🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 31st January 2023
Jan 31, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 31st January 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Archangels 💫
These...are the final hours to join in one of the most potent circles for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers. There is a rumbling below, a deep shift is occurring and in this Life Purpose Accelerator space, the energy supporting your Life Purpose to accelerate and move into a place of purposeful flow?
You can feel the Soul calling - you already have, and this moment? Is choice point, a potent one. This energy, right here? This… is what you can feel, it’s your heart and this space, with the courage of the Lion and the depth of the Crystalline Diamond Vortex, it is, your time to gain clarity, shine and let your Purpose become you. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Knight of Ariel. Trustworthy, Understanding, Devoted, Funny. ‘There is much to accomplish! Make a very detailed plan. Being watched over by someone kind.’
Well, I’m pretty sure in last weeks Tuesday Tarot there was a card that was very similar message that streamed through - Dream Big - but - that detailed plan honey! And now - this card directly says it, soooo are you? Do you have this detailed plan and more so - are you implementing it?! There is no use having a plan if you’re not implementing it! There is good in writing things down but sometimes that is more of a distraction than to actually doing what needs to be done and you can FEEL when it is a distraction to the thing that really needs to get done. Majority of time, when I am in full flow - there is a zillion post it notes all over my desk, because when I’m working on something, I will get 50 ideas about something else and I put them all on individual post it notes (okay maybe not 50 at once but you get the idea!) and it is all a big creative mess. But I’ll leave it like that whilst I do the thing I’m working on and sometimes it stays like that until another 3 projects are done. Then - only then IF the flow is there, I’ll organise the rest, discard what isn’t important or need to do and then list the most important and do them now. That is the organised detailed plan. You want to get savvy at working in your flows too. When you’re tired rest. When you want to throw it all away or get down on yourself - walk away from it for a while and do something completely different to shift the energy (go skydiving or sort your garden out). When everything is pulling at you to not do the thing because everyone needs you all of a sudden - block it out and do the thing - stay up late if you have to because it IS the thing that is wanting to come out and IS the solution to all the other things - not organising your notes! Notes can wait. That’s a bit like dishes - they can wait too. So, this very detailed plan - may just be about taking action. The clean up happens after the birth… now, get to it. Btw, there is also someone near and dear to you in the Spirit world that has your back and is helping you with all the details, so you can just do the thing, knowing that you have this support. It’s all working out, you’ve just got to keep taking the steps. Love xxx These...are the final hours to join in one of the most potent circles for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers. There is a rumbling below, a deep shift is occurring and in this Life Purpose Accelerator space, the energy supporting your Life Purpose to accelerate and move into a place of purposeful flow? You can feel the Soul calling - you already have, and this moment? Is choice point, a potent one. This energy, right here? This… is what you can feel, it’s your heart and this space, with the courage of the Lion and the depth of the Crystalline Diamond Vortex, it is, your time to gain clarity, shine and let your Purpose become you. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Eight of Ariel. ‘A great deal of activity. Sudden and immediate results. Important communication.’
Things are moving fast for you and I want to say you can handle this. Unexpected support is coming in, you’re being guided in this situation and it is important for you to continue to ‘follow the flutter’. Meaning, what lights you up? What brings you joy? Where is the light path? If it feels heavy and stuck, then it’s heavy and stuckness is not the path for you. Keep moving in the direction of the light hearted light ‘easy’ ‘yes’ feeling path because that is the one for you. This isn’t ‘it’s too good to be true’, this is - omg YES this is what I’ve been waiting for and why didn’t I think of this before? A veil has been lifted for you and what once was a dream is now possible reality and step by step is opening for you. A way forward is clear even though not entirely, all of a sudden, it is like it has shown itself to you. I also feel this will happen a lot quicker than you expect - the universe is poised to help you and this has been a long time coming. So, you have ‘time now’ and you know what’s coming, so prepare. What do you need to organise and get done - now? What will prepare you and make it happen and what do you want/need to do to close off this last chapter? Because, this portal, this doorway that has now opened, is leading you to a whole new life yes? How exciting! So, keep choosing what feels light and get things finished and sorted that you want to get done. You know what to do. Love xxx These...are the final hours to join in one of the most potent circles for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers. There is a rumbling below, a deep shift is occurring and in this Life Purpose Accelerator space, the energy supporting your Life Purpose to accelerate and move into a place of purposeful flow? You can feel the Soul calling - you already have, and this moment? Is choice point, a potent one. This energy, right here? This… is what you can feel, it’s your heart and this space, with the courage of the Lion and the depth of the Crystalline Diamond Vortex, it is, your time to gain clarity, shine and let your Purpose become you. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: The Moon. Archangel Haniel. ‘The opportunity to improve your plans. Listen to your intuition for accurate guidance. Face your fears and grow stronger.’
Hmmm, have you been feeling stuck? Like you’ve lost your way almost? Spinning in circles but wondering wtf and… all you’re hearing is trust your intuition and follow your heart but you don’t know where your heart has gone and gah. Stop. Rest. Give yourself permission to ‘sit here’ as long as it takes. There is time for healing, there is a time for pushing forward no matter what and there is a time for just sitting and waiting. Now, that is contradictory to what I talk about that ‘the answer to your purpose isn’t just going to drop in your lap’. What I am talking about here is that when you have been through a huge life change, birthed a baby or a project of any kind, there is a ‘rest’ phase after it. Sometimes we get frustrated here but it is sooo important to understand that this is normal after a birthing or big change AND do you know what else happens here when you can trust this ‘rest’ phase? Is that something big comes in, some big aha, realisation and/or you are shown the way. The reason you haven’t been shown the way, is because you are not allowing it to show you the way. I know, I KNOW this sounds sooo contradictory to what I have mentioned before, but I feel that if you are reading here - you definitely know the difference between avoiding and sitting around netflix bingeing when you KNOW the next step of your Purpose to get going on. Or whether you can ‘feel’ that this is a purposeful rest phase that you are in at this time. You will know the difference. And this, is giving you permission to be in this rest phase at this time. Trust. Surrender and be here now. I am getting the message that you have also been getting nudges and maybe you even stop started something about two weeks ago or had aha moments about two weeks ago and I am getting the message that it is so important to pursue this and only this at this time. And/or make the changes that are going to support this. To remind yourself to look at the end of 2023 and make decisions from this place. You know, where do you want to end up at the end of 2023? But are you actually making decisions in your day to day life now, that will get you there? Things take time and by working today with your end goal in mind, it is easier to sit down and do today what needs to be done instead of putting it off until tomorrow. We are at the end of January already right? Did you even get done what you wanted to get done in January? Things usually take longer than we expect and want done yesterday, so it is so imperative for you today, to be placing your time, energy and focus on your long term goals - today. With this in mind, how would you show up differently today? There is no more ‘waiting around’ when you know where you want to be at the end of 2023 (I am just using that example, but insert any other timeline for yourself). It feels like this ‘rest and reassess’ time can also be bringing up fears you didn’t know were there and so - face them. And sometimes facing them, means turning up and doing the thing, not more meditation and rest, so with your end goal in mind, which is it for you? Love xxx These...are the final hours to join in one of the most potent circles for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers. There is a rumbling below, a deep shift is occurring and in this Life Purpose Accelerator space, the energy supporting your Life Purpose to accelerate and move into a place of purposeful flow? You can feel the Soul calling - you already have, and this moment? Is choice point, a potent one. This energy, right here? This… is what you can feel, it’s your heart and this space, with the courage of the Lion and the depth of the Crystalline Diamond Vortex, it is, your time to gain clarity, shine and let your Purpose become you. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Four of Gabriel. ‘Time for a celebration! Abundant rewards for hard work. Release yourself from burdensome situations.’
Ah, you’ve done the hard yards - or are you about to up level and step into what you know your heart and Soul want to do? It feels like you have been getting ideas about something or perhaps something has just fully kicked into gear of a project you are working on - or perhaps you have just birthed this. I also feel you are being shown - where your heart is. Something has just come to mind, or been sitting on your mind and has been shown in your face - where you are actually meant to be, what you are meant to be focusing on what you are focusing on and it feels like you have had a big breakthrough with this. And the big part about it is, you have decided that this is the year you are going to go all in, do the thing and make everyday of your life one of the best days of your life yet. You know that you are here for big things and you’ve just given yourself permission to do this. This isn’t about 'permission' as such, but something has unlocked for you and you’ve decided and, you’re already being shown with the rewards that are coming to you now. This - is an important part to celebrate. This, is deep in your heart and SHOULD be celebrated. The more we celebrate, the more we have to celebrate yes? Also, have you been working like wwwaaayyyy too much lately? As I feel this is your sign to make sure you’re getting enough down time or outdoors time, as this feels a big part of the celebration, the rest, refuel and inspiration drop in time. This, ‘Release yourself from burdensome situations’ - feels like there is something extremely heavy that you are dealing with behind the scenes right now, like, if people knew, geez they would be wondering how you’re coping! And yet, this feels like a choice you’ve made recently (that needs to be celebrated!) that… you’re doing it differently this time, you’re choosing different, you’re tolerating things differently, you’re standing up for yourself, you’re understanding yourself and… you’re choosing things differently. Yes, I said it.. many times. Because you’re not doing things the old way, you’re not resting on your laurels, you’re not going to sit there and complain anymore. Cry and break down behind the scenes and ponder shit of course, but you’re also choosing to not let it drag you down this time. You’re holding your head up high, you’re walking in more faith than you knew was possible, you’ve stepped out of your own way and you’re shifting, faster than ever before, because you have leaned into trust more than you’ve ever done. And that? That level of faith, is to be celebrated in and of itself. And the other piece? Celebrations before the physical manifestation has arrived - are imperative - why? Because it has already happened baby and the most critical piece, is that when you are walking in that level of faith, you can feel it. You keep double taking whilst coming back to reality, because you keep thinking or seeing it and then shake your head realising current reality, but the reality of it being done, is so physically tangible and that? That is where the magic is, that is manifestation already done and that? THAT is cause for celebration honey, it is already done and that… is why celebration is such a crucial part of manifestation. It is already done and so now it is, how do you celebrate honey? I’m right there with you, so what are we doing to celebrate your successes? Love xxx These...are the final hours to join in one of the most potent circles for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers. There is a rumbling below, a deep shift is occurring and in this Life Purpose Accelerator space, the energy supporting your Life Purpose to accelerate and move into a place of purposeful flow? You can feel the Soul calling - you already have, and this moment? Is choice point, a potent one. This energy, right here? This… is what you can feel, it’s your heart and this space, with the courage of the Lion and the depth of the Crystalline Diamond Vortex, it is, your time to gain clarity, shine and let your Purpose become you. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: Decision. Archangel Jophiel. ‘Release yourself from that which holds you back! A need to detox. Unnecessary worry based on a lack of self confidence.’
Let’s be real, you’ve already made your decision honey! And, I feel that something you shelved, hmmm, maybe back in late 2021 early 2022 is coming back around for you. I feel that this part of the decision doesn’t make sense and isn’t really a ‘big thing’ it is just - time now or something the feeling is. It is almost like, back then, this part of the decision (I feel there are two decisions in this card for you) and the one back then, is that it just wasn’t the right time. Perhaps you dabbled a little, and understood it kind of and then you just left it. You were always going to do it, but, there is a time for pushing and making things happen and then there is also divine timing and I feel this has been playing into it - but you can also feel that right now - is the right time. So, it isn’t even a thought really. It may have almost surprised you (in a way) that it has come back around, but… at the same time - you have always been waiting for that internal nudge and.. it has arrived and you are just doing it now. The second seemingly major decision is that - as I first said, you’ve already made your decision! It is a YES. The only doubt surfacing (because doubt always surfaces once you’ve made your decision!) is that you are waiting for a sign, waiting for someone outside of yourself to say YES - instead of you trusting yourself and going in wholeheartedly following what you know is right for you, that you have regretted not in the past and now this is here again and of course it is right. There is an essence of divine timing to this as well, it is like a veil, a cloak, has lifted from your life and now it is all go for all the things. This - releasing yourself from that which holds you back - I feel is a big part that is - you - but, you have shifted through that and know this is the right decision for you. I feel that ultimately? This card is confirmation that you have made the right decision - of course you have and are about to - because you wouldn’t be this far making it if it wasn’t the right decision. Remember, your purpose doesn’t guide you to things that are not meant to be. They are meant to be, or they wouldn’t even be near you. If you were living your best life, would you have made this decision? Yes, exactly. So, off to it then! Love xxx These...are the final hours to join in one of the most potent circles for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers. There is a rumbling below, a deep shift is occurring and in this Life Purpose Accelerator space, the energy supporting your Life Purpose to accelerate and move into a place of purposeful flow? You can feel the Soul calling - you already have, and this moment? Is choice point, a potent one. This energy, right here? This… is what you can feel, it’s your heart and this space, with the courage of the Lion and the depth of the Crystalline Diamond Vortex, it is, your time to gain clarity, shine and let your Purpose become you. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: King of Gabriel. Generous, Inspirational, Dramatic, Driven. ‘Keep your eyes on the big picture, leave the details to others. Experience that leads to success. Genuine concern for others.’
Ah, where are you picking up too much slack that a ‘King’ is not supposed to? Now, I don’t mean that a ‘King’ cannot get his hands dirty, but where are you carrying the load, where it is just not your duty to? It is not that you don’t have the strength, nor that you can’t do the work - you are more than capable of. You created this baby after all! You know it inside out - you CAN do it all - but, this is about letting in support, this is about allowing yourself to have people around you let alone help you. You don’t have to do this alone anymore, but you have to rise into your King (or Queen) position, to be supported enough to be able to not only get what you want to get done, done - but to heal what you need to heal. ‘Experience that leads to success’ - I feel you have experience that can help others and a particular situation, that your ‘talents are wasted’ doing what you’re currently doing and you’ve been getting this nudge for a bit now, but almost, not known what to do with it? You’ve been working ‘in the ranks’ doing your thing, but this King in you? This Queen in you? It is time to rise honey! If you haven’t worked on Father Healing at a deep core level, this also is your sign to work deeply on healing any Father related issues/abuse that you’ve buried or a longing for stability in your life, that seems to elude you, Father Healing is in call. Time to become the King you wish you had growing up yes? I am also sensing from this card and/or this healing, that there is a lot of success that comes in from this. ‘Experience that leads to success’ - as you step into your King/Queen role, let yourself be supported and receive help through this phase, you are allowing this success to finally ‘reach’ you - and/or - your current mode of success is taking it to a new level at this time. Are you ready to fly? It’s big picture time honey, RISE. Love xxx These...are the final hours to join in one of the most potent circles for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers. There is a rumbling below, a deep shift is occurring and in this Life Purpose Accelerator space, the energy supporting your Life Purpose to accelerate and move into a place of purposeful flow? You can feel the Soul calling - you already have, and this moment? Is choice point, a potent one. This energy, right here? This… is what you can feel, it’s your heart and this space, with the courage of the Lion and the depth of the Crystalline Diamond Vortex, it is, your time to gain clarity, shine and let your Purpose become you. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator