๐ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐ฎ for 7th January 2025
Jan 07, 2025
๐ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐ฎ for 7th January 2025
Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today of the number you choose earlier today from Oracle of the Fairies by Karen Kay.
These… are the last days for Legacy. Click here before doors close: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ๐
Card #1: Motivation. “When spring approaches the Flower Fairies urge you to ‘spring’ into action. If there’s something you been merely thinking about doing, they say get busy and do it.”
When motivation wears off - discipline kicks in. This is KEY to success. I have written Tuesday Tarot every single Tuesday for 9 years now - do you think I was ‘motivated’ to write it every single week for 9 years?! No - that’s discipline baby. I am really getting the sense too - you are rising - and you are triggering others - RISE ANYWAY. You’ve been silent, you’ve been quiet, you’ve been secretly transforming your life and your business and others can feel it. They are not sure what they can feel, because you’ve been pretty secretive and elusive - and with good reason. You’ve learnt from your past and you’re here to do your purpose - not share your person! (personal self). You’ve embodied and stepped into a higher version of yourself and I feel you’re feeling like you need to catch up with yourself even, but there is this energy about you - even you can feel it in yourself, you’ve been very conscious that even you feel very different in yourself, your energy, it’s like you’ve been very consciously feeling your Soul in your body and you feel - different. And this - is what others can sense about you too. You don’t need to share your spirituality - you ARE your spirituality. You’ve embodied your power and others are noticing and you’re shining brightly - others are responding via their triggers, laughing at you, writing blogs about you - making content from your content **cue eye roll and copying your offers #ofcourse. You’re a Leader - You’re One Of A Kind honey - own it. You’ve embodied a dangerously high level of self worth. You don’t need relationships to validate your existence, you’re long past partying, going out drinking and socialising #soteenagerselfintegrated; you don’t concern yourself with issues of the world - you’re here to CHANGE THE WORLD and peeps who are gossiping about you or the world shit - aint changing it - they’re contributing to the bullshit and yet - you’ve gone silent. You barely speak. But when you do - people listen. Honey - you’re an Ancient Blooded Healer and you’ve truly stepped into your power. It’s your time to hone your standards, hold strong boundaries - protect that which you’ve created, hire staff and only do - what your creative mission is here to do, the rest is reality mundane that you’ve mastered and time to hand over cause your duty is to your mission. It’s time to rise and do what you’re born to do. Motivation has kicked in on a whole other level here - it’s a powerful place to be - now bring this baby home. Love xxx These… are the last days for Legacy. Click here before doors close: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #2: Moon Energy. “Surrender to the natural ebb and flow of life. If you’re feeling confused, this fairy comes to calm emotions and reassure you that peace of mind is possible.”
You’re not lost - you’re recalibrating. You’re not losing your mind - you need to cry. You’re not having a breakdown - you’re releasing stored up emotions and your coping mechanisms are no longer working and you need to RELEASE them. And no, no exercise, meditation or other addiction will ‘heal’ the feelings that are bottled up inside. Humans are designed to CRY. It is a natural mechanism our body has - just like going to the toilet. Imagine not going to the toilet - going to be a lot of back up and problems that come from not going to the toilet because it is a natural function of the body that helps release toxins from the body. When we are not allowed to cry as a child, we learning coping mechanism to be a good little boy or girl and those coping mechanisms become our way of life and the lense that we see reality through. It is a scientifically proven fact that tears contain cortisol - tears actually release cortisol from the body. So no, you’re not losing it - you just have years of built up stress that comes from bottling up emotions that you need to cry to release. Think - when was the last time you truly cried? And cried hard like when you cried for days and didn’t think it was ever going to stop? Your anxiety and heart issues are not from anything but too much energy in the heart aka your emotions are backing up your heart (the place that feels) and your energetic heart issues that are squashed with emotions that it is affecting your physical heart now. That is all. The Moon - is about feelings. The moon is about connecting to your feelings and letting the old emotions go. Emotions = old stored feelings that create triggers. Feelings = the now reality of what is currently happening that, if piled with old buried emotions act like volcanoes when new feelings ‘hit’ them and we have all kinds of hot messes. Intuition is the clarity that comes from distinguishing the 3 of these. You will harness your intuition like the mystic moon goddess you are when you master this. Cry more. Let the waves come. You will become a master when you release the judgement of crying and harness how to ride the waves efficiently and effectively whilst letting it do its work and become clearer instantly enhancing work productivity and reach your targets instead of letting distractions get in the way that are simply you covering up feelings you don’t want to feel that leads us back the cyclic start again. Harness it with learning the reigns, not being bucked off a wild horse. Become, the Wild Horse, brilliant, intuitive and free ๐๏ธ Love xxx These… are the last days for Legacy. Click here before doors close: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #3: Go Outside. “It’s time to go outside. Tune into the powerful peace of nature, wherever you are and feel at one with your habitat.”
