🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 2nd July 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jul 02, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 2nd July 2024 

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from The Starseed Oracle for you today. 

Investment increases in just a few hours for Selenite Membership Level for Life Purpose Legacy. If you want access to the high level mentoring and trainings, plus weekly coaching where you can get your questions answered by me to shift your money reality, create your best life ever and leave your legacy in the process, let alone access to the Inner Circle - gain immediate access to any course or meditation I release (no more fomo!) then this is for you, investment increasing in just a few hours, but if you lock in this membership price, the price increase, won’t affect you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: You’re Not Alone. Isolation. Physical Connection. Community. 

There is a difference between being alone and loneliness. Loneliness stems from unhealed woundings in your body & psyche and being alone is a power move, when healing in deep solitary to truly come into alignment with your Soul’s Life Purpose - that everything shows up on your path when you do. Archangel Chamuel, which is the Archangel of Life Purpose - is the one who shows you, that when you are truly on your unique Life Purpose - everything and anything you’ve ever wanted, shows up to support you and expand you further in the purpose of your life. From abundance in wealth, love, relationships, health, well-being, impact and purpose - you’re being shown right now what your life could be like and the next level expansion of that. This is what ‘You’re not alone’ - means. You’re in training, not alone. But… as you dive deep into the subconscious of healing your loneliness wounds and all the threads that stem to and from those wounds, you will feel alone - because that means you’re HEALING it. You feel it, to heal it. So allow this deep space of transformation you are in right now, because you are healing some deep old things, clearing the path and building a new foundation - one built on deep self love, deep potent power, self confidence, worth and all the places where woundings once lay - are now built from this place of power, of worth, of love… and it is creating a place of deep love for life. From this place, only good things are, will and have already come for you. You can still be in deep gratitude and healing from the deepest woundings at the same time. Sometimes it might feel like you’re bi-polar or losing your mind or losing every part of yourself that you’ve ever known and I guarantee you - this is the point. So you can clear the slate, allow your Soul to take the drivers seat and watch the magical divine unfoldment of your Life Purpose show you the way. You’re right on path right now, even though it might not feel like it - you actually are. And ultimately - deep down you also feel this. You know you’re healing deep wounds right now.. because you know what is on the other side of this - your dreams. That, is why you’re ‘here’ with it all. You’re moving THROUGH it - and that - is how we actually DO IT. Keep going, the light is here now and the final stages of the dregs are being cleared. You’ve got this - don’t quit right before the miracle occurs! #forreal Love xxx Investment increases in just a few hours for Selenite Membership Level for Life Purpose Legacy. If you want access to the high level mentoring and trainings, plus weekly coaching where you can get your questions answered by me to shift your money reality, create your best life ever and leave your legacy in the process, let alone access to the Inner Circle - gain immediate access to any course or meditation I release (no more fomo!) then this is for you, investment increasing in just a few hours, but if you lock in this membership price, the price increase, won’t affect you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #2: Star Bathing. Light Body. Crystal Grid. Transmission. Activation. 

When you are receiving upgrades, you might be floored with tiredness - this is because the light pouring through is ‘pushing out’ the old vibration - in the transmutation of the old frequency and dark heavy vibrations, to the lighter ones - the old carbon based to the new crystalline light bodies - is being transformed. Like when a baby is born - mother and baby are ‘exhausted’ and recover. You can definitely support your body upgrading, by detoxing your body, eating a high vibrational diet and choosing and deciding that you receive the upgrades with ease. However, I am getting the message to remind you that there isn’t anything wrong with you and what you actually need to do is take better care of yourself and….! The mindset shift around these upgrades. Your life isn’t falling apart, your life is being created in blissful alignment of your divine life purpose. Your life isn’t at it’s worst, it is recalibrating to create your best life ever! Your life isn’t disintegrating it is upgrading to hold the new foundation of what you truly want at this stage of the game of your life. Have you been star gazing lately? Or need to? There is something magical that happens under the stars - even driving out of town for a little way - you can see so many more stars and even just a few minutes of star gazing, can activate your crown chakra and pineal gland to a high frequency. When you do, choose to consciously allow the star frequency into your body, mind and soul and let yourself almost drop into a meditative state to ‘see what you are shown’. You might not have any conscious understanding in that moment (or you might also!) but you may have very vivid dreams and/or receive a lot of information in the coming days via your intuition psychically and physically in your day to day world. This card for you today, is also a sign that the intuitive insights, vision and feelings that you have been receiving lately (I feel has been soooooo incredibly clear for you!) are 100% on point, on track and in this ‘blip in time’ between the two Capricorn Full Moons - is very strong in what you are here to do - you are laying a potent foundation to accelerate this next stage of your Life Purpose - trust - trust so much you think you’re being delusional in your dreams - as I’ve been sharing in Master Manifestor - THAT is how reality is created. It's time for delusional as FUCK. Love xxx Investment increases in just a few hours for Selenite Membership Level for Life Purpose Legacy. If you want access to the high level mentoring and trainings, plus weekly coaching where you can get your questions answered by me to shift your money reality, create your best life ever and leave your legacy in the process, let alone access to the Inner Circle - gain immediate access to any course or meditation I release (no more fomo!) then this is for you, investment increasing in just a few hours, but if you lock in this membership price, the price increase, won’t affect you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #3: Cracked Open. Rock Bottom. Surrender to the Alchemy of Life. 

You… are here now. You… are being picked up by Spirit right now. In the depths of your surrender to your SOUL - you are being redirected to a path that is more suited for your ACTUAL life purpose - not a carbon copy version of what path you WERE on - that, has been stripped away from you because you put out a call for what YOU are supposed to do here on Earth - not copying what others are doing and it is here, that you have been taken to the depths because you are deeply now - in alignment with your Unique Path. It is not where you were going - almost like, all your most well laid out plans, intentions and ideas have ‘suddenly been gutted and stripped away’ - you are being redirected - out of a self created loop - God has something better in stall for you - the question is - are you going to listen to the whispers of your Soul guiding you through God’s wisdom or are you going to submit to fear and let it hold you captive and keep recreating that which you don’t want, stuck in the loop, on the treadmill? The reality is that you can grow and expand through both fear/pain or joy/love - the question is - what are you going to choose? I feel at this ‘Cracked Open’ place right now - you have two very distinctly clear directions of where you can choose to go - to re-create the same loop or choose your highest self’s path - the one of your Soul that ‘pushes’ you into uncomfortable territory, is a path that you can’t see the outcome - but feels exhilarating and right and you KNOW this is what you’ve been asking for. Or - stick with the familiar and come to the same crossroads time and time again - because your Soul’s path doesn’t go away - just gets delayed and you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. Or…. choose your HARD. If you know you’re meant to be doing something but keep putting it off - don’t let the Universe push you into a situation that you know you need to get on with now. How much longer will you delay your Soul’s mission? No longer. That’s right. So, there is only one way up from here and…. there is a path to healing through joy - through your Soul’s path. The question is - are you ready? To learn, heal, grow and expand through Joy? Love xxx Investment increases in just a few hours for Selenite Membership Level for Life Purpose Legacy. If you want access to the high level mentoring and trainings, plus weekly coaching where you can get your questions answered by me to shift your money reality, create your best life ever and leave your legacy in the process, let alone access to the Inner Circle - gain immediate access to any course or meditation I release (no more fomo!) then this is for you, investment increasing in just a few hours, but if you lock in this membership price, the price increase, won’t affect you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #4: Lost Lands. Soul memories and gifts. You’ve done this before. 

Right now - you are implementing something your life that you’ve done before. That is why it feels so Soul familiar and comforting but not in a negative ‘you’re too comfy’ way, but more in a pure alignment way. You’ve been searching for something and now it is found, now it is here and this alignment is pulling things towards you very quickly with what you have been working towards it is almost like this piece of the puzzle was/has been this section that needed to come in for this big shift - because you can feel it right? A big shift on it’s way that is taking you to a whole new life direction, almost like you were happy where you were and your plans and now you’re questioning what was that plan even because this path is sooo clear to you - sooo familiar - and this card has come to you today to remind you (but you already know!) that this is because in previous lifetimes - your Soul has done this before - well, a level of it - with the choices, people and path that you’re choosing - your purpose - is now being re-remembered and this lifetime is fulfilling factors you didn’t accomplish, nor shift to this level of consciousness now to fulfil your mission. This card is also asking you to (well, the message I am getting for you today from this card) is also to spend time in deep solitude meditation to receive the pieces from your Soul - retrieve them not just from past times - but to connect in with the future timelines and allow your Soul to recalibrate to the highest version of yourself so that you can activate this. This ‘Lost Lands’ is more about your Soul reconnection to this moment now with a deep conscious awareness of a multifaceted crystal that is reflecting deep conscious awareness of everything you’ve ever done in any direction in time and pulling it all into you now - so you can truly step into who you are meant to become in this lifetime. This card feels like a deep activation of your Soul gifts and confirmation of the pat you are on, walking and the aligned actions you are already taking. So now, the question from here is - how can you collapse time, expand and accelerate this? And let your Soul - show you. Love xxx Investment increases in just a few hours for Selenite Membership Level for Life Purpose Legacy. If you want access to the high level mentoring and trainings, plus weekly coaching where you can get your questions answered by me to shift your money reality, create your best life ever and leave your legacy in the process, let alone access to the Inner Circle - gain immediate access to any course or meditation I release (no more fomo!) then this is for you, investment increasing in just a few hours, but if you lock in this membership price, the price increase, won’t affect you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #5: You Got the Love. Hadrian energy. Codependency. Boundaries. 

