🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 4th April 2023
Apr 04, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 4th April 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Dreams of Gaia Tarot 🤩
Come back to LIFE honey.. come out of the cave, come out of hiding, heal your heart, open your heart and revitalise your HEART. LIFE, my 6 Week Private Mentoring closes next week, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Healing. ‘Healing, Release, Purification, Forgiveness, Transformation, Infection.’
‘To be human is to be wounded’ - is what the first sentence says about this card in the little guide book as I look over this to see what jumps out at me, and this did. I am wondering if recently, you have started to realise that all the things that you thought were wrong with you, or that you were shameful of you are now seeing that you are just human, that these things are ‘normal’ that you are not the biggest outcast and deeply wounded and just gah - that you thought you were? It is like you didn’t even realise those things you ‘thought were wrong with you’ weren’t even that? Sure, some things need ‘fixing’, your health could improve, but ultimately? This is part of being human. This is part of life and in this realisation? Is HEALING. You are healing right now, you are shifting the biggest old part of your life - out of your life and in the detox of your old life releasing, it is going to feel hard, like torture some days and that you are not yourself. But ultimately? I feel that you’re on the improve, that you are seeing things from a new perspective, that you are definitely way better than you were 6-12-18 months ago - longer even and that you are getting better and better everyday. You are feeling better than you were, you’re just.. in a better place. And if you’re not? It is that this is all shifting out of you - your old life is releasing. Hmmm, is there a relationship you are needing to let go of and walk away from - for good? I am also picking up about your heart chakra - it is grief honey, that is sitting there - that… is causing the levels of stress… that is making you want to pack up and run for the hills, that is making your body have other ‘illnesses’ and things go wrong that you just thought couldn’t go wrong in your body, but that…. have and are and just seems like one thing after the next - if not your body, then your life will be feeling this way. But this? Is HEALING. It might feel like things are falling apart - because they literally are - and you’re wondering when it all will stop… but this is the upgrades, this is the structural change that comes. The inner work you’ve been doing to create a better life for yourself - the reality is that one day, EVERYTHING will look very different to what it does now. Your home, car, body, friendships, family - it ALL changes. And the change? Feels mighty uncomfortable - but that is what is meant to be when it change happens. It….. changes. It is time for you to cry about these changes. It is time to let the tears flow out of your heart, because the anxiety, panic attacks, depression and other body symptoms that are starting to show their face to you… let your heart cry… let the tears flow.. let it out. This is the true healing. Cry, cry, cry. Cry… to release the past, cry to stop your heart from seizing up like a car with no oil in it… cry so you can allow your heart to open again so you don’t become old, bitter and resentful. This… is healing. Seek help with someone who understands true healing like myself or someone you know does this kind of work, because if they cannot hold your deepest darkest grief because they themselves have not travelled there, they are not the right therapist for you. Let yourself heal. You are healing. Trust the timing and time it takes, because it does take time and let it out… you deserve to be happy again and not allow your past to eat you up inside any longer. You are safe as you… cry. Love xxx Come back to LIFE honey.. come out of the cave, come out of hiding, heal your heart, open your heart and revitalise your HEART. LIFE, my 6 Week Private Mentoring closes next week, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #2: Five of Water. ‘Loss, Betrayal, Fear, Doubt, Hopelessness, Isolation, Self-Pity, Blame.’
It is time to truly work with these emotions, because it seems you think you have - but they keep rearing their head don’t they? You are fine, and then you SNAP! You have a short cry, bury it and get on with it again - but what - what is that eating you up alive? What happened 2-3 years ago - or within that time frame that you feel you’ve moved on, but it is still…. sitting there, that is… it keeps coming back to you? It haunts you in your sleeping time and wakes you up that you can’t get back to sleep, then you’re exhausted again? You’re fine… but you’re not - right? I say ‘eating you up alive’ but what is consuming you right now? This is stemming from unconscious hopelessness, unconscious doubt of your life choices (even though consciously you’re like, “Nah, everything is good Hannah!” - this… is surfacing, because it doesn’t belong in your body anymore, sure - so, around 18-19 years old, 15 years old and 4 years old - what was going on (roughly those ages) - these are key points to look at for the source of hopelessness, doubt and shame even? This is the Water Card and it is also number Five. Five is the number of change, water, is deeply representative of our feelings and emotions. These ‘stuck’ ages on your timeline, need to be addressed and healed. They are your guiding lights for the current day issue at hand. Also, what are you afraid of in your future? When you can dive into this questions, they will help unlock the stagnancy in your body that can help the release in the trapped aspects of your psyche so you are free to move forward. It might be a fast realisation, or it might be quick understanding, but you will need to do deeper work, or it might unlock something that needs long term healing and commitment to ensure your wellness for the future. I am getting the sense too - don’t try and plan too much. In a sense, is that it feels you are focused too much on your future and missing the quality moments of right now. You are disconnected from now. And to not only enjoy our life, but to live life, be healthy and feel normal and sane (to an extent!) we need to be present now. However, the only reason you are so focused on your future, is that right now? Is too painful! Right now? You don’t like where you are, you don’t enjoy what has happened and to focus on now? There is just so. Much. Pain. Sure, you’re ‘doing okay’ - but you’re actually only just holding it together lets be real! And you know what? THAT IS OKAY! You’re only human! And… it isn’t common knowledge (unfortunately) of how to cope with change, let alone ‘minor and major’ events. Heck we are even taught to nab a pill down and get on with it! Society isn’t trained for dealing with the normal human emotions and feelings… so don’t beat yourself up - however, it is just time to deal with this… to free your heart and soul so you can be present with your LIFE again and love where you are, instead of hating on it and not being in it, because you need out! Let’s get you back to life honey, back to now… the future will come and you’re doing great at planning it.. but you need to enjoy this moment right now too… Come back to your heart and feel all those emotions. It is time. To Heal. Love xxx Come back to LIFE honey.. come out of the cave, come out of hiding, heal your heart, open your heart and revitalise your HEART. LIFE, my 6 Week Private Mentoring closes next week, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #3: Eleven of Earth. Heaven/Earth. ‘Heaven/Earth - Above, Below, Nature, Humanity, Magic, Mundane, Immaterial.’
If you need to rest, rest. If you need to say no, so you can rest - do so. If you need a mini break - do it. If you need a nap, take it. I feel like you need a bigger break? Holiday even? Or just more you time? That is first message streaming through here for you with Heaven/Earth in the Earth Realm of this deck. It feels like you’ve done a lot of work to get to where you are now. It feels like you CAN slow down - but are you letting yourself? Sure, some days and some weeks are busier - I get it! Life happens! However, I feel that you are recalibrating to something else right now and your energy has shifted, but you are still acting and behaving in the old mode of you at times and this catching it and reminding yourself where you are now, the home you have now, the space you have now, the relationships you have now, the - now - the space you have created now. Number 1 - you can heal… but you are also in a new version a new aspect of the life of who you are now. Start seeing yourself as the powerful healer, the potent musician, the best mother or father in the world - to bring yourself to the lifestyle that you truly want to be living - but embracing now. There is the ‘Creating Heaven On Earth’ with this card - about being super present where you are - but consciously creating where you want to go. I feel you have taken back your power in so many ways recently and this is to be acknowledged, celebrated and deeply recognised in yourself. I think sometimes we are go go go, create and change our life, that once it does change very significantly, and sometimes we forget to look around and actually realise where we are. I feel you are here, at this stage of your life. At this point in your journey. And it is here - the magic is created - Heaven On Earth - is here, it is a feeling, it is a place in your heart that ripples out to the Universe and floods your life with love, peace and tranquility. It is the representation of all the healing work you’ve done.. it is you V2.0 - are you truly ready to own that? To let yourself… soak in that. I feel you’ve come and are coming into great alignment that is pulling your destiny towards you super fast, so enjoy this time, recognise it for what it is and know that this ‘section’ of your life, will not only fly past in the blink of an eye, but your life - very soon - will look very different to now.. Heaven on Earth - recognise and look what you have created. Bless. The more you do, the more you amplify. But I know you know this. Love xxx Come back to LIFE honey.. come out of the cave, come out of hiding, heal your heart, open your heart and revitalise your HEART. LIFE, my 6 Week Private Mentoring closes next week, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #4: The Counsellor. ‘Empathetic, Wise, Objective Advice, Trustworthy, Emotional Understanding, Clarity, Sharing.’
Okay a few things here - first of all - where are you needing to trust your intuition about a certain situation? It feels like there is something here ‘going on in the background’ that keeps coming to your mind. Mostly - the message is, those out of the blue thoughts, those feelings, those ‘feeling like they are talking about you’ - not from a paranoid space - just the day dream visions or ‘drop ins’ are real. Now, do you have to do anything about it? Is it relevant information? Perhaps not. Clear your energy, make sure you are keeping up with your energetic practises - maybe you do need to do a deeper clearing healing protocol on this person or situation that keeps ‘popping into your thoughts’ for sure, but regardless, this message is strong - just trust your intuition about this situation. You are wise, you are a ‘counsellor’ and I feel that a lot of people look to you for advice. It feels like it is important for you to remember who you truly are and the impact you actually have on people. If you’re confused about a situation, come back to your truth. We get confused when we have taken on someone else’s opinion, someone else’s thoughts about the situation and started to believe them, instead of us, or think their advice is better than our own intuition. So, step back, come back to your heart, back to your truth and remember that you do know the answers and the truth about this situation. I am also hearing that ‘it is not for you to figure out’. Hmmm, have you been trying to force something to happen? Or perhaps you are finding yourself attached to an outcome? I feel you’ve been pretty good and then these waves of attachment come in and you’re like damn! What is going on! And yet… the key here?? Is that you’re sooo aware of the attachment to a particular outcome and this is GOOD! Sooo many people that ‘work with manifestation’ are sooo attached to an outcome looking and feeling a particular way and it HAS TO BE LIKE THIS - that they miss the golden opportunities for the very thing they are asking for to show up in their life! What?! You might be asking, "What do you MEAN Hannah?!”. When you are attached to an outcome, you close the dam valve shut, you close the pipe, instead of a huge waterfall of an abundance of all the things right in front of your very eyes every single day, you begin to single focus and hone in on this one thing (attachment to an outcome) that you simply miss all the things that ARE coming in, that ARE happening that is right in front of you that if you were only able to receive what is already right here, the ‘bigger thing’ you are asking for - will show up on your doorstep (so to speak!). The message here is notice when you are attached to a certain outcome about something you are trying to manifest. If you are trying to manifest more money, a better paying job a home or a relationship, but it’s all you think about 24/7 - you’re attached. Sure, we need to focus our energy on the goal, but you will know if you’re attached it if it is causing you more worry, anxiety and you actually feel worse because you know, “Life will be better when this happens Hannah!” - no. It won’t. You will still feel the same - sure, for a MOMENT you will feel happy it happened.. but then the excitement will settle down and all the old emotions will still be waiting for you, because life isn’t better when… life is NOW. And if NOW is not feeling good and you need x-y-z to feel better - it isn’t a fix, that is a band-aid. If you are manifesting and feeling good about your life currently - that is what is going to bring more good to you. But if you are feeling bad and waiting for the thing to make you feel better - this is where you need to STEP BACK, come back to yourself, and… probably cry a few hundred or thousand tears… because you will see that it isn’t the thing after all… it is the reality that you have ended up where you have ended up and that… isn’t where you want to be. As soon as you heal from your past that ‘gave you current reality’ and come into peace and happiness with your current reality, then you can receive all the things you want that ‘will make you feel better’ - because it isn’t actually the thing that is making you feel better. You are. And no one and nothing can do that for you. Work with a mentor like myself if you cannot do this for yourself at this time, because facing reality is a hard task and easy to disassociate from thinking that x-y-a will make you better, because deep down, there is more to face that is driving the ‘got to get away from’ - what is that for you? Love xxx Come back to LIFE honey.. come out of the cave, come out of hiding, heal your heart, open your heart and revitalise your HEART. LIFE, my 6 Week Private Mentoring closes next week, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #5: Six of Water. ‘Kindness, Concern, Sympathy, Compassion, Understanding, Forgiveness, Love, Ideals.’
First thing that has come to mind here - is where are you judging someone pretty harshly and… you don’t actually realise it… BUT you have undertone resentment going on there and you are so blind to it, you are ‘love and lighting’ all over the place as a spiritual facade of kindness when you’re seething underneath because you are feeling betrayed, abandoned and hurt by this person? Ouch. That one. The other is - where are you giving more than you are receiving? This is a sure fire way to make for resentment and a sore heart. I want to ask you - what are you truly sad about? What happened that you buried it ‘for another time’ - simply because you didn’t know what to do with that level of hurt? It’s okay. However, this needs to come out and I am also wondering where are you needing to set stronger boundaries in your life? This ties in with the giving more than you’re receiving and the ‘over giving’ - is a lack of boundaries on your part. So if you are jealous of someone else’s life, but you’re sitting there watching Netflix instead of using every little moment to create the life you truly want - well of course you’re going to be upset! Guess what? Something magical happens when you start to dedicate all your time and energy into creating the life you truly want - you start to not care or have interest in what other people are doing, because all your devoted time and energy is lighting your fire, your passion, your PURPOSE and you come alive creating all you desire. It’s a thing! Try it some day! So, how about that jealously now? Those judgements now? I guarantee you will be unhappy stuck in a job you don’t enjoy but are too scared to leave to pursue what you truly desire, so you are judging someone else’s life? Okay, okay… what and where are you judging? It is, all but a sign you are meant to live a life other than what you are in right now. If you’re working on it, doesn’t mean there won’t be challenges, but just become conscious where you are sticking it, because you are jealous and angry that they have what you want, but there is a part of you too scared to take the damn leap and yet you KNOW that is where the FREEDOM is, the EXHILARATION is and you do the thing that is going to uplift you ten fold. This is your message to look where your judge is looking - and look back to yourself and instead of beating yourself up for all the losses and ‘where you are not right now’ - be kind to this judge, be kind to yourself and know that it is just a calling card to kick your butt into gear, take the leap of faith, say yes, and do the thing whilst being fully supported in it. Trust yourself, set boundaries, say yes and DO IT. No more excuses - because anything other than doing what you WANT to do - is simply that. An excuse. Love xxx Come back to LIFE honey.. come out of the cave, come out of hiding, heal your heart, open your heart and revitalise your HEART. LIFE, my 6 Week Private Mentoring closes next week, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #6: Ten of Water. ‘Universal Love, Divine Connection, Centredness, Serenity, Peace, Oneness, Boundaries, Disruption.’
Hmmm, Card #5 was also about boundaries and I feel this card is this main message for you. What is pulling you off path right now? Where is your priority task and are you working on this every single day? What are the distractions that you are letting become proirty instead of making your priorities - well, your priority? I feel this card is about reassessing the flow, your schedule and even canceling some things that you an feel are already a bit meh on the organising your life space in what you need to do to create a space and create space for the main pressing task at hand. If you are confused at what exactly that is - or it could be very at the forefront of your mind - simply ask yourself what exactly you’re wanting to accomplish by the end of 2023? Because you know, it is already Easter and there is only 8 months of the year left. May seem like a lot - but.. it is Easter already! April! Did you get done what you wanted to accomplish this year - already? This focus, helps you to - focus! And get back on tasks. You are SUPER close to accomplishing what you have as the project at hand, don’t let distractions get the better of you now! If you have overbooked yourself or said yes when you later thought about it and realised it is going to make life hectic - YOU have the power to ring up, cancel, change and move things around so that your priorities are going to get forefront of your days and weeks. Do you know what happens when you do this? #1 - you’re a happy chappy, not agitated, tired, angry and resentful, because you REALLY should be doing your project thang you know! and #2 - changing things around - ultimately works out best for everyone. When you put yourself, your priorities and your needs first, you stay in alignment and that alignment is alignment for everyone else too. Self first. I am also getting the sense here that now more than ever, is a potent time and that you need to be super conscious of how powerful your energy is. Whether that is your meditation routine, visualisation practise, your manifestation acceleration - it is sooo important to dedicate time every day for you to put time, energy, focus and effort into this. Whatever you are working on, whatever goals you want to achieve, you will 10 x 100 x amplify it, by committing to a solid manifestation practise (one that you resonate with) because at this time, you are in alignment, you are on path and all the doors are opening up for you. “Everything always works out for me. I am always in the right place at the right time and everything I need shows up exactly when I need it. I walk in deep trust that I am deeply supported in following my passion, my purpose and my heart. I know that Spirit has my back in everything I choose to do, because everything I choose to do is my heart, my purpose and my passion and that, is my direct lineage to my intuition, to God. I trust. I follow my heart. I am getting better and better at saying no, so I can say yes to my Purpose. Everything is going to be okay. The Universe loves me and I love the Universe. I can.” Love xxx Come back to LIFE honey.. come out of the cave, come out of hiding, heal your heart, open your heart and revitalise your HEART. LIFE, my 6 Week Private Mentoring closes next week, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/life