🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 3rd January 2023
Jan 03, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 3rd January 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from The Starseed Oracle 🌟
Accentuate your 2023 with the gift of knowing your Archangel Spirit Guide for 2023, activating your Life Purpose and bringing your dreams to life, click here to find out how: https://www.realityawareness.com/archangel-spirit-guide-2023
Starting our 2023 with The Starseed Oracle 🤩 They are sooo stunning! You can click here to get your own deck of these on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3QaRNYG
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Surrender to the Sweetness of Life. ‘Venus energy. Pleasure. Joy. Make love to life.’
As much as this is a beautiful surrender and enjoy life card which is important, a must and I will talk more about in a moment - have you just lost something? Or let something go? Or have surrendered to the divine will of the Universe, instead of forcing and rushing this flow? Have you realised something about a relationship and it is now a space to fully let it go? It feels like nothing you can do could save it - but also - you know it wasn’t meant to be saved, it was meant to be let go of, parted, gone separate ways and although sad and perhaps the full grief has not hit you yet - or maybe you grieved for a long time prior - you know that this Surrender - make love to life - enjoy life card for you today, is exactly that. You deserve more joy, more play, more lightness, more connection, more smiles, more laughter, more… fun. More of this please! And this is why deep down underneath and the surrender energy is that you know it is those things are not found in forcing something to be fixed that is way past it’s used by date and just can’t be, no matter how hard you ‘heal’ or ‘do inner work’ some things are just meant to be walked away from and that is what you are realising. There is hurt there, but there is more relief. Like a burden has been lifted from your heart and soul - one you, didn’t realise you were even carrying so much and this breath of fresh air is a welcome relief, even though you are in big unchartered territory with these new feelings you are feeling, this is a new level of feeling. Of peace. Of surrender. Of serenity. Of calm. These… are to be welcomed. Your nervous system definitely welcomes it and you feel better overall with everything. You are not feisty anymore, you don’t feel the need to rush and although you question this ‘calm’ energy at times, you are deeply… at Peace i the undertone and quite a lot more than ever before in the conscious tone too. And you know what they say about that Peace? The more Peace you feel, the more on path you are with your Life Purpose. Continue to anchor these feelings in, continue to choose this peaceful path, continue to follow your heart and know that this Venus energy. Pleasure. Joy. Make love to life. Is exactly why we are here - to anchor, hold and live these vibrations - why? Because it is our true nature. It is the truth of who we are and you… are in complete alignment of your Life Purpose. Love xxx Accentuate your 2023 with the gift of knowing your Archangel Spirit Guide for 2023, activating your Life Purpose and bringing your dreams to life, click here to find out how: https://www.realityawareness.com/archangel-spirit-guide-2023
Card #2: Star Bathing. ‘Light Body. Crystal Grid. Transmission. Activation.’
This last month has been big for you with the energetic upgrades, activations and your whole physical body is undergoing a massive transformational process - have you felt it? You’ve felt different emotionally, nothing is the same and you can feel yourself ready for big change. You can feel it on your doorstep. Have you been looking at the stars and moon more? Have the stars been calling you? Have you slept outside underneath them or have slept with the windows open just so you can look at them? The Stars have been speaking to you recently and your dreams have been very vivid, but most times you wake up not really remembering them right? You are undergoing a big transformation right now, that is shedding layers of skin, you did not know you were carrying around with you and that you have been feeling weighed down and heavy, but you didn’t know how to release it right? This next month, continue to connect with the Stars. Meditate under them, even if inside with the blinds/window open so you can see them. Breathe their crystalline activation IN. You will be receiving lots of ideas at this time and those thoughts might be so fleeting you know they are a good idea, but by the time you go to write them down, they disappear again. I am sensing that it is so important for you to train yourself to catch those thoughts - perhaps you used to be really good at that, it was second nature to you and now - you’re in a whole new environment and it just hasn’t been the same, has it? This big change that is on your doorstep, is fuelled by your connection to the Stars. Sometimes you might gaze or be under the Stars and feel like it isn’t doing much for you - but sooo much is happening and it feels like it is really important for you at this time to let yourself be activated, held and healed by these Star Codings at this time. Keep a note book at hand, keep post it notes close by, write those thoughts down - train yourself to stop what you’re doing and write it down right away (or better still act on it right away) because these insights that are pouring through for you are deeply laid in the path of your Purpose and it feels so important for you to receive these Star Activations - is to act upon the thoughts that you get - don’t just write them down, act on them honey. This is how you are going to get your energy back, your motivation back, your life back - yes? There is a whole new level, a whole new frequency, a whole new life for you coming in at this time and these shifts you’re feeling - are part of this change. You’re not falling apart, you’re not losing it… you’re coming together as the full whole person and incredible you that you are more than ever before. Trust. Love xxx Accentuate your 2023 with the gift of knowing your Archangel Spirit Guide for 2023, activating your Life Purpose and bringing your dreams to life, click here to find out how: https://www.realityawareness.com/archangel-spirit-guide-2023
Card #3: A New Earth. ‘It’s happening. Keep holding the vision.’
Now is not the time to drop the faith - now is the time to stretch the faith. I feel you have been getting this similar message for weeks now right? Or months?! I am getting the strong message with this card for you that it is safe for you to open your heart and perhaps this is where the faith is needed most for you at this time? The safety, trust, groundedness that your heart can open now and be safe in that? I feel that this has been on your mind and you are conscious of moving forward in this - that - it is a New Year and whilst we can choose to change our reality at any given moment - this is also a fresh start - to leave the past in the past and move forward with gung ho gusto that you can create your dreams - just like you used to, but this time, you are trusting, open hearted, have learnt from your past and are deeply coming into a place of allowing yourself to be seen, to be vulnerable and you know - that this is the way forward, because anything other than open is a non-negotiable for you now. You know your boundaries, you’re clear on who you are, you are deeply in a space where you are expanding, focusing on you and this vision you have? You can FEEL it snapping into reality in a greater way that has ever existed before now. You can tangibly feel it. If you have been doubting yourself - don’t. Something massive and amazing is coming in for you honey - you’ve been working for YEARS for this to occur and it is so important for you to understand that it is all paying off. Whatever it is you’re manifesting, desiring or working on - this card is a sign for you to know that all those feelings, all those hits of intuition, all those thoughts, all those prayers you’ve been asking for, all the hours, dedication, blood sweat and tears you have put in - have and are paying off. This is a card of keep the faith - keep holding the vision - because your vision? Wouldn’t have been given to you - you literally would not be having these visions, or an imagined way your life is supposed to be lived and what you desire and see for your Life Purpose - you just wouldn’t have these visions if they were not meant for you, that, you wouldn’t have the innate knowing, intuition, tool set and capabilities to bring this baby to life - so trust in your visions, keep holding the visions, keep holding the line and know that you are here to birth a big purpose - or you just would not be here reading this. Love xxx Accentuate your 2023 with the gift of knowing your Archangel Spirit Guide for 2023, activating your Life Purpose and bringing your dreams to life, click here to find out how: https://www.realityawareness.com/archangel-spirit-guide-2023
Card #4: Inner Earth. ‘You’ll survive this. New solutions and beginnings.’
Every little thing is going to be okay - is the song line that just dropped in as I saw this card for you and I also heard, ‘Not survive - THRIVE’. You’re going to get through this. You’re going to be okay. You’re going to make it out alive and you’re going to show the world what you’re made of - you’re going to thrive! It feels like there is a deep part of you that has felt wronged, or wrong or that everything you do is wrong or this deep negative back chatter - honey it’s the only thing that is wrong and killing your Soul! STOP THAT! Stop putting yourself down because it is literally holding you down and drowning you. Onwards and upwards - you can leave the past behind you, it is time to make headway and let yourself be free. The only cage, the only entrapment, the only thing between you and your freedom - is you. The answer that you’re seeking is inside of you. I feel like you have locked away, hidden on the stowaway baggage isle of your own reality and life - is you. you’re the one that shut you down and locked away and threw away the key never to be found again. honey, just because you’ve been hurt in the past, the only thing burdening you - is you holding on to it. And it isn’t just a holding onto it - you’re deeply stuck in the trauma flight, fight, freeze state that is making you question everything you’re doing when you KNOW what the fuck you’re going to do and need to do and want to do. I am sensing so strongly that the ONLY person you need to listen to in this situation is YOU - THAT is why the Inner Earth card has come forth for you today. The answer lays inside of you - meaning that everything you’re seeking, won’t be found in person out there - you can take advice from people sure, and mentors are needed at times, definitely, but when you’re in an obsessive state ‘needing’ and ‘desperately seeking’ answers - you’ve lost your connection to yourself and that… is crucial in not only staying on track for your purpose - but to be happy in life. So instead of reaching out, reach in and ask yourself what you can do to take care of yourself today, what you can do to reconnect to you today, what is it, that you want to do - if you are not sure what you need to do to for your next step - reconnect back to yourself. In the connection to yourself, the entire Universe resides and not only are all the answers there waiting for you - but in this space, the answers become irrelevant, because you just KNOW what to do, you just KNOW what your next steps are, you just KNOW what it is you are here for and that? That’s free baby. You. Reconnect back to you - because not only you’ll get through this, you will THRIVE when you focus only on this connection - in here, everything unfolds for you, rather than you even have to figure any of it out. Remember this. What can you do to reconnect back with you now? Love xxx Accentuate your 2023 with the gift of knowing your Archangel Spirit Guide for 2023, activating your Life Purpose and bringing your dreams to life, click here to find out how: https://www.realityawareness.com/archangel-spirit-guide-2023
Card #5: Loosen Your Grip. ‘Coping mechanisms. Density. Addiction. Let God In.’
