🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 30th May 2023
May 30, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 30th May 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Archangels 🤩
These are the final days before Life Purpose Accelerator closes and the doors will not be open for this until 2024. 2023 is such a potent year of transition, recalibration and clearing out what no longer serves you, to activate a timeline of complete alignment in full integrity of your Life Purpose. Life Purpose Accelerator is a beautiful 12 month container of the deepest and highest light quotient to bring darkness to light, transformation to integration and intuition to it's full potential. Only those ready to step into their full potential and stop hiding in the shadows, need click this link here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Archangel Jophiel - Clear Your Space - “Get rid of clutter, clear the energy around you and use Feng Shui.”
Hmmm, this card has it’s obvious meaning - Clear Your Space! And.. the deeper sense I am getting here is what is your energetic environment - that is reflected in your internal environment - for example, a pair of open scissors left out on the table has a sharp energetic energy ‘laying around’ - so then, who or what is ‘cutting to your core’ or ‘cutting you to shreds’ at this time and so, closing up the scissors and putting them away where they belong can be a powerful symbol of closing that portal to what has been ‘left out and open laying around’. I know it sounds silly, but truly, things like this can and do have such symbolic meaning - especially when you don’t usually leave scissors laying around for example! This can just be one example - look around your home or environment where you currently are or spend a lot of time or both and give it an ‘energetic make over’ (physical too) and truly ‘see’ what is ‘laying around’ that needs to be cleaned up, tidied up. Cleaning out the shed/garage or other rubbish or paperwork pile or device library of those zillion photos and screenshots that are taking up space? The device btw, is an awesome alternative to scrolling mindlessly - may as well be doing something productive - so clean that library out! This card can and does also mean that there is someone or something your energetic and physical space that needs ‘cleaning’ - is it your mind, your thoughts, your energy, your physical body, your home and sleeping environment? Where you sleep is a big deal. Make sure that there are not wifi boxes or electricity meters outside the wall where the head of your bed is. Make sure your phone is on airplane mode or sleep mode at least with wifi and bluetooth turned off in settings - or it auto comes on at 5am - turn that off. Charge it on the floor down the foot end of your bed near your feet - not on your bedside table next to your head - these all make a big difference. Of course, the ideal is sleeping with your phone in another room with same (wifi off etc) - but many are glued to their phone these days, so on the floor away from your head please - strong message here! If you do this and ‘can’t’ sleep - your energy is adjusting from being outside of the ‘aura’ of wifi and device radiation - let your body adjust and realise how much you are truly affected by things like this. Imagine what havoc it’s been playing on your health on all levels. Clear Your Space - of course this has the general meanings of cleaning your house, home, car, office and anywhere else you frequent a lot of time. This, can also mean walking away from unhealthy relationships that you know are past their used by date. What does ‘Clear Your Space’ mean to you with these messages - or what else comes to mind? Love xxx These are the final days before Life Purpose Accelerator closes and the doors will not be open for this until 2024. 2023 is such a potent year of transition, recalibration and clearing out what no longer serves you, to activate a timeline of complete alignment in full integrity of your Life Purpose. Life Purpose Accelerator is a beautiful 12 month container of the deepest and highest light quotient to bring darkness to light, transformation to integration and intuition to it's full potential. Only those ready to step into their full potential and stop hiding in the shadows, need click this link here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Archangel Sandalphon - Gentleness - “Be very gentle with yourself at this time. Surround yourself with gentle people, situations and environments.”
It’s okay to stop, rest, slow down and let your body recalibrate. If you are sick at the moment, have been extremely tired, restless, angry or your cycle has been strange - you are deeply recalibrating after the clear out of the 17 year cycle post eclipse season - ‘Be very gentle with yourself at this time.’ You are clearing out a lot of stuff that has been energetically ‘stuck’ you for a long time and this ‘physical’ stuff that is going on for you is that it has ‘reached this layer of clearing’ if that makes sense? So if you have the space of time to be able to be super gentle with yourself at this time - please soak it up! If you don’t and you still have your normal life to run, then get to bed earlier, speak softly to yourself, know you are clearing out - now is not the time to be harsh on yourself with what you are dealing with right now. With Archangel Sandolphon, there is an aspect of Sound - Archangel Sandolphon is deeply connected to sounds, hearing, songs, music, melody, hearing behind the words people say and the Ear Chakra Consciousness. The Ear Chakra Consciousness is the epitome of shifting to a whole new realm, dimension, frequency and stage of your life. Perhaps you have just come out of a heavy part of your life, perhaps you are opening to new ways of living, perhaps you have had the rug pulled out from under your feet or you’ve just had a new awakening on a level you’ve never felt before. Whichever that is, you are going through a major upgrade right now - so, as Archangel Sandolphon is letting you know - Be very gentle with yourself at this time. Perhaps people, places and things that once supported you are ‘just not there anymore’. You’ve been taken on a whole new journey at this time and are being given a place of peace as you move into true alignment on your path. Let this clearing and upgrade happen (not that you have a choice ;) ) as you’re on the right path - you’re just shifting huge stuff out of your life right now. Music, can be super healing for you at this time - listen to it. Love xxx These are the final days before Life Purpose Accelerator closes and the doors will not be open for this until 2024. 2023 is such a potent year of transition, recalibration and clearing out what no longer serves you, to activate a timeline of complete alignment in full integrity of your Life Purpose. Life Purpose Accelerator is a beautiful 12 month container of the deepest and highest light quotient to bring darkness to light, transformation to integration and intuition to it's full potential. Only those ready to step into their full potential and stop hiding in the shadows, need click this link here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: Archangel Chamuel. - Career Transition - “Your Life Purpose is triggering a blessed career change.”
This card - speaks for itself! You may be feeling unsteady through this change - but grounded and solid on your new path - even though - you’re not overly quite sure where that is right now either right?! You do and you don’t right? The ‘you don’t’ part of it is simply your future - is not what you’ve been walking this past few years or so right? You aren’t doing the same things you once did, you aren’t working in the same way, heck, you’re not even walking the same way! 360 or 90 or even 180 degree turn, doesn’t even come close because it is none of that and all of it at the same time and that is because you are not travelling on Earth 3D time with this change! You are stepping into a whole new realm with what you are doing in your life and it is having a big impact on your career or vice versa. I also feel like you are ‘waiting’ and whilst this can be a holding pattern, I do also feel there is a collective, universal and divine timing going on right now for many people, so it is normal to be feeling this at this time. You will know the difference if you are contributing to the holding ‘stuck’ pattern or whether it is a divine timing factor that is ‘holding it up’ - is whether you are actually working on what you know your true purpose is - every single day. Now - pyres just auto spelt from purpose just then! Soooo…. your old life is dying AND I would recommend listening to my Healing from the Witch Hunts Meditation, which you can find on my audio meditation page of my website, or send me a message of ‘WITCH’ and I can send you the link. Listening to this Meditation can shift the ‘block’ - which is the trauma of being killed at this point of your purpose in your last lifetime and your body soul memory is like - nah! not doing that again! So, you halt for many unconscious reasons that are affecting conscious physical reality and you wonder why you’re stuck! So if this resonates, definitely use my Healing from the Witch Hunts to free you from this restrictive phase. Allow three weeks for the unravelling to play affect in your physical reality from this and write it on your calendar that you did it when you do. I am also getting the message of Trust. Trust this change is leading you to the answer to your prayers. What you have been feeling for quite some time is mis-alignment - that is all. You’ve been doing what you do - but it hasn’t been bringing you the same amount of joy as it used to. Whilst your chosen career will go through stages - just like a long term relationship does, if you can a liken your career path to that of a long term relationship and really work the stages of your career with the stages of a relationship - you will be able to pin point where you are and make adjustments even in your mindset - for where you are at this time. Plus.. the shift into the next stage and re-alignment to your true path, your true purpose and the blooming of your career - is about to blossom - it is why, you’ve pulled this card and are going through this transition that you are. Treat yourself and this stage like you would a new born baby - because you’re being born again, to a whole new phase of your life and career, and it deserves the kindness, calm and gentleness as you birth this phase. No one said it won’t be messy and hard - just like learning a relationship with a new born baby and all that entails - but… you can do this, or you wouldn’t be here…. doing it. Love xxx These are the final days before Life Purpose Accelerator closes and the doors will not be open for this until 2024. 2023 is such a potent year of transition, recalibration and clearing out what no longer serves you, to activate a timeline of complete alignment in full integrity of your Life Purpose. Life Purpose Accelerator is a beautiful 12 month container of the deepest and highest light quotient to bring darkness to light, transformation to integration and intuition to it's full potential. Only those ready to step into their full potential and stop hiding in the shadows, need click this link here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Crystal Clear Intentions - Archangel Michael - “Be clear about what you desire and focus upon it with unwavering faith.”
Now is the time to stay clear on what you want AND not settle for anything less than… what you want! I also feel this card for you today is of course, getting clear and focused and staying clear on what you want but… it is about not settling. In relationships, in what you want to charge, in your career path - it feels like with this end of the eclipse season and this 17 year cycle - that, going back to what was feels like the most grossest thing ever and… why would you just. You have this clean slate being delivered to you upon this divine platter to feast with the divine of the finest wine - do not settle for breadcrumbs! Ah, the Rumi Oracle by Alana Fairchild starting to flow through of one of those cards here. You literally can have any thing right now and even though you are not sure ‘how’ it will manifest - your only ‘job’ is to stay clear on what you want and hold it in dear faith and soul with absolute certainty and clarity that this is what you want, how it is and all the things. I am also getting the message to hold your vision for the 12 month goal, not focus on the worries of now. What I mean by this, is of course we need to stay present in this day reality - but don’t let the worries and emotional bog down of todays rob you of your motivation of your goals of where you want to be in 12 months time. We do not look back and remember this day or worries, we look back and remember what year 2023 was - so how was it for you and where will you be in 12 months time? Your vision, your heart and your life purpose is guiding you - but are you truly focusing on it, or are you letting the reality of today bog you down? Another piece of gold one of my mentors once said is, ‘can i just get through today?’ - yes, yes I can. Worry about tomorrow another time - stay focused on where you will be in 12 months time and what do you need to do today to bring that to fruition? As this will help pull you up to the place you want to be and can operate from this place. You truly can choose and if you don’t feel this way - then you just need to cry, release and take your power back and rise. Because… you can. This is what you are good at this, this is what you do - you pull miracles from thin air - to the ground and you know how to work this magic - so pull yourself back to your big picture vision now. Also, what physical things do you need to tend to? I know that is a similar message to ‘what do you do today to support your 12 month vision’ and it is this - but also - what physical things do you need to tend to - go do this now. Remember, stay clear and focused - you literally have a menu in your hot little hands write now so dream and order away precious one! Love xxx These are the final days before Life Purpose Accelerator closes and the doors will not be open for this until 2024. 2023 is such a potent year of transition, recalibration and clearing out what no longer serves you, to activate a timeline of complete alignment in full integrity of your Life Purpose. Life Purpose Accelerator is a beautiful 12 month container of the deepest and highest light quotient to bring darkness to light, transformation to integration and intuition to it's full potential. Only those ready to step into their full potential and stop hiding in the shadows, need click this link here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: Nurture - Archangel Gabriel - “As you nurture as child, you nurture your own inner child. Both activities are important for you right now.”
It is okay to rest and be gentle with yourself at this time - Archangel Sandolphon also turned up in this weeks cards for card #2 for Gentleness…. I wonder how that relates to you as well? For Archangel Gabriel I am getting the sense of shhhhh…. not everyone needs to know your business at this time, not everyone needs to know what is going on for you, not everyone needs to be in your life! Not everyone needs to be told the ins and outs and not everyone needs to have eyes on what you are doing. Whatever you are planning at this time, keep it to yourself until completion. It feels like perhaps recently, you shared plans with someone or the world and then… all of a sudden the rug was pulled out again right?! Just the Universe’s way of saying - not that way sunny jim! I also feel if you were sure of it in yourself too - you wouldn’t have said anything to anyone. When we are doubting our own decisions or internal guidance, we generally will seek external advice. Sure, this is a process of trusting your intuition and figuring out what to do decide on, but most of the time we already know. The other part is that we can tell people when we are not confident in ourselves to pull it off… but we know we can. So, shhhhh, best to just make the bold moves, big choices, big press of the button by yourself and do the thing you know your Soul is guiding you to do - without telling anyone! Just do it - because you are clear inside of yourself on what to do - so trust this and know where your Soul is guiding you at this time to be supported, to have a ‘nest of people around you’ (the card image) - you are very supported by the spirit world at this time in your choices, so continue to reach out and let yourself feel this support, because you are. Also, Archangel Gabriel, is the Archangel of gestating your Life Purpose, new projects and of course, a baby - as Archangel Gabriel is deeply connected to your Sacral Chakra and Womb, where you gestate projects - even if you are a male, you have a Sacral Chakra and this is where we gestate projects and birth them through our Base Chakra - which is your Life Purpose. So this, is deeply going on for you right now. If you have had stomach upsets, this is a deeply contributing factor, so know that working on your Purpose in silence with a select few trustworthy mentors and people that support you - is the shhhhh for you at this time. You can do it. Love xxx These are the final days before Life Purpose Accelerator closes and the doors will not be open for this until 2024. 2023 is such a potent year of transition, recalibration and clearing out what no longer serves you, to activate a timeline of complete alignment in full integrity of your Life Purpose. Life Purpose Accelerator is a beautiful 12 month container of the deepest and highest light quotient to bring darkness to light, transformation to integration and intuition to it's full potential. Only those ready to step into their full potential and stop hiding in the shadows, need click this link here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: Clairaudience - Archangel Zadkiel - “Notice the loving guidance you hear inside your mind or from other people.”
First of all, you are super sensitive at this time. Perhaps you’ve needed LOTS of silence at this time or have needed to venture to different geographical locations (for whatever reason) and this is a part of your sensitivity - meaning you are deeply in tune with your intuition at this time and are being guided to different places and things for a reason of upgrades/activations and a change in your physical body. The different geographical locations are activating something in your body and are allowing you to open to new realms of information. Now whilst this can seem like a no brainer - like der, of course travelling to new geographical locations opens you up to new information and sensory perceptions! But.. this feels deeper than this. Obviously the your Clairaudience is deeply connected and ‘is’ your Ear Chakra Consciousness. And the Ear Chakra Consciousness is about busting new realms open and coming into alignment with your Purpose - clearing away any debris that is holding you back from your true authentic path. Hmmm, has integrity, alignment, truth and spaciousness been a thing for you lately? It feels like you’ve been reassessing EVERYTHING and really taking stock of what fits, suits, aligns and what really doesn’t anymore and almost like EVERYTHING is dropping away from you? Hold on, as you’re about to birth through a portal into a whole new life and this space has been the preparation for your next phase of your life so to speak. I don’t feel you’ve been feeling lost in this space, but just enjoying the space and it feels like you’ve done a lot of healing recently that has truly allowed this space for you. I am getting huge celebration from your Angels and Spirit Guides, because you’ve walked through a huge initiation. I am also getting the sense that there are opportunities coming up that are part of this awakening, shift, recalibration and initiation you’ve been through. Even if you don’t know ‘how’ - if it feels right, it feels like this is the ‘reward’ for what you’ve been through if that makes sense? And feels like it should be a no brainer big YES for you to take these/this opportunity at this time. Spread your wings and fly! The big wings on Archangel Zadkiel are jumping out at me on the card and it feels like a huge opening for you into a new world that is and has always been your destiny, but you’ve arrived here because of the initiations you’ve been through and what you have experienced - you’ve truly stepped up and done the work - hence this new reality busting forth into this dimension with the Ear Chakra Consciousness allowing the call of your Heart to pull you in the direction of your dreams. It is real! Go follow it! Your Heart calls you home.. let yourself receive the gift of your Heart Healing bring this love to your door. Love xxx These are the final days before Life Purpose Accelerator closes and the doors will not be open for this until 2024. 2023 is such a potent year of transition, recalibration and clearing out what no longer serves you, to activate a timeline of complete alignment in full integrity of your Life Purpose. Life Purpose Accelerator is a beautiful 12 month container of the deepest and highest light quotient to bring darkness to light, transformation to integration and intuition to it's full potential. Only those ready to step into their full potential and stop hiding in the shadows, need click this link here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator