🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 3rd September 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Sep 03, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 3rd September 2024

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting you there from the Saltwater Oracle for you today. 

Have you ever been going to sleep and can feel a presence in the room? Or have woken to a presence 'staring' at you? Have you ever been doing your thing and then see that flash of light or a shadow sweep on past but when you look there is nothing there? You know you have a gift, you know you can sense when someone else is in the room, you have even had shivers when you've felt them and yet, you're not sure why they come to you specifically or what even to do with that information.

In my Mediumship Masterclass, I share with you why they have chosen to make themselves known to you, what the purpose is for and what even to do with that experience. People think that when a person passes over, that they are magically some angel and they are fine - however, in my 20 years of working with many, many clients, I have had a very different experience and I am here to teach you the ethical principles and understandings of what is the truth going on here and what to do to help the Spirits that come to you, click here, Mediumship Masterclass is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/mediumship-masterclass

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Blue Heron. ‘Take action when the opportunity presents itself.’

You either have - or you need to - jump on this opportunity that has presented itself to you. It may come in the form of an actual invitation where you have been specifically invited to for sure. However, the sense that I am getting is this is more Spirit’s invitation to you - which is a gentle tap, tap, tapping, that you need to do something. Or you have been getting reminder text messages or reels coming into your awareness, or you find yourself day dreaming about it (again!). Remember - daydreaming is actually your clairvoyance - how you receive your intuition. This opportunity I feel is something that you have actually been daydreaming about - for YEARS. It feels like you’ve been ‘waiting for the right time’ or had also ‘given up’ about this and yet.. it STILL hasn’t left your mind and your heart. Right now, divine alignment has opened - the stars have aligned if you may and you're being guided to take this opportunity and make it happen. Now. You may have tried it a zillion times before but you know better than anyone that failure only happens when you give up for good. But that.. is not you is it? No. Now, Blue Heron is deep in standing up for your truth, standing up for what you believe in and if that ‘got you into trouble last time’ this is your opportunity to stand up again - but you're being guided in a different way. Now is the time to focus in, hone in on YOUR vision - not what they are doing, not what someone else is doing, not the system you are fighting against. There is a way, a vision, a goal, a bigger vision that YOU are being guided from deep within your soul and right now, you’re being called to step into this as the ONLY focus for you. It feels like there is a way that Spirit is guiding you that is going to be supportive, but it is something that Spirit has been guiding you to make changes of - or your heart has been calling you for a while - it is here it is time to 'try again’ and ‘stand up for what you believe in’ - for ‘what your heart truly desires’ your life to look and feel like - what is that for you? Heron is guiding you - there is a doorway of opportunity opening, even if you can’t see ‘how’ all the practicalities and resources you need are ‘not available this second’ - in the quantum they are and as soon as you move forward, even in the slightest, you will see how fast the Universe responds in kind, because right now - it's watching. So… watcha choosing? Love xxx Have you ever been going to sleep and can feel a presence in the room? Or have woken to a presence 'staring' at you? Have you ever been doing your thing and then see that flash of light or a shadow sweep on past but when you look there is nothing there? You know you have a gift, you know you can sense when someone else is in the room, you have even had shivers when you've felt them and yet, you're not sure why they come to you specifically or what even to do with that information. In my Mediumship Masterclass, I share with you why they have chosen to make themselves known to you, what the purpose is for and what even to do with that experience, click here, Mediumship Masterclass is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/mediumship-masterclass


Card #2: Reconciliation of Self. You are in the vibration of Self-Acceptance, just as you are.

And it is changing your life. You’ve dropped into a place where you’re done with the self-flagellation and now, you’re reclaiming yourself in ways that you’ve never done before. You’ve come back - renewed, the shackles are off and you’re using your voice in powerful ways that you’ve not done before. This Self-Acceptance is having a positive effect on your life. What are the upgrades here? I am getting the message to yes, stay focused on the right now - but the 12 month goal? What steps are you taking today that support this? It feels like you’re landing 10 (million!) Things at once and this Self-Acceptance is coming in to realise, how much more help you require and part of this is accepting what you cannot change and realising the things you can, and asking, accepting and creating support systems, structures in your life that are supporting you to expand to where your vision is calling you. Without this, you won’t move as fast, nor get to where you want to go and yet - you know this, I ain’t telling you anything you don’t already know. I am also getting that there is a relationship or environment that is past it’s used by date, perhaps you have already left, perhaps you have been contemplating it, perhaps you are putting into motion things to support you to leave - but you’ve already made that internal decision regardless and this - is you loving on yourself in the most potent ways. You're not only accepting yourself as you are - you’re not beating yourself up anymore, but you’re also realising your worth, you’re realising you’re deserving of more - your tolerance has SNAPPED and you’re shifting - fast. Your environment is reflecting what is important to you and it is here that you’ve stepped into the abundance frequency. It feels like you’ve reclaimed your power and you’re even thinking differently about what you want for your life - this is a good thing. But it might feel foreign to you but.. is definitely healthy and ultimately? What you wanted! It may just look/feel different to what you thought. You are even noticing that people are treating you differently and it is because YOU have changed, you have done the work and honey? Be proud of yourself. You’ve come a long since a few years ago - let alone a few months ago even! Look how much and how fast you’ve shifted.. imagine where you’ll be in another few months. Stay here in this Self-Acceptance - it is having major positive effects on your life, continue feeding this baby, so it grows up nice and strong ;) Love xxx Have you ever been going to sleep and can feel a presence in the room? Or have woken to a presence 'staring' at you? Have you ever been doing your thing and then see that flash of light or a shadow sweep on past but when you look there is nothing there? You know you have a gift, you know you can sense when someone else is in the room, you have even had shivers when you've felt them and yet, you're not sure why they come to you specifically or what even to do with that information. In my Mediumship Masterclass, I share with you why they have chosen to make themselves known to you, what the purpose is for and what even to do with that experience, click here, Mediumship Masterclass is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/mediumship-masterclass


Card #3: Blue Whale. ‘A Call to share your voice and speak your truth.’

Have you just written book - or need to? Do you need to finish something? Do you need to commit to your podcast or regular livestream? What is it - what avenue do you need to speak up? Do you need to speak your truth in your relationship and stop hiding how you are really feeling? Do you need to spend time with the Whales? Are you in Transcendence? (Lots of crystalline Whale Codes there). Whales are deep in the Crystalline Frequency of Diamond - Activating your Light Body - this may be a call to activate your light body and work deeply with the crystalline codings. There is a potent energy channeling through the cosmos - always, but September has a huge planetary ‘busy-ness’ that is creating a lot of movement, change and deeply embedding new frequency. It is now, that is perfect for you to complete old chapters and start new books - literally or metaphorically and you’re being asked to stand tall, strong and clear in what exactly you are articulating as well. Are you being called to share the entire story - or just the lesson? Are you able to fine tune your speaking skills? I am also getting the message that speaking is going to heal you - but also a part of you needs to heal too? So it could be both, but I feel it is either one for you too. Something from when you were 7-8-9 years specifically that went on that has created/caused this feeling to surface again recently - and perhaps this is you speaking your truth that heals that part of you that has been ‘stuck’ on that timeline point. I am also getting something about travel here - are you travelling to the whales even? Whales travel on the currents, on the season - what season are you in? Yes, physically, but in your life? Are you going through a relationship breakup/change that you didn’t expect that you just assumed that it was meant to be forever and now you’re questioning everything you did even though it is right for you? It feels like you're worried about other people’s judgements and I wonder if you felt like you moved too fast originally but then.. all is meant to be but gah - yeah, around and around in circles right?! Nope. Stop. This is your sign to come out of the closet, share your voice and speak your truth. It is going to heal you. But a word of ‘warning’ - once you start, don’t stop. Whatever you do - do it consistently. This is just who you are now yes? Some people will leave you and others will rise with you - regardless, you’ll be doing what you’re born to do and that, is not only inspiring, but living your purpose honey. Stand up and speak. Ask for what you need, get support and rise, it’s time. Love xxx Have you ever been going to sleep and can feel a presence in the room? Or have woken to a presence 'staring' at you? Have you ever been doing your thing and then see that flash of light or a shadow sweep on past but when you look there is nothing there? You know you have a gift, you know you can sense when someone else is in the room, you have even had shivers when you've felt them and yet, you're not sure why they come to you specifically or what even to do with that information. In my Mediumship Masterclass, I share with you why they have chosen to make themselves known to you, what the purpose is for and what even to do with that experience, click here, Mediumship Masterclass is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/mediumship-masterclass


Card #4: Grandmother Ocean. ‘Embrace your creative vision and become the architect of your life.’

You get to create the life you want. And I know you know this - but recently you felt stuck with this - but…. The veil has lifted and now not only are you feeling like it is possible again, but your belief about the fact that you create your own reality is back. Without belief in this realm, nothing is possible. It begins and ends in the mind. And it is here, you’ve taken your power back. You’ve been to the darkness and back and now you’re stepping back into a light in your life that you didn’t think was possible or you gave up - but now something magical has begun and you’re sparkling with enthusiasm - just like you used to or perhaps for the first time in your life. I feel that this ‘become the architect of your life’ is reminding you of this - that you are in a very different place now and that you’re being shown something that you didn’t think was possible is, but also, you’re being guided to someone. A mentor, a healer, someone has recently come to your awareness, that you’re open to being shown - it’s like that saying, when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Yes, you can create your vision, but you’re being shown something/someone that can guide you in this next phase and you can feel the soul resonate with this person. It feels like your next phase/steps of your purpose is crucial in what has been - have you been having clear dreams recently? Or for quite some time but they are even more prevalent recently and it’s on your mind in your waking hours even? Clarity in dreams is your Clairvoyant - you’re highly clairvoyant and recognising and embracing this is going to support your purpose. You’re at a critical point it feels like, in your purse - where you’re being ‘pushed’ by Spirit almost like you have a second wind/chance at your purpose and you’re being guided to a mentor/healer to support this next phase. Take heed with this - your intuitive guidance is real. The piece about purpose is that you can see the road ahead and you can’t. You don’t actually know the outcome, but you also know you HAVE to take this path. It is a soul following, soul calling and you.. of all people, know this feeling well - you wouldn’t be where you are without this so far - activate your next level. It’s called you and it is waking you in your sleep - pay attention - the signs are real. Love xxx My 12 Month Life Purpose Accelerator Private Mentoring is open. Ancient Blooded Healer, your presence is felt when you walk into a room, you have always felt like you're here for something bigger. You impact people, you're well known and loved by all that know you and recently you've felt slightly off, agitated, like something is bubbling up, something is changing and you've been noticing the signs. Your dreams, your psychic senses have reached another level and you're wanting to make sense of what it means - honey, your Purpose is sparking this next direction, level and your gift is wanting to be trained, to be honed, to, work with you on a deeper level. If you've felt this recently, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #5: Holy Water. ‘A veil of protection is covering you and your life.’

This card is a sign that you have been protected and are protected by an unseen force. In short - your mission is needed in the world and it’s not yet your time to go - nor is it your time to waste. If you have realised recently that this is true, through something that has happened to you - now, not waste it. You have an important mission. Did you know, that around six months before your Life Purpose truly kicks into gear (this can also occur at any level of a new beginning/ascension level) you will go through around six months of deep recalibration? I talk about this in my book - it is the ‘clean up phase’ before the next level kicks into gear/comes into alignment. Anything that is not working - will be stripped away or you will make changes that you’ve been meaning to make for AGES. You will have this sudden urge to finish things, fix things and organise yourself, put new systems and structures in place, deal with things you haven't been able to nor, know how to deal with for a long time and suddenly - you’ll have this energy to do it all also - or push yourself because this urge is strong. You can’t really think about anything else, it is where all your focus is and you just do it. A bit like a mother goes into nesting before she has a baby, you’re also ‘nesting for your purpose’ - so YAY for this. If you have been wondering about your purpose, know that this very important step you’re completing IS part of it - so take this card as a sign that even though it feels like you’re not ‘doing anything’ you definitely are right now and it is helping you to move into the next phase of your purpose. Until you complete this phase, you won’t be shown the next (I know you know this). So allow this cocoon nesting time and know you’re right on track. I know it feels like your life has been at a standstill for quite some time - because it has and soon, you’ll be stepping forward in ways you couldn’t have imagined before - effortlessly, because you've done the work in this cocoon. I am also getting the message to ignore any naysayers - they don't and won’t understand your purpose, so don’t even speak to them about it. You can also be stripping away from old things/decluttering - or people or places - let them go and focus on where you’re headed. You may also be doing 10 things at once and feeling like you're not getting anything done - but like this ‘clean up phase’ before your purpose births - at a recalibration point - this clean up - can be landing this 10 things at once and this - is building solid foundations for the next phase of your purpose. Embrace it. You might be ‘full’ but this time - you’re also ‘fulfilled’ and its delicious. Life Purpose satisfaction -  the ultimate dream life satisfaction - wouldn’t have it any other way - how divine. Enjoy it - good things are happening and good things are on their way. The future looks bright - open your arms to receive. Love xxx Have you ever been going to sleep and can feel a presence in the room? Or have woken to a presence 'staring' at you? Have you ever been doing your thing and then see that flash of light or a shadow sweep on past but when you look there is nothing there? You know you have a gift, you know you can sense when someone else is in the room, you have even had shivers when you've felt them and yet, you're not sure why they come to you specifically or what even to do with that information. In my Mediumship Masterclass, I share with you why they have chosen to make themselves known to you, what the purpose is for and what even to do with that experience, click here, Mediumship Masterclass is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/mediumship-masterclass


Card #6: Vortex. ‘Calling back your power. Your higher self is bringing in all you need to support you.’

This - is on point for you right? You’ve raised your standards, your tolerance has snapped. What once you used to ‘just deal with’ or think you needed to sacrifice for it, you no longer. Nope! Not acceptable anymore. You’ve shifted. There has been a distinct elevation of consciousness, a light frequency has not just come in - it has elevated the human race to a higher frequency - and you’ve caught this wave, because you’ve chosen a higher frequency, lifestyle and the person you are requires this level of lifestyle. You’ve done the work and anything else is ‘going down the vortex drain’ to the ‘lower levels’ for which you’ve risen from. Not out of judgment, not out of malice, you’re too busy focused on where you’re going to be. In the Life Purpose Activation Kit, if you have it, you can use the Vortex Manifestor Meditation to ‘plant your seeds’ into and allow the growth to be utilised and amplified in this Vortex. I know this meditation is slightly different to this card meaning - but it is a strong message here. As much as what you're leaving behind - behind - there is sooo much ahead of you and it feels like such a strong message and reminder for you to please not look back. Don’t let the vortex suck you down - let it take you up - you literally have a choice right now - to hang onto what is going down the drain (old thoughts, patterns, people, current reality) or you can choose to let take you up - spiral up - to elevate you, to stay focused on your mission, to embrace the light codes that are channeling in for you right now. You have a huge level of support in the spirit world right now who only want to see you succeed, but without your permission to let them help you and without you choosing to elevate yourself via the law of attraction right now, your power is strong to manifest either the negative or the positive - so what do you choose? This is such a strong message (I know I have said it ten times!) - to remind you of your power of what you’re choosing right now. You have been and are calling back your power by you simply choosing to focus on the future too - so let it be amplified. The energies are potent (always are!) But especially as the eclipses ‘pull us’ - let your manifestation vortex of elevation and high frequency forward focus light codes take you to a new place to let yourself create from here, from abundance, from stability, from grounded solid stable love codes that create the magic you seek and that your heart is drawing you to a particular geographical location for a reason. Let your heart lead you - upwards. Choose the higher vortex of elevation codes of light and allow your life to be ease, grace and flow in abundance now. Choose it. Live it. Love it. Love xxx There is still time to join us for TRANSCENDENCE - the stable elevation of love, crystalline light and abundance manifestation codes is ON in Transcendence, click here to join us for this potent power packed, transformational 6 weeks, where dreams become reality: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence