🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 7th February 2023
Feb 07, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 7th February 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Mermaids & Dolphins 🧜♀️🐬
Eeek! I am so excited to release our 30 Day Shadow Shifter!
Come on a fun journey to transform your Shadow with our 30 Day Shadow Shifter Journey. We will be adventuring through darkness and light with weekly livestreams and daily potent shifts as we move you from feeling stuck and paralysed to freedom and movement that brings back your joy for life, from confusion to clarity and awakening your Life Purpose through not just integrating the dark side, but the light side too.
This is for you if you want to stabilise joy, to accentuate what you know you can do and gain the confidence to truly 'find' and live your Life Purpose... finally! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/30-day-shadow-shifter
It is the Mermaids & Dolphins Oracle that was used today, you can click here to get your own oracle deck of these on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3kCqJFK
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Divine Magic. “Extra Magical Energy surrounds your situation right now. Expect miracles!”
Ah - has something HUGE just happened to you? A huge breakthrough? A huge shift from what was once holding you back to now being finally free and clear of that? Right now - is a time to hold that faith so so strong, like you wouldn’t believe ever - hold is so strong, more stronger than ever before. No matter how many knock backs you get - right now - Miracles are on their way to you and the thing that brings them into existence? Is your FAITH honey! Your FAITH. Everything you are asking for is about to open up and come into pure light, pure essence and tangible reality. This isn’t any woo woo shit - this is your pure faith creating realty - because honey? This is how you have always done it, you are just playing a bigger game now and that is the only reason you doubt yourself at times, but no matter how many knock backs you get -t hey are not knock backs. They are weeding out the strong and emotionally intelligent from those who are not willing to walk through fire, through the mud to bloom as the divine lotus flower flying privately being served caviar at 45,000ft and let’s not forget the bubbly alongside it… Regardless whether that level of lux is your thing or not - let’s not forget the reality that anything is possible right now - you know this - and your MIND IS YOUR SUPER POWER - FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS is soooo crucial for you right now. Whether it is more money in your account on a monthly basis, whether it is caviar at 45,000ft, whether it is new clothes, a new house, running water and food on the table or taking that long awaited holiday whilst being completely financially free doing what you love with the love of your life - now is the time to hold this faith more so than ever before. This big shift that you have just had, the big release, the big breakthrough, the stepping into the vortex of your next level - you have just showed the Universe how ready you are, how willing you are, how much you’re ready to do and how you do whatever it takes for as long as it takes, that you hold your ground and you also, hold your faith - the magical ingredient for making your dreams come true. You are powerful precious one, you bring your dreams into reality because you make it happen. Do not forget this. Continue to hold the faith, because this big shift you’ve just had? It’s only a sign for what is about to come forth. Be at Peace, hold the faith, take incredibly aligned action where you are guided and continue on repeat, knowing, that you are supported more than you are aware of in the Spirit World and Extra Magical Energy surrounds your situation right now. Expect miracles! Your expectations, deeply aligned action and your frequency, creates it so. Love xxx Eeek! I am so excited to release our 30 Day Shadow Shifter! Come on a fun journey to transform your Shadow with our 30 Day Shadow Shifter Journey. We will be adventuring through darkness and light with weekly livestreams and daily potent shifts as we move you from feeling stuck and paralysed to freedom and movement that brings back your joy for life, from confusion to clarity and awakening your Life Purpose through not just integrating the dark side, but the light side too. This is for you if you want to stabilise joy, to accentuate what you know you can do and gain the confidence to truly 'find' and live your Life Purpose... finally! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/30-day-shadow-shifter
Card #2: Friendship. “Make a date for a play day with one or more friends.”
Do you feel alone? Do you want more friends? Are you wanting more connection - but are so deeply frightened and scared of it? This card feels like it is a sign for you to come out of your shell. You’ve been hiding away - healing in a cocoon and that - has been supportive - up until now. Now it is time for the next phase of healing and that is putting yourself out there in the world. What comes to mind when you read that? If you don’t feel confident, then, start by moving into places that you can gain your confidence back. Is it hiring a personal trainer that can specifically help you with your needs? If you have hired a healer in the past for specific needs, but your body is the next step in healing, well, it is logical sense to hire a trainer that can help with this next phase to support your body - because ultimately? That would bring your confidence back. The other things that brings confidence back? Is doing things you love to do AND practise! Everything always feels weird, strange and awkward for the very first time. Even going back to the things you love, you haven’t forgotten it, but it feels weird and strange to do it again… but then, you keep doing it and it becomes normal and you are good at it again - PRACTISE. The same goes for finding, meeting and creating new friendships. Hobbies, doing things you love, stepping out of your comfort zone, taking new classes and courses are going to lead you in a direction that will open up opportunities for new friendships. Now, of course the old fears and traumas will surface as you start to push yourself into new situations, environments and places that you are guided to be, learn from and shift into different circles, but it is also, how you learn to create a whole new life. Because this card? Is also a sign to let go of friendship circles that are no longer in alignment and start listening to your intuition that has been saying this for ages - that there is a particular friendship that is more draining than it is uplifting and it is so important for you to listen to your intuition to remove yourself from this and sometimes that? Is easier when we remember how we lost ourselves in the first place and slowly, slowly - because nothing shifts overnight, but little by little we can pull ourselves out of the big black empty loneliness hole you’ve found yourself in and start to come back to yourself, your body, your hobbies, the life you love and in that? That… is where the true, healthy friendships are found. The friend you have in yourself - you. Are you, your own best friend first? Love xxx Eeek! I am so excited to release our 30 Day Shadow Shifter! Come on a fun journey to transform your Shadow with our 30 Day Shadow Shifter Journey. We will be adventuring through darkness and light with weekly livestreams and daily potent shifts as we move you from feeling stuck and paralysed to freedom and movement that brings back your joy for life, from confusion to clarity and awakening your Life Purpose through not just integrating the dark side, but the light side too. This is for you if you want to stabilise joy, to accentuate what you know you can do and gain the confidence to truly 'find' and live your Life Purpose... finally! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/30-day-shadow-shifter
Card #3: Rest. “You’ve been working hard. Take a nap and get some rest.”
You’ve been… resting lots or you need to rest more. I feel that you are needing rest yes. You’ve stepped up, pushed yourself, because you can and you know how and I don’t already need to tell you this, but you are reaching your limit and it is Rest time. Now, I don’t mean stop your momentum and stop everything that you’re doing - what I do mean though, is that you can feel this edge where you know you need to rest and sometimes we need to keep going with what we are doing for this moment. But the way through it? Is to know what is coming up and plan specific rest days, bed days (so yum!) and just let yourself rest all day. Finish work earlier and get to bed earlier. If you have a lot to do - get up earlier instead. The hours you can actually sleep before midnight, not screen time or book or anything else, is the most healing hours of sleep you can have. To eat on the day night cycle and eat only when it is daylight, supports this process, or only have liquid soups or smoothies at night can support this natural circadian rhythm that brings your body to true Resting state. The other important thing you can do is when you are busy and have very full days - is be conscious of the spaces in between. For example moving from one task to another - there is a space. From driving from one place to another, there is a space. From going from home to work there is a space. Be mindfully aware of how much is in your present moment in these spaces. The trees, the air, the people, the places, take your shoes off and put your feet on the Earth (if it isn’t cold!) for a few moments and consciously absorb the Earth through your feet - become super conscious of it - become super conscious of your breath in this space and consciously tell yourself, “There is so much space here, there is so much time in this space and I am consciously absorbing and aware of it all.” Or something along those lines. By doing this, you start to slow everything down. You create time - time is what you make it and it begins with how you work with and create space in between tasks. Also, if you have been in a very ‘Resting phase’ know that you have been and are healing and it will be GO time very soon - or, you could be needing to come out of the cocoon - trust what feels right and know that deep rest comes in best on the Earth’s natural rhythms and cycles, including the seasons like Winter, when we rest more. Love xxx Eeek! I am so excited to release our 30 Day Shadow Shifter! Come on a fun journey to transform your Shadow with our 30 Day Shadow Shifter Journey. We will be adventuring through darkness and light with weekly livestreams and daily potent shifts as we move you from feeling stuck and paralysed to freedom and movement that brings back your joy for life, from confusion to clarity and awakening your Life Purpose through not just integrating the dark side, but the light side too. This is for you if you want to stabilise joy, to accentuate what you know you can do and gain the confidence to truly 'find' and live your Life Purpose... finally! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/30-day-shadow-shifter
Card #4: Watch Your Thoughts. “It’s important to only think about what you desire, not what you fear.”
The only thing stopping this situation is your thoughts about it! “It’s important to only think about what you desire, not what you fear.”. I feel like overall - you’re generally pretty darn good at your mindset and staying the course, at journalling, working on your affirmations and such. But almost, that when it comes to crunch time, or that you’re making big moves - you actually forget all your training! Ah - sooo, you just pick it up again! You just get back on track. Just. Like. That. Yes? So, you just pull yourself back up and move towards the mindset and frequency, that is going to allow you to manifest this ‘big thing’ which is ultimately the same as every other thing you’ve always been successful at manifesting. It is the same frequency, same energy, same vortex, so pull yourself back up to this. Sometimes you have to be a firm loving person towards yourself. If someone was abusing you in front of you, or sitting there talking negatively at you and about this situation - you wouldn’t tolerate it! (Well, I hope on Earth you don’t tolerate this!) Abuse is not okay! And so a firm strong boundary - “It is not okay that you are speaking to me like this, I won’t tolerate this anymore!” - and this? Is how you also talk to that negative part of your mind. Because your mind - our mind - societies mind - unfortunately has been trained in the negative and unfortunately, unless you’ve done A LOT of work, it is our human default with our conditioning as a society over time. So, don’t beat on yourself for being negative! But pick your damn self back up and brush that shit off and carry on! The other part here is that if you are extremely negative and someone points it out or you notice it yourself - there is a trauma surfacing on a particular timeline point and it is here, that you are to heal and shift this, so you can be free of this energetically - which is going to make it easier to think positive and stay in your own flow and zone over a longer period of time. Know the difference and reach out for help and support if you need. The other part here is - when is the last time you did physical exercise? As that is going to keep you in a negative state if you are not moving your body - or the other extreme, if you are exercising to cover up emotions, then that needs to be looked at too. What you are wanting, is lining up for you - do not doubt this for one single moment. When we are moving to the next stage, onto a new project, or going through a huge transformation, it is normal for doubts, fears and old traumas to surface - that is BECAUSE you are shifting. So don’t be afraid of it and no, it isn’t that you haven’t healed it in the past. It is just another layer and you CAN do this. I KNOW you can. And you do too. Love xxx Eeek! I am so excited to release our 30 Day Shadow Shifter! Come on a fun journey to transform your Shadow with our 30 Day Shadow Shifter Journey. We will be adventuring through darkness and light with weekly livestreams and daily potent shifts as we move you from feeling stuck and paralysed to freedom and movement that brings back your joy for life, from confusion to clarity and awakening your Life Purpose through not just integrating the dark side, but the light side too. This is for you if you want to stabilise joy, to accentuate what you know you can do and gain the confidence to truly 'find' and live your Life Purpose... finally! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/30-day-shadow-shifter
Card #5: Stay Optimistic. “Your Dreams are coming true. Don’t quit right before the miracle occurs.”
I know it feels like the depths of darkness right now with the rug being pulled out from underneath your feet or…. even - it is too late for that…that happened a long time ago and you are just in this swelsh pool sweat pit of mud that is just gah…. but… this card wouldn’t be coming if you weren’t on the verge of changing your life, of the biggest breakthrough of your life and I think it is important that you hold fast to that - because you wouldn’t have pulled Card #5 otherwise. I am also hearing - “Make time for what is important for you and what is going to propel you forward.” Whilst you are ‘stuck here’ in this moment… pull your focus to what you love, what you are damn good at and what has worked in the past. Pull back your power and everyone else can just wait a minute - you can do this, you do it well and this is what you show up doing. What comes to mind when you read this? This… is what is going to pull you out of the slump and come back to yourself, faster than anything else in your life at this time. Even though this card says, “Your Dreams are coming true.” it is definitely okay to let some things sleep, focus on what does work, what you are good and what has worked in the past. It is not that you are going backwards - it is that you are being smart about what does work instead of trying to reinvent the wheel all the damn time when you don’t even want to do the thing anyway! Being honest about what you do want to do, what your current reality is, being okay if all the options are floating high up in the sky right now - but you’re also very clear about taking aligned guided action AND you know what you need to get done before one of them lands - because life? Will look VERY different soon and you will want to have got said things done sooooo - “Your Dreams are coming true.” - 100% but be okay if it isn’t what you thought it was going to look like because with this? “Don’t quit right before the miracle occurs.” is actually a recalibration to something that looks way better than what it was supposed to have happened, but most likely doesn’t feel that way - although some of you reading this, may definitely be feeling that and seeing the evidence that it actually worked out way better than what you were trying to ‘force’ make happen. It isn’t that you’ve given up on your Dreams - it is that you are trusting every single step of the way, because you definitely haven’t given up - you’ve dropped into more trust of yourself, of synchronistic flow and of your path. It is never a straight line and you know this, but you’re starting to… live it. Love xxx Eeek! I am so excited to release our 30 Day Shadow Shifter! Come on a fun journey to transform your Shadow with our 30 Day Shadow Shifter Journey. We will be adventuring through darkness and light with weekly livestreams and daily potent shifts as we move you from feeling stuck and paralysed to freedom and movement that brings back your joy for life, from confusion to clarity and awakening your Life Purpose through not just integrating the dark side, but the light side too. This is for you if you want to stabilise joy, to accentuate what you know you can do and gain the confidence to truly 'find' and live your Life Purpose... finally! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/30-day-shadow-shifter
Card #6: Make a Wish. “This is a magical moment. Make a Wish and enjoy it’s manifestation.”
This Card, Card #1 and Card #5 have similar messages - don’t give up! Keep the faith! Your dreams are coming true! Don’t quit right before the miracle occurs! Make a wish and enjoy it’s manifestation! #truthbombs everywhere. Whatever has knocked you, stopped you or you’re wondering if it is all ever going to work out - this is an urgent message for you to KEEP THE FAITH. It isn’t that it didn’t happen - it is that it didn’t happen YET - two very different places. If you are feeling anxious or attached - ask yourself, “Is it aligned?” Sometime we are clinging to something - because we KNOW that it isn’t right for us and we have to let it go, deep, deep down we know this. Because we are not listening to our intuition about this thing, place, person or whatever it is that you know you have become attached to - things seem to get worse, we feel anxious, nothing goes our way and worse - no one even listens anymore! Yikes! But… when we can be honest and take a cold hard look at reality, we see that we don’t REALLY want it anymore, BUT the thing that holds us there? The pain of what not having it will feel like! OMG. Because… that… is so painful and how can I feel that level of hurt and the reality is that it does hurt like hell! BUT… when we can release, breath out have a good cry (or 50!) and let go and know that it isn’t what we want anyway - the attachment goes away, things feel lighter, everything lifts to a whole new level and you’ll suddenly find yourself standing from a vantage point where nothing has changed, but everything has changed and suddenly all these ideas come in, all these opportunities show up and it is almost funny, because it is what you have actually wanted - but in a different way…. a better, lighter, more direct and faster way that - why didn’t you think of this before?! What you are asking for, is coming true. What you want, can happen. What you wish for - will manifest. You are the magical ingredient that can make everything happen and take everything away at the same time. That’s good news! It means - you CAN. So honey, Make a Wish! But - follow it up with continued aligned action. Love xxx Eeek! I am so excited to release our 30 Day Shadow Shifter! Come on a fun journey to transform your Shadow with our 30 Day Shadow Shifter Journey. We will be adventuring through darkness and light with weekly livestreams and daily potent shifts as we move you from feeling stuck and paralysed to freedom and movement that brings back your joy for life, from confusion to clarity and awakening your Life Purpose through not just integrating the dark side, but the light side too. This is for you if you want to stabilise joy, to accentuate what you know you can do and gain the confidence to truly 'find' and live your Life Purpose... finally! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/30-day-shadow-shifter