🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 30th November 2021
Nov 30, 2021
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 30th November 2021
There is a strong message this week of the Overlying Card of this reading today (Bottom Card of the Deck), that I am feeing called to share here - that is of Mt Shasta.
There are strong potent energies around this time of the year, regardless let's just amplify that with some potent Eclipses right now as well. Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings and signs from the Universe.
I feel that right now, you are being shown many signals, signs and direction changes in your life (some quite huge for you) that are aligning you with your Life Purpose. 'You cannot not do it anymore' is a strong theme here. Trust, and take those leaps forward, even when you can't see where you are going to land - your intuition is guiding you correctly, trust it.
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Beyond Lumeria Oracle Cards for you today 🐬🔮
There was never more of a time to trust your intuition than this critical turning point in Human History than now in the world. You’re tired of being stuck, confused - having burst of energy and clarity but then feel the slump again and wonder if any of it is worth it or if you’re ever going to find the one true thing that is meant for you or just that next step even!
Your Passion, your Purpose, your drive is soo important for you, and yet, where did that all go? Is it ever going to come back? How will you ever know if it is the true path for you or just a distraction? “How on Earth am I supposed to trust my intuition in a world that screams at me not to Hannah?!” - Right here beautiful, Trust Your Intuition is in it’s final hours before the investment increases, click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: The Sound of the Universe.
I am getting such a strong message for you about sound, frequency, your energy, your life and it shifting frequency, you being called to shift your frequency, your vibration, stop focusing on the negative, take positive action about every ‘negative’ thing that comes your way - out way the positive over negative in your day to greatly enhance your connection to your creator right now. I am also getting the message that something is wanting to birth out of you - is this birthing a new frequency of your entire life right now. Have you been getting the message to detox? Have you been detoxing already? How serious have you been focusing on it? And your health? I am getting the message to amp it up a notch, take it to the next level yes? But you have already been getting that message too? Time to get fit and healthy baby!! Push through the hardest parts, remember that it isn’t always easy to do. But always worth it. This fit body, healthy mind, healthy heart - this is what is going to give you the strength to get through what is coming up for you personally and globally - and also this? It shifts your frequency to hear the sound of the Universe, because I am sensing that when you start truly committing, truly shifting into this with your body, mind, Soul consistency and commitment your Soul is awaiting to not only bust through a new version of you - but… something innately yours, your gift to yourself and the world? Your Life Purpose, the next layer, the next version, the next iteration of you.. you can already feel it coming out right? This also might be a message for you that you ARE doing this, that health, body, mind, spirit is a no brainer for you - and with this, I feel you ARE birthing the next iteration of your Purpose right now. If you’ve felt lost with your Purpose or a bit meh about what you currently do, as I always say, you’r not lost, you’re recalibrating. You’re recalibrating to the next level, next layer, next version of yourself, your business, your life right now. Your sound, your tone, your frequency, your energy, YOU - the gift of YOU is shifting to higher levels, holding more compassion, more awareness, more power - all the things. Know that this recalibration has come, because this birthing of a new frequency in your life and to the world, is just meant to be happening right now. And yet, you already know and feel this at the core of your being right? Of course :) Love xxx There was never more of a time to trust your intuition than this critical turning point in Human History than now in the world. You’re tired of being stuck, confused - having burst of energy and clarity but then feel the slump again and wonder if any of it is worth it or if you’re ever going to find the one true thing that is meant for you or just that next step even! Your Passion, your Purpose, your drive is soo important for you, and yet, where did that all go? Is it ever going to come back? How will you ever know if it is the true path for you or just a distraction? “How on Earth am I supposed to trust my intuition in a world that screams at me not to Hannah?!” - Right here beautiful, Trust Your Intuition is in it’s final hours before the investment increases, click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #2: Earth Star Chakra. Initiation.
While this is a card about deeply connecting to the Earth and about your connection to your Earth Star Chakra, that is about a foot under your feet in the Earth, it is what connects your Soul here, this also being the Initiation card, I feel that you are ‘landing’ a lot of things right now - is everything crumbling around you? Does it feel like you are going one way, then something else comes in to change this situation, and then it feels like you’re a mess then argh! Stop! Everything feels chaotic right now for you, because so much is shifting for you, so much is ‘landing’. Your foundations (Earth) are ‘crumbling’ because this next phase of your life is birthing. Be extra gentle with yourself is the strong message I am getting for you about this situation. I feel that you need to keep in mind that it will be this way for a few months - a good chunk of time, so be okay with feeling frazzled, ungrounded, unsure - as you step more and more into the unknown and with that?? Your connection to your Earth Star Chakra gets STRONGER. You are no longer relying on the outside physical ‘safety’ of your Universe (world/life/routines/work/relationships) to find and be comfortable with yourself. You are now - coming into yourself. The two parts of yourself have merged, the masculine, the feminine - you have done a lot of work on yourself and you should be proud of where you are at - even if you don’t feel strong at times - you are and you’re a leader to shine your light in the world, to help others stand on their own two feet. You can feel the energy rising, energy strengthening and there is a lot coming in the next 12 months and that is why you personally, and professionally are going through this monstrous change right now. I know you may not feel it at times, but you are safe - as you go through these changes. The Earth Star Initiation - the Earth, is cold, dark, damp, moist, soil… you know the story of the Lotus Lilly that travels the mud then through the water to reach the surface to then open and shine. You know that strong roots and foundations of a huge Oak Tree, grow in the damp, moist soil. If things are dark and gloomy for you right now, be okay with that. You’re going through one of THE biggest initiations of your life. Plan ahead - 5, 10, 15, 20 years time - where are you going to be? What do you want to do, if you don’t know, let it sit and grow, let ideas feed your Soul over time. Let, your seeds grow. There is a reason your life has turned upside down right now. Your roots, are anchoring in a whole other world for you right now. Initiations are like doorways, things you walk through that not many other people do - ever. Your Soul is ready for the next level, YOU are ready for this, even if it doesn’t feel like this. You’ve got this. Let's GO! Love xxx There was never more of a time to trust your intuition than this critical turning point in Human History than now in the world. You’re tired of being stuck, confused - having burst of energy and clarity but then feel the slump again and wonder if any of it is worth it or if you’re ever going to find the one true thing that is meant for you or just that next step even! Your Passion, your Purpose, your drive is soo important for you, and yet, where did that all go? Is it ever going to come back? How will you ever know if it is the true path for you or just a distraction? “How on Earth am I supposed to trust my intuition in a world that screams at me not to Hannah?!” - Right here beautiful, Trust Your Intuition is in it’s final hours before the investment increases, click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #3: Full Spectrum.
Hmmm, I am getting the strong message for you, to come back to the remembrance of the Oneness that you are. I feel you’ve been in too much duality, being pulled in almost a zillion ways and winding up feeling frazzled at times - and yet, this card has come to you as a reminder of where your true power actually comes from. Where are you needing to take more time out for yourself to bring yourself back to the truth and power that you ARE? I am wondering if you have been quite busy lately and this card has come to you to remember to reconnect to yourself. I am sensing like a frazzled almost - split sort of feeling. Has someone triggered you recently? What is it that has triggered you about them? I feel that this is an awakening for you - yes, I imagine it doesn’t feel like this at this time! The duality is strong in this card - and the Full Spectrum - asking you to come back to wholeness within yourself and I feel that when you do - an entirely new sense of self will come to consciousness. It feels like - what are you judging as good/bad or right/wrong? This, I am sensing is the only thing stopping you from the sense of lack of freedom of choice you’re feeling right now in your own life. It feels like you are restricted in some way, however, this is a collective consciousness that sure, will and probably is playing out in your life in some way shape or form, but the deep sense I am getting for you is a perception - that duality again. Thinking you’re stuck, stagnant, blocked or can’t see a way out - is because you’re thinking like that. You may argue with me, because of your current circumstances and whilst this may be true to an extent - start to change your train of thoughts now even when your circumstances don’t reflect your new positive thinking. The thing that you are judging - actually has a message for you. You can find out this message by using my Shadow Meditation, which can be found for free in my Clear & Activate Pack on my website. You can take your ‘trigger’ - whether positive or negative into the Shadow Meditation and find out the deeper meaning of what is going on for you, integrate it, shift what is going on for you and come back to the Oneness for yourself - feel ‘normal’ again if you may. There is a message, a piece of Gold awaiting you in there precious Soul. And yes! You can use the Shadow Meditation to amplify the good feelings! Integrate the positive things you see in the world and amplifying this on the planet may be what you were called to this card for today - you have power, time to amplify that baby!! Love xxx There was never more of a time to trust your intuition than this critical turning point in Human History than now in the world. You’re tired of being stuck, confused - having burst of energy and clarity but then feel the slump again and wonder if any of it is worth it or if you’re ever going to find the one true thing that is meant for you or just that next step even! Your Passion, your Purpose, your drive is soo important for you, and yet, where did that all go? Is it ever going to come back? How will you ever know if it is the true path for you or just a distraction? “How on Earth am I supposed to trust my intuition in a world that screams at me not to Hannah?!” - Right here beautiful, Trust Your Intuition is in it’s final hours before the investment increases, click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #4: Harmonic Flight.
Whilst this is a card about Harmonising energies within your life and your own masculine and feminine energies I am getting the sense that for you today this is a message about the balance of harmonising energies within your relationships. I am wondering have you had your eye on someone? Is there someone ‘catching your attention’ recently that, you almost push it out of your mind - heart - and yet, it is just there, present and keeps returning - getting stronger almost? This may be a new relationship that is the ‘Harmonic Balance’ of who you are - but this card may also becoming to you to today, as you are releasing a relationship that you know is not in alignment anymore, no matter how hard you’ve tried, it is just ‘not a fit’ right? Let yourself grieve this, I feel that you’ve already let go of them and to trust the continuation of this release - for your Harmonic Balance - it feels like has been trying to come into your life for a little while now, but you’ve been pushing it out of your mind/body/awareness. Also - what is it, that you need to do - to bring your LIFE into Harmonic Balance? Sure, this may be about your body, health, fitness, financial situation or home/life/living situation, however, there is something you have been working on TO bring into balance right? This Harmonic Flight is a resonance frequency that I feel you have been working on that is shifting everything so the frequency is in ‘balance’ and THAT is what is synchronistically bringing everything into balance right? What huge leap of faith have you been thinking about - or have/are just about to take? This, also feels like - if you’re hesitating about it (even though you intuitively know you have to/are going to do it) the question to ask yourself is, ‘Will this bring me into Harmonic Resonance with my highest self?’ If the answer is a straight up, no brainer yes, then honey, don’t waste any more time second guessing, or letting that mind get in your way one moment more. You already know the answer. Just keep following the feelings that bring you each and every day, each and every breath, into the Harmonic Resonance feelings that enable you to take flight and usher your dreams into reality. Who or what, what direction has your Heart been calling you to go in? Whether a relationship choice, career choice or moving house, state or country choice - ‘Will this bring me into Harmonic Resonance with my highest self?’ - you have your answer precious one, now, trust it - with all your Heart. Love xxx There was never more of a time to trust your intuition than this critical turning point in Human History than now in the world. You’re tired of being stuck, confused - having burst of energy and clarity but then feel the slump again and wonder if any of it is worth it or if you’re ever going to find the one true thing that is meant for you or just that next step even! Your Passion, your Purpose, your drive is soo important for you, and yet, where did that all go? Is it ever going to come back? How will you ever know if it is the true path for you or just a distraction? “How on Earth am I supposed to trust my intuition in a world that screams at me not to Hannah?!” - Right here beautiful, Trust Your Intuition is in it’s final hours before the investment increases, click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #5: Reclaim Your Energy.
Enough! I want to say STOP! Breathe deeper - take a deeper breath again! You got this! Self care, self care, self care - or… have you just taken a huge deep ‘breath’ of a break recently and you are ready to GO? It feels like you’ve just come off a big ‘break’ so to speak and now… you’ve almost been ‘waiting’ for this time if you may, because now you’re ready to DO THIS right? I feel like the first half of this year was almost a limbo type feeling - definitely a recalibration as you have been diving in, changing things, moving things, internally recalibrating on such a big deep level, but now you’re expanding into new areas, in your health, business and life and I wonder… if you’re ‘still’ not sure where to go or expand into as such? You know you are here to do MORE and you’ve definitely taken a break and just… ready but flat because well, you’re not sure? Reclaim Your Energy - in my Free Essentials Collection Meditation Pack on my website, under Audio Meditations - is a meditation called Recalling Your Energy. It is short, fast, you can listen multi-tasking and it does exactly that - reclaims your energy. I feel you are very focused at this time, but get pulled in many directions, then back in again to focus. Whilst this is an ebb and flow and to trust this, I also feel you will benefit from this pulling your energy back from all time and space. I am also sensing messages about Past Life ‘unhooking’ for you right now too? Is there a relationship - intimate or professional that you have just left recently? I am sensing that the Recalling Your Energy and perhaps some deeper work for unhooking via the Past Life work would be beneficial right now for you. The threads in the past life, feel like they have ‘bound’ you - have been having trouble making a decision or thinking you’ve done the wrong thing - or this undertone feeling of ‘wrong’ in a situation that doesn’t even have anything to do with a person?? Something is surfacing from a past life for you right now that would see beneficial to shift this out and that this is where it is coming from - not even this lifetime. This an old thread. I am also getting the message of rapid fast changes with this deep inner work for you at this time. It’s like the ‘hook’ that has been held strong in your energy field for all this time - no more with this work! It is also potent energies of these Eclipses right now to be working with these deep old threads, it is almost ‘why’ they are surfacing, clearing out these old patterns, allowing you to reclaim your energy. Get ready for rapid fast change beautiful one, the reality is, is that you deserve to be finally free of this.. and - it wouldn’t be surfacing right now, if your Soul wasn’t ready to step into the deep fulfilment and Soul alignment that is your birthright, let alone just how it is meant to be #normal right? Love xxx There was never more of a time to trust your intuition than this critical turning point in Human History than now in the world. You’re tired of being stuck, confused - having burst of energy and clarity but then feel the slump again and wonder if any of it is worth it or if you’re ever going to find the one true thing that is meant for you or just that next step even! Your Passion, your Purpose, your drive is soo important for you, and yet, where did that all go? Is it ever going to come back? How will you ever know if it is the true path for you or just a distraction? “How on Earth am I supposed to trust my intuition in a world that screams at me not to Hannah?!” - Right here beautiful, Trust Your Intuition is in it’s final hours before the investment increases, click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #6: Earth. Nurture Nature.
Hmmm, the strong message pouring through this card as soon as I saw it for you - is you are being called and now - to come back to your truest nature. Your innate natural self of the highest health levels you can ever get and become possible in this lifetime. Stop eating the crap foods, get super fit and healthy, do health regimes that have just come into your awareness that are actually making so much logical sense. It is almost like an urgent call from your Soul with this card - to make these changes to your lifestyle - not just food - but it feels like your entire lifestyle needs and overhaul with this card for you right now - but it also feels like you’ve been very aware of this and if it’s not almost time - it is time now. If you already live your life this way - I feel there is an upgrade to what you do already - whether physically, spiritually, emotionally or mentally - what is the upgrade in one of those areas to what you already do? I feel that this is a time to come into complete alignment of your true values. Your values is what is really important to you. Have you let go of some of your values, because you just had to do some things first and left some things on the table so to speak, whilst you rearranged your life, focused and sorted some things out and now you can - fill in the blank - I wonder if you have realised you can come back to your true core values? Sometimes when we dedicate ourselves to a path - sometimes we are so hustle hustle hustle flow flow space that we really let everything go to reach a certain point and then it is time to FLOW and FLY with places for yourself too - and now - I feel that you have ‘space’ to truly come back to your core values here - which is in alignment with your true values and provides your next steps in the next level of service you are here to bring the world into awareness, healing, growth, transformational portals and consciousness of. Your natural innate self, your highest self, your true self is calling you forth right now so you can anchor in these higher frequencies and also - keep people connected to the Earth - yes? Let alone your own life :) So, what is that upgrade for you? Your urgent call has sounded - will you answer it? Love xxx There was never more of a time to trust your intuition than this critical turning point in Human History than now in the world. You’re tired of being stuck, confused - having burst of energy and clarity but then feel the slump again and wonder if any of it is worth it or if you’re ever going to find the one true thing that is meant for you or just that next step even! Your Passion, your Purpose, your drive is soo important for you, and yet, where did that all go? Is it ever going to come back? How will you ever know if it is the true path for you or just a distraction? “How on Earth am I supposed to trust my intuition in a world that screams at me not to Hannah?!” - Right here beautiful, Trust Your Intuition is in it’s final hours before the investment increases, click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition