🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 2nd June 2020 🔮
Jun 02, 2020
🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 2nd June 2020 🔮
Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to find what messages are awaiting you there today from the Mermaids and Dolphins for you, taking you deep into your subconscious 🧜♂️🔮🧜♀️
Only 48 hours left to join us for Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. This is all the tech required to build your online empire!
I show you exactly what I have done with step by step, over the shoulder, watch me work trainings that enable you to set up your online business as you go - within 5 weeks, you can be up and running and earning bank in your business, sharing your divine gift in the world beautiful one! “Poor people can’t change the world, but wealth, in the correct hands, can.”
Are you ready to FLY? Click here for all the details for there is only 48 hours left to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1 Treasure Chest. "An unforeseen windfall of new abundance comes to you now!"
‘What’s in the box?’ Something is inside of the box, something is around the corner - I feel that very soon, you are about to experience a frequency shift (perhaps you have already been feeling it) and it is going to change the course of your life. I am also sensing that there is some ‘out there/crazy’ ideas that have been dropping in for you just in the past 24 hours or so and that these thoughts are things you have thought of in the past few months (I am hearing March) and that these are also thoughts to be trusted and acted upon asap. I feel this is stepping you into who you are and although the Treasure Chest card signifies abundance and financial support coming your way, I feel at this time - you are having so much clarity about who you are, why you are here, what you need to do and where you need to be and if that clarity hasn’t dropped in just yet, I feel these next 5 days are going to be game changers for you! Unexpected opportunities will drop in your lap so to speak and yet, these are the ‘end goals’ of long term, dedicated consistent work that you have created for yourself. What is actually going on here is that you are being pulled into divine and pure alignment more than you ever have done before and BECAUSE you are now CHOOSING this 100% alignment - everything happens with grace and ease from here on in and once you get a taste of this pure alignment of grace, ease, joy and everything manifesting with ease, like you have done before. I feel that this also includes an increase in financial flow and ‘something around the corner’ - I wonder if this is literally for you, or whether this is a metaphoric piece. Hmmm, I am getting more literally for you - so, have you explored literally around the corner/street/suburb for yourself? Do you know it well? Maybe you can’t go outside right now - and so perhaps it is metaphorically - but if ideas came to you this past 48 hours about something ‘around the corner’ - I am getting the strong message for you that it is extremely important you follow this up right now as the light, the golden beaming light of abundance streaming from this Treasure Chest - these are the signs to be following beautiful Soul! Trust, follow, act and let your intuition guide you to the most abundant, incredible, heart driven life you could possibly have - but you have act precious one. So are you? Love xxx Only 48 hours left to join us for Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. This is all the tech required to build your online empire! I show you exactly what I have done with step by step, over the shoulder, watch me work trainings that enable you to set up your online business as you go - within 5 weeks, you can be up and running and earning bank in your business, sharing your divine gift in the world beautiful one! “Poor people can’t change the world, but wealth, in the correct hands, can.” Are you ready to FLY? Click here for all the details for there is only 48 hours left to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #2: Tranquility. "Make time to relax, be still and enjoy your solitude, indulging in much needed self-care."
Ah, even though we’ve been on lockdown I am getting the sense you haven’t really.. rested? Maybe you have in a way, but not in the way you needed to perhaps? I am wondering what has been happening for you - it feels like you have been ‘knocked’ in a way - it was good, but… has left you scratching your head at why any of it even happened (even though you know parts) and yet, also there are pieces that you are still questioning the entire situation and still perhaps picking up pieces of your Heart? I feel you have been too hard on yourself too beautiful one and even though you want to know what is going on right now, you want that clarity, direction and peace of mind about just let me know something about it for goodness sake! Argh, so frustrating at times right and then we fall to the ground and break down crying again - argh, hugs honey! I know!!! The hardest thing to do is to ‘take time for ourselves’ when we just want to figure out what happened and then also not wanting to let it go for as you can feel it falling further and further energetically away, it drops you back to where you are and it isn’t that you feel alone…. Just - you thought you were heading in a direction WITH someone or something/career and now that has all fallen away it is like you are standing in the middle of the abyss, awaiting the light to come on to show you which direction to step forward in right? I am sensing that right now - do what you can to treat and care for yourself in this cold dark room, approach yourself like a small scared child in the middle of this room. It takes time to ‘warm up’ and ‘trust again’, it takes time, gentleness and deep love and caring to get back on track and ‘happy’ again and this Tranquility card is guiding you to stay strong in your tender heart - not strong with walls up, but inner strength to be with yourself at this time and deeply transform from the inside out. This is a deeply internal, feminine healing card and I feel that big things are being shifted out of your field because there is gold in here - this is the key you have been looking for, even though it seems like your world is upside down right now (which it is out there!) Know that what is landing - is the life you have been longing and desiring for a long, long time. It’s time and this is your time to recoup your energy - for this next 6 months you are going to take off in a bigger and brighter way than you have ever experienced before. Go inside, into your Heart and be there with it, until you rise and become the core of who you’ve always been. Gentleness, quiet, calm, deep surrender and deep… love. Love xxx Only 48 hours left to join us for Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. This is all the tech required to build your online empire! I show you exactly what I have done with step by step, over the shoulder, watch me work trainings that enable you to set up your online business as you go - within 5 weeks, you can be up and running and earning bank in your business, sharing your divine gift in the world beautiful one! “Poor people can’t change the world, but wealth, in the correct hands, can.” Are you ready to FLY? Click here for all the details for there is only 48 hours left to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #3: Contemplation Time. "Spend time along, meditating on what you truly desire."
Ah, this card is similar to number 2! However, I feel this is shhhh, be quiet, don’t tell others your plans, just connect to Source REGULARLY and just do the thing! Show them, don’t tell them 😉 I feel that right now, your connection to Spirit/Source/God/Angels - whatever and whoever it is you connect to, is so important right now for you to get this connection strong, clear and consistent. I feel that of course you will receive much clarity and your divine mission and what you need to do - but for some reason this is intimately connected to your health and well being right now. Of course when we connect to Spirit it is food for our Soul and we are able to be replenished from this Source. It not only strengthens our Psychic Abilities, but it also enables us to clear our energy and be clear in who we are and who the world is so we are not entangled up in the mess of it all. I am getting the message this is also about nourishment for your body, so yes from Source - but also from foods - have you been getting the message about diet changes? Removing chemicals from your diet? This might sound random too, but I am also getting the message for you to clear out any hate, resentment, anger or frustration you have with any males in your life - whether that be family, partners, ex-partners, patriarchal and everything that is going on in the world that stems from this patriarchal energy - do you have subconscious buried masculine resentment laying in there? I am also getting about your womb - have you ever done womb healing and clearing from any and all past sexual relationships? I am getting the message for you to do this as well now (send me a message if you don’t have my free womb clearing ritual - you can even do this if you are man, for your Sacral Chakra is your womb and important to clean the slate so you can gestate and grow your Life Purpose - for this is where it is seeded and born). This may be a Contemplation Time that you are taking with joy and gratitude but you may also be taking this time ‘not what you want to be doing’ and I feel like this is a necessary step to you coming into complete alignment with your Purpose. Trust that, the right people will be by your side by the end of this phase and that you only need to return to the truth of who you are. Back in February - what were the things you were wanting to do and then everything changed and you ‘didn’t’ have time to get them done’? It’s time to focus on those and get these things done now, finished, completed - so you can move to the next stage of your journey, of your Soul’s Life Purpose beautiful one. Love xxx Only 48 hours left to join us for Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. This is all the tech required to build your online empire! I show you exactly what I have done with step by step, over the shoulder, watch me work trainings that enable you to set up your online business as you go - within 5 weeks, you can be up and running and earning bank in your business, sharing your divine gift in the world beautiful one! “Poor people can’t change the world, but wealth, in the correct hands, can.” Are you ready to FLY? Click here for all the details for there is only 48 hours left to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #4: Stay Optimistic. "Your dreams are coming true. Don’t quit right before the miracle occurs."
Ah - did you give up hope? Please don’t! Please let the Universe show you and decide for you! Which I feel you are and the message coming through is yes, let the Universe show you but that doesn’t mean ignoring intuition to take certain actions - for this is the Universe speaking to you and yes, the Universe can do a lot, but sometimes action is also needed on your part too. The Universe speaks to you through your intuition/your Soul and then you need to take action on the things that bring you alive and you know you ‘just have to do’ - to make the final pieces happen. I am getting the message that if there is/was an opportunity you missed recently and it comes around again around 14th/15th of June - I wouldn’t ignore that sign from the Universe as I feel you somewhat regretted the ‘missed opportunity’ and it didn’t make sense or something, but I feel that it will come up again around this date and it is something to be explored as this ‘Your dreams are coming true’ - feels like something you’ve been waiting for, for some time. I am also getting the message about travel and yes the world chaos stuff right now, but travel - many can still travel and do if they know how and will do - is there an upcoming trip for you? Maybe you are unaware of it just yet and I wonder if this is what the 14th/15th is about or that you will make plans to travel then or around then too. I am also getting the message about your Heart - what is going on with your Heart? Do you experience a loss of vision at times? Do your eyes hurt at times? Do you have trouble taking a deep breath/anxiety at all? Is there something going on with your chest/ribs/back area? Something with your skin or rash or randomly itchy? Heart healing beautiful one - but deeper than that. Your Heart is calling you to awaken your Life Purpose - now, you might think you are on your Life Purpose and hey, perhaps you are, but if you are experiencing these symptom with your Heart - this is a sure fire way that your Life Purpose is trying to BUST out of your Heart! And yes there is probably a pile of buried grief in there but more importantly and urgent right now is your Life Purpose, trying to come out. I feel there is a strong connection to the 14th/15th and ‘missed opportunity’ that is deeply connected to your Life Purpose and your Heart right now - did you even noticed those connections recently? Did you - turn them away, bury them or feel something was more important? Do you trust the importance now, of being able to follow your Heart - even, no matter how much your mind will talk you out of it? Are you truly ready to trust and ACT on these inklings of your Heart and Soul that the Universe is speaking to you directly through your intuition? Are you truly ready to receive your Dreams? For the level of Freedom that brings? That you say you want so much? Love xxx Only 48 hours left to join us for Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. This is all the tech required to build your online empire! I show you exactly what I have done with step by step, over the shoulder, watch me work trainings that enable you to set up your online business as you go - within 5 weeks, you can be up and running and earning bank in your business, sharing your divine gift in the world beautiful one! “Poor people can’t change the world, but wealth, in the correct hands, can.” Are you ready to FLY? Click here for all the details for there is only 48 hours left to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #5: Make a Decision. “Feeling stuck or indecisive? Listen to your intuition and make a decision.”
Ah - the ONLY thing holding you back right now and keeping you in limbo - is this! Not making a decision! As they say, not making a choice is also making a choice! And the opportunities fly on by to someone else they trust, take it, act on it and FLY and meanwhile you are getting triggered by all sorts of things and getting distracted by your own avoidance techniques of your True Soul’s Purpose and wondering why nothing is working in your life! I used to be so angry all the time - until I fully committed to my purpose and nothing but my purpose. Are you going to do it or are you not? Have you still been teetering on the edge? Because the energies right now in the Eclipse Season that we are already extremely feeling the energies of - are responding to your indecisiveness! Make a Decision and the Universe will move mountains for you out of NO WHERE! However - you MUST go first! You must LEAP BEFORE the Universe will ‘catch you’. This ‘hanging in the shadows’ ain’t serving you no more beautiful Soul - or you wouldn’t be reading this! Your intuition already knows, your Soul already knows - YOU already know! COMMIT and go BIG beautiful one! It feels like you’ve been tipping your toes in and out of the water for quite some time now and now, the Universe won’t move until you do, but I am sensing that your internal decision will already start to see reality shift around you as if by Magic and you will shine greater and bigger than you ever have before! Your Heart already knows, but your mind is the thing that talks you out of it, keeps you in the dark - your mind will always find something wrong with whatever your Heart is saying - let your Heart be stronger. Let your Heart lead. By following your mind, you will be slow, stuck and behind in the times. Let your Heart lead and you will move mountains and hey, maybe even change the world at the same time. You mind talks you out of your Heart and your mind keeps you small - how is small going to change the world? 🤔 What are you afraid of? That you will get hurt? That you will die? Aren’t you afraid of that anyway? So, why not die being the biggest, best version of yourself then? Do you know where the fear of dying even comes from? That your EGO is the one dying! As you step into leading from your Heart and your Heart only - your mind/ego dies - so of course it is not wanting you to do the thing! But it won’t go away will it? It keeps nudging you, gently tapping you - continuing to loop around because you haven’t done the thing yet. So.,.. are you ready to make the decision and go for it, even though you don’t know how you are going to continue on the path that you can’t see the path of? Don’t you trust your Soul enough that you already planned this out before your incarnation - so, why are you still sitting here reading this? Haven’t you decided yet? Love xxx Only 48 hours left to join us for Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. This is all the tech required to build your online empire! I show you exactly what I have done with step by step, over the shoulder, watch me work trainings that enable you to set up your online business as you go - within 5 weeks, you can be up and running and earning bank in your business, sharing your divine gift in the world beautiful one! “Poor people can’t change the world, but wealth, in the correct hands, can.” Are you ready to FLY? Click here for all the details for there is only 48 hours left to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #6: Morning Affirmations. “Say positive affirmations each morning to open the floodgates of manifestation.”
Mindset, Mindset, Mindset - I can’t stress this enough! However I feel you are pretty good with your mindset - but the message coming through here is ‘enough focusing on the past’ - time to focus on creating your future. Maybe you already do a daily journaling/mindset practise and the message I am getting for you is to amplify it - increase it and return to it consistently during the day. I am also getting the message of ‘Who are you listening to?’ - this includes, friends, family, who are you listening to on social media? Who comes up in your feed? Did you know you can filter that and only have the people you want coming up in your feed? This isn’t just about positive thinking - but who is your mind tuned into, what are you absorbing most of the day? Is it negative heavy words and energy from people? Or is it high vibe and positive energy/mind filled creational energy or is it draining and chaos? I am getting the message to tune into your environment - who are you listening to 99% of the time? As this is a strong message from Spirit today to only fill your mind with that which you want to create. Images of where you want to be, images of things you want, affirmations of it already being done, and deep gratitude feelings all day of it also, already being done. With our current ‘ascension’ process - I have been saying for months that the manifestation abilities are only becoming stronger - and this Morning Affirmations card coming to you is your confirmation of this and what you have been ‘trying’ to achieve this last year even - is amplified and fuelled by a dedicated mindset/visualising/journalling your reality into existence routine. However, this isn’t just do 15 mins then go back to your everyday life - no, this is - making it normal now reality, meaning what you write down and visualise for those 15 mins in the day - now becomes the lifestyle you LIVE via your feelings, there is no separation from it and you literally pull it into your existence by doing this. The next level version of you, you are walking like it - now. The next level version of you, you are talking like it - now. The next level version of you, you are dressing like it - now - get it? You are being that person now - that is how it comes into the reality of existence. The consistent existence of the nature of your Being - becomes you now yes? So, how are you going to amplify and increase your manifestation routine/abilities and every day, day to day existence of Being? Start now, shoulders back, breathing deeper, energetically you ARE that person - so be her/him now. Love xxx Only 48 hours left to join us for Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. This is all the tech required to build your online empire! I show you exactly what I have done with step by step, over the shoulder, watch me work trainings that enable you to set up your online business as you go - within 5 weeks, you can be up and running and earning bank in your business, sharing your divine gift in the world beautiful one! “Poor people can’t change the world, but wealth, in the correct hands, can.” Are you ready to FLY? Click here for all the details for there is only 48 hours left to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business