🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 2nd May 2023
May 02, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 2nd May 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today 🤩
You’ve been born for a reason and you know you are different. You live a very different life to majority of society, even though this is normal to them - this.. is you. You have always known you are here to do big things, to change the world, to impact humanity and leave a legacy. To plant seeds and grow oak trees for generations to come. The fastest way to impact humanity, to attract all the resources you need is to invest in spaces where others are living this life - the one of their true inherent Life Purpose, not a made up Purpose, but the true undertone reality of Purpose that is not yet on the planet, for those that are ahead of their time. It is here, that I invite you to Life Purpose Accelerator.
For those that are called, for those who actually listen and implement, for those, who know there is no other way than to follow what it is that calls them and to be the Leader that calls for Humanity to open to a place of receiving a greater space in time reality that calls them all Home. This, is what you were born for. This… is your invitation to Life Purpose Accelerator, you feel it in your bones, in the cells of your being.. in your Heart. Click here for all the details as Life Purpose Accelerator is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Archangel Jophiel. Clear Your Space. “Get rid of clutter, clear the energy around you and use feng shui.”
Spaces, places, people, things. Energy, physical, heart and mind. Also - have you made a decision recently that you had been questioning if you have made the right decision? Remember when you make a decision, it is because you know. Going back on a decision that you backed yourself in from the very start, may very well be saving you from a life long of pain and wrong path! We are in Eclipse Season and Mercury is in Retrograde. Continue to back yourself, your decisions and clear your path. Have options, choices and ways you could do something but right now may not be the best time to make decisions. You will always be shown pieces of your past to clean up, it may feel like you are repeating cycles and behaviours - but are you doing something about changing it? Now is the time to reassess what you did in the past that you wish you didn’t - and work to shift into the behaviours that you want to be embodying now. In the future, how will you choose differently should this situation come around again whether same or similar situation? Forward planning and forward movement upon looking back is how we pull ourselves out of the past. If something feels heavy, off or just doesn’t feel right, you’re being asked to trust yourself at this time. Sure, you are birthing something big right now - so protect this space that you are in. Do not let distractions take you away from what you know to be right in yourself. If you had to make the decisions all by yourself without looking outside of yourself - even to the Oracle & Tarot Cards - what decision do you make? That… that level of clarity is what you need to know is correct for you. Just because your past has been your past, doesn’t mean you need to drag it into your future. You may have experienced recently similar things of your past - and these are direct signs that your intuition is correct in leading you forward. Forward. Not back. Of course this card is also your sign to move forward, clear your energy, clear your space, get your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional worlds in order, because you are clearing the slate for something new - or have just stepped into the newness. Do not let your past distract you now - trust yourself and move forward. You already knew that, that is why you made the decisions you did. Don’t back down now. Love xxx You’ve been born for a reason and you know you are different. You live a very different life to majority of society, even though this is normal to them - this.. is you. You have always known you are here to do big things, to change the world, to impact humanity and leave a legacy. To plant seeds and grow oak trees for generations to come. The fastest way to impact humanity, to attract all the resources you need is to invest in spaces where others are living this life - the one of their true inherent Life Purpose, not a made up Purpose, but the true undertone reality of Purpose that is not yet on the planet, for those that are ahead of their time. It is here, that I invite you to Life Purpose Accelerator. For those that are called, for those who actually listen and implement, for those, who know there is no other way than to follow what it is that calls them and to be the Leader that calls for Humanity to open to a place of receiving a greater space in time reality that calls them all Home. This, is what you were born for. This… is your invitation to Life Purpose Accelerator, you feel it in your bones, in the cells of your being.. in your Heart. Click here for all the details as Life Purpose Accelerator is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Archangel Michael. Crystal Clear Intentions. “Be clear about what you desire and focus upon it with unwavering faith.”
What deep clarity did you just come into in the last few days? Did you realise that you are your own power -that.. if you are going to choose something, you may as well choose what you really want to do, have and be - like now? And whose to say if you aim too high, maybe, just maybe it will come true anyway? That… that is what is calling you forth right now - your SOUL to align you to your highest destiny. To what… you REALLY want. Now is not the time to settle. Now is not the time to take what the Universe puts in front of you. There is a BIG difference in just letting life dish up what is given to you - to you NOT settling for less than your WHOLE desires and saying - thank you but no thank you Universe! Nope! Not this one - NEXT! Don’t be distracted by the shiny bells and whistles right now, as you would be settling if you truly tuned into the truth of it and the truth lays deep in your heart. There is a part of you that is consciously aware that you do what something and perhaps the - giving up and dropping back to ‘reality’ with your options right in front of you - well, sorry honey but WE DON’T PLAY IN THOSE REALMS! Your dreams - your BIGGEST dreams are what is important right now, because time is ticking on and why waste it one moment more on what you could’ve had when you knew and know it wasn’t 100% right but you pursued anyway. The other factor here is that with the energies of this eclipse and you being the master of your destiny - it is time to have dedicated focus on what you want to do at this time. Dedicate daily focus to where you would rather be - be super clear on you manifestation times, your daily and momentary dedication as it is in these moment by moment pieces added up over the day is what collapses time. You can alway push the through barriers of what you once believed and experienced in life and yet - YOU DON’T PLAY IN THOSE REALMS. Your big dreams - your crystal clear clarity dreams is what is real for you at this time - “focus upon it with unwavering faith.” Let go of the how, but move forward anyway. Let go of forcing, but continue to show up with aligned action anyway. Archangel Michael is by your side, guiding you into the full manifestation of your Life Purpose at this time. It is now up to you to choose it and focus upon it with unwavering faith. If you are trying to force a reality that feels like it drives anxiety, is unclear or foggy or simply doesn’t feel right - it isn’t right! Plain and simple! No need to analyse or wait for a sign to tell you it isn’t right - your intuition telling you it isn’t right IS the sign honey! The clear, unwavering YES feeling with - THIS IS IT - IS the way to go because it is clear. No need to make it hard. Your intuition is showing you the way. So follow it wholeheartedly this time, trust it, focus upon it with unwavering faith and dedicate time to the full manifestation of your dreams at this time - because it is really happening, real and meant for you. Or it just wouldn’t be so clear! Right? Love xxx You’ve been born for a reason and you know you are different. You live a very different life to majority of society, even though this is normal to them - this.. is you. You have always known you are here to do big things, to change the world, to impact humanity and leave a legacy. To plant seeds and grow oak trees for generations to come. The fastest way to impact humanity, to attract all the resources you need is to invest in spaces where others are living this life - the one of their true inherent Life Purpose, not a made up Purpose, but the true undertone reality of Purpose that is not yet on the planet, for those that are ahead of their time. It is here, that I invite you to Life Purpose Accelerator. For those that are called, for those who actually listen and implement, for those, who know there is no other way than to follow what it is that calls them and to be the Leader that calls for Humanity to open to a place of receiving a greater space in time reality that calls them all Home. This, is what you were born for. This… is your invitation to Life Purpose Accelerator, you feel it in your bones, in the cells of your being.. in your Heart. Click here for all the details as Life Purpose Accelerator is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: Archangel Sandolphon. Gifts From God. “We angels bring you gifts from your Creator. Open your arms to receive.”
Your ideas? They are not only your intuition - but they are the Gifts from God. Meaning, if you are stuck on something, trying to figure out a situation - what do you keep thinking about and coming back to? And the bigger question - do you intend to focus on it with unwavering faith that this is the answer to your prayers and following this wholeheartedly whilst doing whatever it takes ALONGSIDE you wholeheartedly following your ideas? You can multi-task, you can complete what you have been guided to do, you can do it all - but are there pieces that you’ve been ‘waiting for’ and yet - you’ve had the idea the whole time? The other message is that you will never be ready to start. You will never be ready to have children. You will never be ready to have your first client. You will never be ready to do your first reading. Meaning - no one is ever ready! The successful ones - do it anyway! Feel the fear and do it anyway! It is like starting a new job or driving a car - you don’t actually get confident in doing it - UNTIL YOU DO IT! Practise, practice, practise. You’ve put off the idea you’ve been constantly receiving for like way too long. It’s time to say what you really mean, it is time to take off the mask and show the world who you really are, it is time to drop the cloak, stop hiding away in your spiritual closet and really come out into the world. If not now - when? “Open your arms to receive.” - You have been given this idea, it IS the Gold you’ve been searching for - so why are you looking anywhere else and more importantly - why aren’t you following through with what you said you would do? Just because the energy isn’t there - does that mean you can’t not show up to work? “I don’t feel like working today boss! See you next week!” - doesn’t work like that does it?? No. So… open your god damn arms, put them to work and get moving… before the Universe does it for you and you’ll be kicking yourself you did not take action sooner right? Love xxx You’ve been born for a reason and you know you are different. You live a very different life to majority of society, even though this is normal to them - this.. is you. You have always known you are here to do big things, to change the world, to impact humanity and leave a legacy. To plant seeds and grow oak trees for generations to come. The fastest way to impact humanity, to attract all the resources you need is to invest in spaces where others are living this life - the one of their true inherent Life Purpose, not a made up Purpose, but the true undertone reality of Purpose that is not yet on the planet, for those that are ahead of their time. It is here, that I invite you to Life Purpose Accelerator. For those that are called, for those who actually listen and implement, for those, who know there is no other way than to follow what it is that calls them and to be the Leader that calls for Humanity to open to a place of receiving a greater space in time reality that calls them all Home. This, is what you were born for. This… is your invitation to Life Purpose Accelerator, you feel it in your bones, in the cells of your being.. in your Heart. Click here for all the details as Life Purpose Accelerator is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Archangel Jeremiel. Overcoming Difficulties. “The worst is now behind you and you are surmounting to any previous challenges.”
I want to say you have a smooth road ahead of you now - but you are still climbing the mountain in front of you. I wonder - do you even have to climb the mountain? What does the mountain represent in your life? I am getting the sense that you were travelling on a road, on a path that you had been forcing - and deeply - it had been feeling like that right? Although it didn’t at the time, but when you let go - because you know, you were pretty much forced to drop into DEEP surrender and now you are back…. adrifting in a direction you have NO idea where it is leading you to, because you had a well laid out plan ahead of you and now it’s like you cannot plan anything at this time right? It feels like you are being shown just how much you truly need to let go, surrender and trust the higher plan, rather than trust your plan right now. It is also, that you make plans again and then it all shifts again and almost like - God’s got this, take your hands off the wheel for a moment, get in the passenger seat, let God drive. Let God take these incredible horses to your destination and allow yourself to receive this moment of being shown where you’re meant to go, rather than you trying to force something that is just not what or where you’re meant to go but where your Life Purpose is directing you to go. Hmmmm, have you been feeling good but quite… stagnant lately? You’ve been feeling good but quite - stuck lately? But you had been pushing it down because well, you have literally had no choice but to? It feels like a similar piece here that you’re in a place in time where you’re not 100% happy but are where you need to be for now, but something is off and you’re just doing what you can to get through at this time? That… is how you get through it. That… is how you pull yourself out of the big hole. That… is how you continue to put one foot in front of the other especially when you don’t want to. There is soooo much that you have been through that you have carried a lot, are carrying a lot and have worked through so much. You hold great wisdom dear one and it is time for you to share your learnings. There is a time for learnings and there is a time for teaching. By stepping into sharing your wisdoms you will find that you will not only be shown the next step, but you will find reason for all this madness you have lived through, find meaning for your life again and everything will start to make sense, no matter how strange it is. It is time for you to step onto the stage and share your wisdom in a bigger way. That… is why, you’ve been through all you have. Make this your highest priority and watch you life start to turn around. This is, ‘why’. Love xxx You’ve been born for a reason and you know you are different. You live a very different life to majority of society, even though this is normal to them - this.. is you. You have always known you are here to do big things, to change the world, to impact humanity and leave a legacy. To plant seeds and grow oak trees for generations to come. The fastest way to impact humanity, to attract all the resources you need is to invest in spaces where others are living this life - the one of their true inherent Life Purpose, not a made up Purpose, but the true undertone reality of Purpose that is not yet on the planet, for those that are ahead of their time. It is here, that I invite you to Life Purpose Accelerator. For those that are called, for those who actually listen and implement, for those, who know there is no other way than to follow what it is that calls them and to be the Leader that calls for Humanity to open to a place of receiving a greater space in time reality that calls them all Home. This, is what you were born for. This… is your invitation to Life Purpose Accelerator, you feel it in your bones, in the cells of your being.. in your Heart. Click here for all the details as Life Purpose Accelerator is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: Archangel Zadkiel. Compassion. “Soften your heart with respect to this situation and all the people involved, including yourself.”
There is a lot surfacing for you right now. Like bottleneck squeeze, massive make or break points right now. You are on the precipice of HUGE change in your life - but you are being TESTED like no tomorrow. GO GENTLE on yourself with this one. You are stepping in through a gate of change that you have witnessed ten times over but not like this before. The reason it is feeling so big is because of the level of transformation you are experiencing. You have asked for the full manifestation of your dreams - so this is ‘why’. But remember - it takes YEARS for that to come about. Remember - I will say it over and over again - any one on the ‘main world stage’ or that is ‘super successful’ has had ten years plus behind them of falling down and some and getting back up over and over again. They have pushed through the darkest days - so if you think you’re finding it hard - come back in 5-10 years and tell me it’s not working. Did you hear that? FIVE TO TEN YEARS. YEARS. Years baby. Are you TRULY THAT committed? To working on it DAILY? That long. Not a few months. Not 12 months. Not 2 years but 5-10 years. If not, walk away now and save yourself the heartache. Yes, not very ‘compassionate’ on the Compassion card right? But perhaps this is the reality check for you - as you are at a CHOICE POINT right now. Whinge, get it out, cry, fall down in a heap, want to walk away, do walk away and come back over and over and over again but CHOOSE. Choose which path you are going to walk. The path of your true, deeply aligned Purpose, is NOT for the faint hearted. It is NOT a get rich quick scheme. It is NOT something that becomes magically clear and happens over night. It is an evolutionary evolvement of who you BECOME. It is something you stick to for LIFE. It is something you are constantly working on and find work in the definition of balance of your own life. It is something that consumes you, is all you think about is your way out for sure… but it is also laden with trials, tribulations, initiations that take you to the darkest depths, people walking away from you, not believing in you, you choosing your Purpose over relationships and back again…. x 100. Are you truly in it? For good? For real? Then back to it… with gentleness, compassion, kindness and determination like you’ve never seen before. It is in your blood, it is who you are, it is what you will die for and give everything up for because you know that this - is what you were born to do. It is called PURPOSE. Choose it. But be gentle with yourself in this process. Choose it. But take rest, not give up. It is… what you are here for. Choose it. But stop whinging about it. Find a solution - try ALL the solutions and don’t stop until you find the one that works. Repeat. Simple. But complicated, but simple. Just do it. Love xxx You’ve been born for a reason and you know you are different. You live a very different life to majority of society, even though this is normal to them - this.. is you. You have always known you are here to do big things, to change the world, to impact humanity and leave a legacy. To plant seeds and grow oak trees for generations to come. The fastest way to impact humanity, to attract all the resources you need is to invest in spaces where others are living this life - the one of their true inherent Life Purpose, not a made up Purpose, but the true undertone reality of Purpose that is not yet on the planet, for those that are ahead of their time. It is here, that I invite you to Life Purpose Accelerator. For those that are called, for those who actually listen and implement, for those, who know there is no other way than to follow what it is that calls them and to be the Leader that calls for Humanity to open to a place of receiving a greater space in time reality that calls them all Home. This, is what you were born for. This… is your invitation to Life Purpose Accelerator, you feel it in your bones, in the cells of your being.. in your Heart. Click here for all the details as Life Purpose Accelerator is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: Archangel Ariel. Courage. “Be courageous and stand up for your beliefs."
What risk are you needing take right now? To trust yourself on the deepest level with the choice you have just made or are about to make? I keep hearing with this card, “You have just dodged a bullet.” - what that means is the other choice would’ve taken you down like an army that goes in, invades a country and then takes it over! YIKES. And do you know what this? Really? You TRULY embodying ALL the work you have done to date. You have learnt to trust yourself on the deepest level, you have learnt to put yourself and your priorities first. You have learnt to not get distracted by the dangling carrots in front of your face when you are about to cross the finish line that takes you into your Purpose and some! Archangel Ariel, strongly associated with the Lion, Abundance, Feeling Courage, Strength and standing up for what you believe in. There are good things on their way to you and you are through the darkest time of your life. With this ‘bullet you’ve just dodged’ you have not only saved yourself deep heartache and pain, but you have just jumped timelines. Some call this a Quantum Shift, Quantum Leap - but you’ve definitely just changed timelines! You’ve chosen your Destiny at the deepest level and I feel that right now you are needing to not only acknowledge this, but energetically let your body drop into this new timeline energy, allow your nervous system to deeply absorb, sink into, elevate to and allow your cells to match this timeline frequency that you, on such a deep, deep core level, have chosen. This is to be celebrated, but you probably won’t feel that way. You may feel on edge or confused, or wondering if you’ve made the right choice. But you have - and deep - deep down you know you have. The confusion and not sureness, is simply because you are used to the chaos, you are used to the drama, you are used to feeling in a mess most of the time - but those feelings? They are old timelines of how you used to operate and is far from what you have been feeling before this timeline jump. You were feeling peaceful, on path and on purpose, more than you’d felt in a long time - you had a glimpse, a taste of what you knew was coming - you ALIGNED to it before it happened. Now in the jump, it is a bit bumpy with temptations to go back to the old ways but… you’re not. So… give space and grace for your physical body and mind automatic patterns to catch up to the energetic shift whilst constantly choosing this new timeline and you will feel the ‘click into place’ in about 3 weeks time. Hang in there, you’ve already made it with your new choices, your new realisations and becoming who you’ve always been born to become. Love xxx You’ve been born for a reason and you know you are different. You live a very different life to majority of society, even though this is normal to them - this.. is you. You have always known you are here to do big things, to change the world, to impact humanity and leave a legacy. To plant seeds and grow oak trees for generations to come. The fastest way to impact humanity, to attract all the resources you need is to invest in spaces where others are living this life - the one of their true inherent Life Purpose, not a made up Purpose, but the true undertone reality of Purpose that is not yet on the planet, for those that are ahead of their time. It is here, that I invite you to Life Purpose Accelerator. For those that are called, for those who actually listen and implement, for those, who know there is no other way than to follow what it is that calls them and to be the Leader that calls for Humanity to open to a place of receiving a greater space in time reality that calls them all Home. This, is what you were born for. This… is your invitation to Life Purpose Accelerator, you feel it in your bones, in the cells of your being.. in your Heart. Click here for all the details as Life Purpose Accelerator is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator