๐Ÿ”ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐Ÿ”ฎ for 6th February 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Feb 06, 2024

๐Ÿ”ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐Ÿ”ฎ for 6th February 2024 

Scroll down to see what message is awaiting you there today from the Whispers of the Ocean Oracle for you today.

You’ve been through a lot in your life - but you have always, ALWAYS known you are here for more, for big things, for having what you want in your life - no settling - you have high standards, you do the hard work, you do whatever it takes and you’re a person who has always felt like your wandering through life, even though you’re very goal driven, achieve what you desire (you’re a Master Manifestor right?!) and get the work done… you do it all and yet look up and are not sure what you’re doing but know you’re doing the right thing all at the same time yes?

Welcome, to Life Purpose Legacy. Where your wisdom is your gateway, your desire is your road map and your dedication to making your life better and going after your dreams that are pulling you deep into your Empire that is the only reason you’re alive, is why, you’re qualified to be here, click here for all the details, we start this week: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ๐Ÿ‘‘

Card #1: In the Light of the Moon. ‘A full moon can shine light on what you have been resisting. This can be anything from your fears to your soul’s beauty.’

What were the dawning realisations you had just over a week ago on the Full Moon? This is an important time for you - it feels like the doors are open, the portals are open and it is important you ‘take the leap’ on any opportunity that is given to you. The Orca is leaping out of the water on this card - but in the position of about to ‘dive the water’ and come back into ‘his land’. It feels like you’re about to have a big breakthrough on something that has been worrying you and almost breaking your heart over and over again - you’re about to ‘dive back into your homeland’ and come into a new era of your life. Your life is being restored. You have been strengthened by the time you have had where you are - but you’re about to breakthrough. It hasn’t been an easy time for you and you can feel things are getting better and are better and yet - it is like ‘there is no reason to be’ - meaning, you can feel it but it isn’t like physical signs are there - or maybe they are - the physical signs are starting to trickle in and you can feel the deep light of your Soul coming back - as bright as the Full Moon - or the Sun - you can feel yourself coming back to life - thank goodness for that! Phew! That was a rough, dark portal for you - but I can safely say, it’s over honey. You did it. You’re strengthen from it, you’re - onwards and upwards as they say! I am also getting the strong message for you, that the work you have done, what you have moved through, what ‘has shifted and healed’ - is that you are your own person now, you are not energetically tied to your family taking on the karmic family trauma - you have done the work to heal it, to heal your part in it and clear the generational web - so you’re now creating YOUR life. Hence, the shift. Your mother and father issues are healed. Now, of course there is always layers - but you can focus on you and your life now - hence why you’re diving through the portal to YOUR homeland - meaning, where your Soul feels ALIVE and that… is going to change everything for you! Celebrating this so much, this is so huge for you - I hope you are celebrating too. Love xxx You’ve been through a lot in your life - but you have always, ALWAYS known you are here for more, for big things, for having what you want in your life - no settling - you have high standards, you do the hard work, you do whatever it takes and you’re a person who has always felt like your wandering through life, even though you’re very goal driven, achieve what you desire (you’re a Master Manifestor right?!) and get the work done… you do it all and yet look up and are not sure what you’re doing but know you’re doing the right thing all at the same time yes? Welcome, to Life Purpose Legacy. Where your wisdom is your gateway, your desire is your road map and your dedication to making your life better and going after your dreams that are pulling you deep into your Empire that is the only reason you’re alive, is why, you’re qualified to be here, click here for all the details, we start this week: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #2: Inner Desires. ‘Set some intentions. you are entering a phase of plenty or may have a sudden windfall. Goals are within your grasp.’ 

Your heart, mind, body, soul and spirit are right on course - you’ve come into complete alignment. What you are thinking about, is the right path for you. No matter how out there it looks or sounds, no matter if you have no idea how - all you know is that this, is the path for you and that.. is all the vision you need to hold - alongside aligned daily action in service of your gifts. ‘Set some intentions. you are entering a phase of plenty or may have a sudden windfall. Goals are within your grasp.’ - you’re already feeling this and yet, now you’re receiving signs! If you haven’t already done so - now is the time to voice your desires out loud, proud and deeply claim them. Sound, your voice, the vibrations that ripple in your cellular structures of your body - do it! Do it loud and do it proud! ‘Goals are within your grasp’ - I trust you have set them and are really getting this message loud and clear yes? It feels like this card is ‘just’ such a strong message of - you’re right on track, the energy is ripe and very clear and poised to support you at this time. You’re in alignment and all the resources, including finances are right there to support you. Take daily aligned action and know that it is all coming together for you in the most beautiful and delicious way. The Turtle, that is the back of this card and the main cover of this Oracle deck is jumping out at me and Turtle is the Animal Totem of Moonstone in the Liquid Crystals Oracle. Moonstone and Turtle, being so deeply connected to the Mother Goddess - your deep connection and commitment to self, is showing up in this beautiful divine connection to the super natural flow of life. I keep hearing, ‘All the doors are open for you, step through.’. I am also getting the sense that there is more wanting to come through to you than you’re ‘letting right now’, so be aware where you are ‘stopping the flow’ - and instead, delegate and expand here this is an important factor to staying in the super flow right now. Trust it, keep learning with your heart open, it is what you do. Love xxx You’ve been through a lot in your life - but you have always, ALWAYS known you are here for more, for big things, for having what you want in your life - no settling - you have high standards, you do the hard work, you do whatever it takes and you’re a person who has always felt like your wandering through life, even though you’re very goal driven, achieve what you desire (you’re a Master Manifestor right?!) and get the work done… you do it all and yet look up and are not sure what you’re doing but know you’re doing the right thing all at the same time yes? Welcome, to Life Purpose Legacy. Where your wisdom is your gateway, your desire is your road map and your dedication to making your life better and going after your dreams that are pulling you deep into your Empire that is the only reason you’re alive, is why, you’re qualified to be here, click here for all the details, we start this week: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #3: Safe and Surrounded by Love. ‘Keep your heart open and know you’re being protected. Listen to what you know to be true and allow yourself to see and understand what is going on around you.’

I am hearing for you - it is safe to let go. I am also hearing, ‘rejection is redirection’ - you have probably heard that before and it is a strong message coming through for you right now. The dolphin pod on this card - it is important to spend time around LIKE MINDED people at this time for you. Perhaps it is now the time you finally join that new hobby group or simply show up to what you have already (because I feel like you have a lot that you are just hiding from?!). Be an active participant in LIFE and watch LIFE come to you. It feels like yo’ve been a bit down in the dumps - but you’ve also been moping around at home (or life in general) and wondering why life isn’t getting any better! Take a deep breath, stand up tall, shoulders back, stop slouching over and wondering why no love is coming in - honey - you keep covering up your heart! Now is not the time for that! I also feel like saying shake of the shame and let yourself be seen for a change. You can literally jump up and down on the spot and shake your body all around to shake of the bad/negative energy that you’re carrying, because it feels like you’ve been a bit stagnant and not really tending to yourself and yet… I can also feel that you’re shifting through and out of that. You don’t want to be in that anymore and you’re willingness is starting to move mountains for you. The Dolphins are leaping out of the water and this signifies that you’re about to have a shift with what you’re doing in and with your life. It is like that the clarity is finally seeping in and it is bringing life to you again. Listening to Dolphin music at this time will also help activate these vibrations through your body and brain state that is going to help you with this too. Spending time outdoors is going to help you at this time as well, it feels like a big coming back to yourself, with the resources and things that make you feel YOU - what are they? Spend time doing them, as the more you do, the more clarity will come in and until then, be okay that right now, for now - all you need to focus on is you. I remember when I was about to start my journey online, the 6 months prior was this huge ‘cleaning up’ of my life, finishing courses, closing old doors, cleaning huge paperwork piles - finishing so many loose ends, it was then like my purpose could have space and I feel, this is what is happening for you - so be okay ‘not knowing what it is’ and pouring everything you have into finding you, re-finding you, soaking up in the energy of you - because soon - ‘you’ll be busy’ - so now is the time to soak deeply into you. Love xxx You’ve been through a lot in your life - but you have always, ALWAYS known you are here for more, for big things, for having what you want in your life - no settling - you have high standards, you do the hard work, you do whatever it takes and you’re a person who has always felt like your wandering through life, even though you’re very goal driven, achieve what you desire (you’re a Master Manifestor right?!) and get the work done… you do it all and yet look up and are not sure what you’re doing but know you’re doing the right thing all at the same time yes? Welcome, to Life Purpose Legacy. Where your wisdom is your gateway, your desire is your road map and your dedication to making your life better and going after your dreams that are pulling you deep into your Empire that is the only reason you’re alive, is why, you’re qualified to be here, click here for all the details, we start this week: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #4: Connect to Source. ‘Go within to discover what needs to be done. Create the shift required to attract what you want.’ 

Ah - this card feels like a beautiful follow on from Card #3 - 3 being all about reconnecting to self and this card is - it is time to do the deep inner work. It is time to face the grief (feel it) - because you keep trying to avoid the deep crying that is busting to come out of you - no more food, keeping busy or ceremonies are going to ‘solve’ the grief. Nothing can shift grief - other than you deeply feeling it and do you know what that does (besides heal it)? It allows you to rest deeply. It allows you to sleep. It allows you to become more intuitive. And yet the MAIN reason you are scared to cry - apart from being told you weren’t allowed to as a child (and you probably would’ve been belted for crying more!) - these memories still sit in your psyche and yet - the thing you are most scared of - is being swallowed up by the grief - and - apart from that (yes I am getting to the point!) is you are SCARED TO FACE YOURSELF. Simple. But huge. And true. And it doesn’t seem so massive typing it out, or saying it. When we cry - we FEEL THE REALITY of the situation and that… is what you are trying to avoid. The reality you lost the person, the reality you lost the relationship, the family, the husband, the wife, the family life, your pet, your child - if you cannot cry, or avoid your tears at all costs - it is because it means facing the reality of the feelings. That you do not have that reality in your life anymore. The cost of NOT crying and releasing that deep grief that feels like it will swallow you whole, that the pain of the loss of them in your life is just too much to bare in your life (hence avoiding crying) - the cost of NOT crying is weight gain, not sleeping at night and feeling like you’re losing your mind, constantly comparing yourself to everyone, not feeling good enough, wondering how you got to ‘here’ in your life - but not doing anything about it and blaming it on ‘no motivation or care’ - when it is just you burying the grief and over time - that get’s harder to do hold down. This is your sign to stop avoiding going within and doing the real work that is going to truly change your life. This is your sign to stop looking outside of you for the answers or the next big shiny thing that is going to fix you - because on you can do that honey. And you know it. Love xxx You’ve been through a lot in your life - but you have always, ALWAYS known you are here for more, for big things, for having what you want in your life - no settling - you have high standards, you do the hard work, you do whatever it takes and you’re a person who has always felt like your wandering through life, even though you’re very goal driven, achieve what you desire (you’re a Master Manifestor right?!) and get the work done… you do it all and yet look up and are not sure what you’re doing but know you’re doing the right thing all at the same time yes? Welcome, to Life Purpose Legacy. Where your wisdom is your gateway, your desire is your road map and your dedication to making your life better and going after your dreams that are pulling you deep into your Empire that is the only reason you’re alive, is why, you’re qualified to be here, click here for all the details, we start this week: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #5: Dancing in the Rainbow.  ‘Break free from whatever you feel is holding you back. Express happiness. Find out what you truly desire.’

This is your sign to explore beyond what you have explored before. This is your sign to deeply come into your heart and ask, “What do I truly desire?” - let your heart speak before your mind jumps in and cuts it off - again! Listen… and listen deeply. Your heart is expressing something to you that you have not dared to listen to before - and even your willingness to open to this part of you that you have locked away in deep shame and judgement is already beginning to open miracles in your life - you’ve had magic and miracles come into your life in the past few days right? Things that you thought were gone have come back, opportunities that you have ‘missed’ in the past, are coming back to you in such a way you didn’t even think were possible and it is making you want to dance over the rainbow right!? I feel like you’re coming out of the closet, coming out of the self-imposed cage and I also feel that there is something bigger happening behind the scenes for you that is helping and supporting you in this process. Almost like - you are free now from whatever prison was going on, whatever dark cloud - is no longer there. Think about it - did - about 4-5 weeks ago - you stamped your foot in some way shape or from and broke yourself out of the energetic cage and restrictions that you ‘felt others putting on you’?? This is you taking back your power - do not deny yourself of this and yet, you’re not - because now you’re here and all these miraculous doors are opening back up for you. It is like you’re having realisations - seeing opportunities and feeling like you can do them now and it is almost like you’re beating yourself up thinking that ‘why didn’t I do this before’ or ‘why didn’t I see it like this before?’ - and yet, whatever has shifted in these last few months for you is why.. It isn’t that you missed it, or chose not to - whatever energetic space you were in, you were just not meant to do it back then and now you’re ready and now you are. I feel that this ‘rainbow is leading you somewhere’ - there is a pot of gold, deeper treasure waiting inside your heart, for you to discover to lead you deeper and with more clarity on this path. If there is a mentor like myself that has been on your radar - follow the rainbow and trust yourself to go deeper. There is so much wisdom inside you that is just waiting to break through the water surface - just like the Dolphin is jumping out of the water in joy - so can you. Your heart, requires you to live in this space for the fulfilment of your destiny… will you choose it? Love xxx You’ve been through a lot in your life - but you have always, ALWAYS known you are here for more, for big things, for having what you want in your life - no settling - you have high standards, you do the hard work, you do whatever it takes and you’re a person who has always felt like your wandering through life, even though you’re very goal driven, achieve what you desire (you’re a Master Manifestor right?!) and get the work done… you do it all and yet look up and are not sure what you’re doing but know you’re doing the right thing all at the same time yes? Welcome, to Life Purpose Legacy. Where your wisdom is your gateway, your desire is your road map and your dedication to making your life better and going after your dreams that are pulling you deep into your Empire that is the only reason you’re alive, is why, you’re qualified to be here, click here for all the details, we start this week: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #6: Resilience. ‘There is no need to rush or push. This is a time to take things as they come. You have the determination and patience to handle what is happening.’ 

There is a something bigger at play here and I keep getting the message to trust what you are doing right now. It is almost like you are taking action because the energy is just streaming through you so rapid fire you’re struggling to keep up and it is like you do something download it and then question wtf you are doing and can you do it all!?! So this second guessing steps in and yet it all feels right and am hearing ‘let it sleep’ although, I don’t think it’ll be sleeping for long! I am also getting the message for you to remember to take lots of little mini breaks - don’t underestimate the power of walking outside and putting your feet on the Earth for 5 mins and staring as far as you can into the distance to see what you can see (proven actual eye exercises) especially if you are in close vicinity to technology all day or the power of consciously focusing on your breathing whilst you’re working especially if you work with a lot of people all day. This ‘Resilience’ is reminding you that you have the strength to get through this and it isn’t about ‘stopping’ and giving up. This about mini breaks and that you purposefully created a life, living where you are, choosing what you’re choosing and that you can enjoy life AND do what you do yes? I think you may have forgotten that. Sure, get your deadlines done, but don’t forget to have fun in the process as well. I am also feeling for you that something is about to come in and help shift and change your life for you. There are 3 Turtles on this card and a heart in the middle - reminding you to stay close to your heart, the Turtle - deeply connected to the Moonstone Crystal (I shared about this in another card today, there are a few cross messages in today’s Tuesday Tarot) and I feel this is a reminder for you - that everything you are doing is intricately connected. Even though you don’t know how or why - your Soul does, or you wouldn’t be making time to get done the things you are, so now, more than ever is your time to trust yourself to continue to dedicate yourself to this ‘next step’ and ‘next step’ and continue to show up - because you know what honey? It’s working. Love xxx You’ve been through a lot in your life - but you have always, ALWAYS known you are here for more, for big things, for having what you want in your life - no settling - you have high standards, you do the hard work, you do whatever it takes and you’re a person who has always felt like your wandering through life, even though you’re very goal driven, achieve what you desire (you’re a Master Manifestor right?!) and get the work done… you do it all and yet look up and are not sure what you’re doing but know you’re doing the right thing all at the same time yes? Welcome, to Life Purpose Legacy. Where your wisdom is your gateway, your desire is your road map and your dedication to making your life better and going after your dreams that are pulling you deep into your Empire that is the only reason you’re alive, is why, you’re qualified to be here, click here for all the details, we start this week: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy