🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 6th December 2022

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Dec 06, 2022

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 6th December 2022

Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Beyond Lemuria Oracle Cards.

If you’re wanting to be around those on the same path, with those that talk about past lives, inter dimensional realms, feeling other people’s energy and that deep interconnection with life, that the trees talk, the animals speak and how you are so aware of energy, but no one around you gets it - Transcendence Reality Society, the Inner Circle for Reality Awareness is not only the place you get access to ALL the things, but is where your true self SHINES, where the ghost showing up in the form of coins, animals that cross your path or feathers in the strangest places turn up - is normal conversation.

Feeling the energy of the volcanoes in the neighbouring countries, let alone your family across the globe and detangling energetic discord and transforming to the highest activations of the incredible iteration of your Life Purpose is all found in - Transcendence Reality Society.

There is only DAYS until the membership is no longer an option for you to join and Larimar is your only choice - click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions:  https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

#1: Awakened Awareness. 

I feel like you have been receiving very strong insight to your path ahead. I feel like you’ve mapped out your 2023 - even if not on paper, but deeply in your awareness of what you need to do, accomplish and where you are headed - and where you will be this time next year. I feel you have been receiving deep clarity and almost feeling like you are wondering when you will get it all done, BUT - you also know that setting a strict disciplined routine and sticking to it from now until it is done - will get you there. I feel that it is important to have play time amongst this, so it doesn’t weigh you down - even though you love what you do, it is important to have a life outside of this as well to keep the fuel on the fire, instead of it all burning through. Equally important to put your health as a priority THEN creating what you need to create. I feel like you have done this before and left the health aspect behind - well, this time, we are going around in circles and repeating patterns are we?! No.. we are learning from them 100% - yes? I also feel that now is a time to accelerate and fast track your goals. This year might have knocked you, but you have an opportunity to step up, show up and move to the next level in your life and business. It feels like work hard, play hard. Make it happen. Whilst you’re good at this, I feel there has been a slump or standstill that… the hand brake has been released and you are GO TIME now - and yet… is that fear sitting there? Holding you back? You know they way THROUGH this fear right? To just DO IT. There is a difference between ‘fear’ that you are not meant to do it and it is the wrong path and the ‘fear’ that is ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’. I feel you know exactly what to do and right now is being so clear and cutting out all distractions, trainings, people, events that are only going to put you behind in what you know you need to do at this time. You are receiving clear accurate guidance from your Higher Self, your Soul, your Intuition and it is important to fully trust this at this time. You can turn your life around and get to where you know you are meant to be and now.. you have clear path, plan and it is just now time for you to execute baby! So - hop to it! Love xxx If you’re wanting to be around those on the same path, with those that talk about past lives, inter dimensional realms, feeling other people’s energy and that deep interconnection with life, that the trees talk, the animals speak and how you are so aware of energy, but no one around you gets it - Transcendence Reality Society, the Inner Circle for Reality is not only the place you get access to ALL the things, but is where your true self SHINES, where the ghost showing up in the form of coins, animals that cross your path or feathers in the strangest places turn up - is normal conversation. Feeling the energy of the volcanoes in the neighbouring countries, let alone your family across the globe and detangling energetic discord and transforming to the highest activations of the incredible iteration of your Life Purpose is all found in - Transcendence Reality Society. There is only DAYS until the membership is no longer an option for you to join and Larimar is your only choice - click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions:  https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society 


Card #2: Life Force Energy.
Now more than ever is a time for you to focus on your physical health more than anything. Sure, do all the things you need to do - but your highest priority is your physical health. Time to get fitter, stronger and more disciplined with your exercise and strength routine. It feels like you are being guided to make better choices in your health and wellness and make it a priority. What is your plan for 2023 for the shape of your body? The level of your health? The state of your mind? The level of energy you have on a daily basis? This.. is a big message of this card - time to take back your power in regards to your health. It feels like you have spent the most part of this year and last giving your power away to authorities that ‘know better than your body’ of what is required for you and yet… it has only been getting worse or to a level where you can feel that now is the time to explore and get more information, do more research and take matters into your own hands. We can still follow protocol, but we can also do our own research, know our own body and better still - know our own mind is the true power in healing what is required and waiting for us to truly move forward in our lives. ‘Life Force Energy’ is asking you to incorporate ways to increase your Life Force Energy. Yoga, Mediation, Long Hikes in Nature, Long Swims/Surfs in the Ocean - are all ways to get your etheric body up. Your Etheric Body is the layer, the spiritual layer of your Aura that is closest to your body and it is what keeps you from getting sick so a strong etheric body, creates a strong immune system. Strong cardio and strengthen training is the perfect set up for a deep seated meditation session as your body is ‘relaxed’ and not ‘tied up’ with energy - you expend this during exercise and so it becomes easier to drop into a deep seated meditation. Plus - remember that regular - like everyday practise is what you are being guided to do right now and pulling this card today - I feel like you’ve already been getting this nudge and this is an important priority and factor that comes into your life - it must become priority if you are to end up where you WANT to end up this time next year. What has been on your mind to work on in particular? It feels that it is important to make it happen no matter what. I feel that this is the ‘missing link’ for you in how you feel about your entire life - because of your Life Force Energy - the reason we are alive! And if you make this priority from now on - everything, in your life will be better because of it, because YOU are. So, what do you need to implement, change your schedule around and commit to… to do this? Love xxx If you’re wanting to be around those on the same path, with those that talk about past lives, inter dimensional realms, feeling other people’s energy and that deep interconnection with life, that the trees talk, the animals speak and how you are so aware of energy, but no one around you gets it - Transcendence Reality Society, the Inner Circle for Reality is not only the place you get access to ALL the things, but is where your true self SHINES, where the ghost showing up in the form of coins, animals that cross your path or feathers in the strangest places turn up - is normal conversation. Feeling the energy of the volcanoes in the neighbouring countries, let alone your family across the globe and detangling energetic discord and transforming to the highest activations of the incredible iteration of your Life Purpose is all found in - Transcendence Reality Society. There is only DAYS until the membership is no longer an option for you to join and Larimar is your only choice - click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions:  https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society


Card #3: Reclaim Your Energy. 

You honey, have been giving your energy and attention to outside forces that have been draining the fuck out of you! Literally! Where are you dragging your feet to everyday? What don’t you want to do anymore? What are you wanting to ‘move away from’ - when actually you need to sort it out in your own life right now? Where are you turning away from when actually you need to be turning towards? Where are you blaming everyone else, when it needs to be you? Where do you need to step up and DO not lay down and rest? I feel you have been focusing in all the wrong places and even blaming other people when honey - it has been you all this time. Reality Check - time to look at what is right in front of you, because I feel you deeply have soooo much going for you but you truly don’t see how friggin amazing you are and how much you actually do not only for yourself, but for other people too. It feels like you have been pushed beyond your comfort zone this last two years and it has taken it’s toll and yet… you are in a place where you can move forward in leaps and bounds right now, if you’d only turn your focus back inside of you and block everything out and only do you you will truly reclaim your energy at this time. I feel that putting blinkers on, stop watching what everyone else is doing and just tune into what you are being guided to do and just do that - is going to change everything for you at this time. I really get the message of stop comparing yourself to others and just do your thing. They way you will ‘find’ your thing, is by doing what you are being guided to do and you will be shown the next step, each step of the way. The reality here is that you can definitely follow others and copy what they are doing and make some kind of headway 100%. We even at times need to do this to find and figure out how we do any of it for sure. But once you’ve got a groove, put your blinkers on and do what you’re being guided to do only. That is, if you are wanting to find your unique Life Purpose of course, because maybe you aren’t wanting to do that. But let’s be real.. if you are here - you are. And you do that, not by copying others, but by tuning in and doing YOUR thing. If you are holding back writing a recipe book because there are already that many on the planet, but you are called to doing this - don’t stop that because there are already that many out there. You have a unique Soul coding blueprint that can only be done, spoken, lived and portrayed, and birthed into this planet the way YOU do it. This is the coding of your purpose… and if you follow this the idea of creating your own cooking line may not have dropped in, because you were so focused on ‘there are too many recipe books already out there’ and not seen the gifts beyond what you are currently being guided to do. Always - ALWAYS take the step you are being guided to do, because you won’t be given the next step until you do. You Reclaim Your Energy by trusting your intuition with what you are  being guided to do right now - so, put your blinkers on and do it. Do you. Do what you’re being guided to do and fuck anything and anyone else who tells you otherwise. You know what to do. You’re just not doing it… or are you? Love xxx If you’re wanting to be around those on the same path, with those that talk about past lives, inter dimensional realms, feeling other people’s energy and that deep interconnection with life, that the trees talk, the animals speak and how you are so aware of energy, but no one around you gets it - Transcendence Reality Society, the Inner Circle for Reality is not only the place you get access to ALL the things, but is where your true self SHINES, where the ghost showing up in the form of coins, animals that cross your path or feathers in the strangest places turn up - is normal conversation. Feeling the energy of the volcanoes in the neighbouring countries, let alone your family across the globe and detangling energetic discord and transforming to the highest activations of the incredible iteration of your Life Purpose is all found in - Transcendence Reality Society. There is only DAYS until the membership is no longer an option for you to join and Larimar is your only choice - click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions:  https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society


Card #4: Crown Chakra. The Unlimited Self. 

No honey, you are not going crazy - you are highly tapped in to your intuition. You have a connection to Spirit/God/Universe more than most people that is so acutely accurate it is time to realise that you are different to most in this way and start honing these gifts of yours. I am also getting the sense that you are having another level of Spiritual Awakening, if not, the very first awakening of your time. Regardless of where you are at - you are becoming increasingly curious about this spiritual stuff and wanting to learn, get clear and understand what is actually happening for you in your life with all of these seemingly ‘random’ connections, but you also know they are not random - they are deeply divinely synchronistic and connected, you are being guided by a Higher Source, by your Soul, your Intuition and… this is guiding you. The Crown Chakra is about opening up to a higher intelligence, to trusting your intuition, to opening to solutions instead of being stuck in something that you are questioning. You are not limited - you are unlimited - and the only way you stay limited is by thinking you are. A simply ‘How can I make this happen, how can I make this happen, how can I make this happen?’ mantra over and over again can start to OPEN you to solutions. You need not know the answer, but stating that question over and over again - starts to open - your Crown - to solutions instead of ‘not knowing how’ - you’re asking how and so you brain and the Universe gets to work on showing you solutions - so next step, is being open to noticing them and not being afraid to say yes and jumping in when they do come along. I feel that you are in a place now where you are letting your intuition guide you more and more even when it doesn’t make logical sense. I feel you are opening up more to ideas and possibilities - taking leaps - even when you don’t know where it is going to land, saying yes and making it happen when all the logic does not - any ‘normal’ person would just no. But you… you’re not normal. You have built your life on trust and faith and also live a life that most don’t understand what you do, how you do it and you simply - continue doing it anyway. You’re not here to be understood - you’re here to lead. You know you have a purpose, a path that is the road less taken and I feel this card has come to you today - to remind you of that fact. To remind you that your out there crazy idea, your leaps of faith - even though it seems like you’ve ended up in a wtf place.. honey…. this is the recalibration to the life you KNOW you’re born for. You can’t be the person you know you’re meant to be - from your old life self! And right now - this recalibration that is going on that feels like you’re almost out the other side of btw, is reminding you to OPEN just like you did before, to take crazy leaps - just like you did before and know that - you’re on the cusp of a major breakthrough that will set into motion a life you never thought before possible, that is so in alignment with your heart and what you’ve always wanted and can be. Trust in your Unlimited Self, TRUST in your crazy ideas, TRUST in that it is possible, because it is and you know you can and you are and… it’s how it’s always meant to be. This is just… your next level. Treat it as though it is your first and you will breakthrough. It’s inevitable remember? Love xxx If you’re wanting to be around those on the same path, with those that talk about past lives, inter dimensional realms, feeling other people’s energy and that deep interconnection with life, that the trees talk, the animals speak and how you are so aware of energy, but no one around you gets it - Transcendence Reality Society, the Inner Circle for Reality is not only the place you get access to ALL the things, but is where your true self SHINES, where the ghost showing up in the form of coins, animals that cross your path or feathers in the strangest places turn up - is normal conversation. Feeling the energy of the volcanoes in the neighbouring countries, let alone your family across the globe and detangling energetic discord and transforming to the highest activations of the incredible iteration of your Life Purpose is all found in - Transcendence Reality Society. There is only DAYS until the membership is no longer an option for you to join and Larimar is your only choice - click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions:  https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society


Card #5: The Infinite. 

There are a lot of cards this week, reminding you of your unlimited self, of the limitless possibilities and with this card - The Infinite, it is a similar story, a similar message, a similar vibe and yet I am also getting that this is a strong message in a particular area for you - around something you are wanting to manifest, or keep blocking out or thinking it isn’t possible. You do  know it is possible and then work towards it but then you stop again. Right? The sense that I am getting here is that the stop starting energy is what is ‘delaying’ this for you - you aren’t fully committed. You might flare up at me for saying that because you’re the most committed and disciplined person around and I want to say well, no - because you would have what you want by now if that was the case. Yikes. Ouch. Reality Check. The truth right now is that energetically is where the stop starting is - and it is here that I feel your strong message for you around The Infinite is that you are being guided to HOLD THE LINE. Do not let your faith waiver, do not let your Soul get put back in the cupboard. Do not share your dreams with those that will only shut you down. Do not get disheartened because it hasn’t happened yet - because you just broke all that tension and line that you had been working on holding and snap - gone in an instant because you let yourself drop again. No, that is not how this baby works honey. The image on this card is one of deep embrace with the divine. There is not letting go, no disconnection when it comes to your connection with the divine - it is Infinite - it is Limitless and in its entirety - is EVERYTHING here in this space. AND it is always available BECAUSE that connection never ceases to exist. The only thing that drops - is your consciousness of it - that is it! Sooo when you apply this to your manifestation principles - it is ALWAYS available to you and it is ALWAYS yours because that connection ALWAYS exists, it is entirely possible. It is up to you to hold this conscious connection to The Infinite - where all the possibilities exist. Hmmm, I am also getting the message about Dreams - have you had some sleeping Dreams lately that have really caught your attention? It feels like this/these dreams are deeply encouraging you to pay attention and showing you information in your dreams that are deeply valuable insights to your waking life. If you have given up on a dream, a project, a wish or something you were wanting to manifest - don’t. You are being guided to strengthen your connection to The Infinite right now and remember that you are powerful source of energy, light and in this deep connection that you have - everything is available to you. Do not drop the tension, do not drop your faith, do not drop into doubt which is the cutter of the cord that… just HOLD THE LINE right now UNTIL - because it is available to you in this place and you are the only one that can make this happen. TRUST it. Follow it and hold this UNTIL. You wouldn’t have this desire if it wasn’t meant for you - so please HOLD THE LINE - it is a real as the connection to your Soul, to Source - stay here a while - forever, until. Love xxx If you’re wanting to be around those on the same path, with those that talk about past lives, inter dimensional realms, feeling other people’s energy and that deep interconnection with life, that the trees talk, the animals speak and how you are so aware of energy, but no one around you gets it - Transcendence Reality Society, the Inner Circle for Reality is not only the place you get access to ALL the things, but is where your true self SHINES, where the ghost showing up in the form of coins, animals that cross your path or feathers in the strangest places turn up - is normal conversation. Feeling the energy of the volcanoes in the neighbouring countries, let alone your family across the globe and detangling energetic discord and transforming to the highest activations of the incredible iteration of your Life Purpose is all found in - Transcendence Reality Society. There is only DAYS until the membership is no longer an option for you to join and Larimar is your only choice - click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions:  https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society


Card #6: Furred & Feathered Friends. 

This card has a few meanings to it. You are being guided to spend more quality time with your furry loved ones - like present time with them. It feels like big changes are coming and right now you have an opportunity to soak in this time with them together. It feels like they have supported you for such a long time and that there is shifts and changes coming which simply mean you won’t have as much present one on one time with them as you would like to. There are positive shifts coming for you and them, but it may not look like it in the short term. I am also sensing that you are being guided right now - by your Fur and Feathered friends. You have a strong connection to Animals and the Animal Kingdom and a big part of your Purpose is helping the Animals get their message out into the world via you sharing your intuition. Animals speak to you just like a person would and you have a gift for translating this message to the humans who care for them. Perhaps it is Wild Animals speaking to you and you are sharing the messages - regardless, you are being asked to step this up a notch and trust the messages you receive via Animals. Sure you may like to study them further, however, you are also being guided to trust the messages at this time too. This card may also be coming to you as your pets are in need of a good Chakra Clearing and Aura Cleansing. This can be done as simply as imagining white light (or any other coloured light) coming out of your hands and ‘wiping’ it through their coat/aura and imagining that you are cleansing their chakras and aura, because you will be. This card may also be coming to you to stop consuming so much animal products, either forever or for a time. You know when your body needs a break from it and you may being guided to this at this time. I am also getting the message that the Animal Kingdom is also guiding you through big changes in your life right now and to lean on them as you shift, evolve and change your life for the better. It feels like you have been deeply connected to Animals for along time - it is so natural to you and yet, this gift is increasing recently, so trust in sitting presently with your Animals or that of the native wildlife that is calling you to channel their messages so humanity can hear them. The other final message for this card is that you are being asked to activate your Animal instinctual nature. In a sense that a bird just flies - they are not concerned if they are going to fall out of the sky - they just fly. A tiger wanders through the jungle, not concerned if they are going the wrong path, because they are just following where they are being called to go. This card is asking you to trust in your instinctual nature that just knows what you are meant to be doing, where you are meant to be travelling, moving to, creating and shifting in your life. Just trust your instinctual nature, because you are on the right path, especially when it doesn’t make logical sense. Your instincts are correct in this situation - and also - was there a situation you just avoided recently? Was there someone or something that tried to come back in? And you… have learnt your lessons so instead, deeply instinctually - trusted yourself this time? What a saving of time, heart break and repetitive patterns! What was going on this time in 2018/2019? You have just broken patterns by not going there this time honey - THIS is a cause for celebration - in trusting your instinctual nature. Your wild, free and roaming Spirit, your precious, beautiful Soul - just strengthened ten fold. Now watch the miracles unfold in your life in the coming weeks - because you simply trusted your instincts, trusted your intuitive nature and strengthens your Soul ten fold. The Universe is watching and you are - being rewarded - right now because of it. Celebrate how far you’ve come honey.. because you have. Love xxx If you’re wanting to be around those on the same path, with those that talk about past lives, inter dimensional realms, feeling other people’s energy and that deep interconnection with life, that the trees talk, the animals speak and how you are so aware of energy, but no one around you gets it - Transcendence Reality Society, the Inner Circle for Reality is not only the place you get access to ALL the things, but is where your true self SHINES, where the ghost showing up in the form of coins, animals that cross your path or feathers in the strangest places turn up - is normal conversation. Feeling the energy of the volcanoes in the neighbouring countries, let alone your family across the globe and detangling energetic discord and transforming to the highest activations of the incredible iteration of your Life Purpose is all found in - Transcendence Reality Society. There is only DAYS until the membership is no longer an option for you to join and Larimar is your only choice - click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions:  https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society