🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 4th June 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jun 04, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 4th June 2024 

Scroll down to see what message is awaiting you there from the Whispers from the Ocean Oracle for you today 🐋💎🔮

You’ve always been the free spirit of the family (and the black sheep!), you’ve always held yourself in deep high esteem (and then your past experiences have dulled your glow a little), you’ve always been the one people turn to and ask for help or look on in awe of ‘how did you do that?!’ (And lately you’ve forgotten your magic), you’ve always been the one who thinks about things and makes them happen and you’re someone who knows that you create your reality and can make anything happen.

Master Manifestor early bird is open, our magical, powerful and potent 3 week vortex of re-writing code, energetics and removing the blocks to your most abundant, fulfilled and deeply magical life. You know that magic exists and you’re ready to wield it to make manifest the most amazing magical, heart fulfilling blessings as we realign your true heart & souls desires and unlock the incredible reality that is waiting on your doorstep for you to say YESSSSSS. Click here, early bird is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Surrounded by Prosperity. ‘Your attention is being drawn to the infinite nature of reality. That which exists outside the known is beyond measure.’

There are two messages here for this card - One is that you are in a place surrounded by utter beauty, that your breath is taken away by what you see in your life right now - this, is ‘Surrounded by Prosperity’. Absorb the codes - your environment is shifting your physical vibration and it is just the upgrade that you’ve needed at this time. Use this prosperity to ground your natural talents and abilities on this Earth - you’ve been receiving ideas about pieces that will challenge your way of life and grow you - but you can feel this is from your Soul and it is time to trust and follow that. Two - This is a very strong message for you - that it is time to focus on what you want, instead of what you don’t want. It feels that you’ve been going through a super tough time and even though I am NOT the person to tell you to slap positivity on top of negativity - this isn’t what I am talking about - but this is about truly listening to your internal dialogue that runs the show 99% of the day. You might think you are positive - but are you? Meaning, I feel that the hurt is buried, it has knocked you down and it is ‘running the show’ or surfacing and needs to be dealt with. It is like you have been tolerating something and it has now reached it’s used by date - and it is a ‘block to your prosperity’. What is this for you? What comes to mind as you read this? ‘Shifting this’ would be your most imperative priority at this time. If everything were to come back to the ONE thing - what is it? That.. is time to go and transform now. You can call upon Archangel Jophiel to help beautify your thoughts, your feelings and your environment and call upon Archangel Ariel to help create, attract and magnetise Abundance to you to fuel your environmental shift and change. You’re being asked to see the beauty in this moment where you are right now - no matter how beautiful or hard it is - train yourself (with Archangel Jophiel’s help) - to see the beauty that surrounds you now. This raises your vibration and shift your frequency - the exact formula you need to magnetise abundance to you. You’re Surrounded by Prosperity this very moment - open to it and watch your world in the blink of an eye, change forever. Love xxx You’ve always been the free spirit of the family (and the black sheep!), you’ve always held yourself in deep high esteem (and then your past experiences have dulled your glow a little), you’ve always been the one people turn to and ask for help or look on in awe of ‘how did you do that?!’ (And lately you’ve forgotten your magic), you’ve always been the one who thinks about things and makes them happen and you’re someone who knows that you create your reality and can make anything happen. Master Manifestor early bird is open, our magical, powerful and potent 3 week vortex of re-writing code, energetics and removing the blocks to your most abundant, fulfilled and deeply magical life. You know that magic exists and you’re ready to wield it to make manifest the most amazing magical, heart fulfilling blessings as we realign your true heart & souls desires and unlock the incredible reality that is waiting on your doorstep for you to say YESSSSSS. Click here, early bird is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor


Card #2: Setting Up Parameters. ‘Assess your relationships and determine how they are aligned with your goals. Setting boundaries requires an honest evaluation

If you are in a place right now where the rug has been pulled out from underneath you, everything has come to a standstill or you are not sure ‘what just happened’ - you’re being asked to STOP and reassess - because you were heading on a path that isn’t in full soul alignment with your hearts desires. It could’ve worked, but you wouldn’t have been completely nourished or full. If everything has stopped - when think back to ‘when it began’ - of that which has ended or ending now - it is almost like ‘the problem has just been delayed’ - BUT you were also doing what you could to shift things, to make things better or heal whatever was going on for you. Right now - if it feels like you’re looking back saying exactly this, it isn’t actually this. You’re ‘stopping now’ - because this section of your life has completed. There is a deeper, deep, deep old wound that is HEALING right now and is the catalyst of exactly ‘why’ and what is happening right now. You may be conscious of this or putting these pieces of the puzzle together for the very first time right now. Regardless, you’re being shown what is going on and can understand it. It is almost like it is the ONLY thing keeping you going right now - because you understand the deeper thread that is healing and shifting under the surface - because - you have been creating a new life, one that is your own, you opened your heart again and it is here that life changed for you. It is here you remembered who you truly are and came into soul alignment with what you wanted to do. This Setting Up Parameters - I feel you have done a lot of work around - or need to - but I feel this card for you today, is more confirmation - you’ve made the right choice, you’ve opened your heart, you’re clear on your boundaries and because you chose this - the old vibrational wounding has/is surfacing up and out of your body because it is no longer in vibrational alignment with your body therefore cannot sit in your body anymore. If you’ve been feeling off, nauseas, dizzy at times or off balance or just weird - this is the trauma surfacing up and out of your body. You’re definitely on the right path, you’ve healed and are healing something deep - and these parameters/boundaries - are creating the life you truly want, love and get to live - from your own conscious choosing. How delicious. Love xxx You’ve always been the free spirit of the family (and the black sheep!), you’ve always held yourself in deep high esteem (and then your past experiences have dulled your glow a little), you’ve always been the one people turn to and ask for help or look on in awe of ‘how did you do that?!’ (And lately you’ve forgotten your magic), you’ve always been the one who thinks about things and makes them happen and you’re someone who knows that you create your reality and can make anything happen. Master Manifestor early bird is open, our magical, powerful and potent 3 week vortex of re-writing code, energetics and removing the blocks to your most abundant, fulfilled and deeply magical life. You know that magic exists and you’re ready to wield it to make manifest the most amazing magical, heart fulfilling blessings as we realign your true heart & souls desires and unlock the incredible reality that is waiting on your doorstep for you to say YESSSSSS. Click here, early bird is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor


Card #3: Blend into the Environment. ‘You have many skills and can fit into any situation. Take time to assess what is going on around you and adapt accordingly.’

It feels like you’re trying to make a decision and what I say is that if you are not clear yet, then it is not time to make the final decision yet. And at the same time - you know what to do. It feels like something has just occurred where you are being helped right now on something that was stuck, but it is important to remember what your truth is in the situation and not take on other’s opinion as the way you should do something. You can accept help without taking on their full advice. And this is part of the ‘not being able to make the decision yet’ - is that you actually know what is right for you, so this message is about sticking to your truth about it, you don’t even need to tell them, you just know in yourself what you are doing. So receive help, just - don’t need to take on ‘their whole help’ if that makes sense? The other part about this is - and this almost sounds counter intuitive, however, this is about you helping others without sharing about you. It feels like you’ve been torn about something lately and the ‘correct’ answer - is there is a way to help people without sharing details of your life. It is like ‘doing your job’ and not needing nor is it relevant to tell people about your life details. There is a fine tuning piece going on here for you - this Blend into the Environment is a huge part of what you do is more important than who you are - and I know that is totally opposite to law of attraction and coaching teachings and who you are is EXTREMELY important in all those facets - but for this card, for this particular message, for your particular situation and question in your life right now,  this moment, today - this is an important facet that you are shifting and embodying a different aspect - you’re stepping into a place of purpose, stepping into your leader and teacher role and coming to a place of power with what you ‘do’. You may (will!) Go through the death of your old self - let it. What is coming is so amazing you will ‘forget’ this time and aspect of your life with how amazing your life becomes from this shift. And - I feel, you’ve already received the benefits of it, you already know this, you already sense this you’ve become this already, but you’re now processing the loss of the old and this card is your reminder that yes, it is correct for you to step into your leadership role at this time - with your big picture vision, your company vision at the forefront and only what is required  and needed at this time for you to focus on - it is 100% correct for you. Blend into the Environment - sounds contradictory to ‘step into your leadership position’ - but it is this internal and external shift, this ‘new skin’ if you may, that you have been doing that is becoming more normal for you is right, so don’t doubt yourself now. You have incredible skills, talents, gifts and abilities that are needed right now. I am also hearing, structure, scheduling & routine - where does this need a revisit or to be disciplined with as well? Love xxx You’ve always been the free spirit of the family (and the black sheep!), you’ve always held yourself in deep high esteem (and then your past experiences have dulled your glow a little), you’ve always been the one people turn to and ask for help or look on in awe of ‘how did you do that?!’ (And lately you’ve forgotten your magic), you’ve always been the one who thinks about things and makes them happen and you’re someone who knows that you create your reality and can make anything happen. Master Manifestor early bird is open, our magical, powerful and potent 3 week vortex of re-writing code, energetics and removing the blocks to your most abundant, fulfilled and deeply magical life. You know that magic exists and you’re ready to wield it to make manifest the most amazing magical, heart fulfilling blessings as we realign your true heart & souls desires and unlock the incredible reality that is waiting on your doorstep for you to say YESSSSSS. Click here, early bird is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor


Card #4: Total Submersion. ‘Don’t be afraid to totally immerse yourself in a project, interest or goal. Give it one hundred percent of your energy and you may find what your life has been lacking.’

There is something that has been on your mind and it also feels like you are sooo close to the completion of a project that has been so near and dear to your heart that is lighting you up like a storm, that it is also setting such a strong foundation for you and you can’t even see it, you have’t even realised how close you are even though you know that is why you've been working on it from the start! To create a new foundation of freedom! Remember, the hardest part is always at the very end and you’re sooo close to this new foundation being built. If you’ve been questioning things or wondering if it will all be worth it (even though you know it is/will be) take this as your sign that YESSS this foundation is HUGE and CRUCIAL and IS and always has been the right idea/pathway - it is why you’re doing it in the first place remember! I think at times you forget what it is you’re doing or why you’re doing it because external circumstances are not 100% reflecting what you know in your heart is 100% alignment yet and so it has been pulling you down a bit and yet, you keep going. So know that yes - what you are ‘seeing out there’ of foundations - is what you are building for yourself. It isn’t that you aren’t doing it or aren’t there yet - because you ARE - you’re building it. Don’t lose sight of the shore for this one (I seem to have a knack for contradicting phrases!) Meaning, keep your anchor on the ground and don’t stop what you’re building. You know your big picture vision and you are doing it - just you get lost in it, because it’s so huge then you have lost sight of the shore, so stay grounded and connected to your core truth for this one whilst you finish the foundations then you can release the anchor to let the ocean current - no - you get to decide where you go from here, from the full soul alignment wish that you truly want for your life. This is your sign, that you are getting exactly what you want - so get clear, make sure you’re clear on it - because the foundation you’re building right now? Is not just why you’re doing it - is the catalyst for why you’er doing what you’re doing.. because… you know where you’re going. The plan hasn’t changed, stay focused - the most distractions are at the beginning and the end… give it your all right now - you’re sooo close. Total Submersion ON. Love xxx You’ve always been the free spirit of the family (and the black sheep!), you’ve always held yourself in deep high esteem (and then your past experiences have dulled your glow a little), you’ve always been the one people turn to and ask for help or look on in awe of ‘how did you do that?!’ (And lately you’ve forgotten your magic), you’ve always been the one who thinks about things and makes them happen and you’re someone who knows that you create your reality and can make anything happen. Master Manifestor early bird is open, our magical, powerful and potent 3 week vortex of re-writing code, energetics and removing the blocks to your most abundant, fulfilled and deeply magical life. You know that magic exists and you’re ready to wield it to make manifest the most amazing magical, heart fulfilling blessings as we realign your true heart & souls desires and unlock the incredible reality that is waiting on your doorstep for you to say YESSSSSS. Click here, early bird is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor


Card #5: Facing Your Fears. ‘Look for ways to strengthen your connection to the Universe and others. Stay peaceful and calm in the knowing of who you are.’

This is a strong message to reopen your heartland (Ha! I tried typing heart and - and it auto spelt to heartland - what does that mean to you?) trust yourself again - or keep it open through this challenging portal of change you’re in the midst of right now. It feels like what you are going through - is a block to your abundance. Meaning, you used to be switched on, together, with it - you were so good at all these pieces and yet, recently you’re like…. Waiting….. for someone to do it for you? To save you? To swoop in and fix it? And not only you haven’t asked (or stopped asking) - but you have given up? And have been waiting around... for what? I think the giving up part is part of it… but this - is your wake up call - it is time to FACE YOUR FEARS and do it anyway - aka REMEMBER WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE. Bring back your power, bring back your magic and birth a new version of you all over again - now - today. Maybe you’ve just stepped into remembering this is what you do, who you are and shining your light on the world once again. I am also getting the message the disappointment you’re feeling right now is only because it didn’t happen by YOUR date…. But... that is irrelevant - because God’s date, the Universe’s Divine  Time - is what the world truly runs on - so remember that your only downfall part in this right now is that of you let ‘time’ be your defining feeling barometer. You let go of your hopes and dreams because you had it clocked and dialled in on YOUR time.. instead of God’s time. You gave up, because you based your hopes and dreams on a reality of time that is not what this world functions on - contradictory I know! Meaning, that you gave up before it’s time! So pick it back up, open your heart and walk with the full faith that it IS happening… you just were trying to force something before your time, you were ‘controlling’ it - when… God is in charge. God is in charge. Let go, pick your dreams back up, remember that nothing happens to you, it is all supporting the next evolution of who you’re becoming and that you’re never given more than you can handle. You can do this. Of course, be open to receiving help - but know that you're the only one that can do this. Love xxx You’ve always been the free spirit of the family (and the black sheep!), you’ve always held yourself in deep high esteem (and then your past experiences have dulled your glow a little), you’ve always been the one people turn to and ask for help or look on in awe of ‘how did you do that?!’ (And lately you’ve forgotten your magic), you’ve always been the one who thinks about things and makes them happen and you’re someone who knows that you create your reality and can make anything happen. Master Manifestor early bird is open, our magical, powerful and potent 3 week vortex of re-writing code, energetics and removing the blocks to your most abundant, fulfilled and deeply magical life. You know that magic exists and you’re ready to wield it to make manifest the most amazing magical, heart fulfilling blessings as we realign your true heart & souls desires and unlock the incredible reality that is waiting on your doorstep for you to say YESSSSSS. Click here, early bird is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor


Card #6: Connect to Source. ‘Go within to discover what needs to be done. Create the shift required to attract what you want.’

You’re being asked and reminded to go for what you want. Recently, you have settled for something and it hasn’t truly been what your heart wants. Remember - when you go for what you truly want - you get it. The only thing that gets in the way, is believing you don’t deserve it! The only other thing that gets in the way of you not getting what you want is you are going for what you think is going to get you there - rather than doing the piece that is going to ‘force’ you to take a leap of faith into the unknown, not sure if it is going to work, not sure if it is going to pan out - can’t see the road ahead, but know you have to go this way - is exactly the path you’re being called to take and you’re not trusting it - you’re not trusting yourself. And yet, you used to ALL the time. You used to be so clear, so true and trust yourself like no tomorrow - you're being asked to connect to Source aka yourself - to remember this. And the most important piece? Is to re-find that connection, as in this connection - is your strength and in this strength - is your true path - is the deep trust in your path, and the deep trust in actioning what you’re being guided to do. You’ve been thinking about something for a good 6 months or so now and now is not the time to delay this any longer, but to action it now. You might just find - it is the pathway to your dreams, because it is in true alignment with your Soul - you just hadn’t actioned it yet, you were just too scared, too whatever - not ready - but now - you’re being asked to action this now. This will allow the ‘immediate connection’ of your Soul and strengthen your connection to Source - you actioning what you’re being guided to do IS the connection to Source and you will immediately feel the buzzing, the warmth in your heart and the freedom that bubbles up from within will allow you to truly come into the alignment of your Soul. Because you haven’t been actioning this particular thing - you’ve been stalling - in every which way is possible and almost self sabotaging because this not listening to what your Soul has been guiding you to do - has made everything stop. So what is it, that you are needing to action from a Soul aligned place, that truly gives you the freedom and joy of heart - to follow what you’re being guided to do? It will feel scary, but deep down you know you have to because there is an exhilarating feeling that comes alongside it - this is your Soul knowing that this is what you're meant for and… it will actually start to bring that fire, smile and aliveness again - let alone magnetise everything you need for your divine life purpose - because you have fully trusted yourself and come into alignment with your vision, your dreams and your purpose - all in true unique alignment for you. It requires deep trust - but that is what you’re good at right? Love xxx You’ve always been the free spirit of the family (and the black sheep!), you’ve always held yourself in deep high esteem (and then your past experiences have dulled your glow a little), you’ve always been the one people turn to and ask for help or look on in awe of ‘how did you do that?!’ (And lately you’ve forgotten your magic), you’ve always been the one who thinks about things and makes them happen and you’re someone who knows that you create your reality and can make anything happen. Master Manifestor early bird is open, our magical, powerful and potent 3 week vortex of re-writing code, energetics and removing the blocks to your most abundant, fulfilled and deeply magical life. You know that magic exists and you’re ready to wield it to make manifest the most amazing magical, heart fulfilling blessings as we realign your true heart & souls desires and unlock the incredible reality that is waiting on your doorstep for you to say YESSSSSS. Click here, early bird is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor