🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 2nd January 2024 Happy New Year 🥂
Jan 02, 2024
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 2nd January 2024 Happy New Year 🥂
Scroll down to see what message is awaiting you there today from the Archangel Power Tarot Oracle for you today.
You’re ready, you’re fire, you’re clear and you know who you are. You have a mission, a purpose and you know you’re here to do big things in the world. You’re tired of playing small, ready to bust open that cocoon and go bigger than you already are, the world stage calls you and you know it is here you shine best. 2024 is your year to not do it alone anymore, you know you’re ready for mentor, ready to invest, go all in, take the soul risk of your heart’s desires because you back yourself the ENTIRE way and you know that this, is what you were born for and are ready to be fully supported in doing so, click here for Life Purpose Accelerator, enrolments are open for 2024: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen đź‘‘
Card #1: Knight of Gabriel. Confident, Enthusiastic, Courageous, Charismatic. “Time to take action! Great Passion for a cause. Instinctively knowing just what to do.”
You are clear in your purpose, your direction and your focus. I was going to say, even if you don’t know all the details you know the direction you need to go in, but I am feeling - you’ve just had some aha moments this last few days (last day of last year even?!) and it has all become clear - things you didn’t think of before that ‘just make sense’ and everything feels like it is falling into place for you, you just…. need to take action now! The things you aren’t clear on, I feel like you’ve really come into your power of trusting that the answers are coming and that you’re not stressed about ‘when they come in’ (mostly!) because you’re walking in full faith, trust and (extended, very stretched faith at times!) because you’ve learnt to ride these waves, to ride the ebs and flows and know that the tide always comes back in, but in the low tide, it can be very challenging. I feel there is a mentor or guide around you that it is important to plug into and use more than you have been recently, like time to amp it up - you have them there, so why aren’t you taking more action in this space too? I always seem to say it, but will say it again - make a very disciplined plan - those who are just starting to get out of ‘the mess they currently find their life in’ will usually have to work very hard (unless you’re willing to delegate every single task in the beginning) then it will take discipline, a strong solid routine, willingness to get where you want to go and taking action every single day, whether you feel like it or not. Archangel Gabriel is the Archangel of birthing new creations in the world (or a baby), the start of new projects, creative projects like writing, photography, journalism or something else and is also the nurturer. This is your time to nurture yourself and/or your project to fruition, the energy is ripe, it is a new year, new you and your intuition - is right on point with the direction you are destined to go in, because let’s be real…. this year - is about your destiny coming to fruition right? So, what is that detailed plan then? It’s already the second day of the year - don’t let a week go by without you starting your disciplined routine… otherwise it will be 2025 before you know it! Where do you want to be then? Soooo, start today… and everyday - COMMIT and make it happen, only you can do this. Love xxx You’re ready, you’re fire, you’re clear and you know who you are. You have a mission, a purpose and you know you’re here to do big things in the world. You’re tired of playing small, ready to bust open that cocoon and go bigger than you already are, the world stage calls you and you know it is here you shine best. 2024 is your year to not do it alone anymore, you know you’re ready for mentor, ready to invest, go all in, take the soul risk of your heart’s desires because you back yourself the ENTIRE way and you know that this, is what you were born for and are ready to be fully supported in doing so, click here for Life Purpose Accelerator, enrolments are open for 2024: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Ten of Gabriel. “Ask your angels for helpful people to lighten your load. Working too many hours. Trying too hard to please others.”
It’s time to receive help! I feel like you have an idea or ideas and know you can delegate… but don’t?! What is with that? Is it timing? Have you been waiting? Well, it is a New Year, so no need to wait around anymore! I also feel you have someone around you that is like a Guardian Angel to you - or someone in the Spirit World is a strong Guardian Angel for you. This Guardian Angel is coming through so strongly for you - but it has to do with fire - what does fire mean to you? It is either something happened with fire or this is the passionate fire that is about to be lit or has been lit and it is time to let yourself receive help at this time so you can focus on your passionate fire or the fire is about heat in your body - are you needing more heat (detox/sauna) or something to do with the heat (moving to a hotter location perhaps?!). Regardless of which message resonates most with you out of those (a few strong messages there!) it is important to be asking for help at this time. 2024 is a year for you - it is not about doing it on your own anymore. Even simple small changes around the home or workplace can make a huge difference. Perhaps it is the ‘way’ you work, perhaps it is increasing your worth and your rates, perhaps it is raising your standards in the way you take care of yourself - regardless, it is an important time for you to be increasing ‘space’ in your life - for you = a happier you. Because you’ve been carrying the load for too long - not even just on your own (or maybe so), but something has shifted in the way you’re caring for yourself, taking care of yourself and taking responsibility for your life and it is changing everything! You can nurture yourself more and that… is a relief right?! This ‘Guardian Angel’ I feel part of the message here is that they have been nudging you to make these changes for quite some time and ‘only now’ you’re doing it. They are by your side through these changes and it’s very clear what you have to do now, so as you do so - know they are supporting you, are your biggest cheerleaders, biggest support person and can be engaged to help behind the scenes so everything goes smoothly through this change. And I want to add, that is strongly coming through - get ready for big change, because it is on your doorstep! The help is coming in (and you’re accepting it/making it happen) because changes are happening and this is the help you’ve needed - it’s coming in, because you’re taking action, regardless on whether you have help or not and because to this - attracting the help you need (on sooo many levels!), so be sure to accept it when it comes knocking! Oh, and last message - LET people help you. It is all well and good to nod your head and say, ‘Yes Hannah, I will when it arrives and is already here!’ but… be sure to not take over or take control back - LET yourself receive it for goodness sake, for it is signs to the Universe, you are ready to receive more! Feel the guilt and receive the help anyway if you need a mantra - but LET IT IN! Acknowledge it, celebrate it and open your arms to receive! Love xxx You’re ready, you’re fire, you’re clear and you know who you are. You have a mission, a purpose and you know you’re here to do big things in the world. You’re tired of playing small, ready to bust open that cocoon and go bigger than you already are, the world stage calls you and you know it is here you shine best. 2024 is your year to not do it alone anymore, you know you’re ready for mentor, ready to invest, go all in, take the soul risk of your heart’s desires because you back yourself the ENTIRE way and you know that this, is what you were born for and are ready to be fully supported in doing so, click here for Life Purpose Accelerator, enrolments are open for 2024: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: Two of Ariel. “It’s important to have balance! Working multiple jobs or projects at once. Making work fun.”
I feel like you’ve let go… of everything! And it - whatever ‘it’ is for you.. is finding it’s own balance. You know how when we push something for a certain time and then loses it’s oomph? It is not that you give it up.. it is that - there is a better way. And not what you have been doing is ‘bad’, it is just that when you reach a certain level and/or peak it is that it is set for expansion and the old way and structure doesn’t work anymore, because the way you were doing it, was only to reach this peak to expand to the next level right?! Now… sometimes it can feel like we lose all hope and we do and important to ‘travel’ this… and know that you are shifting something out that when we ‘let it all go’ for a moment or a day or a week or a month, know that you’re letting it recalibrate to show you the way again - at this new level. Because.. this… is ‘not you’ - it is channeling through you from Spirit - you are an instrument of God’s direction, of the magical, mystical and deeply profoundly powerful energy that is here to shift, change, transform and enlighten the consciousness of humanity in someway shape or form right?! YESSSSS. So know that you are gifted, multi-talented, extremely intuitive and right on course. Everything you’ve done has not gone to waste (I know you know this deep down) and.. you’re shifting to a new level and direction, even though you know and you don’t know the exact details yet… and in the mean time, it is time to have some FUN - perhaps you did over New Years - but this is more about - the ENTIRE YEAR OF FUN. This year - your ‘word’ - could be FUN - (or choose your word of choice of course!). The balance - is not about all work and no play - more play and less work this year! I feel you’re setting yourself up to do this, expanding into investments, the way you spend your money, finding other avenues of income with ease and grace from people you know and trust and are allowing other ways of doing life to ‘show you the way’. It feels like you’ve had a good run in the past mostly, but… this year is… the year of acceleration and exponential expansion this year right? And.. that.. requires a bucket load more FUN, because we KNOW that is where the creative flow is! Here’s to your year of 2024 of FUN!!! With ease, grace, joy and flow do all the hard working days and hours, show you the way to have exponential FUN along the way AT the same time.. not waiting until the end of the year for it! Love xxx You’re ready, you’re fire, you’re clear and you know who you are. You have a mission, a purpose and you know you’re here to do big things in the world. You’re tired of playing small, ready to bust open that cocoon and go bigger than you already are, the world stage calls you and you know it is here you shine best. 2024 is your year to not do it alone anymore, you know you’re ready for mentor, ready to invest, go all in, take the soul risk of your heart’s desires because you back yourself the ENTIRE way and you know that this, is what you were born for and are ready to be fully supported in doing so, click here for Life Purpose Accelerator, enrolments are open for 2024: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Nine of Ariel. “Your dreams are fulfilled! Hard work leads to great success. A love for the beautiful things in life."
I am hearing ‘don’t rest on your laurels’! And.. this is the year the hard work of the past pays off - but don’t rest on your laurels right now. It feels like now is the time to push harder than you did in the start when you very first began - of course work smarter not harder - but at the same time, this is about harding up the smart part! Ha, that doesn’t even make sense! Or maybe it does to you! You know what I am trying to say - like when you’re running a marathon and you sprint at the end - THAT - THIS is what I am talking about is your 2024! Sooooo, if you weren’t resting on your laurels, what does that look like for you? What does your SPRINT look like for you? And it’s not even just now - but the entire year and even beyond that. You’ve had your rest now, now time to up your game but.. I feel like you’re feeling a bit…. flat? Like you’ve lost your ompfh or direction or something… hmmm, not direction, maybe just flat? I feel that you’re shifting something out of your body - have you been detoxing of some sort? Even from a relationship or environment? Have you moved house recently? I feel there is a tail end still dredging from your system from that - but even deeper - is there grief shifting through your body? Nine of Ariel is Dreams Come True - this year, it is this, more than ever - but you’re going to have to work for it! Meaning, there will be challenges - but this is GROWTH and if you look at it like this, you will rise to meet it, instead of running away from it, as in the past I feel you’ve put it in the too hard basket, said it was ‘hard or not right/aligned’ and yet, now you have a different perspective (that beautiful 2024 energy!) and now you’re poised for positive growth, rainbows, unicorns and fairytales - for real but! This is the energy surrounding you so this year, don’t let negativity drown your soul, distract you or pull you down. I feel this is the year that you rise to the top and with that, you will feel the entire spectrum at the same time. Know that your only job and focus, is to keep rising, stay focused on where you’re going and let the trail you’re leaving behind be full of rainbows, unicorns and fairy dust to transform those trying to pull you down. Have rainbows have been very strong lately for you? They are your sign that the decisions you’re making - are correct for you. Continue to trust your intuition, hold your ground and make the rainbows shine so bright you change the entire world! Love xxx You’re ready, you’re fire, you’re clear and you know who you are. You have a mission, a purpose and you know you’re here to do big things in the world. You’re tired of playing small, ready to bust open that cocoon and go bigger than you already are, the world stage calls you and you know it is here you shine best. 2024 is your year to not do it alone anymore, you know you’re ready for mentor, ready to invest, go all in, take the soul risk of your heart’s desires because you back yourself the ENTIRE way and you know that this, is what you were born for and are ready to be fully supported in doing so, click here for Life Purpose Accelerator, enrolments are open for 2024: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: New Beginnings. Archangel Jeremiel. “Starting a new life. Finding your purpose. A forgiving and compassionate review of the past.”
Something has shifted for you and you’re in a new vibrational frequency. The old is truly over and done with and you can feel it in your bones! You’ve raised your standards and whilst you used to ‘drop your standards’ - you just don’t anymore and something has deeply solidified in that. You won’t go back at any cost and it is having a huge impact on your reality and I want to say - keep moving forward in this new direction that feels oh so good now you’ve come out the other side of the transitionary frequency of realm/dimension - you literally have been in transition this last 4-5 even 6 months and the squeeze felt especially this last 3-4 weeks and now it is over… you’re free, you’re out the other side and now you are ‘breathing again’ it feels like. Archangel Jeremiel is the Archangel of the Third Eye, your Clairvoyance, Seeing the Future, Past and Present with truth and realisations, helping the truth of relationships and I am wondering if you have had some aha moments of ‘the truth of a relationship’ lately and are wanting to start a new beginning (or is this a new relationship with yourself and how you treat yourself/look after yourself?). It feels like a new beginning with something to do with a relationship - a clean slate perhaps? A new mentor? I am also feeling there has been some deep family healing throughout this Christmas period for you. Is there a deep wound that you feel you’ve healed now? The purple on the card is deeply connected to the Crown Chakra and the New Beginnings, new openings, new ideas, new ways of doing things and new ways of ‘connecting’. It is like you are not ‘feeding into the old family system’ anymore - this can be confirmed with something recently breaking or having been repaired (or even in the last few weeks) in the laundry or something to do with outside your home as it represents the generational ‘cut’ of the ties- and is not like ‘cut forever’ - or maybe you made some choices to set healthier boundaries so you can have a better relationship with yourself and where you are taking your lief - in a new direction! Without dragging the generational baggage along and that… usually requires a break from that which has been holding you back, family included. Something has ‘cut’ recently and you’re being given the chance at a New Beginning for your life - what is that? Trust this deep opening, it is time and the energies are set to support you, if you choose to take action in this direction you’re being given now. Let the past go and let Archangel Jeremiel show you the way (trust your intuition) and I am getting particularly pay attention to the clairvoyant messages you are receiving as you fall asleep or ‘see’ in your waking time in the physical world, even repetitive images/physical signs/online messages/images - notice them, they are signs. Love xxx You’re ready, you’re fire, you’re clear and you know who you are. You have a mission, a purpose and you know you’re here to do big things in the world. You’re tired of playing small, ready to bust open that cocoon and go bigger than you already are, the world stage calls you and you know it is here you shine best. 2024 is your year to not do it alone anymore, you know you’re ready for mentor, ready to invest, go all in, take the soul risk of your heart’s desires because you back yourself the ENTIRE way and you know that this, is what you were born for and are ready to be fully supported in doing so, click here for Life Purpose Accelerator, enrolments are open for 2024: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: Five of Ariel. “You needn’t go through your current challenges alone. Help is nearby! Negative thoughts create self-fulfilling prophecies!”
Ummm, this is your year to not do it on your own anymore. Courageous, strong you - but - this is about changing the dynamics you’ve been living in, by actually investing in YOURSELF. It feels like you give a lot away to everyone else, but yourself? You have been giving and giving but it doesn’t feel like you are actually receiving anything for yourself and it feels like this is the moment…. you decide. No more will you be drained by your giving! Soooo, what needs to change for you to not feel drained by your giving? Because, it is not that you don’t look after yourself and things HAVE been changing for the better - you’re noticing HUGE shifts in the way you ARE as a person compared to this time last year and it feels like you are still feeling drained and I will let you in on a little hint - that is because you are holding grief from a past event in your life that you actually haven’t healed from - hmmm, grieved from specifically and of course in the grieving - you heal. There is big change you’ve been through - the five - the number of life changes and it feels like now is the time to heal this because this… is the only reason you ‘feel drained’ is not actually a ‘drain’ but an exhaustion, because you’re trying to hold down this grief! And it is deep! You lost something that ‘was the perfect picture of something’ and… you had to leave it for whatever reason and this is the exhaustion - to the point it keeps you up at night! Phew! Talk about cyclic stagnation holding you back energetically! Archangel Ariel is in Winter in this card and I feel that as you grieve, you melt the ice, and will come into the Summer of your life. As we transition from one life stage to another it is like moving from winter to summer and it takes a bit of time to process the change - so make sure you do! Society is taught to zip it up, get on with it and push it down (or more so we have to, to cope!) and it is important to truly embrace the transition otherwise we have to face it later on in our life - and I feel this is what is going on for you now. So, you’re not being drained.. the exhaustion of ‘holding it down/holding it together’ feels like a drain, because anything that you ‘do receive’ goes straight into ‘holding it down’ and there is only so long we can do this for before our body is like, nope! Enough! And so, I give you this permission to ‘break down’ when the flows come - let the rivers of tears run for days… and fully let yourself dive into the Winter of this, for as you do, the ice melts and the sun comes back again to shine the warmth on your skin… but the ice needs to melt before that can happen! Love xxx You’re ready, you’re fire, you’re clear and you know who you are. You have a mission, a purpose and you know you’re here to do big things in the world. You’re tired of playing small, ready to bust open that cocoon and go bigger than you already are, the world stage calls you and you know it is here you shine best. 2024 is your year to not do it alone anymore, you know you’re ready for mentor, ready to invest, go all in, take the soul risk of your heart’s desires because you back yourself the ENTIRE way and you know that this, is what you were born for and are ready to be fully supported in doing so, click here for Life Purpose Accelerator, enrolments are open for 2024: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator