🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 3rd October 2023
Oct 03, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 3rd October 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the The Starseed Oracle 💫🔮🕊
It was one hell of a Super Full Moon just gone and WE ALL FELT IT! On our New Moon in 2 weeks time - our Lunar Eclipse - is when we start this potent 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter. This... is so close to my heart... working with the power of the Moon Goddess (after 7 years of mentoring from Her), the potent Eclipses commence as we delve into the Quantum to disintegrate and transform to shift and realign, to activate and divinely expand what is truly required for the legitimate ruling of your divine Purpose - with true abundance, love and health in call. The investment increases this week! Click here to jump into the Quantum with us: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Breath of the Cosmos. My will to thy will. Micromanaging the Universe.
There is something you’ve been waiting for or trying to manifest or pushing or - the strong message here is a new dimension is trying to bust through your consciousness, energy and life right now. There is a HUGE piece of divine timing in this card coming through for you - you are doing all the things, but keep getting hit with blocks (in a way) and it feels like you’ve been trying and giving up, trying and giving up - BUT - the key here is that whilst this card means, stop trying to control this situation - there is a surrender energy here. Meaning - your Purpose and life is already destined for you - however, you must choose it and act on it 100% but also, there is divine timing - ah, sounds like I am repeating myself and I am! Let go. But also - have you been feeling agitated, like you’re waiting for something and yet you don’t know what that is, but you do, but you don’t and you are getting ready, but you’re not sure for what… ultimately - big change is on your doorstep. I do believe you will be happy with this change once it all settles in, but this feeling of waiting for the change can be frustrating because you’re ready already - but question - are you really ready already?! Not really. If you had to pack up and leave tomorrow - are you ready? What needs to be put in place? What needs to be organised? Whilst you’re waiting - you best be getting organised! And.. if you’re stuck because well you can’t do anything until x-y-z - that is not always true. That is a waiting energy in itself and also a sabotage. There is ALWAYS something that can be done 100% AND - do what you can with what you have - is one of the Life Purpose Rules so - what is it that can be done now and no, it isn’t about forcing what is not yet divine time this moment for you - BUT - there are other things you can do to prepare for.. whatever it is that you are preparing for! I guarantee there is that exercise/health thing you can do, clean up the garage, your wardrobe or get those errands done or clean up the back end of your business - there is always SOMETHING you can do whilst you’re keeping your intuitive eye on the thing that you’re meant to do. There is just is. So…. step back into your own energy, stop trying to control this situation that is out of your hands anyway but keep your intuitive eye on it - meaning you’re tending to it as you would, but not forcing but you’re watering the garden, because you know the seed is about to sprout - yes? Yes… Come back into your own energy, unplug from everyone else’s energy, take a salt water bath and breathe back into self. It’s happening - in divine universe timing.. you’re on path, don’t force yourself off it ;) Love xxx It was one hell of a Super Full Moon just gone and WE ALL FELT IT! On our New Moon in 2 weeks time - our Lunar Eclipse - is when we start this potent 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter. This... is so close to my heart... working with the power of the Moon Goddess (after 7 years of mentoring from Her), the potent Eclipses commence as we delve into the Quantum to disintegrate and transform to shift and realign, to activate and divinely expand what is truly required for the legitimate ruling of your divine Purpose - with true abundance, love and health in call. The investment increases this week! Click here to jump into the Quantum with us: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter
Card #2: Weight of the World. Boundaries. Let it go. It’s not yours to carry.
Meh. Argh. Over it. Pouring tears. Letting go. No motivation. Slumped. Done. Out. Sooo over it. Ommmphffff get me da fuck outta here. - These the energies you are dealing with and it is INTENSE to say the least. You’re right in the thick of it and it is NEVER a nice feeling when you’re in the thick of it! HANG IN THERE I GOT YOU. And this is your reminder you’re IN it which means you’re MOVING THROUGH IT. But… doesn’t make it any easier, but sometimes knowing this DOES help. The woman on this card is soaking in sparkling water. Fill up a bathtub with sparkling mineral water and soak in it. Add some ice for good measure. No - I am kidding ;) But… salt water baths are going to be your SAVIOUR right now. And if you don’t have access to a bath - get a bucket of salt water and soak your feet in it. Better still if you can spend time at the ocean - do this. Salt water helps cleanse your aura super efficiently and when we’ve been in a less than kind situation or environment, we carry so much negative stuff in our aura without even realising it. Saltwater also restores our equilibrium in our energetic field and little side fact - the ocean salt water, is the same pH as our blood! That… is how potent saltwater is for us. So - you get it - salt water, salt water, salt water. If you can’t get to salt water for whatever reason - bare foot on the earth for a period of time, being in the sunshine with it pouring on your skin, also resets and restores our equilibrium in so many ways. Boundaries - do not engage! Do not answer the phone until you are ready. Good stance is to always within a 24 hour period from business or general life perspective. But just because someone is calling you doesn’t mean you have to answer in that moment! Give space to your life from your device and realise that this is the most potent energetic boundary you can have. Turn notifications off, leave your phone on silent most of the time. Come back to your time. The demands of life will always be there - but doesn’t mean you have to engage when it engages you! You are the one in control of your phone. What did we ever do in the olden days?! Before mobiles?! Remember those days?? Take space. Take space to grieve the deepest grief you’ve ever felt. Just like I wrote in my book - healing - crying the deepest grief - there is no way to heal grief, other than to feel it - in ALL it’s entirety. You could cry - grieve - for MONTHS on end, LET YOURSELF. It will come in waves over this time. As I mentioned in my book - do not let anyone tell you not to grieve - your deep howling grief that lasts for months - could very well be healing that cancer buried deep inside you - cancer is just resentment deep down… and grief.. is how we heal from this. The only reason we can’t let something go is because we haven’t grieved it. Not, not forgiveness - I say FUCK FORGIVENESS. We must grieve and we must grieve HARD if we are to heal from this. Forgiveness is a by-product from grieving the hurt, the pain, the resentment, the fear, the all the things underneath and we naturally feel forgiveness when we have healed the buried emotions. Remember - do not let alone tell you to stop crying - but find the people who will ask you - have you grieved enough? You ARE getting THROUGH this because you’re right in the thick of it. igotyou Love xxx It was one hell of a Super Full Moon just gone and WE ALL FELT IT! On our New Moon in 2 weeks time - our Lunar Eclipse - is when we start this potent 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter. This... is so close to my heart... working with the power of the Moon Goddess (after 7 years of mentoring from Her), the potent Eclipses commence as we delve into the Quantum to disintegrate and transform to shift and realign, to activate and divinely expand what is truly required for the legitimate ruling of your divine Purpose - with true abundance, love and health in call. The investment increases this week! Click here to jump into the Quantum with us: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter
Card #3: Star Ancestors. Hidden Secrets. Lost Wisdom. Look a little deeper.
There are messages you are missing because you are too busy and too rushed in this. Slow. It. Down. Get help so you are not so busy. There is crucial information that must go into what you are creating at this time and it is imperative right now that you do what you need to do to get help to look deeper within you at what is really going on - at the bigger picture. A mentor will always help pin point what you can’t see - like immediately. Hiring help frees up space to be able to work on what is most important and if you can’t do that this moment, work on what is most important first. I am also getting something about your health here - are you missing crucial elements about your Life Purpose because of your health or needing to put your health first before everyone? I feel you’ve been getting the message for a different health regime of some sort and now is time to heed that call. You maybe feeling physical symptoms in your body as our atmosphere on Earth is very thin and has been hounded and compounded by waves of whatever is coming from deep in space - now is the time to truly heed the call to health from your physical body - listen - deep within. Something is calling you, your intuition - moving location or moving your body? Some deep ancient stirrings are being interwoven into your consciousness from deep in your Soul at this time and now more than ever is to listen to your intuition. About what you consume, who you hang with, where you live, what you do on a daily basis, what your Soul is guiding you to do, when to start your day - all the things. Are you truly able to heed the wisdom your Soul is speaking right now? This may also be your call back to your mat - your yoga mat, your meditation mat, your exercise mat - what is it, that is calling you? Are you heeding it - now? As you come back to yourself - you will receive this wisdom. But until you come back to you and your true Soul Life Purpose Path - the wisdom will continue to evade you. You, have the answers deep inside of you, but you must have the courage to go within to not just listen, but action it. Love xxx It was one hell of a Super Full Moon just gone and WE ALL FELT IT! On our New Moon in 2 weeks time - our Lunar Eclipse - is when we start this potent 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter. This... is so close to my heart... working with the power of the Moon Goddess (after 7 years of mentoring from Her), the potent Eclipses commence as we delve into the Quantum to disintegrate and transform to shift and realign, to activate and divinely expand what is truly required for the legitimate ruling of your divine Purpose - with true abundance, love and health in call. The investment increases this week! Click here to jump into the Quantum with us: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter
Card #4: Your Life Is A Canvas. Artist. Manifestation. Creative Accountability.
But are you making it happen? It feels like the waiting around is over and it is time for deep Soul Aligned action for you - on a daily basis. Not weekly. Not once a day - but more than this. Feels too much? Well, you don’t REALLY want your dream life then do you!? So, go and get a job at your local super market and give up your dreams and stop complaining. For real but. It is okay to work mainstream job and be happy in your life - did you know this?! It is okay to not run a business - it takes a lot! And when you give up trying or talking about it - it shifts your energy and FREES you to align with what you’re meant to do, doors can open where they were once closed because your energy was and just… let it go. Or… CHOOSE your dreams and just do what ever it takes to make it happen. I am also getting the message to list really pick up the paintbrush again. even if you have never painted - water colour painting is sooo healing to your nervous system, aura and body. It can shift trauma out of your body (for real!) in a really gentle way. It is a powerful tool to use with children (paint with them!) as it downloads all the crap out of their aura - like chakra clearing on steroids. SO it is awesome to do after school childcare, visiting relatives or any time anyone in the family is ‘unsettled’. I am also getting the message to give yourself credit for where you are at. For what you have created in your life, for the life you are currently living. For the conscious awareness you have about things in your life, about life itself and to truly come to appreciating where you are at now. From this space of gratitude, where and what you do create? You may be being asked to STOP and look where you are at, for coming back to current present day reality is HOW we make the future happen. But when you are running from things or not looking at things in the right now - avoiding them in simple terms - it is the thing you NEED to be looking at TO be able to move forward and expand, rather than stay stuck in the cycle. Come back to reality - what is in the right now that not just needs cleaning up, but tending to on a daily basis to help you move forward? It might even seem ‘unrelated’ to the thing that you’re creating in your life - but the thing you’re most avoiding is the ACTUAL answer to ‘all the problems’ in the thing you’re trying to create in the first place. There is also deep hope, inspiration and even travel coming up for you (or that has been on your mind or you are travelling currently). You truly have created a master piece in your life already - make sure you are perceiving your life like this - if not, there just may be some deep reflection and healing of your past, to help you arrive in the right now - because you are truly creating a masterpiece and this needs to be acknowledged right now. It is okay to shine, it is okay to stand true in your beliefs, it is okay to question those that tell you it can’t be done (why are you even speaking to them anyway about it?!). It is okay to take back your power and do what you’re born to do - the world needs you now more than ever. Time to take the podium dear friend. Love xxx It was one hell of a Super Full Moon just gone and WE ALL FELT IT! On our New Moon in 2 weeks time - our Lunar Eclipse - is when we start this potent 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter. This... is so close to my heart... working with the power of the Moon Goddess (after 7 years of mentoring from Her), the potent Eclipses commence as we delve into the Quantum to disintegrate and transform to shift and realign, to activate and divinely expand what is truly required for the legitimate ruling of your divine Purpose - with true abundance, love and health in call. The investment increases this week! Click here to jump into the Quantum with us: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter
Card #5: Lifting the Veil. Questioning Everything. Anything Unaligned Must Go.
Out - gone! GO! You know that you are in a situation that you are either getting out of or NEED to get out of. Could be both. But whatever situation you are in right now is no good for your health! On all levels! This could be a sign for you to embark on that health and wellness journey - but this could also be your sign that your relationship is toxic and it is time to LEAVE! Hmm, did you get this message last week or week before in Tuesday Tarot?! Repetitive messages will continue until… you get the message and do something about it. Of course, there is a readiness for this, but I also feel that you’ve been getting A LOT of messages for A LONG time! This isn’t a new concept to you and yes it is a process to leave a toxic relationship/marriage - but… have you begun that process? What steps do you need to take to be supported to make this final decision? There is only so much healing one can do before you need to make physical changes. I was once working with a client several years ago that wouldn’t leave her toxic marriage. That is fine. I am all for 100% supporting people to do what is right for them - you know this about me! However, when the repetitive question - ‘but what meditation is going to help with this’? And we were all fresh outta meditations - meaning - I reached the point where I could not help this woman anymore. And btw - takes a strong mentor to have courage to own the fact that you can’t help everyone and not every client is for you - especially when the healing reaches the inner work level of done that physical changes need to then take place. We live in a human body with a soul and a physical body - BOTH needs to be tended to. No meditation, Merlin or Dragon is going to heal your toxic narcissistic partner! Doesn’t work like that! Call the Domestic Violence hotline in your country and start the process. You haven’t done it yet, because it is a huge process and this hotline can help guide the steps necessary to help you out of your situation. This is a strong message for you today. If you are not in a relationship - where are you abusing your own body that truly needs deep healing at this time? What do you need to stop consuming, physically and energetically around you that is affecting you greatly right now? The only reason everything is falling apart is because it is all coming together. You know what you have to do, so reach out for help and support, so you can get yourself out of this situation. It is time. You’ve been getting these messages and signs for a long time, don’t let the metaphysical truck hit you so you have no choice but to make changes… listen to your intuition and take aligned action instead. “Choose your hard.” as they say. Love xxx It was one hell of a Super Full Moon just gone and WE ALL FELT IT! On our New Moon in 2 weeks time - our Lunar Eclipse - is when we start this potent 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter. This... is so close to my heart... working with the power of the Moon Goddess (after 7 years of mentoring from Her), the potent Eclipses commence as we delve into the Quantum to disintegrate and transform to shift and realign, to activate and divinely expand what is truly required for the legitimate ruling of your divine Purpose - with true abundance, love and health in call. The investment increases this week! Click here to jump into the Quantum with us: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter
Card #6: Star Family. You’re Part of a Team of Souls. Call In Support.
This card represents your Star Family - meaning - you were once part of not just a ‘web of stars’ - but you literally ‘were one’. This is not just 1 single person - but a group of people. You will recognise these people in your life and on your journey as feeling so familiar to you - like family. In this lifetime, it might feel like a web of people - you know them on your journey. You have similar life paths and are definitely of the same soul. You just get each other. You have similar Life Purpose’s and teach the same light frequency/energy/awareness/consciousness frequency teachings on this planet with your Purpose. Perhaps people are coming to mind as you read this - trust this. Perhaps someone has passed recently that was like this to you - they are soul family and will always be this. Perhaps the people/person coming to mind is someone you need to spend more time with as they can help you on your Purpose or life in general. People call people soulmates and whilst this cards specific meaning isn’t soulmate directly - being of the same ‘star web/star itself’ - then yes it is. I am also sensing that this person that feels like a soulmate - is. So also trust this. It feels like there is a deep connection there, deep lessons and powerful Life Purpose’s together that are destined to help the world in a great, great way - so trust what you’re being guided to do, shift, change, evolve and grow together through what you are working through right now. This also may be a message for you that your Soul home can offer insight to your Purpose or is requiring a deep connection back to your true nature at this time. You can do this by stargazing and connecting your Soul to the stars, meditating and also my Free Realm Attunement Meditation can reconnect and give deep insight to this too. (Comment REALM below if you want this). This card feels like a deep reconnection and ‘finally coming home’ to your true aligned Life Purpose Path. Continue to follow your intuition because you’re right on path with this. There are opportunities on your doorstep that are up to you if you are going to take them and say yes of course - however, do you want to stay where you are, or are you ready for the next level of your life - which usually 99% of the time, presents itself as the unknown path, but intuitively you can feel the YES - this path… is the one to follow, this the portal to your Soul’s Destiny that this Soul Remembrance is calling you home to shift your trajectory and do what you were born to do - with your Soul Family and True Soul Home! Love xxx It was one hell of a Super Full Moon just gone and WE ALL FELT IT! On our New Moon in 2 weeks time - our Lunar Eclipse - is when we start this potent 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter. This... is so close to my heart... working with the power of the Moon Goddess (after 7 years of mentoring from Her), the potent Eclipses commence as we delve into the Quantum to disintegrate and transform to shift and realign, to activate and divinely expand what is truly required for the legitimate ruling of your divine Purpose - with true abundance, love and health in call. The investment increases this week! Click here to jump into the Quantum with us: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter