🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 31st December 2024
Dec 31, 2024🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 31st December 2024 - Happy New Gregorian Calendar Year 🥂
Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today of the number you choose earlier today from the Healing from the Angels Oracle.
If you’re ready to make 2025 your best year yet and know that being surrounded by those that have already walked the path you seek, know the light and the dark and can guide to you become the cartographer of your own subconscious to bring to light your unique purpose in this world navigating the birthing of it in this realm, then I am the mentor for you. Click here for Life Purpose Accelerator: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Manifestation.
What an appropriate card for New Years! 🥂 and if feel so strongly for you, this is based around - gratitude. You want more - but you have so much to be grateful for. It is like you are feeling torn. You know you want and can have more but you love what you have and what you have hurt and ultimately honey? What a delicious place to be in. Gratitude instead of pain. Purpose instead of lost. Abundance instead of struggling. What a bliss. What a life and also? This - is your super power. This is what you’ve always believed and now you’re here with this and this? Is something of not just who you are - but your purpose. To inspire others to live their best lives, to become better humans. To have, be and do whatever they want and this is a huge gift you bring to the earth. It’s like you’re needing to give yourself full permission to do what you want to do instead of waiting for validation from - from who?! You. Only you now. I work with alot of clients where they have a double mission - to bring new structures to our earth - and to inspire others to be better by being themselves, being in joy and creating the life they truly want, not settling for less than they desire because of x-y-z. So, I feel that this manifestation card for you today, on the cusp of a new Gregorian calendar year, to own who you are, to shine your light brighter and bigger than ever, knowing that your true empire and power is who you are and the world you create around you - simply because you want to - IS your purpose. The more you can own this, be comfortable in this and run from this vantage point here - the faster your manifestations will come in - because ultimately? It’s alignment that magnetises it to you. You know this. Your manifestations are your heart and whatever your heart wants now is showing you the next steps in your purposeful life and it is here that as a new dawn breaks, so to, does the light shine on the new facets of your world and your heart lights up in more gratitude and joy and your heart is the ripple that the world needs right now - by you being 100% you in your grounded power. And so it is. Love xxx If you’re ready to make 2025 your best year yet and know that being surrounded by those that have already walked the path you seek, know the light and the dark and can guide to you become the cartographer of your own subconscious to bring to light your unique purpose in this world navigating the birthing of it in this realm, then I am the mentor for you. Click here for Life Purpose Accelerator: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Blessings.
Similar message to Card #1: for you here however with a slight change - you’re needing to stay focused on gratitude, blessings and miracles of the right now. It feels like you’ve been going through a rough patch or life direction changes you didn’t see coming or finding yourself in a place you didn’t think you would be ‘at this time’. And what this is coming down to is the teeny tiny gratitude. When we are feeling loss and ‘didn’t think you’d be here’ at this time in your life, what pulls you up out of the dark spiral that can serve only to drown you further is the gratitude of now. That might be nothing… compared to what you used to have but the purpose is to be present with what is. Now, this isn’t about slapping positivity over negativity - you know I am all for the howling grief and when your life has changed dramatically because your purpose has been the catalyst of major change pulling you into deep alignment of your purpose path, but what keeps your heart open during this time and not closing it due to past pain and future protection (which doesn’t work anyway) - is gratitude of now. The hot water so you can make a cup of coffee. The sun shining on your face or the fire to keep you warm. Your pet trying to get your attention and bring you back to this world with their affection. When I was in my darkest days, the slither of light and hope and the ‘only thing I trusted’ at that time - was definitely my pets and I consciously made a choice to open my heart to them even just for a moment, even just for a second I just let myself be present with them and open my heart to the love they were showing me - I let the love in. Because I knew moment by moment, opening by opening, it was changing something inside of me. Make me cry? Yes definitely. And it was kinda the point. Feeling is healing and if we’ve shut down our heart, we shut down to life. And you? Big open hearted, kind hearted, help anyone who needs it too that you are? That’s not you! (Closed heart!) just because you’ve been hurt in the past you do not need let them win or stay stuck in the past out of guilt that you can’t move on - you can. You have the gift of a lifetime right now - being alive in this present moment. You literally have the power to choose how your life gets to be now. And with all that has happened and is happening? You’ll see soon, that it’s the biggest blessing you could’ve asked for. So, pull yourself up out of the dark little moment, by little moment and watch all those little moments connect back to the light of your life that you knowwwww deep down is how your life is supposed to be - otherwise you just wouldn’t be here. Buttt - only you can do this, no one can do it for you. It’s a choice to find the blessings - even when it makes you cry and some. You’ve got this. Love xxx If you’re ready to make 2025 your best year yet and know that being surrounded by those that have already walked the path you seek, know the light and the dark and can guide to you become the cartographer of your own subconscious to bring to light your unique purpose in this world navigating the birthing of it in this realm, then I am the mentor for you. Click here for Life Purpose Accelerator: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: Retreat.
Time to chill out. Take time out and take as much time as you need to just come back to yourself, your path and into true alignment for you. You’ve been giving a lot of yourself lately - not just now - but for many years now and you’re… feeling weird cause it’s time to come back to yourself- that’s all. Maybe it is a healing retreat of a far away island of jungle. Or maybe is a stay at home retreat where you can catch up on tasks that have been bugging you for ages that is going to free up energetic and physical space to birth this next phase of your life. Perhaps it is someone who can help you navigate this next stage of your life in the realms you have always seen signs for you but haven’t trained yourself in. Regardless what this Retreat means for you - this is about you taking time out for you to clear out and get clear on your next course of action - with diligence and care, with being okay to take time out for you without guilt or apology. This is about you now - all about you. So, what is it, that you want? Take your time to map out - what do you want? It is powerful to insert your name and say it out loud when you ask yourself this statement. You can also journal on it, asking it over and over again and each time you do, your Soul will get clearer and clearer about the direction you’re going in for your actual Soul’s path. I want to say Tom - give yourself permission to take as much time as you need - until you feel ready to come back in (to whatever it is) because if you can truly honour this - you’ll bust through glass ceilings and have the breakthroughs the entire reason you’re being called to take time out and retreat about this for in the first place. It’s for you to receive and only receive, no one can receive the guidance for you in the biggest aha moment it’s meant to be that is a catalyst that pulls you into a higher frequency but you and your Soul - it’s meant for you only. Love xxx If you’re ready to make 2025 your best year yet and know that being surrounded by those that have already walked the path you seek, know the light and the dark and can guide to you become the cartographer of your own subconscious to bring to light your unique purpose in this world navigating the birthing of it in this realm, then I am the mentor for you. Click here for Life Purpose Accelerator: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Guardian Angel.
I’m getting the strong message here for you that you’re needing to let go of a relationship you keep holding onto it - either in hope of it working out and/or getting back to gather or waiting around for them to realise you’re meant to be in their life or that you’re waiting for them to step into their potential and become the person you want them to be - because you’re not entirely happy with how they treat you in relationship. For the latter, you’ve settled and the only potential you’re denying is your own. Whether you stay with them or not - your potential is being limited by you focusing on them. This is about you. This is about you focusing on them being the problem when you’re not looking at what’s going on inside yourself. Whether you’re denying the truth of the reality about the relationship or not is irrelevant to the fact that you’re scared to actually do the work to shift your hurt, pain, betrayal or whatever else is buried in there from your past because the reality is, is that you are blocking your ‘dreams come true’ by not doing the inner work. And let’s be real - you walked away from some heavy darkness in the last 1-2 years or have chosen to let go of bad habits - or something that was holding you back and now you’re faced with the pain of what that was covering up with in the first place and the truth is now? You’re being asked to heal what is deep within you that you can’t run from that is in your face or pain in your heart and you feel like you’re losing your mind a bit or second guessing yourself and everything but you do and that? Isn’t you! You usually hold it all together (and for everyone else) but now - you’re being asked to face this pain - feel to heal - as I say, so you can truly let in this next stage of your life which is why this happening in the first place. Your Guardian Angel is right by your side helping you through every aspect of this. This facet, is real and you’re being asked to listen to your Guardian Angel about this situation because it’s real. Love xxx If you’re ready to make 2025 your best year yet and know that being surrounded by those that have already walked the path you seek, know the light and the dark and can guide to you become the cartographer of your own subconscious to bring to light your unique purpose in this world navigating the birthing of it in this realm, then I am the mentor for you. Click here for Life Purpose Accelerator: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: Harmony.
Harmony. When I tuned into this - I felt Harmony in the musical sense - you’ve shifted frequency to a higher octave. That means - everything in your life will feel different but not much would’ve changed. People might have moved away from your or different people have come in, careers might have changed or new milestones have been met. It is here that you’re being asked to realise that the level of inner work you have done and the aligned action you’re taking on a daily basis - has completely changed the trajectory of your entire life. I feel like I have said this so many times recently that you’re like yes Hannah I know tell me something new! And yet, Spirit keeps giving us the same repetitive messages until we have shifted to a new level or receive the lesson or both. Sooo. The question here would be - how can you truly honour and anchor this new level as frequency in? It could be mapping out life paths/goals from this vantage point, it could be marking this level with celebration of a party or purchasing something to mark the occasion and memory of milestone to truly receive the level you’re at now. Perhaps you just did this and this is confirmation and celebration of this for you. I sure know, I sense a lot of joy around you and marking this occasion with this - is a potent anchor to truly receive the life you’ve created for yourself and that I see is what the point of life is all about. Creation. Evolution. Joy. Love. Allllll the things. You did it! Love xxx If you’re ready to make 2025 your best year yet and know that being surrounded by those that have already walked the path you seek, know the light and the dark and can guide to you become the cartographer of your own subconscious to bring to light your unique purpose in this world navigating the birthing of it in this realm, then I am the mentor for you. Click here for Life Purpose Accelerator: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: Freedom.
To do what you want when you want. The schedule you want, the work you want, the lifestyle you want - the all the things you want. But do you? Or are you rebelling against an old wound of being controlled and not allowed to have the freedom to choose anything you want as a kid? If you grew up in a very controlling environment as a child, you will naturally want to rebel as a teenager/adult and will not be open to other people’s perceptions, points of view or ideas/support that will actually advance you further, faster and keep you stuck in your limited closed loop of what you know only how to do yourself, because anyone else around you - will ‘take it off you/control you with it’ and therefore you struggling to receive and trust others (including the Universe) therefore expand and are keeping yourself at a limited capacity of your said freedom 😳 #ouch. That - was a strong message. Therefore - today’s card for you, number 6 - the number that is based in reality and is asking you to face the reality that you have a wound present and running that is keeping you trapped in you chasing the idea of freedom, but not actually experiencing it - because of this wound that is clouding the true experience of freedom. When you can heal this wound that is based in rebelling against authority you will be able to open your heart, trust life again and experience a significant shift in what you call ‘freedom’ and actually experience the freedom you’ve been chasing this entire time. When we are wounded, we don’t see it - it is just ‘who we are’ or ‘how we turn up and create amazing shit’ that most don’t perceive or understand. But you aren’t actually ‘feeling it’ - just chasing it, instead of living it - what you created the life for in the first place. It can also keep you trapped at the same income bracket or same relationship patterns without people, places or things - the same level - is time to shift that right? Define - Freedom? Are you even super clear on what Freedom truly means to you? If not - time to reassess and get clear on that - so you can shift out this unconscious rebel wound that is keeping you isolated from your real dreams and create the life you do want - not a looped version of the wound for your 2025 and beyond. The life you really love - here you come! Love xxx If you’re ready to make 2025 your best year yet and know that being surrounded by those that have already walked the path you seek, know the light and the dark and can guide to you become the cartographer of your own subconscious to bring to light your unique purpose in this world navigating the birthing of it in this realm, then I am the mentor for you. Click here for Life Purpose Accelerator: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator