🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 4th May 2021
May 04, 2021
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 4th May 2021
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides today.
There is only one week left for Transcendence Reality Society at $97/mth before it increases to $177/mth then a few days later it increases to $244/mth.
If you want to get into the Inner Circle where you get AAAALLLLL the things now is the time, for this is the founding members price, that doesn't increase for once you lock your spot in.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, for this level access will not be seen again after this rises. Click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Manatee (Dugong). Accept the situation as it is, rather than fighting to change it.
I want to say - Surrender - to you right now. Breathe out.. surrender - stop trying to figure out the how right now. Now is the time to stop, be still and just… let it show you how. Release all the figuring out - that is your mind - trying to figure it out. But your Heart - oh honey, your Heart KNOWS the ‘how’ and it is the most magical, synchronistic, super aligned and effortless piece of everything coming together that is available to you right now - SURRENDER into your Heart, taking care of all the pieces and all that you need to do - is align to your Heart. This may be about listening to health advice your body is giving you, it may be about doing something out of the ordinary, it might be about busting through old paradigms and dropping old ways of thinking that are limiting you getting into your Heart and allowing your Heart to lead every choice you make. Even though Manatee is here sharing with you to accept the situation as it is, that doesn’t mean putting up less than you desire. I am getting the sense that this, card for you is also about letting go - letting go of the old paradigm, let it all burn away.. let it all go. The Manatee swims gracefully in the shallows - I feel for you there is A LOT that is super conscious for you right now. This isn’t about the deep dark ocean floor of the unconscious, I feel that whatever has surfaced for you…. Has become super conscious for you. Some of it may be confronting as you can ‘see clearly now’ like the Manatee swimming in the crystal clear shallow sea, and yet, you are facing this head on. You are walking through the webs, untangling yourself as you go, like removing layers of clothing that you’ve had on you all this time, uncovering parts of your Soul you had long forgotten and in that process, some things are collapsing at the same time, some incredible magical things are happening in your life - Accept the situation as it is, rather than fighting it. Allow the shallow waters of your subconscious to clearly show you what it is… that is who you have been since the dawning of time. I am curious - has something come to you in this last week that has - made you step up to the next level? Or not even that - but deeply pulling you into alignment - it is like ‘this is the one’ - ‘this is the one you’ve been waiting for’ - the feeling of ‘it’s time’ that feeling of - it is inevitable, it is here, it is… the shallow waters are you resurfacing after a hard last couple of years… you have arrived now? It feels like something has deeply ‘surfaced’ in your life that.. of course this is the one you’ve been waiting for. Accept the situation as it is - don’t fight it, says Manatee. Allow all that you’ve held onto drop right away. The full alignment of your Soul’s Destiny has emerged. Let that crystal clear clarity be your guide and follow your Heart the entire way. Love xxx There is only one week left for Transcendence Reality Society at $97/mth before it increases to $177/mth then a few days later it increases to $244/mth. If you want to get into the Inner Circle where you get AAAALLLLL the things now is the time, for this is the founding members price, that doesn't increase for once you lock your spot in. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, for this level access will not be seen again after this rises. Click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #2: Seagull. Now is the time for deep emotional healing.
Do you feel like you can’t stop crying? Or that deep in your Heart, you are still holding onto so much pain - or is it your Sacral/Stomach/Gut you feel it? I am getting the message of emotional cleansing yes, but also deep physical healing too - have you been getting the message to start a cleanse, or have just started one? If you are in a space where you feel you haven’t stopped crying, or that you can feel something surfacing, know that there is nothing wrong with you. Know that… you are HEALING right now. Tears release the stress hormone cortisol, they are so important for cleansing your Soul, so allow this, even if it takes you 18 months of crying, allow this, it is so important for healing. For some of you, I am sensing that maybe you are not crying, but you have just embarked on a detox/cleanse/lifestyle change and Seagull has come to confirm it is right for you at this time (like of course, but maybe there was doubt there for you?). I am also getting the message about something about a mountain? Is there a part of you that has a deep Soul connection to a Mountain? I feel that there is some link here... and the healing you are embarking on - or need to start and commit to. To ‘soar above in the sky’ there is something you need to shift - the anchor, the weight, the emotional hook - what is that that is ‘holding you down’ - but you’re ready to soar? If you’ve been putting off a detox of some sort I am getting the message to not delay any longer with this. Now is the time and it is going to support everything to manifest faster in your reality. Has there been a fitness regime or lifestyle change that you’ve been delaying? Don’t do that anymore. Now is the time for cleansing. I bet you’ve already felt it too (if you’re not already doing it). I am also getting something about Mother Healing. Have you been working on softening, slowing things down, allowing your intuition to sky rocket and dropping deeper and deeper into surrender and trust? To allow yourself to receive? Seagull is allowing you to receive deeper levels of life. Are you ready to truly allow yourself to be seen through your deep vulnerability of healing this to clear and allow your next level of your life? Imagine where you will be if you did… and where you’re heading if you are. Love xxx There is only one week left for Transcendence Reality Society at $97/mth before it increases to $177/mth then a few days later it increases to $244/mth. If you want to get into the Inner Circle where you get AAAALLLLL the things now is the time, for this is the founding members price, that doesn't increase for once you lock your spot in. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, for this level access will not be seen again after this rises. Click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #3: Elk. (Wapiti). ‘Stand tall and maintain your dignity no matter what, and others will treat you with the respect that you deserve.’
Oh honey did something happen to you in the last week especially or that has just surfaced for you that you didn’t know was sitting there? Has it knocked you, floored you and… I feel you are doing something about it but phew! Seriously that Full Moon energy knocked and rocked socks outta town honey! The highs, the lows - the ALL the feels right? Phew! Done with it too I might add! And yet, I can feel you rising through this. Deeply, bravely and you’ve been working on some big next level goals - well, of course this is going to surface, but you’re also well aware of that and deeply moving through this, sometimes with grace, other moments with waves of the deepest grief and even physical pain that has stopped you in your tracks you have literally not been able to move. I am also getting the strong message for you to hold your ground on this. It almost feels like you are being challenged in your truth in a way, and you are learning to hold boundaries, hold your ground and deeply allow yourself move into greater dignity through this situation however, what you are also walking through - you are putting to rest. It is almost like you have given up on it/the situation, you have finally let go - but it isn’t those, it is hard to put into words. It is almost like you’ve drawn the boundary line and are looking back (just like the Elk on this card) standing there, watching it try and cling on, try and pull you back but no.. just no. You have made up your mind, what is done is done and there is no turning back now. Now is just you and the line you have drawn and everything else is dropping away. I am also getting the message that at this time, don’t get hooked on the words… but watch for the actions of the person, watch how they follow through, or not. Let your grace, dignity and poise hold you through this transition and allow the Elk to help you to hold your ground. Elk/Staghorn, is also deeply aligned with the Masculine and wondering if there is a Masculine Healing that is required right now, hmmm, actually I am getting the message that you holding your ground like this - IS healing the Masculine wounding within you. The Masculine protects, holds and allows you to rise, the Masculine, holds boundaries and is able to say no to what doesn’t serve you anymore. Masculine is what gives you the strength to get through the other side of this and enables you to build your dreams - supporting the deep feminine of your Heart’s, true desires. Masculine healing is yours now. Stand tall and maintain your dignity. It is time to honour your true worth and value in the world. Love xxx There is only one week left for Transcendence Reality Society at $97/mth before it increases to $177/mth then a few days later it increases to $244/mth. If you want to get into the Inner Circle where you get AAAALLLLL the things now is the time, for this is the founding members price, that doesn't increase for once you lock your spot in. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, for this level access will not be seen again after this rises. Click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #4: Blue Heron. ‘Make a stand for what you believe in and do what feels right in spite of any judgment or disapproval from others.’
Hmmm, have you been stepping up and out lately and getting some sort of backlash or feeling like everything is trying to pull you down and so you begin questioning what you are doing, but you also know that you have to do it then you get confused because of all this back lash in a way and just gah. Stand for what again??? First thing is first - clear your energy. Remove all those from your field that you just interacted with and release all the cloudiness from your Aura. In my Clear & Activate Pack (that you can download for free from my website) use these any time you feel knocked or like you are clear then you get confused again. It simply means you have taken on someone’s energy and you are needing to clear it and remember the solidarity of your Highest Self that is guiding your every move - you know, that deep clarity you had before you become confused again? There is something in your life that you are daubing and Heron has come to remind you that you need to trust yourself on this. I feel like you walk away then doubt yourself and then go back again and then feel pissed off because you know you should’ve just done the thing and held your ground. UTI’s are common when you have gone against your intuition when you know you just should’ve stayed away or held your ground on what you have believed in in the first place - you already knew right? Have you even seen Blue Heron’s around lately too? I am sensing there is a piece of you that is wondering if you’ve really come this far and then let it all go and then wonder why you bothered or did it in the first place? I am also hearing ‘Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water’ right now - is there something you are throwing your hands up at? No. When you are wanting to stop and throw everything away just wait… wait right now, because what is actually going on is a deep recalibration to your Highest alignment. When you grow, you feel like you want to shed your skin. You might want to get on the road, move house or perhaps you even change your entire house around. This is a shift in your energy - YOU are growing, changing, evolving, shifting and moving. I am not saying don’t move the things around, but when you feel that feeling - if you just hold off and let YOUR energy move you (because that is what is going on) you will find you break through to an entirely new level. The outside is just a reflection of the internal changes that are going on. When you can allow this all to move inside of you - you deeply shift, your vibration and frequency change and your entire reality moves FOR you. This may mean that you draw that strong boundary line and say no more to a particular way of life. But allow the energy to move within you. Give it a week or two and watch your reality shift FOR you because you are shifting INSIDE of you. I feel like you are walking through an important initiation and portal of your life right now. Just hold that line, hold that ground, hold back for a moment, don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater and let this energy frequency shift take place within you, then everything changes around you - with effortless ease. Hold it… you’re worth this rise. Love xxx There is only one week left for Transcendence Reality Society at $97/mth before it increases to $177/mth then a few days later it increases to $244/mth. If you want to get into the Inner Circle where you get AAAALLLLL the things now is the time, for this is the founding members price, that doesn't increase for once you lock your spot in. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, for this level access will not be seen again after this rises. Click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #5: Octopus. ‘Practise shapeshifting by altering your physical appearance and mannerisms.’
Ah, the card of upleveling baby! This card comes to you as confirmation that your next level is here!!! With that… have you been feeling and thinking about… the new clothes you need, the way you walk and talk needs to upgrade, the home you live in definitely needs upgrading or remodelling and you have just been thinking about this so much recently? Maybe it is new make up or clothes, maybe you are feeling your body shape needs upgrading and changing or clothes to match your new found self that for the last few months has been a deep unravelling of who you are - you’ve been working hard to remove the cloak and now… now you’re here. I am also wondering if you’ve been getting stuck on the ‘how’ recently too? Now is not the time to ask how.. now is the time to take action and know that you are taking aligned action because it feels right…. The next step, the next step, the next step. But hey, I am talking to a pro here right? You’re good at this! You’ve always been the one to leap first and think later because you know your entrepreneurial ideas are always there, they always have been and they are how you’ve created your life ever since - so why is now any different? It isn’t right? You know that, but I feel you forget that at times when you get bogged down in the little stuff. I am also getting the message about moving your body in a different way than you usually do, whether that be a new exercise routine or something out of the blue or something that is new to you or starting an exercise routine finally! Yet, I feel this is also about upgrades. Heat too - are you craving sun, warmth or have you just come into enjoying the summer rays (Northern Hemisphere). Heat awakens your Heart and shifts out the stagnant cold era that you have just been through. So what else needs upgrading? I am getting the message to upgrade 1-3 pieces each week. More if you can, but make it manageable if you don’t know where to start. I am also getting the sense of ‘big movement’ in May, maybe it is that you invest in a high level mentoring program, maybe it is that you receive one, maybe it is that you move home to your dream location, whichever it is, know that you are divinely guided, you are more than supported and all you need to do is continue on your trusting path of following your divine guidance in every moment, keeping your vibration, energy and life high by tapping into the well of infinity abundance that is available to you in ANY MOMENT you choose to decide to shift your energy, mind focus and only do the things that you Soul calls you, to take you to the next level because this has always been the way. Those nudges that your Soul calls you that allow you to stay focused - energetically focused… so.. what is your Soul calling you to do again right now? Love xxx There is only one week left for Transcendence Reality Society at $97/mth before it increases to $177/mth then a few days later it increases to $244/mth. If you want to get into the Inner Circle where you get AAAALLLLL the things now is the time, for this is the founding members price, that doesn't increase for once you lock your spot in. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, for this level access will not be seen again after this rises. Click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #6: Shark. ‘Trust your instincts to discern the truth of the situation.’
Trust your instincts 100% yes, but I also feel this is a message from Spirit in the sense that you are 100% protected through this passage way, through this initiation and right now - you are safe as you completely open up to Spirit guiding, supporting and loving on you. I feel this is a message for you to open up - you are safe here. It is time for you to reclaim that fun loving, care free, wild Soul Spirit that you are and deeply allow this part of you to be at the forefront of your life, your everyday words and your every day actions. RECLAIM all parts of you. You are safe as you rekindle this relationship with your Soul and live from your Heart and Soul again. You are magic, you are born of magic and you are safe as you return to the magic that you are. You may have gotten lost along the way, shut down the core of who you are - but I also feel you are opening back up to - is there a new person in your life right now? As long as you continue to ‘trust your instincts’ - you are 100% safe in this avenue of your life that you are divinely aligning to right now. I am also sensing some big shifts, big movement and huge new upleveling for you right now in your life. This can feel de-stabilising as the old part of your reality falls away, however, Shark comes to you to remind you that you are stabilising new frequencies into your life right now - the ones you CREATE. You are a manifestor, an alchemist, you create anything out of nothing…. And right now Shark is reminding you of this Gift. I am also sensing right now is like SUPER manifesting time - meaning that your thoughts are magnified right now, so whatever you’re focusing on is not just amplified, but it is magnified - is there any difference there really?? I am trying to put into words, something that simply cannot be translated. The energy is super poised to support you right now. Daily affirmations, body movement that anchors in your next level, this initiation that you are moving through right now, this new love that has entered your life (that can be the reconnection back to your Soul too) it is time to fall in love with life again and Shark is reminding you that as long as all in alignment with your intuitive self and actions are taken based on your intuition - you are soooo deeply supported through this path you are EMBODIED into your Purpose through your divine connection to Soul, to self, to trust with your own Heart’s desires, keeping them deeply to yourself as you simply action them and BECOME your Heart’s desires. Shark is acutely tuned into the sensitive vibrations that move through the stratosphere - just like you. You have this. Stay connected to the divinely subtle messages that are constantly being spoken to you… it is time to enjoy life again…. The thing you’ve been working so hard to get here - has arrived, will you take the wine and drink it too? Love xxx There is only one week left for Transcendence Reality Society at $97/mth before it increases to $177/mth then a few days later it increases to $244/mth. If you want to get into the Inner Circle where you get AAAALLLLL the things now is the time, for this is the founding members price, that doesn't increase for once you lock your spot in. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, for this level access will not be seen again after this rises. Click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society