No - what has just fallen away, isn’t something you’ve lost - what has fallen away was a way you were hanging onto life with a dear thread. And… you can trust this letting go. There is also something that deeply needs to change in your life - what is that? Alongside let whatever it was go that has fallen away - just leave it be - there is also the fact that this situation you have found yourself - you can’t really do anything other than you are right now, right? And so, these coping mechanisms are also ‘the only thread holding you together right now’ - right? It feels like there is a part of you that has tried all you can, only to see you give up (in a way) and it feels like there is this sense of stagnation that you know you can’t do anything about but you also can but it feels like dragging through - not even mud - it is concrete right? And yet, there is a way out and I feel that this - way out of the concrete (walls around your heart!?) - is to open up and ask for help. The way you are going to start turning that concrete into water so you can swim again, the way you are going to allow it to be rainfall that sustains and nourishes you instead of drowning you, is by asking for help and actually allowing someone to support you. I feel that help is at hand - so ask. And if you have asked, let yourself receive it. I am also sensing that your self care has dropped. Perhaps it is that you are worried about something, so are pushing through and I know you know, this is not the way it works right? You know how this works, you know what it is you need to take care of yourself and I feel that right now, at this time, it is not about pushing through - but it is about taking care of you. So, what can you do, to take care of you today? Love xxx Accentuate your 2023 with the gift of knowing your Archangel Spirit Guide for 2023, activating your Life Purpose and bringing your dreams to life, click here to find out how: https://www.realityawareness.com/archangel-spirit-guide-2023
Card #6: Cracked Open. ‘Rock bottom. Surrender to the alchemy of life.’
These last few cards are similar in nature, similar message and yet, this one feels like - yes, Rock Bottom - but this is the light at the end of the tunnel. The worst is now behind you - however, this card, it feels is your reminder, that you hold the extremes. There are good things happening - super good things happening and yet, you can be feeling the highs of life and the lows of life all at the same time. And this is your card - reminding you of this. ‘Cracked Open’ it is happening for you, not to you. Not broken hearted - broken open. Not that it feels good - usually not at all - but again, you can have lots of opportunities coming in and lots of good things happening and it is almost like you are even more sad, because you can’t be excited about enjoying them right? But.. this, again, is your reminder - remember honey, this is what you DO. The Light and the Dark - you HOLD BOTH, experience both and ARE both all at the same time. I am also sensing that you feel more down that ‘should’ be - because this is like the bow pulling the arrow back, like you have lifted up through the depths, but almost still have threads, still have half you’re energy ‘down there’ - when you are ‘up there’ through the plane that you already landed on with both feet on the ground, but… it is like reality hasn’t caught up yet?? Is that how you feel? Did you pull card number 3 at all?! It is about keeping the faith, holding the vision and I feel this is strong for you here. You’re already there energetically - so STAY HERE and know that reality IS catching up. You hold both dimensions, the light and the dark, the expansion and contraction all at the same time - it is important for you to allow yourself to stay here and REMEMBER this is what the fuck you do. Yes? Okay. So not ‘hang in there’ or ‘you’ve got this’ - although you can receive them too - but, the ‘Surrender to the alchemy of life’ - is realising we are ALL of it ALL at the same time - there is no separation and this is what you are made of. When you come into the ‘surrender’ of that, you will realise there is nothing wrong with any of it and you can ‘detach’ and watch it all unfold, whilst being all of it at the same time. You ARE this. Love xxx Accentuate your 2023 with the gift of knowing your Archangel Spirit Guide for 2023, activating your Life Purpose and bringing your dreams to life, click here to find out how: https://www.realityawareness.com/archangel-spirit-guide-2023