This card shows up when the relationship you’re in is not healthy for you anymore. It could be intimate relationship, but can be any relationship - family or career related as well. I am also getting the message that this is an environment that you are in that is no longer supportive of you and where you are going - it is having detrimental effects on your health - whether physical, mental, energetic or spiritual - it is time to move on or people move out or change something in some way. Now, whilst this card is this - this card may also be coming to you today, because you are currently transforming the old patterns of who and how you used to relate and be in relationship with people in past relationships gone by. However, you will know which it is for you today. Mainly, the messages coming through for this card are about realising that you’re not who you used to be and so the relationships that once you were attracted to or thought you could be with now - are actually not truly in alignment for your Soul and you are being asked to have a very honest check in with yourself about what it is you truly want in relationship. It feels like a re-check in about your values and self worth and reassessing where you sit now. Because let’s be real - you’ve done  A LOT of work on yourself over the years and you’re at a stage now you can have what you really want - so….. why are you settling? This space in time is a huge recalibration to the next phase of your life - are you choosing from the old timeline or your new? Now, you can definitely recalibrate and re-check in on your goals and values and if you’re happy to be in this relationship then run with it - but if you’re not entirely satisfied, it is here - at what you really value in relationship (what is really important to you) - and check, if this current space you’re in - does it match the values you hold about relationships and what you truly desire? If not, then this Co-dependency core wounding needs to be addressed, then again, reassessing, is this what you truly want? Or is this need/desire/drive coming from an unconscious unmet need/wound to try and heal? There is no wrong or right - just what is right for you and what it is that you desire out of a life you want to live. That is all. Just consciousness pieces to take to your meditation processing place and get clear on to recalibrate and live the life with the love of your life - from a place of healthy, balanced, reciprocal love. Love xxx Investment increases in just a few hours for Selenite Membership Level for Life Purpose Legacy. If you want access to the high level mentoring and trainings, plus weekly coaching where you can get your questions answered by me to shift your money reality, create your best life ever and leave your legacy in the process, let alone access to the Inner Circle - gain immediate access to any course or meditation I release (no more fomo!) then this is for you, investment increasing in just a few hours, but if you lock in this membership price, the price increase, won’t affect you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #6: Weight of the World. Boundaries. Let it Go. It’s not yours to carry. 

You are right now, shedding skin like a snake - and it is pouring off in layers and remember - this is just a season as a new season is starting to dawn - the old is being released. Also - who’s stuff are you carrying that is not yours to carry and you need to let go of? I don’t even think you realise you’re carrying it though either? Is there something with a neighbour/s that has been on your mind? What ‘weight’ are you carrying that is not yours of this? I am also getting the message something at work too - what is it that is shifting that you are clinging onto that you’re needing to move things out the way for? Like it is obvious that things are collapsing or dissipating for you but this is an important phase of moving through the energetic release. Have you been getting pains in your stomach? Like - energetic pains? You can feel when it is physical sickness and then when it is energetic sickness. Yes - you can release someone’s energy from you and I feel recently (or now) what you are releasing is OLD - like if I ‘look’ at your Solar Plexus, is like all the people and places that were connected energetically to you that had ever disempowered you - are being purged out of your body (stomach/heart/solar plexus) - I feel this is a huge clean out for you. You can ask Archangel Michael or the Star Being Guides to help remove these energetic webs that have almost cast a spell over your light all this time that have kept you trapped in a dark dungeon (is that self-imposed?!) and you are no longer needing to carry this dark heavy cloak of light that is keeping you invisible anymore. It is from here, with this deep shift around your Light, your confidence, your worth, the very essence of your Being, that you can now open and shift to these higher grounds/frequencies that have been calling you forth for many, many years it feels like. This feels like a huge energetic shift for you - almost like your world will rapidly move forward now you are not carrying this around. It’s time for you to shine, not hide anymore and you releasing this level of heaviness, shifts everything - only empowered relationship and situations from here on out - you’ve reclaimed your worth and the world shifts to reflect this as you do. And fast. Hold on - big positive changes imminent. Love xxx Investment increases in just a few hours for Selenite Membership Level for Life Purpose Legacy. If you want access to the high level mentoring and trainings, plus weekly coaching where you can get your questions answered by me to shift your money reality, create your best life ever and leave your legacy in the process, let alone access to the Inner Circle - gain immediate access to any course or meditation I release (no more fomo!) then this is for you, investment increasing in just a few hours, but if you lock in this membership price, the price increase, won’t affect you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy