🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 4th January 2022
Jan 04, 2022
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 4th January 2022
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you from the Work Your Light Oracle today.
You know you have healing abilities, you know you have psychic, intuitive, telepathic, clairvoyance, mystic abilities, even if you are not quite sure how to use them, you definitely know you have some form of intuitive gifts that you use on a daily basis even when you are not aware of it. You’ve always felt in your bones that you are different. You know this. You've experienced it.
You also haven't been able to fit into any group, you cannot keep and hold down a normal job, you also know that you are here to do more than just the mundane jobs (even though there's nothing wrong with them), you know that is just not for you. You also know that 2022 is the year for you to make the changes that you have been putting off, and to fully come out into the world with the thing that has been tap, tap, tapping you on the shoulder for a long time.
You know that the current world situation is leading us in a different direction, a direction which enables you to use your intuitive healing gifts in this world and the world knows that coming up, we are going to need you. Trust Your Intuition starts on the magical date of 22 – 02 – 2022. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: ‘Awakening.’ Energetic Upgrades. A New Way of Being. Integration.
It feels like you're going through a new beginning of some sort. There is a New Moon on this card as well, (definitely New Moon Energy right now too - new beginnings, new energy, new cycles and the falling away of old patterns and new ways of Being in the world.) She is also being lifted up to new heights. Have you begun a new practice? New routine? New spiritual support system? What have you begun that is new? It feels like you are feeling a whole new sense of fresh energy, but you may have just walked through one of the darkest portals of your life. This card can also be coming to you as a sign that you need to start a new practice of some sorts. What sort of new routines do you need to implement into your life, to support you? It feels like there is something perhaps that you have dropped off in the past, but you are being guided to pick back up in a more solidified way. Is there a new exercise regime, health regime, or something else to do with your health in regards to this ‘Awakening and New Way of Being’ card for you today? It also feels like this isn't something that is just a New Year's resolution, this is something that is an ‘Integration’ for you. This is something that you used to do, but now it is coming in in a more solidified role, it’s ‘real’, more true, practice for you that is literally creating an entirely new way of Being, that is therefore enhancing your reality and your life. It feels like this is the beginning of a new era for you. This isn't a new chapter, this is a new book. It is time to use this clean slate - it feels like there is a lot of magical powerful alchemy energy around you at this time, use it consciously, use it powerfully, and write your reality into existence. You have done a lot of work in your past and on your past - it is now time to focus on your future, create your reality with manifestation practices, positive thinking and affirmations to truly make 2022 your best year yet. The energy is ripe for your new beginning, use it to your advantage. It feels like you've been given a big gift to use this energy in the most powerful way to create your life. So, are you? Love xxx You know you have healing abilities, you know you have psychic, intuitive, telepathic, clairvoyance, mystic abilities, even if you are not quite sure how to use them, you definitely know you have some form of intuitive gifts that you use on a daily basis even when you are not aware of it. You’ve always felt in your bones that you are different. You know this. You've experienced it. You also haven't been able to fit into any group, you cannot keep and hold down a normal job, you also know that you are here to do more than just the mundane jobs (even though there's nothing wrong with them), you know that is just not for you. You also know that 2022 is the year for you to make the changes that you have been putting off, and to fully come out into the world with the thing that has been tap, tap, tapping you on the shoulder for a long time. You know that the current world situation is leading us in a different direction, a direction which enables you to use your intuitive healing gifts in this world and the world knows that coming up, we are going to need you. Trust Your Intuition starts on the magical date of 22 – 02 – 2022. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #2: ‘Council of Light.’ Divine Orchestration. Helpers in the Subtle Realms.
You have a lot of support around you. There are nine Beings on this card, nine feels like a significant number for you perhaps? Regardless, nine is the ending of a cycle. At 10, we commence a new cycle. Is there a situation that you have been questioning lately? This card has come to you to let you know that there is a higher order at play with everything that has happened. The ‘Helpers in the subtle realms’, on this card, is exactly that. Divine orchestration, synchronistic flow, understanding esoteric information, all of the things that have happened about this situation and this event, have been a significant instrument to your Life Purpose path. Even though the details are not hundred percent clear or if you even do not understand anything that happened with the situation, it is because there is a part of you that is birthing right now. You are coming into the greater level of your truth. You are coming into a greater level of your Being, your Soul is becoming the forefront of your existence. It feels like for the past few years you have been thinking about your highest version of yourself, whereas now these events that have unfolded recently are because you are stepping into the totality of your Being, your Purpose is awakening and you are becoming who you are really meant to be. Anything that has fallen away recently is because it was outdated, outmoded and just not acceptable anymore. If something has been ‘taken away from you’, it is because you knew that was something you had to let go of. But now that decision has been made for you and you are coming into a greater level of power within yourself as you step into your truth with this situation. If you are not sure about things right now, don't try and figure them out. ‘Helpers in the subtle realms’, are figuring them out for you. You have more help available and more support around you than you realise. However, it is time for you to realise how much support you have, how many people love you. You have so much divine synchronicity around you and to start surrendering into this space. You do not have to push, strive or go too hard on yourself anymore. You already know this though. You already know what to do. Even if you think you don’t, you actually do. Because it's about surrendering to the help that's available. Everything that happened was a divine orchestration. Everything that is happening is a divine orchestration. Everything that will happen is a divine orchestration. This does not mean you do not have any power or influence over your destiny, however this is asking you to surrender to the higher purpose of your Life Purpose right now. You have also been asking for these changes, you have also been asking for this truth, this totality of your Being to come out - that is what the last few years have been. This whole experience that you have recently gone through is allowing you to come into the totality of your Being. The question is, will you allow that support in? Will you allow yourself to continue to surrender to the flow? Your Guides and Beings are right there, ask them for help, ask them for support ask them for anything that you need. This is the end of an old cycle for you, it's time to allow the new energy in, to look forward instead of back and allow your Highest Self to be at the forefront of all your decisions in your life. Love xxx You know you have healing abilities, you know you have psychic, intuitive, telepathic, clairvoyance, mystic abilities, even if you are not quite sure how to use them, you definitely know you have some form of intuitive gifts that you use on a daily basis even when you are not aware of it. You’ve always felt in your bones that you are different. You know this. You've experienced it. You also haven't been able to fit into any group, you cannot keep and hold down a normal job, you also know that you are here to do more than just the mundane jobs (even though there's nothing wrong with them), you know that is just not for you. You also know that 2022 is the year for you to make the changes that you have been putting off, and to fully come out into the world with the thing that has been tap, tap, tapping you on the shoulder for a long time. You know that the current world situation is leading us in a different direction, a direction which enables you to use your intuitive healing gifts in this world and the world knows that coming up, we are going to need you. Trust Your Intuition starts on the magical date of 22 – 02 – 2022. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #3: ‘Star Mother.’ How Can You Mother yourself?
This card is a deep self care card. This Star Mother card, also reminds me of Archangel Mary. Has Archangel Mary been present for you lately? Have you been feeling burnt out, under the weather, or that you can feel enormous change on your doorstep? This card signifies a change in not only increasing your self-care, but also your self worth alongside the self-care. What this means is that the way that you live your life is changing. This just isn't about getting a massage, getting your hair done, going to bed early - whilst all those types of self-care are important, it feels like this has become your standard way of living. I feel this card has come to you because you are being guided to step up in the way that you live your entire life. This is an entire paradigm shift for you. It feels like there have been many energetic upgrades that you have been working on, and now in 2022 this is where the exponential change comes into play. This is a card of self-care and self-worth in increasing the way and the lifestyle that you live. Self-care isn't just something that you have to focus on and make sure you tick off the boxes, this is taking it to the next level of being able to rapidly shift your entire reality to match a tolerance level of what is acceptable in your life and what is not. That means the types of relationships and people that you have around you, that means the way that you treat yourself, talk to yourself and care for yourself, that means the environment that you live in and the types of places that you put yourself in, it is about the types of mentors that you work with. It is about even having a mentor to exponentially grow your life. It feels like this is a foundational self-care that has created an entirely new way of being for yourself. The mothering of yourself can entail about healing mother issues towards your blood mother or a person who has been like a mother for you in your life. This is also about the way you care for yourself. Did your mother care for you as a child the way that you needed? Of course she mothered you the best of her abilities, you already know that. However, this is about your needs - were your needs met? Did your mother meet your needs? This isn't that she is a bad mother, but this card has come to you because this is about rewriting the way that you care for yourself, that your needs are important - which began with how your Mother mothered you. This is a next level way of being that is shifting your entire life. What other ways that you can Mother yourself in this next level way that is creating a foundational state of being, that is changing your life rapidly and with the most profound love that you've ever felt for yourself, for perhaps the first time ever? Love xxx You know you have healing abilities, you know you have psychic, intuitive, telepathic, clairvoyance, mystic abilities, even if you are not quite sure how to use them, you definitely know you have some form of intuitive gifts that you use on a daily basis even when you are not aware of it. You’ve always felt in your bones that you are different. You know this. You've experienced it. You also haven't been able to fit into any group, you cannot keep and hold down a normal job, you also know that you are here to do more than just the mundane jobs (even though there's nothing wrong with them), you know that is just not for you. You also know that 2022 is the year for you to make the changes that you have been putting off, and to fully come out into the world with the thing that has been tap, tap, tapping you on the shoulder for a long time. You know that the current world situation is leading us in a different direction, a direction which enables you to use your intuitive healing gifts in this world and the world knows that coming up, we are going to need you. Trust Your Intuition starts on the magical date of 22 – 02 – 2022. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #4: ‘Share Your Voice.’ Come Out of the Cave.
This card is pretty self-explanatory. However, have you been persecuted for sharing your voice in the past? Also how have you been persecuting others for sharing their voice? There are a lot of conflicting clashes of values currently in the world's communities and society due to the current world situation. Have you taken a moment to how you are shouting or persecuting others for their belief systems, even if it's something that you don't agree with? This card has come to you to be mindful of how you are persecuting others. Just because you don't agree with the government situation and people who are perhaps following that, it doesn't mean that you have a right to persecute others because that is what they believe in. This feels like a strong message to be mindful about who and how you are shouting at. We will shout and persecute others when there is an unhealed part of us that we are not allowing to ‘Come out of the Cave.’ You obviously have a strong opinion about things, this is a powerful sign of an Indigo, the ones who are here to break down the old systems. However, your Purpose, your Life Purpose, involves Awakening the Consciousness of these asleep people. Or you wouldn't be here with a strong passion about what is going on in the world situation, for example. But, does shouting at asleep people, wake them? What about your reactions to asleep people and what you are constantly gossiping about with people about ‘them’? It’s not only your in front of their face, but also behind closed doors words you speak that is helping or hindering the world situation. This card, ‘Share Your Voice', has come to you to look at how you are expressing your values, your belief systems and what you are here to do and share in the world. If you're finding yourself angry, number one take a break; number two, do something fun; number three, meditate and ask how you are to share your strong values and beliefs - for persecuting others for their belief systems is not going to change the world situation. You are only feeding the beast that we are trying to change. However, you know this. If you've been feeling agitated or frustrated at the people who are still asleep, it is just a sign that you are focusing in the wrong direction, you know that people like that only wake up when they are ready to wake up. Your Purpose and your Mission right now is to ‘Share Your Voice’ with the ones who are ready to hear it. What does that entail? Is that a blog, is that a book where can you impact the millions of people who are ready to hear your mission? If you are unclear stop - number one, take a break; number two, have some fun; number three, meditate and here as well, number four, get a mentor that can help you channel your Purpose, your Gifts, your Mission in a way that is going to impact the world, not continue to feed energy into the beast that you are trying to wake up in the first place. This card can also be about your own persecution in the past, which is usually why you are projecting it on to other people. This is a message for you to look into Past Life Healing and being able to release the chains, the anchors and the binds and hooks that you have in your past, where you have been persecuted for ‘Sharing Your Voice’. When you release these chains and anchors and binds, then you will be able to express yourself in a calm and peaceful way that people will listen and you will feel more on Purpose than ever. It's time, isn’t it? Love xxx You know you have healing abilities, you know you have psychic, intuitive, telepathic, clairvoyance, mystic abilities, even if you are not quite sure how to use them, you definitely know you have some form of intuitive gifts that you use on a daily basis even when you are not aware of it. You’ve always felt in your bones that you are different. You know this. You've experienced it. You also haven't been able to fit into any group, you cannot keep and hold down a normal job, you also know that you are here to do more than just the mundane jobs (even though there's nothing wrong with them), you know that is just not for you. You also know that 2022 is the year for you to make the changes that you have been putting off, and to fully come out into the world with the thing that has been tap, tap, tapping you on the shoulder for a long time. You know that the current world situation is leading us in a different direction, a direction which enables you to use your intuitive healing gifts in this world and the world knows that coming up, we are going to need you. Trust Your Intuition starts on the magical date of 22 – 02 – 2022. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #5: ‘You’re Already Doing It.’ Stop Overthinking. Keep Facing Your True North.
If you have been wondering if you are going in the right direction, this is confirmation that you are. I also wonder if you have been receiving new ideas or a complete life direction change, and wondering about taking a leap of faith, then this is your sign - YES. On this card, there is a pathway of light through some columns and she is also facing in a different direction. It feels like you have been at a crossroads, however, it also feels like the path is becoming clear. I feel like the worst is now behind you, and it feels like you know what to do. If you're feeling overwhelmed/overthinking, then just stop. You are already doing it. This is what the card says. You are going in the right direction, facing your true North. This is a confirmation card for you, a strong message coming through as well, is to remind you that you can never make the wrong decision, not in the past, and not in the future, not in the right now. Every decision that you have made in the past, that you are making right now, and that you will make in the future, is based on what feels right in your heart. Your heart is never wrong. Even though it might feel like your heart has made wrong decisions, the truth is, is that it has not. What happens is that when we do make a decision, doubt always comes up. The other thing that happens is that when we are making some sort of change in our life, the grief cycle begins. Part of the grief cycle is all the what-ifs, what about this choice, what about that choice, what if I had done this - it is a normal part of the change process. If you have gone through massive change and are wondering if you've made the right decision, please know this is your confirmation card. The worst is now behind you, the darkness is behind you. Turn towards the light as she is doing this card, and know that every decision you have made, every decision that you will make - is the correct one for you. Ride the waves of the up and down changes, ride the waves of the normal process of change. Change is massive, if you need help reach out for support. However, know that everything that you're doing is correct for you, know that you're already doing it. Know that you are facing your True North, know that your heart is and has been correct. Anything else is, is that you are overthinking as the card says. If you're overthinking you are in your head not your heart. I am pretty sure that was a message in the cards last week about this too. Get out of your head and get into your heart. Get out of your head, to get into your body. Body movement, yoga, exercise, breathwork and other activities that get you into your body and out of your head are really important for you at this time, make them a priority. Because you are heading in the right direction, you are on the right path. Continue to trust at this time. You wouldn't be in this situation if your heart didn’t lead you here. You do trust your heart right? Your intuition? Even in the darkness? Love xxx You know you have healing abilities, you know you have psychic, intuitive, telepathic, clairvoyance, mystic abilities, even if you are not quite sure how to use them, you definitely know you have some form of intuitive gifts that you use on a daily basis even when you are not aware of it. You’ve always felt in your bones that you are different. You know this. You've experienced it. You also haven't been able to fit into any group, you cannot keep and hold down a normal job, you also know that you are here to do more than just the mundane jobs (even though there's nothing wrong with them), you know that is just not for you. You also know that 2022 is the year for you to make the changes that you have been putting off, and to fully come out into the world with the thing that has been tap, tap, tapping you on the shoulder for a long time. You know that the current world situation is leading us in a different direction, a direction which enables you to use your intuitive healing gifts in this world and the world knows that coming up, we are going to need you. Trust Your Intuition starts on the magical date of 22 – 02 – 2022. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #6: ‘Fill Up Your Well.’ Retreat. Rest. Refuel.
This card is similar to the Star Mother card that came out today in this deck, however ‘Fill Up Your Well’ feels more like it is time to take a rest, stop. Retreat. Rest. Refuel. I am wondering if you have been feeling emotional lately? As if you can't stop crying? Or feel like you need to cry but haven't quite been able to? There are two parts to this card. One feels about the tears and the emotional healing that is currently going on for you it feels like a deep well of emotional healing, it feels very old, very ancient and like you are feeling, filling out a deep quarry that has been mined a long time ago and has now been filled up with water and it is like you are healing from all the quarrying that has been going on. Perhaps there is a message about the quarry as well for you? Does a quarry mean anything to you? The other part to this card, is that there is such a tenderness, a gentleness, to your energy compared to in the past. This doesn't mean that you're not your full, fire, passionate on Purpose full flow yourself, but it does mean that you have put yourself first. You have learned from the past and you are doing you now. You are noticing how many rewards that is giving you, and it is something that you are not willing to stop anytime soon. It feels like this is a new paradigm and new way of living, that you have created, that you have tapped into, and it feels good to stay here. I'm getting the sense for you that there are even more blessings on the way for you. Have you been trying to manifest something for quite some time, or maybe it's just a matter of divine time, that time is soon near. It feels like this is your sign to continue on that path. However, you already know this. On this card there is desert and water, which are two contradictory pieces. I feel that this is representing the extreme paradigms of one end of the spectrum to the other, however I feel like you're learning to balance the two. It feels like you have become a Master of being able to work your emotions and also ‘dry out like the desert’, when you need to. I'm getting the sense that that has been a big change in your energy field. This is a good thing. It feels like you have learned to step into receiving energy. Or perhaps you are learning to receive perhaps that is the part that you are healing right now is being able to receive in the full expression of your Being - or receive someone who is in front of you with out the quarry walls of your past blocking the reality of right now. Meaning, old patterns are healing and melting away - hence the tears. I do feel like you have stepped into a Mastery level of being able to do this and have been shown recently how to amplify that. I also feel like you have been shown signs through people or through your experience that it is okay to fully Retreat. Rest. Refuel. It feels like you're shown another way of being and again you like it, you love it, and I think you'll stay here. Which again is a positive thing. There has definitely been a frequency shift in your energy field and I feel that the things that used to bother you don't do so much anymore. This shift in your frequency is allowing you to focus on your true Purpose rather than on the things that were hindering you. I also feel that you have consciously made a decision to do this, turn towards the light, focus on what you want – is that something that you have committed to in 2022? It feels like this is a positive decision (of course) and is going to reap many rewards and benefits. There is also a change in the horizon coming up in the next 2 to 3 months, however I feel like you are planning that as well and can feel that within you. Is it about committing to something? Is it about moving house? Is it about a grounding routine somewhere in your life? Only you know what this positive change on the horizon is, however I feel like it is a welcomed and blessed change that you have been working towards for some time. It feels like manifestations and dreams are coming true for you in the next few months, so stay doing what you're doing, keep increasing your frequency change, and know that you are definitely on the right path. If you are crying and emotionally healing right now, know that you are on your way to feeling these frequency shifts and this is why the tears are pouring out. Let them. You are safe as you walk through this change. Love xxx You know you have healing abilities, you know you have psychic, intuitive, telepathic, clairvoyance, mystic abilities, even if you are not quite sure how to use them, you definitely know you have some form of intuitive gifts that you use on a daily basis even when you are not aware of it. You’ve always felt in your bones that you are different. You know this. You've experienced it. You also haven't been able to fit into any group, you cannot keep and hold down a normal job, you also know that you are here to do more than just the mundane jobs (even though there's nothing wrong with them), you know that is just not for you. You also know that 2022 is the year for you to make the changes that you have been putting off, and to fully come out into the world with the thing that has been tap, tap, tapping you on the shoulder for a long time. You know that the current world situation is leading us in a different direction, a direction which enables you to use your intuitive healing gifts in this world and the world knows that coming up, we are going to need you. Trust Your Intuition starts on the magical date of 22 – 02 – 2022. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition