🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 6th September 2022
Sep 06, 2022![](https://kajabi-storefronts-production.kajabi-cdn.com/kajabi-storefronts-production/blogs/7863/images/MfqqmV9ZSYeClalH51by_SM_TT_Results_6th_Sept_2022.jpg)
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 6th September 2022
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from Caroline Myss Archetype Cards for you. 😳💥
You do not need to settle for less than you deserve not for one single moment more.
You do not need to prostitute your energy out anymore - you’re a King and Queen who deserves the WORLD - in love, in career, in finances, in health - but you have to CLAIM it.
You have to be ready to step into that and own it like you made it!
You have to be ready to say yes before you’re ready, before God has even shown you ‘the path’ this is up to you to go get it no matter what hurts you need to walk through to find that road again…
my 21 Day Shifter Program is open to shift that grief, clear those dark clouds and come back to the light you are….
Somewhere in there…
you are…
and you’re ready to blow that dust away because well, you’re worth it and ready to get your life because well you ain’t waiting around anymore for the magic sign and you didn’t even realise you were!
Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Overlying Message for this Week:
The bottom card of the deck is the Prostitute and I feel called to speak to this one as well: you do not have to prostitute your time, energy, your wisdom - any of that out anymore. You can raise your standards in joy, rather than anger or upsetness. You are safe as you rise into the God/Goddess that you are - releasing guilt, releasing any nooses around your neck that have held you captive for inter-dimensional lifetimes, You are free now. Free to be who you are, charge what you want, live how you want and truly embrace that freedom you've been 'fighting' for all this time. You can step into your Power and not be afraid of it. You can... embrace it, be comfortable with it and deeply own it no matter what goes on or the fallouts that ensue from you claiming what has been rightfully yours this entire time. Friendship circles will change, environments will change, your business and your life will change. Allow it. You were born to Thrive. It is your natural state. And that... is what you've been craving this entire time. Let it BECOME YOU.
Card #1: Saboteur.
Light Attribute: Highlights your fear of self-empowerment and the changes it would bring to your life.
Shadow Attribute: Induces self-destructive behaviour or the desire to undermine others.
Let’s talk about this ‘undermine others’ first - this only comes when one is in deep, deep fear. Deep fear of being seen, deep fear of their life changing (a relationship break up for eg - ‘no one will ever love you only I would ever put up with you’ - to keep you trapped in the relationship to stop you from leaving them). So, if you are ‘undermining others’ - where are you so so scared to be alone? Where are you so so scared to face what will surface if god forbid you are on your own? Where you are you ‘controlling others’ or stuck in OCD/Addictive behaviours in your own home/life - which is what you are ‘Sabotaging’ you facing the reality that you are currently stuck in that you apparently don’t like and are trying to get away from but are in a vicious cycle of not looking at the very thing that will change what will get you out of this rut? That… is the Dark Side of the Saboteur. The Light Side? ‘Highlights your fear of self-empowerment and the changes it would bring to your life.’ Ah - and herein lays the reason you DON’T want to step into your Light and why you are happy sitting in the Dark Side of your Saboteur - let’s face it - you love your Saboteur - because he/she actually can give you everything you have ever wanted and also keep everything you’ve ever wanted - at further than arms distance. The Light Side? Highlights the fear of self-empowerment and the changes it would bring to your life - because WHAT IF you could live a life just for you and not have responsibilities? You see, that is like ‘dream life’ right? But the reality is - if you are feeling weighed down by responsibilities - the only weight of responsibility you TRULY feel is the guilt and the parental carry over that you are carrying subconsciously. For what is truly weighing you down - is that deep down little boy or little girl inside of you that is carrying your mother or father or BOTH - because you are trying to make them happy by the way you are currently living your life. THAT is the ONLY weight of responsibility that you have that is sucking the life force out of you right now. Because you actually do love your life, the people in it, the place you’re at, your responsibilities… but it is like a big cloak or glasses that you can’t quite see through - the responsibilities and not wanting to turn up to life, simply comes from the guilt you are holding onto trying to make your parents happy and the ‘funny’ thing is - you probably barely speak to them, nor do they know what you are even doing in your life! This… is where you set yourself free and release the guilt and live for YOU… and in that? The magic of LIFE comes back and you are genuinely HAPPY rather than a cloud of melancholy over your shoulder the entire time trying to make others happy when you’ve walked away from everything your whole life and no one is still not happy…. Time to release that and actually live into what you truly want because in there? Lays all the happiness there is and the people yo’ve bene subconsciously trying to make happy? They will still be in their own ministry and problems and the true freedom? Lays in not just knowing… but truly authentically living life for YOU.. and that… is a magnetic energy that attracts your Life Purpose like never before… and everything you’ve ever seen in that picture for aagggeesss…. Like magic. For Real. The Saboteur… integrated, becomes your best friend in the whole wide world. What a gift! Love xxx You do not need to settle for less than you deserve not for one single moment more. You do not need to prostitute your energy out anymore - you’re a King and Queen who deserves the WORLD - in love, in career, in finances, in health - but you have to CLAIM it. You have to be ready to step into that and own it like you made it! You have to be ready to say yes before you’re ready, before God has even shown you ‘the path’ this is up to you to go get it no matter what hurts you need to walk through to find that road again…my 21 Day Shifter Program is open to shift that grief, clear those dark clouds and come back to the light you are….Somewhere in there…you are…and you’re ready to blow that dust away because well, you’re worth it and ready to get your life because well you ain’t waiting around anymore for the magic sign and you didn’t even realise you were! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
Card #2: Queen.
Light Attributes: Radiates the regal feminine. Uses her benevolent authority to protect others.
Shadow Attributes: Becomes arrogant when authority is challenged. Controlling and demanding.
Let’s be real - the only reason you become arrogant when authority is challenged is because you are scared to lost control! Because when you are to in control? There is a scared- very scared little boy or girl in there (King/Queen Male/Female here on this card, even though King in this deck, technically is a different card and meaning, for today for Card #2 if you are male reading this, I refer to you as King with this meaning ). Sacred. Alone. Tired. Worn out. Doesn’t want to do it anymore but HAS to because no one else will pick up the mess She/He as found themselves in and well, wtf is life about anyway? You know you can’t walk away, you cant turn your back on the half kingdom you’ve set out to create and become but FUCK it is tiring and if ANYONE truly knew the FIRE you’ve had to walk through they would all shut up, leave you alone and bow at your feet. In fact, you would DEMAND that… no, they would accordingly because of what you’ve been through. But the reality is that NO ONE fucking understands the depth you’ve gone to and through so of course you’re going to fucking snap when someone pushes your buttons on your Queendom/Kingdom - especially when you’re in the darkest, darkest night of Soul EVER and NO ONE understands except for God and the Angels that are there - SOMEWHERE apparently helping you! #bigstuff. I get it! Your Dark Side Queen/King… is JUST about to break through to some huge ass LIGHT when She/He is conscious… it’s not a bad thing… just a breaking through thing and not easy to be in at times - at all ever really. The Light Side? You will stand forth and stand up for the underdog, you will stand tall in truth and integrity - your moral compass is FIRE to what is right or wrong and you will fight till death through sword, through pen and through your strong willed heart that won’t stand for anything less than you or the person who is being wrongly accused deserves. You will stand on the right side of justice every single time no matter what. This is what the true King and Queen inside of you does - this is what the Light Side of the Queen does. This is who you ARE and whatever it is that you are being guided to do - WILL and IS the answer to your freedom of the ‘stuck’ space you are feeling and why you have been ‘snappy’… it’s just the Light Side of you that wants to come out of you and that? Can be done with Joy beautiful. Your next level, can and is supported to be Joy and Freedom… so you don’t have to be angry anymore. Transitions can be fun, learnings can be joyful and living your best Queen/King Life - is what life, fun and freedom is all about right? So, choose Joy now and do what you came here to do… it’s what you were born for after all right? Love xxx You do not need to settle for less than you deserve not for one single moment more. You do not need to prostitute your energy out anymore - you’re a King and Queen who deserves the WORLD - in love, in career, in finances, in health - but you have to CLAIM it. You have to be ready to step into that and own it like you made it! You have to be ready to say yes before you’re ready, before God has even shown you ‘the path’ this is up to you to go get it no matter what hurts you need to walk through to find that road again…my 21 Day Shifter Program is open to shift that grief, clear those dark clouds and come back to the light you are….Somewhere in there…you are…and you’re ready to blow that dust away because well, you’re worth it and ready to get your life because well you ain’t waiting around anymore for the magic sign and you didn’t even realise you were! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
Card #3: Victim.
Light Attribute: Prevents you from letting yourself be victimised or victimising others.
Shadow Attribute: Playing the Victim for positive feedback in the form of pity. Inability to maintain personal boundaries.
WOAH - already like mic drop right there right?! Playing the Victim for positive feedback - and do you know what? A HUGE chunk of children are only given some form of attention if they are tantruming on the floor (unless you were ignored - but if this was the case, ‘Stop crying or I will give you something to cry about.’ - so you only feel loved today as an adult when you are about to get in trouble with something or some bad thing to happen in your life), given attention when you hurt yourself or were sick (so still are constantly manifesting sickness today so someone will care for you or if I hurt myself somehow then someone will notice me, whether consciously or subconsciously). The Victim - is crying out for attention, crying out for LOVE and if we don’t feel loved, we have ways of feeling loved that stem from childhood - and are usually today, unhealthy forms of love and when we turn around and realise the mess we are in, the biggest shock hold that paralyses us stuck is that we don’t know how to feel love on a healthy level, so we stay in avoidance and stay in the ‘Victim patterns’ - because it is huge rewire for your brain chemistry hence body physiology to receive and even FEEL loved in healthy ways because you just don’t know what that experience feels like - until you work at it and practise it hard out like you’re training for a marathon - it takes time and consistent dedicated practice to change this, hence why most people stay stuck in unhealthy toxic relationships or in any unhealthy situation for a long time even when they re trying to change it. The Inability to maintain personal boundaries (or any boundaries) comes from a space of this Victim still physiologically changing and upgrading/rewiring it’s entire being. It takes - practise, dedication, commitment, willingness to change and all those pieces - so allow yourself to be committed for the long haul, holding those strong boundaries included as you learn to self love on such a deep level your entire system rewrites itself. As you step into and activate your Light Victim - she/he is healed and you’re in a whole different reality - this is where dreams come true. You’re your power, you are strongly aware of your morals, your boundaries and you are actively seeking to maintain your personal health, energetic hygiene and take care of yourself on and in deeply loving ways because you’ve shifted and that… vibrating aura of yours becomes something that is so attractive instead of repelling and you are deeply accepting of the world at large, rather than fighting for love… you’re standing up and in love, you are love and that.. is what your Life has been craving this entire time. You BECOME it. Love xxx You do not need to settle for less than you deserve not for one single moment more. You do not need to prostitute your energy out anymore - you’re a King and Queen who deserves the WORLD - in love, in career, in finances, in health - but you have to CLAIM it. You have to be ready to step into that and own it like you made it! You have to be ready to say yes before you’re ready, before God has even shown you ‘the path’ this is up to you to go get it no matter what hurts you need to walk through to find that road again…my 21 Day Shifter Program is open to shift that grief, clear those dark clouds and come back to the light you are….Somewhere in there…you are…and you’re ready to blow that dust away because well, you’re worth it and ready to get your life because well you ain’t waiting around anymore for the magic sign and you didn’t even realise you were! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
Card #4: Shape-Shifter.
Light Attributes: Skill at navigating through different levels of consciousness. Ability to see the potential in everything.
Shadow Attribute: Projecting any image that serves your personal agenda in the moment.
You’re good at fitting into ANY situation - however, you are being asked to stand out in the crowd now. Enough hiding, enough standing behind the line - your Purpose is asking you to stand OUT in the front and lead the ‘lost and forsaken home’. You are being asked to dedicate time to pushing beyond your comfort zones and stepping into your Leadership Role. Your Shape-shifter has served you to come into this place of stepping out of the limelight into the spotlight. If you have received this card today - you would’ve already been getting messages about stepping up your game to the next level and now, well, it is time. You have been good at ‘Projecting any image that serves your personal agenda in the moment.’ Because that is what you learnt to do to survive in the world - up until this point. It has been somewhat painful facing reality recently as you are coming into a whole other world and way of relating to anyone, anything and how you show up in the world. You are stepping out survival and into thriving when the Shape-Shifter turns up for you. You are realising you have been running on a treadmill this entire time and you don’t have to do that anymore, the old ‘surviving’ ways don’t even work anymore anyway! And that, has been hard to face, even though you’re ready to let go of them, you are also navigating a whole new space, territory and way of being right now and that… can be a bumpy ride - but you can also choose for it to be easy and flowing, to be happy and joyous from now on in. Remember: You possess skills that not many do. You are a Leader of your own kind. ‘Light Attribute: Skill at navigating through different levels of consciousness. Ability to see the potential in everything.’ - You’re a Leader of your own kind. You are the cartographer of the consciousness and the world is screaming for your skills right now. How are you being called to share your skills? What is the thing that just keeps tapping you on the shoulder and you KNOW is the answer to your prayers but you KEEP ignoring it? Well, you’ll stay in the Shadows if you do that.. and it is even more frustrating because it isn’t even working anymore right? Soooo…. Time to be the different Leader that you are, fulfil your Destiny and live your life on your terms… because you realise now - that that, is why nothing else is working because that - divine timing you’ve been waiting for, your whole life? Is available right now… the time is now, the divine timing is now and if you’ll only tryst yourself and your skills enough RIGHT NOW - to JUST do this - you’ll see that EVERYTHING begins shifting in the INSTANT you dedicate time, energy and devotion to this - just like you used to to the other thing that brought you to here… now it is time to give the same dedicated devotional service to this… and let the Universe show you just how magic it can truly be. Love xxx You do not need to settle for less than you deserve not for one single moment more. You do not need to prostitute your energy out anymore - you’re a King and Queen who deserves the WORLD - in love, in career, in finances, in health - but you have to CLAIM it. You have to be ready to step into that and own it like you made it! You have to be ready to say yes before you’re ready, before God has even shown you ‘the path’ this is up to you to go get it no matter what hurts you need to walk through to find that road again…my 21 Day Shifter Program is open to shift that grief, clear those dark clouds and come back to the light you are….Somewhere in there…you are…and you’re ready to blow that dust away because well, you’re worth it and ready to get your life because well you ain’t waiting around anymore for the magic sign and you didn’t even realise you were! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
Card #5: Hermit.
Light Attribute: Seeks solitude to focus intently on inner life. Serves personal creativity.
Shadow Attributes: Withdraws from society out of fear or negative judgements of others. Refusing to help those in need.
Out of the woods you come my love! Time enough to stop hiding away… your Hermit time is over and you are here to shine the Wisdom from your Hermit time into the world. You are safe as you become visible in the world and shake off your cloak of shame because your Hermitting is done now. This may mean that you are still a Hermit, so to speak - but the Light Side is busting forth. You don’t need to hide anymore out of shame, out of hurt and pain - you can Hermit for the pure Wisdom that you WANT to - so you can compete the inner and outer tasks. You have reached a time in your life right now, where you are dedicatedly in service to others. You have come to a point where you are operating out of WANTING to do this for you - not on a secret undertone agenda from childhood to prove your worth so you can finally be loved by your parents #yuck. That energy tone? Gone. You are stepping forth into your power with Love, with Wisdom and with an energy that is a complete dedicated renewal and marriage to self, for self and of self and that…, holds a damn lot of wisdom that is wanting to channel through your creative pursuits right now. You are being asked to step into this without delay. You’re clear, so just do the thing and let everything take care of itself or go by the way side - just for today and just for today and just for today as you give your all to these moments, because you will not only sleep better at night, you will start to bring in an energy to your life where you are finally sitting deeply in who you are and that? Is magnetisingly irresistible. You’ve been hurt in the past sure, your magic has been stolen, stowed away and never to be returned but the Hermitting you’ve been doing lately? You’ve reclaimed that, restored that and released the noose around your neck that was holding your back - that phase is over now and sure, there are threads you’re clearing and shifting - there will always be layers, but right now - your Light Side Hermit is calling you to channel that Wisdom from your Highest Self into the world. It’s okay to do you. It is MORE than required for you to do you. And in that? That Inner Wisdom is being asked to be done solely for you…. And in that? You want the world to know of your amazing greatness… one step at a time, one written book at a time. Quiet, solitude and deep contemplation is required and this is the Light Side of the Hermit… and you can do this with the joyous things you want to do in your life too.. because that is the entire point of this life right? To Live? Love xxx You do not need to settle for less than you deserve not for one single moment more. You do not need to prostitute your energy out anymore - you’re a King and Queen who deserves the WORLD - in love, in career, in finances, in health - but you have to CLAIM it. You have to be ready to step into that and own it like you made it! You have to be ready to say yes before you’re ready, before God has even shown you ‘the path’ this is up to you to go get it no matter what hurts you need to walk through to find that road again…my 21 Day Shifter Program is open to shift that grief, clear those dark clouds and come back to the light you are….Somewhere in there…you are…and you’re ready to blow that dust away because well, you’re worth it and ready to get your life because well you ain’t waiting around anymore for the magic sign and you didn’t even realise you were! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
Card #6: Dilettante.
Light Attributes: Delights in the arts without having to be a professional. Alerts you to the danger of becoming superficial in your pursuits.
Shadow Attributes: Pretension to much deeper knowledge than you actually possess.
Dilly dallying around - honey - you do hold secret and sacred keys that is a huge part of your Life Purpose in sharing this Wisdom. The Light Side? You’ve been putting off grounding what you need to for way too long. I feel that you are deeply financially supported now (if you are not experiencing this, you will be very shortly) and can fully focus and dedicate this in service to Humanity now. However, your waiting and wishy washing around is not serving anyone. It is time to ground that beautiful wisdom you possess. You hold a sacred Light that not many do and this Dilettante is your mission in grounded deep awareness of self and the creativity that wants to stream out of you - how it wants to stream out. If feels like you’ve put it on the back burner for several years, because you thought you had to do human things when this has been eating away at you secretly, quietly watching and observing others, particularly someone and it is time to do your thing now, not theirs. The Shadow Attribute: Pretension to much deeper knowledge than you actually possess. This screams through black, blue and bloody murder when you are not putting your wisdom into grounded dedicated action. Envy streams through your energy and it feels like you have been possessed. You dump on others, you scream at them to get their attention when no body is looking and you gossip about them to other people. What the ‘possession’ actually is - is you so scared to truly step into your light (hence why you flicked back to ‘human jobs’ for a time) and are now stepping back into your dedicated Purpose. The stronghold of fear is released when you allow yourself to fully trust yourself at this time. You have come full circle and the only ‘fake pretence’ here, is you hiding in the shadows of it… enough of that now… the demons are released when you step into the light. It is why you have been fearing others darkness for years right? It was only your reflection dying to come out of you… and now you are. How about that hey? Love xxx You do not need to settle for less than you deserve not for one single moment more. You do not need to prostitute your energy out anymore - you’re a King and Queen who deserves the WORLD - in love, in career, in finances, in health - but you have to CLAIM it. You have to be ready to step into that and own it like you made it! You have to be ready to say yes before you’re ready, before God has even shown you ‘the path’ this is up to you to go get it no matter what hurts you need to walk through to find that road again…my 21 Day Shifter Program is open to shift that grief, clear those dark clouds and come back to the light you are….Somewhere in there…you are…and you’re ready to blow that dust away because well, you’re worth it and ready to get your life because well you ain’t waiting around anymore for the magic sign and you didn’t even realise you were! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program