🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 30th June 2020 🔮
Jun 30, 2020
🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 30th June 2020 🔮
Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting you from the Daily Guidance From Your Angels Oracle Deck today.
These are the FINAL HOURS for Trust Your Intuition, become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator, when this reopens for the next round, Trust Your Intuition will be more than double!
If you’ve been on the fence, now is the time to join the powerful Trust Your Intuition Tribe and find where you finally fit in!
This is where we deal with your deepest wounds to clear the biggest missing key of your life and finally figure out what on Earth you are here to do from a clear place of clarity rather than a confused and doubtful little you that you keep falling back into.
Click here for all the details for Trust Your Intuition before this closes and transform your reality in the way you know is hiding deep down inside of you, awaiting you to leap into your Destiny: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition/
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Innocence. “Beloved One, everyone is guiltless in truth, as no one can alter God’s handiwork of perfection. Give us your feelings of heaviness so we can lighten your load. Give us any guilt, anger, or blame the may shroud your loving outlook. Enjoy the peace within your heart once more.”
Oh honey, do you feel like you’ve done something wrong? That what you eat is wrong? That what you feel is wrong? That what you think is wrong? That anything you do is wrong? That you can’t seem to do anything right? Maybe you feel okay most of the time, but you wake up with this intense feeling of just… what did I do?! I am wondering - did a particular event come to mind, or something that has been in your life for quite a number of years come to mind for you? Number 1, can you please envision and imagine yourself with a huge purple bubble of light for protection of your sensitive energy field. I am sensing that these feelings of wrongness - are not yours and I will voice it so you are clear - you have not done anything wrong - EVER! AT ALL! The environment that you have been in all this time, has made you feel like you have done something wrong - but you haven’t. You just haven’t. You have stayed in this environment far too long and all the feelings are are confirming that it is time for you to go. It is time to leave this situation. This bit may break your heart, but I will always share the messages of the reality of the situation - these people in your environment? They haven’t wanted you around, deep down, they have been too scared to admit the truth to themselves and you and haven’t done anything about it. They have ‘allowed it’ in their life because you have been helping them in some way shape or form and keeping you around because of this. They don’t really like you or enjoy your company but they have ‘allowed’ it because they receive what you give them or just ‘how it is’. Perhaps - you have already sensed this too, you - already have known this truth - however - the other piece here? Is that at the time, it all resonated and all was okay and tolerable, because it is what it is and was what it was. However, the shift and change has come that YOU have outgrown the situation and staying any longer is only costing you, your health and wellbeing, let alone financial issues or not receiving what you really want in life, instead settling. Now, this environment and people, it’s like they haven’t even told you to go or leave or end or whatever the situation is - but you, this is about YOU reaching your tolerance level and this dawning, heart wrenching realisation is big right? And yet it is something you’ve known deep down for quite a long time yes? And you’ve been somewhat in denial of it? Or the situation would get good again for a bit and then return to not so good and I am wondering if you have physical body aliments that are super strong for you right now? Has it felt like you are exhausted or carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders/ Have you been getting headaches more so than not recently, when you never really get headaches? Or that you’ve gone so far, you…. Don’t really know who you are anymore? Or that tap, tap, tapping on the shoulder that… gah you’re reading this similar message again?! That’s because until you take action on what you know you need to do, the same message will continue to come up, yes? You haven’t done ANYTHING wrong beautiful one… ever. You’ve just deeply outgrown this situation and your Soul is calling you to remember the beautiful empowered God/Goddess that you are, to shine your light, and help those that it is reciprocal, balanced and appreciated for who you are and what you do. Because you do deserve this, you’ve done nothing wrong, you’ve just risen to your next level and your next level environment is calling you to rise to it. Are you heeding the call of your Soul? Love xxx These are the FINAL HOURS for Trust Your Intuition, become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator, when this reopens for the next round, Trust Your Intuition will be more than double! If you’ve been on the fence, now is the time to join the powerful Trust Your Intuition Tribe and find where you finally fit in! This is where we deal with your deepest wounds to clear the biggest missing key of your life and finally figure out what on Earth you are here to do from a clear place of clarity rather than a confused and doubtful little you that you keep falling back into. Click here for all the details for Trust Your Intuition before this closes and transform your reality in the way you know is hiding deep down inside of you, awaiting you to leap into your Destiny: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition/
Card #2: Cleanse & Detoxify. “ With great love and respect, we ask you to detoxify your precious and sensitive body. At your request, we’ll help you to develop life-affirming ways to deal with stress, as well as ease any sorrow at shedding your old ways. Give your cares, worries and concerns to us and feel the beautiful grace of your newly purified body.”
Have you been getting signs to detoxify your body? However, I feel like you are already? And I feel in that, you are not just cleaning your body but you are shedding your old life, the old you, the old reality of once you which knew. I am wondering how you feel about that? Have you been needing to cry or have been crying? I am sensing you can feel how huge this is, but have you been so busy you haven’t been able to give yourself a chance to integrate this new reality you are now physically birthing into as well? I am getting the message about oranges for you, whether that is oranges you eat, or wear orange or whether that is Sacral chakra you are cleansing for it feels like some generational healing is also required here in this cleanse you are undertaking right now. If you have felt stumped or stuck or not sure where to go from here with this next stage of your healing, take some time out for yourself, let yourself honour and heal the huge releases that come from doing a cleanse as well as the generational lineage. (You can use my Divine Balance Meditation Series to help shift generational lineage wounds and patterns). Whatever is ‘stuck’ will be released from doing this. I am sensing more the the Matriachal lineage of healing for you over anything else, but of course, trust what comes up for you about doing this inner work that is deep in your Sacral chakra. It feels like a big block will be released and you will feel free once more. Have you felt like you’ve had chains around your wrists or like you are wanting to break free of something for good that has been dragging on for months? Even 18 months? It feels like you are about to catapult into whatever you have been trying to reach that these chains have held you back from reaching and this Matriachal healing alongside your physical detox/cleanse - even if that is just the people you remove from your life at this time, rather than body detox (or could very well be both), its come at the perfect time, for you have allowed yourself to stay here too long and now, it is your time to FLY. Cleanse, release and FLY. Love xxx These are the FINAL HOURS for Trust Your Intuition, become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator, when this reopens for the next round, Trust Your Intuition will be more than double! If you’ve been on the fence, now is the time to join the powerful Trust Your Intuition Tribe and find where you finally fit in! This is where we deal with your deepest wounds to clear the biggest missing key of your life and finally figure out what on Earth you are here to do from a clear place of clarity rather than a confused and doubtful little you that you keep falling back into. Click here for all the details for Trust Your Intuition before this closes and transform your reality in the way you know is hiding deep down inside of you, awaiting you to leap into your Destiny: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition/
Card #3: Steady Progress. “We acknowledge you for the progress you’ve made in remembering love in your daily activities. We can clearly see the contribution you’re making to the world through your thoughts, feelings and actions of love.”
Ah, I feel two things here - that you haven’t been honouring or celebrating ENOUGH of just how far you’ve actually come as you break through the chrysalis and then the other part is I feel you are actually starting to realise and do this! TO let more joy and fun into your life in a way yes? Almost like you are4 getting out of the doing treadmill and actually letting yourself receive more light and joy into your life and be able to receive such. I am also getting the message for you about being organised. What comes to mind to ‘organise’ when I say that? I feel that this steady progress is that what you have created in your life, has created a steady rhythm and flow for yourself however, it needs to be more organised? Or the sense that you are ready for expansion and it is that that creates/needs/calls for the organisation to take you to the next level if that makes sense? There is also a message about travel coming in and wondering what that means for you too? It feels like ‘all your ducks are in a row’ ‘everything has lined up for you’ and all you need to do now is to accept and receive it, take it. It feels like you are not ‘taking what is owed to you’ or something, tricky to describe and ah, there it is - do you really believe deep down you are DESERVING/WORTHY of receiving what you really want? What were the things that brought you joy but you dropped because of… life happened? I feel this is tied into your worthiness and you being able to receive what you really want. It is interesting this chrysalis that came through as I feel you are having huge breakthroughs in your life right now (thank you dear Eclipse Season! 😉) and yet, I feel that the biggest breakthrough of your life is right around the corner! Plus everything you are currently working on and ‘organising’ is taking you to your next level and all the things coming up right now, all the very uncomfortable pieces for you are = about to bust open this chrysalis and you are about to live the life of your dreams - like this is huge stuff, this is the level of freedom you have been craving, desiring and working this entire time for. Stripping away, stripping away, stripping away ALL of the pieces that are holding you tight to the reality you used to be that is no longer and this coming into the realisation you need to celebrate more - because I feel like you’ve been on the treadmill this entire time just getting through to this stage and now you’re ‘waking up to the reality’ that you don’t need to push like in the old paradigm anymore and this… is to be celebrated. I feel that a huge part of breaking out of the chrysalis is that you are celebrating and letting the joy and love back into your Heart and that - is to be celebrated in itself, let alone the vibrational shift that becomes your new normal reality now! No more pain - just celebrations of joy, love and kindness, like one big soft mush love fest 😉 and we know, what the Universe will bring us by focusing on this 99% of the time right? No, 100% of the time, by choice, no matter what your reality shows you otherwise right? MORE TO CELEBRATE! Onwards and upwards baby! Time to have some FUN! 🤩 Love xxx These are the FINAL HOURS for Trust Your Intuition, become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator, when this reopens for the next round, Trust Your Intuition will be more than double! If you’ve been on the fence, now is the time to join the powerful Trust Your Intuition Tribe and find where you finally fit in! This is where we deal with your deepest wounds to clear the biggest missing key of your life and finally figure out what on Earth you are here to do from a clear place of clarity rather than a confused and doubtful little you that you keep falling back into. Click here for all the details for Trust Your Intuition before this closes and transform your reality in the way you know is hiding deep down inside of you, awaiting you to leap into your Destiny: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition/
Card #4: Release & Surrender. “We shower you with blessings of radiant love. Open your arms and release the challenges that you’ve held tightly gripped within your hands. Open your hands, arms and heart to our love and assistance.”
Ah, whilst I could say here, ‘what are you still holding onto that you know you need to let go of?’ I feel that this card is more about - letting in the help and support that is right on your doorstep. It is almost like, ‘Babe! Can you just release (let go of the tight grip you have on yourself and everything in your reality) and SURRENDER to us helping you!’ Is what this feels like! What are you afraid of by letting someone help and guide you? That you… have to change things you are scared you know you have to? That you are scared you will have to step up and step into the highest version of yourself and you know how far from that reality you are currently living and that… scares you? Why? Because that means change and the death of your old self? Are you afraid you will outgrow people but you also know that - you have to do this and did you know honey, that those people will either shift with you, stay where they are and love you unconditionally or shift out of your life? Did you see the ratio there? There is 2 out of 3 good things there, so which is your mind focusing on? Yes, the bad one right? Yes… it is a training to focus on the good things and you know how much I am always harping on about mindset training! I am also getting the message about finances for you and for you to ‘surrender’ into the abundance flow. When we ‘hold onto money’ we are creating a tight grip and squeezing shut the valve so no more can flow out OR in and this stops not only the flow of money, but the flow of life too. Have you been feeling anxious and deep anxiety quite a lot especially this past two weeks? What decision have you not made out of fear of finances? Release and Surrender baby! I am also getting the message about a new program or ‘something coming together’ for you. Are you to start a new program or is it that you are birthing a new program? OR is it that you are birthing a new paradigm and the old programming is needing to be ‘released and surrendered’ from your energetic field? OR is it all 3? What is helping you to achieve your next level? I feel like the Release and Surrender card for you is literally about stop doing it on your own and surrender to the help that is on your doorstep. It is safe for you to receive this beautiful one, so allow yourself to do so. Surrender into the divine, the softness - the Universe will catch you, it’s been there all along, awaiting for you to Surrender completely to this divine support readily available to you. You just have to let go, and surrender to it, say yes, to receive it. The open arms of the Angel on this card, says it all. Love xxx These are the FINAL HOURS for Trust Your Intuition, become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator, when this reopens for the next round, Trust Your Intuition will be more than double! If you’ve been on the fence, now is the time to join the powerful Trust Your Intuition Tribe and find where you finally fit in! This is where we deal with your deepest wounds to clear the biggest missing key of your life and finally figure out what on Earth you are here to do from a clear place of clarity rather than a confused and doubtful little you that you keep falling back into. Click here for all the details for Trust Your Intuition before this closes and transform your reality in the way you know is hiding deep down inside of you, awaiting you to leap into your Destiny: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition/
Card #5: Cupid. “We send great waves of love into your heart and mind, awakening your love for life itself. Your clear decision to accept and enjoy romance has triggered this reawakening. Allow yourself to spontaneously celebrate love in all its glorious aspects.”
Ah, this card feels familiar message in a way to card #3 Steady Progress, in relation to the letting more joy, love for life and celebration into your life. However, I feel this card for you today is because you have been doing this and allowing more joy - choosing more joy WHICH has catapulted some HUGE changes in your life. I am getting the message for you to think back to February this year and also, February last year - what big things came about for you these two times? It feels like these are significant factors to - what Cupid is bringing you right now and over this next 6 weeks. I feel that you are getting signs and messages that ‘something is just around the corner’ and this card is deeply confirming this for you. I feel that ‘it will all come at once’ and by September, you will be living a huge aspect of not just your dream life, but this is when everything will be finalised, solidified and ‘landed’ in a way. There will be some big changes occurring for you over these next 6 weeks specifically relating to your Heart and an unexpected and expected source of income will increase/commence plus I am deeply sensing that this Cupid card for you too, is about a new love walking into your life. I feel like you made a decision recently and this has spurred on these huge changes that are STILL going on for you in a way and that this is allowing you and letting you receive these changes. Was part of that, wanting a relationship/partner? As I feel that this is a big piece of it. Are you truly open to it? I feel that you may have resistance to it showing up, maybe you’ve given up, but I also feel that you wouldn’t be surprised if it does with all the signs you’ve been getting recently. I also feel that this person is deeply ready for you and that finally, this will be a different relationship to what you’ve ever experienced before and is, what you’ve been waiting for. I also feel that you’ll approach this one differently this time and I feel this is because you are open to it, but also not as you’ve finally learnt from mistakes and ready to do something differently this time, including working with a coach to make this one work right?! That has been on your mind too right? So, take this as a sign that all the signs are right on path and continue to expand into the Light and let yourself receive all the good things Cupid is opening your Heart to right now, no matter how uncomfortable - continue to rise beautiful one. Your Loved one is waiting for you at the top. Love xxx These are the FINAL HOURS for Trust Your Intuition, become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator, when this reopens for the next round, Trust Your Intuition will be more than double! If you’ve been on the fence, now is the time to join the powerful Trust Your Intuition Tribe and find where you finally fit in! This is where we deal with your deepest wounds to clear the biggest missing key of your life and finally figure out what on Earth you are here to do from a clear place of clarity rather than a confused and doubtful little you that you keep falling back into. Click here for all the details for Trust Your Intuition before this closes and transform your reality in the way you know is hiding deep down inside of you, awaiting you to leap into your Destiny" https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition/
Card #6: Go For It! “Your prayers and positive expectations have been heard and answered. We've been working with you on this situation since it's genesis and we continue to watch over you and everyone involved. Stay on your present path, as it will take you very far indeed."
Um - TRUST! And LEAP! Is what I first heard! YES! YES! YES! This feels similar to the yes card last week in Tuesday Tarot! I feel that an opportunity you’re considering or scared to make is the right decision to make as it takes you to the next level right? No matter how uncomfortable, it feels like this is a sign for you, to please take that leap of faith and do the thing. I feel there are 5 main factors on your mind right now - write them down and make a plan to make them happen is the strong message that I am getting for you to get this done and achieved and I feel - in a shorter time frame than you expect yes? Collapsing timelines yes? Reduce what you think the time it will take you, reduce it by 3 months or 3 weeks - yes? Possible? Of course it is - but if you had a no come up, time to do some inner work on that one! It feels like you have been receiving sooo much new information recently on what you are here to do, what courses to create, offers to release and I am wondering, if you feel supported in achieving and getting this done? What is, the one thing, you wish you had more of to help you achieve this goal/s? Whatever answer came to mind, is your duty/task to journal into existence via your reality these things yes? So if you need more money, then journal everyday without excuses about your increasing income and money coming in from expected and unexpected Sources yes? If you need more support or more time, then you are journaling how all this support and help is pouring into your life and how grateful you feel for being fully supported now yes? I am also getting the message that what you have been worried about, in terms of these goals happening and manifesting into your reality to support you are unfounded and right now, give gratitude for them already happening, because honey, this reality is your truth and has already happened. This is your life path, your Destiny and to think that your Soul/The Universe wouldn’t have already planned all the resources and support along the way for the full manifestation of your Destiny coming into existence is a just a fear of your own mind telling you, you are not support which is keeping your mind/ego alive, that is all. For when you are fully fledged into your Destiny, your mind, doesn’t really have space there right? So it is only this part of yourself that is scared of dying, that is all. Wrap them up in so much love and know that, in your Destiny, Dream life - ‘not being supported’ or worrying about resources, doesn’t even come into it right?! So - drop into this space and take actions according to your Destiny of being completely supported in all areas now yes? I don’t need to tell you/remind you that that is the fastest way to pull your dream reality into the now. You already know this stuff… sooo… what are you waiting for? Permission? You just got it honey! Now, ‘GO FOR IT!’ 👑🤩🥰 Love xxx These are the FINAL HOURS for Trust Your Intuition, become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator, when this reopens for the next round, Trust Your Intuition will be more than double! If you’ve been on the fence, now is the time to join the powerful Trust Your Intuition Tribe and find where you finally fit in! This is where we deal with your deepest wounds to clear the biggest missing key of your life and finally figure out what on Earth you are here to do from a clear place of clarity rather than a confused and doubtful little you that you keep falling back into. Click here for all the details for Trust Your Intuition before this closes and transform your reality in the way you know is hiding deep down inside of you, awaiting you to leap into your Destiny: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition/