🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 3rd December 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Dec 03, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 3rd December 2024

Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today of the number you choose earlier today from The Ancient Stones Oracle. 

Success Frequencies. Light Codes. Goddess Initiations. Purpose Wealth Expansion & Activations. PLATINUM is open. For the Entrepreneurial Goddess Who Wants It All. You deserve to get paid well for what you do. You deserve to have it all. The Wealth. The Success. The Love. The Purpose.

The Fulfilment of your Heart’s greatest desires. Doing what you love, creating your own schedule and living the life of your dreams. Your initiation into Deeper Service has called you here. Click here for all the details, PLATINUM doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/platinum

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Stone Goddess. ‘Unwavering love and support. Maternal line.’

It’s all coming together. You’ve just realised something that is going to shift - everythinggggg. It might seem little, insignificant even, but it is going to change the way you operate on a day to day basis and allow you to ‘move’ in different ways and that - is going to shift everything. If you’ve been feeling stuck and stagnant - with this seemingly tiny change and somewhat huge decision you’ve just made, everything is about to move forward - rapidly. If you can’t take care of yourself properly - on all levels - you have mother wounding to heal. How did your mother take care of herself, let alone you? We learn how to take care of ourselves from the way our mother #1 - took care of herself (or lack of) or #2 - took care of you (or lack of). There is a new beginning that has been set in motion for you - either just recently or is about to take place. Something is changing for you and you’re needing to gather up all your strength and take care of you in a way that is perhaps new for you, or re-visited new. You’re going to have to make a decision and commit to it, stay dedicated to it - but it is one you won’t regret. You’ve been shown something recently and it is making you question and realise who you truly are. It has made you aware of what is really important to you and what you really value deep and close to your heart. When you have healed your Mother Wounds -  you will make this the forefront of your actions and what you choose in the decisions you make to create the life you truely want to create. You will feel worthy of your desires, because you are not seeking love, validation and approval outside of yourself. You will have a heart full of love - from within yourself for yourself and about you who you are in your life. So you won’t be clinging onto situations and outside circumstances to validate you nor influence your choices. You will make decisions from what is truly in alignment with your Soul and take pride in who you are and what you’re creating in your life. When you learn to love yourself, you love your life and that is a magnetic energy that attracts all of your desires. It doesn’t mean you don’t hurt nor feel emotions, it means that you have become a master of your emotions and hold an intelligence that allows you to make clear decisions based on your value system rather than emotional wounds and that, is how you create a life full of love and support - because you chose yourself and what is important to you - over your woundings to unconsciously heal. You’ve taken time to consciously heal and that.. is paying dividends in your life - for a life of alignment is one of ease, flow, abundance and joy. And that, begins with healing the Mother Wound - the love for self, true, self love is a by-product of healing the Mother Wound. So if you’re feeling far from true self love, joy, abundance and living a life you’re truly happy and proud of, now you know where to begin. Love xxx Success Frequencies. Light Codes. Goddess Initiations. Purpose Wealth Expansion & Activations. PLATINUM is open. For the Entrepreneurial Goddess Who Wants It All. You deserve to get paid well for what you do. You deserve to have it all. The Wealth. The Success. The Love. The Purpose. The Fulfilment of your Heart’s greatest desires. Doing what you love, creating your own schedule and living the life of your dreams. Your initiation into Deeper Service has called you here. Click here for all the details, PLATINUM doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/platinum


Card #2: Obstacle. ‘Find another road. Flexibility. Change.’

What you are doing is not working (obviously!) sooooo, are you going to let it stop you? Are you going to give up? Or are you going to find another way? And what is coming through strongly, is you have given up on yourself. You have given up believing that you can do it. It is like you are ‘still struggling' and can’t see which way to go and so you have given up on yourself, given up hope and given up on what is truly important to you. You are in the dark shadow of your life right now - but there is a way and there is light on the other side, but it just feels like you’re wading through this huge pile of shit and honestly? You need to do this to see who you really are. You have needed this confronting facing of facts to realise and see just how much you have given up on yourself and the areas you’re finding most challenging right now are the areas you have truly given up on yourself. This collapse though - is very much how we get through it. It is a sign of growth, a sign that you have decided to chart the course of your own life, instead of having someone dictate to you what you’re supposed to do - you’re taking charge of your life and making it happen. These obstacles? Are signs you’re breaking down old constructs of your reality that you’ve been breaking out of - so this ‘obstacle’ is actually a sign that you’re on the right path. But you’ll probably feel like giving up, breaking up and throwing in the towel. Do whatever you need to do, but know that this obstacle? There is a way around it. Sometimes we don’t need to deconstruct the entire thing. Sometimes all we need to do is pick up our stuff and simply walk around the huge boulder. Just like the picture in the card, all she has to do is walk around the stone path - around the huge boulder that is on the path. That’s it. This card has come to you as a sign to open your mind, as a sign to realise that there is a way out of this situation. It might take all your strength, it might take all your willpower, it might take stretching your faith but this card has come as a sign that you’re almost there and now is not the time to give up when all odds seem against you - but to know that you’re breaking through to some deeply heavy set in stone burdens that are now disintegrating and you're in the thick of it. Open your mind to possibilities and ideas of the other side of this - even if you have no hope of how and you’re sitting int he dark with it all right now - know that you’re in it - which means you’re currently getting THROUGH it. There is only one way out - and that is through - and you’re doing that right now. You’re a lot further than you think, so don’t give up now. But open your mind and let God/Spirit/Your Intuition show you the rest of the way, even if you get nothing for a while.. wait, until you do. It’s coming and your future is worth it, I promise. Love xxx Success Frequencies. Light Codes. Goddess Initiations. Purpose Wealth Expansion & Activations. PLATINUM is open. For the Entrepreneurial Goddess Who Wants It All. You deserve to get paid well for what you do. You deserve to have it all. The Wealth. The Success. The Love. The Purpose. The Fulfilment of your Heart’s greatest desires. Doing what you love, creating your own schedule and living the life of your dreams. Your initiation into Deeper Service has called you here. Click here for all the details, PLATINUM doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/platinum


Card #3: Alignment. ‘It’s coming together. Precision.’

You’re receiving valuable information about your next steps and at this time, keep them to yourself - just implement and let people see the outcome. You’ve been working on many projects at once and now is the time to hone in and bring one a time to completion. You can definitely work on ten projects at once - that is ‘how’ Life Purpose foundations are created and completed. And yet, it comes to a point where you now are at - it is time to hone in and focus on one at a time. Dedicate time and space to completing one thing at a time - which - for your multi-tasking genius mind of creating with a zillion thoughts at once and some - training and focus is required. Still mind meditation practise helps you to hone in - but so is clearing your calendar of distractions and doing the fucking work! Just getting it done. Remember - you will always be distracted for 10-15 mins or so when you first begin - that is normal when you’re honing in and ‘searching for that flowful connection of Source’ to channel your magical gifts into this reality. Don’t let the distractions become the excuse for ‘it just wasn’t flowing today’ bullshit - you are the flow. And you get to channel that. Don’t let your excuses become the sabotage when you’re sooo close to landing this project that you’ve been working on for such a long time now, become the nemesis that pulls you back. Back - you’re being drawn back like the arrow in the bow and it is uncomfortable - painful even and you’re trying everything to stop it - but when you realise you are that arrow in the bow… you’ll stop, breathe, focus and aim higher than you had already set your sights on. You’ll breathe out and blow away anything that will get in the way of you making that mark in the bulls eye of your dreams and if you’re not clear on that - you’ll be looking to where that arrow is going to go and asking yourself - well, where do I WANT it to go? Right now - you have the world at your fingertips. So what is the life you want to live? You have all the ingredients for success, but you’re being asked to delegate and get clear on what exactly you need to hone in and focus on to completion, because you’re sooo close to having it complete, now is the time for honing and completion. Imagine… life when it is done.. phew - you’re so close - so precision and focus right now and let nothing come in between you and that reality, because it is tangibly close right now. You will make your mark if you do this. Love xxx Success Frequencies. Light Codes. Goddess Initiations. Purpose Wealth Expansion & Activations. PLATINUM is open. For the Entrepreneurial Goddess Who Wants It All. You deserve to get paid well for what you do. You deserve to have it all. The Wealth. The Success. The Love. The Purpose. The Fulfilment of your Heart’s greatest desires. Doing what you love, creating your own schedule and living the life of your dreams. Your initiation into Deeper Service has called you here. Click here for all the details, PLATINUM doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/platinum


Card #4: Soul Agreement. ‘Soul mission. Soul plan. Life purpose.’

I did a reel about this very thing - just the other day. Knock knock - hey, remember you choose this Soul Mission? It’s time to get to it! If everything is collapsing and falling apart - it is falling - together. You agreed upon a particular path and mission. And your Guides have been showing up left right and centre -the signs are not something you can ignore anymore! If you have had a big shock - it is a big wake up. Your Soul is speaking. What do you keep putting off? What scares you - but you can’t stop learning about it? What are you medicating yourself with - recreational or addiction of choice because they say you are crazy?! Fuck no! You’re not crazy - just awake asf and you need to hone that awake gift of yours. People only wake up when they are ready to enact their mission, live their purpose and do their Soul’s work of what they are here to do. Period. So snap out of the slumber and wake the fuck up - you have work to do! There is a a baby in the womb in this image on the card - is there something you’re needing to birth? What is in gestation and your feel you aren’t making progress, but honey - when the seed is under the soil, you’re not digging it up everyday wondering if it has grown! You KNOW it is, so you tend to the soil, remove the weeds, feed and water it as you need to and you TRUST that it is going to sprout. Actually - you KNOW it is. It is the law. Just like your Purpose will sprout but you keep doubting yourself letting your emotions pull you off path, you keep thinking it’s not possible or not happening for one reason or another - but just as a baby grows in a womb and the seed sprouts under the soil - your purpose too - grows. But any doubt in yourself, any loss of momentum everyday, any distraction to your today’s tasks for your Purpose - is like digging up the seed and knocking on the pregnant mothers belly and screaming - are you happening yet?! What are you even doing in there?! I don’t trust you to grow! I don’t trust what God has planed for me, I don’t trust that you’re going to provide the nourishment that is the reason I planted you in the first place… no. Of course not. Of course you trust. Of course you trust your Soul. Of course you trust what you're being guided to do even when it makes no logical sense whatsoever. Of course you do. So snap out of it, straighten your crown and get on with it. Because you DO trust this path, I know you do, you just.. lost yourself for a moment and now you’re back. You’ve got this. Love xxx Success Frequencies. Light Codes. Goddess Initiations. Purpose Wealth Expansion & Activations. PLATINUM is open. For the Entrepreneurial Goddess Who Wants It All. You deserve to get paid well for what you do. You deserve to have it all. The Wealth. The Success. The Love. The Purpose. The Fulfilment of your Heart’s greatest desires. Doing what you love, creating your own schedule and living the life of your dreams. Your initiation into Deeper Service has called you here. Click here for all the details, PLATINUM doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/platinum


Card #5: Singing Stones. ‘Transmit your vibration. Use your voice.’

Your soul tribe is awaiting you to show your face and say what you really want to say. Your mission is requiring it! Whatever you’re doing - your next level is busting through and you will recognise this by things breaking around you. When you are holding in emotions and trying to bury them one of two things will happen. You will start breaking items around you or moulding them into different shapes or you will feel like you’re losing your mind and then blaming people outside of yourself for the issues you face. No. Your emotions, your feelings - your voice, needs to be heard. You need to have a life you love and have your cup full. I feel that you’re doing a lot of things for a lot of people but you’re running on empty. You’ve found yourself where you are because yes, a part of you wanted it - but if you were truly honest in a soul aligned way - is that right for you? Is it really your true voice singing from the rooftops? You’re being asked to find space to come back to your true unique voice. You’re clouded in other peoples judgements about what you should do with your life and you are needing to remember who YOU are amongst all of it - remember what YOU wanted to do from the very start. Go back to the start, what was it that you wanted to do? What just came to mind? It might seem silly or not a ‘purpose' or even viable - but reality? Your Soul is most alive when you’re doing the thing that just came to mind! I also feel that you’re being reminded lately and maybe even triggered with some things or hmm, what is it - regret that you did something recently? No. Everything happens for a reason and we may look back and question things, but ultimately? At those moments in time, it felt right - yes? And it is here, you must rest in the peace that everything you have done has led you to this moment because there was something you were needing to learn about listening to your own inner voice - what is that? This card, is the epitome of the Throat Chakra Consciousness - not just speaking your truth, but living it. What changes do you need to make that brings you into alignment with who you really are? With your truth? With what is really important to you? What are you letting you stop you from going after what you really want? Your voice holds a unique signature and tone - your vibration has a healing frequency that is being asked to come forward now. Now is not the time to hide away, now is the time to shine your brightest light - your voice - it’s sound needs to be heard. Love xxx Success Frequencies. Light Codes. Goddess Initiations. Purpose Wealth Expansion & Activations. PLATINUM is open. For the Entrepreneurial Goddess Who Wants It All. You deserve to get paid well for what you do. You deserve to have it all. The Wealth. The Success. The Love. The Purpose. The Fulfilment of your Heart’s greatest desires. Doing what you love, creating your own schedule and living the life of your dreams. Your initiation into Deeper Service has called you here. Click here for all the details, PLATINUM doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/platinum


Card #6: The Volcano. ‘Relationships. Express, don’t stagnant.’

Something has erupted and it is has cleaned out the chimney. Something has blown it’s top and it has changed the landscape. Something has erupted and burnt everything that laid in it’s path and within it - changed the entire trajectory. Those gardens you had planned on? Gone. Those dreams that were so well laid out? Gone. All of a sudden your life has shifted 90 degrees that way and this is not what you saw - but ultimately? Makes sense. When we are not listening to our intuition - things erupt - because one way or another, you’re a person whose soul needs to be leading, not anything else and because this is so strong for you - if you don’t listen, it will become apparent and things will change ‘in an instant’ - but that is because deep down, you were ready for them. ‘Relationships. Express, don’t stagnant.’ - who and what are you needing to say what to? What message do you need to share - with God, with a person or with the world? It feels like you’ve been bottling something up inside and in those quiet moments alone - it keeps coming back to you. Perhaps it is a book that you are to write, perhaps it is a conversation with a long lost friend or lover, perhaps it is something you just can’t stomach anymore because it is physically making you sick to stay in the environment that is not supporting you anymore. Have you been having gut issues lately? Bloating, gurgling, just something not right in your belly? ‘Swallowing your words’ - what you really want to say, will do it. Sure, there are physical things that cause this - but hey, we are here talking psychic things, so I am calling the metaphysics from deep within your psyche to play. What has been really on your mind? It feels like something is brewing deep within - what is that you  REALLY want to say to the world? If you weren’t holding back, what is that? I am also getting something with boundaries here - where are you angry or agitated about something? That is a sign someone is crossing your boundaries - or you are crossing your own boundaries (saying yes when you really mean no). What has reached its used by date? What are you no longer tolerating? This feels important here with what you have to do moving forward. This isn’t just about voicing words, this comes into the actions you need to take to pull your life in alignment so no more volcanoes have to erupt. You deserve a life of peace, love and joy - the life of abundance you truly want to live. When you are living in alignment with what you are truly here for and love to do - volcanoes do not occur - because the fires and boundaries, have standards you don’t let anyone cross. Hard to put into words. In alignment - there are no fires. It is transmuted to passionate fire and fun the alignment of soul its what brings your heart alive, not full of resentment and anger. Anger, is only showing you, what is important to you. Love xxx Success Frequencies. Light Codes. Goddess Initiations. Purpose Wealth Expansion & Activations. PLATINUM is open. For the Entrepreneurial Goddess Who Wants It All. You deserve to get paid well for what you do. You deserve to have it all. The Wealth. The Success. The Love. The Purpose. The Fulfilment of your Heart’s greatest desires. Doing what you love, creating your own schedule and living the life of your dreams. Your initiation into Deeper Service has called you here. Click here for all the details, PLATINUM doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/platinum