’ve got dreams to make reality and goals to make your persistency in all of your endeavours. You’re being guided right now - your intuition has been extremely heightened recently right? Or, for quite some time, but you’re just only what seems like now, noticing how actually psychic you are becoming in your life. It is like your psychic skills have upped a notch or ten! I am sensing too, you’re really clear on where you’re going in life and what you’re doing, but you also need a plan to put that into action or to MAKE the time, rather than waiting for the right time. There is one particular project, that has been on your mind, more so in this last week that keeps coming back to your mind, this is important to start - today, and to make a daily habit until it is done. I know you’re ‘full’, I know you have a lot going on - but also - this now gets to be a priority. I am getting the message it was on your mind mid-late last year, and you were unable to get it done then… now is the time and it is this MAKING time for it now, is what is going to ‘move everything else out the way for you’. Remember, when you follow what your Soul is guiding you to do as priority, everything else takes care of itself. This is a strong message right now as it is the ‘answer’ to every other ‘problem’ you have going on at this time. It is okay to dedicate time this too - I feel there is a part of you wondering if you are ready, but the answer is - you’ll never be ready… we become ready, by just doing the thing. Feel the fear and just do it anyway. You were born for this. Love xxx This is for you if you can feel yourself in huge transition in your life right now, whether you are moving through a relationship break up, divorce, career change or some other big move that you’ve just made in your life. This is for you if you know you’re born for more, if you’ve always known you’d be a millionaire, doing what you love because you love it, helping others in some way shape or form - loving and living the fuck out of your life, living life by design. This is for you if you’ve always felt like the black sheep of the family or like people don’t understand you. This is for you if the people around you suddenly are tearing you down and it’s come out of the blue, complete side swiped and a little bit challenging - but you’re holding it. This is who you’ve always been.. but now you’re holding this power that you’ve hidden away for too long, this is, the iteration of your highest self and you’re being it, you’re living it - the lunar eclipse has worked her magic - wait until the dawning total solar eclipse! Unhook Me is for you if this has been in deep resonance with you, we start this week, the 4 days leading up to the eclipse, this is a big one, you won't want to miss this, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me
Card #3: The Empress. Archangel Gabriel. “Time to act upon your plans! Creativity is rewarded. Luxurious or abundant resources.”
Your ideas? Correct. Your next move? Correct. In alignment with your Soul’s Life Purpose path - it is ALWAYS correct. And you’ll feel a little bit wobbly at the start, a little bit nervous, you’re putting yourself out there in a way you’ve never done, you’re saying what’s REALLY on your mind, you’re rattling cages by finally being yourself and this time… you’re not faltering. You’ve never been more sure of yourself, you’ve never been more confident, you’ve never been more in alignment than you’ve ever felt before and THAT is why.. this is the right path for you. The path you’re meant to go on, will always be one that you don’t know the outcome, you can’t see it, it isn’t certain - but on a soul level, it is the ONLY path you can walk and you do, because you cannot not do this thing. You’re One Of A Kind and you’re definitely a person who remembers your deep Soul Purpose, even if you’re not conscious that you do - you’re way more intuitive than you give yourself credit for, so deeply trust yourself with what you’re doing right now. You’re breaking through invisible barriers right now - the ones that have held you captive in a particular reality for a long time, that you have been working on breaking through the cap for a long time and you’re already out the other side, you just have to really realise this to ‘finish the final pull down to this reality’ (dreams to reality). This energy is particularly important for you at this time - the energy is there, all the pieces are there it is now up to you to ‘let it fully embody into who you truly are’. You’ve had HUGE energetic shifts lately - you’ve let go of your mum, you’ve let go of your dad, you’ve let go of family, you’ve let go of those closest to you - energetically and deep inside you - you can feel you ‘relate’ to them differently. Something snapped, something changed and you’re not who you used to be to them anymore. You’re just not. If this feels strange to you or almost scary - like the ‘snap’ is you ‘just don’t care anymore’ - like you do, but you don’t, it is hard to describe this feeling.. it is the shift in the relationship dynamics you have with them and it is a new and very different feeling. The ‘just don’t care anymore’ feeling is more the deep shift in change in ‘how’ you’re caring. You’re not over extending yourself anymore to them, you’re not putting yourself last anymore. That era? Is done. Gone. Like you can fully feel THIS. And THIS is the change. It is ‘Time to act upon your plans! Creativity is rewarded. Luxurious or abundant resources.’ - this. Is your focus. And it is… Creativity is rewarded. Luxurious or abundant resources. Embrace this ‘new’ feeling… it is just you - stepping into your power and becoming who you’ve always know yourself to be. Let it birth fully, knowing that you’re changing the entire world as you do so. Love xxx This is for you if you can feel yourself in huge transition in your life right now, whether you are moving through a relationship break up, divorce, career change or some other big move that you’ve just made in your life. This is for you if you know you’re born for more, if you’ve always known you’d be a millionaire, doing what you love because you love it, helping others in some way shape or form - loving and living the fuck out of your life, living life by design. This is for you if you’ve always felt like the black sheep of the family or like people don’t understand you. This is for you if the people around you suddenly are tearing you down and it’s come out of the blue, complete side swiped and a little bit challenging - but you’re holding it. This is who you’ve always been.. but now you’re holding this power that you’ve hidden away for too long, this is, the iteration of your highest self and you’re being it, you’re living it - the lunar eclipse has worked her magic - wait until the dawning total solar eclipse! Unhook Me is for you if this has been in deep resonance with you, we start this week, the 4 days leading up to the eclipse, this is a big one, you won't want to miss this, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me
Card #4: Page of Raphael. Gentle, Loving, Dream, Openhearted. ‘A new emotional situation! Messages regarding relationships or social invitations. Great intuitive insights.’
Is there a new relationship around? Are you.. in love? For what feels like the first time? It feels like - this is what it has always meant to have felt like right? This is… what you left all the crap behind for and made some really hard choices and worked through the ‘breaking the family up’ to say the least, you KNEW that you were being guided to bigger and better things, that you KNEW what a relationship is/was supposed to be like and you made the changes your Soul was guiding you to do and you have been not rewarded - this is a by-product for following your Soul - this is dreams come true material, this is, what you have done all the work for. This is what your HEART KNEW and this.. is to be soaked up and immersed in (oh, you already are! :) ). I also feel like you’ve just had a revelation ‘about your dreams’ lately too. Something you thought you wanted and ‘have been working all these years for’ - has suddenly dropped out of your drive - meaning like, for the last few years, you’ve been conflicted over ‘what you thought you had to do for your Soul’s mission’ compared to ‘the path you’re on now that feels so right’ and compared to what you thought for your Soul’s mission - this past Soul’s mission feels so heavy and ‘so much work’ - whilst anything is work, just.. heavy work. Whereas what you are doing now and what feels soooo right and sooo light, you’re questioning it because of this and no - this is the new reality - the timelines have shifted (I said this in Wild Spirit) and these new timelines have opened, because reality has shifted THAT much, that the purpose you were ‘born into’ - has now shifted gears to a new ‘almost back up life path’ - but this was a path chosen by you ‘if’ humanity reached a certain level of consciousness and then ‘everything’ changed because it did and it has.. about 12-18 months ago it was the ‘start’ of it and now it is really landing. I am getting the message, fully drop into this space with deep trust, with a huge open heart, knowing that this is sooo right for you (not that I have to tell you, you haven’t felt so aligned in like ever!) and that this is indeed, the best and most aligned path for you to take and follow now. Humanity is trained that it has be hard work - but your purpose is not that. Not the overall feeling… and you’ve found this, opened your heart, done the work now.. enjoy it and ‘follow it all the way home’. Love xxx This is for you if you can feel yourself in huge transition in your life right now, whether you are moving through a relationship break up, divorce, career change or some other big move that you’ve just made in your life. This is for you if you know you’re born for more, if you’ve always known you’d be a millionaire, doing what you love because you love it, helping others in some way shape or form - loving and living the fuck out of your life, living life by design. This is for you if you’ve always felt like the black sheep of the family or like people don’t understand you. This is for you if the people around you suddenly are tearing you down and it’s come out of the blue, complete side swiped and a little bit challenging - but you’re holding it. This is who you’ve always been.. but now you’re holding this power that you’ve hidden away for too long, this is, the iteration of your highest self and you’re being it, you’re living it - the lunar eclipse has worked her magic - wait until the dawning total solar eclipse! Unhook Me is for you if this has been in deep resonance with you, we start this week, the 4 days leading up to the eclipse, this is a big one, you won't want to miss this, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me
Card #5: Eight of Raphael. ‘There is something better waiting for you! Do what you know is right for you. A spiritual quest.'
What have you committed to and then turned your back on? Now is not the time to throw the baby out with the bath water! All that work you have done, was not for waste - but what is wasted is your old consciousness that is shedding making you feel like you want to throw everything away - especially the things that making you face yourself in the mirror that is the… hardest thing to do. We want to grow spiritually, financially and emotionally, but at the slightest trigger you throw it all away and blame the person in front of you instead of deeply looking inside of yourself. The real spiritual quest is facing what your heart is showing you through the mirrors of people showing up on your spiritual quest. When we go through relationship evolution, the stages of relationship feel like a break up - but this it the honey moon phase wearing off - don’t throw the baby out with the bath water - but instead grow into emotional maturity realising that this is a shift in relationship growth and that this is taking you into a stable, more emotionally intelligent part of your evolution in this relationship. If you throw the baby out now, you’re going to repeat this lesson again and again until it sticks… walk through this hard phase, because it is shedding the maiden part of you and allowing you to own your power, rather than being triggered by it. You’ve made some REALLY hard choices lately and I am sensing there are some more REALLY hard ones coming up, but they won’t be as hard as what you have just walked through. If you’re feeling it from not just one source - but all sources - or so many you’re finding yourself flicking and reacting rather than consciously choosing, now is not the time to act. Rather to drop down into the well of your heart, that you’re so ferociously covering up right now. It is here you must rest, in the deep well of your heart. It is not those in front of you, but that person who you are, deep inside of you, screaming out for attention. This… is about you honey. Go there with her/him. They are waiting for you. Love xxx This is for you if you can feel yourself in huge transition in your life right now, whether you are moving through a relationship break up, divorce, career change or some other big move that you’ve just made in your life. This is for you if you know you’re born for more, if you’ve always known you’d be a millionaire, doing what you love because you love it, helping others in some way shape or form - loving and living the fuck out of your life, living life by design. This is for you if you’ve always felt like the black sheep of the family or like people don’t understand you. This is for you if the people around you suddenly are tearing you down and it’s come out of the blue, complete side swiped and a little bit challenging - but you’re holding it. This is who you’ve always been.. but now you’re holding this power that you’ve hidden away for too long, this is, the iteration of your highest self and you’re being it, you’re living it - the lunar eclipse has worked her magic - wait until the dawning total solar eclipse! Unhook Me is for you if this has been in deep resonance with you, we start this week, the 4 days leading up to the eclipse, this is a big one, you won't want to miss this, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me
Card #6: Knight of Gabriel. Confident. Enthusiastic. Courageous. Charismatic. ‘Time to take action! Great passion for a cause. Instinctively just knowing what to do.’
You do - know exactly what you need to do. You may think you don’t know what to do, but you actually do. The horse she is riding on this card - Horses are deeply about taking your power back, they are also very much about Heart Healing. You are in a space where you are finally feeling the depth and solidarity of your power. It is here - this is just the strongest message - you know exactly what you have to do. You may not know all the little detail steps (but maybe you do too!) but this, you just know what you have to do. You have stepped into a place where you trust your intuition more than you ever have before, you have come to a place in your heart, where you are so clear on what you want. You are seeing relationship dynamics for what they truly are, you are also choosing what relationship dynamics you want to play in, from this very clear place and with this - so many are dropping away. Stay here. Hold the line here. You’re born for this and you’ve received your crown, your initiation is done and you’re heading into a vortex that takes you to another plane of existence that only the 1% go. You’ve been through the darkness and found the light at the end of the tunnel, that you’re not living into this next phase of your life with such clarity, nothing can pull you from this place now. And this.. is to be celebrated. You’ve reached this next level of your life and you’re here to stay. Archangel Gabriel is known for helping you with your creative endeavours, birthing projects and/or babies and writing - whether a book, blog of working in journalism. You’re being asked to channel your gifts to Earth. You began, now you can continue and pick up where you left of. Your voice is calling to be heard in a different light, a different way and deeply coming into your space of who you truly are. Let yourself rise, let yourself be seen, this is your era to shine. Love xxx This is for you if you can feel yourself in huge transition in your life right now, whether you are moving through a relationship break up, divorce, career change or some other big move that you’ve just made in your life. This is for you if you know you’re born for more, if you’ve always known you’d be a millionaire, doing what you love because you love it, helping others in some way shape or form - loving and living the fuck out of your life, living life by design. This is for you if you’ve always felt like the black sheep of the family or like people don’t understand you. This is for you if the people around you suddenly are tearing you down and it’s come out of the blue, complete side swiped and a little bit challenging - but you’re holding it. This is who you’ve always been.. but now you’re holding this power that you’ve hidden away for too long, this is, the iteration of your highest self and you’re being it, you’re living it - the lunar eclipse has worked her magic - wait until the dawning total solar eclipse! Unhook Me is for you if this has been in deep resonance with you, we start this week, the 4 days leading up to the eclipse, this is a big one, you won't want to miss this, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me