Message is clear - go outside. But not just outside, this is your sign to spend a chunk of time outdoors (or maybe you already just have) - it literally changes your frequency and energy. It is scientifically proven that a minimum of two hours is required to truly reset your body system back to that of the Earth. It is also true that digging a hole and laying in it (like at the beach in the sand) is not just symbolic of letting go of all the psychic debris you’ve collected and is stuck on your energetic field, but also changes your energy - yes resets you - being on the Earth is our natural home. We are an organic organism just like nature - we are nature and you’re being ask to be reminded of this. If you’re not well, mentally, physically, spiritually or emotionally - spend a minimum two hours in nature. If you can’t because it’s cold - plan a trip where you can be in the great outdoors. It changes you. And the Fae are speaking to you urgently about this - because this is not only about resetting your energy field but you’re also being asked to reconnect with a part of you that you’ve forgotten, that is so connected to herself/himself, that is confident, that knows who you are and what you’re doing in the world. This time in nature is going to reconnect you back to yourself and you’ll come back able to ‘face the world again’z every-time you feel the lull - get back in nature. It is an investment in yourself and a wise one. I feel you’ve been receiving an important message intuitively lately and you know it’s a big risk but it’s also a big opportunity- the question you must ask is - at the end of 2025, do I wish I had followed this intuitive guidance that is tapping me on the shoulder so I can do what I do best and come out the end of this year ACTUALLY achieving what my unique purpose is calling me forth for? Well, that’s a no brainer answer isn’t it just. Nature - will strengthen your resolve for this - that - is why you’re being called into Her so much - She is your grounding, your solidarity, your reconnection back to self, your confirmation, your strength - to do - what you’re born for. Love xxx These… are the last days for Legacy. Click here before doors close: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #4: Inner Child. “The Fairies of Playfulness remind you to make time to embrace your Inner Child.”
Your Inner Child holds the keys and the knowledge and all the wisdom of your precious lives - that make up your Life Purpose in this lifetime. Many people come to me wanting to know their purpose but not many are willing to do the long haul deep inner healing work that is a requirement to discover said purpose. It is your inner child that has this wisdom, information and blueprint of your purpose. Haven’t you seen those young children rattling off and reciting their previous lives before they incarnated? That one. Children are in a different age development stage under the age of 7 - we are still deeply connected to the other realms, we don’t yet have a sense of grounding in this realm and why many kids are ‘off with the fairies’ and hold extraordinary skills at a young age. Unless nurtured by conscious parents, we ‘snap’ out of this at 7-8 when our body commences the normal changing process and as children we go very ‘inner world’ and don’t connect to our outside world much at all. We can become very quiet or obnoxious as ‘reality hits’ about where we are, what planet we are on and 7/8 to 14/15 are transitionary years to truly ‘landing in this reality’. Many children shut down their psychic skills at 7/8 because they are frightened by them or are told to ‘stop talking to their imaginary friends’ - that are very real. You’re being asked to remember these crucial time points for yourself and rekindle that spark of life that you were back then as a child. Were you noticed? Cared for? Some people remember a ‘good childhood’ when they actually had emotionally avoidant parents and will be the closest to the parents whilst the black sheep of the family is on the outskirts still trying to make sense of this life. This card is your sign to connect with your 7 year old and ‘catch her/him’ at this transition- to keep the portal of communication to your unique life purpose open and remember what you’re here on earth to do. Love xxx These… are the last days for Legacy. Click here before doors close: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #5: Tree Wisdom. “This Tree Dryad will help you navigate through your current situation. Her flute can reveal insights and answers through the sounds it makes."
You’re not hearing things - you’re hearing your internal guidance system at play and it’s speaking to you - pay attention to the messages from your soul. You not only have a special bond with trees - you are like a grand Oak Tree that people come to for wisdom and this is your sign to become the beacon people see you as. This is your sign to move to your next level in what you’re requiring to hold the standards for yourself in your business and your personal life. Something has greatly shifted for you and the Tree Wisdom is speaking through you and to you. Your Tree is your Heart - your heart is what heals people, your heart speak is what people hear - it is a feeling they get from you when you speak. It is your voice, your tone, your signature that people connect to and it is this wisdom that Tree comes to you today to remind you to never forget, to reconnect to and to operate from this place - your Heart. It is your heart that people hear when you speak and when you are disconnected from yourself - so is the quality of your life. In your ‘only’ reconnection back to your heart - is your ‘only’ goal - how do you do that? By doing things that you love - even if it seems silly or not a ‘huge thing’. Spending time in nature (did you read the last card!?) - having your favourite coffee at your favourite coffee shop, going to a location you love and spending time there, finally treating yourself to the thing you’ve been putting off but hasn’t left your mind, committing to your favourite mentor or spiritual practise that you let slide because how busy life became. Right now - you’re remembering these things that you once loved. The thing about time in this realm - is that nothing stays the same and everything changes. The thing about this realm is that the only constant is change. When we ‘lose’ things that made us feel whole and complete, it is an initiation and journey to find the things that once made you feel whole again - because 99% of the time - sometimes those things aren’t even in existence anymore, or things that you’ve walked away from, aren’t viable to go back to again. And yet - you’re being asked to find what makes you happy and fulfilled today - start with the little things, it doesn’t have to be big. It can be the animal that sits at your feet awaiting your present attention, it can be the mighty tree in your backyard that hasn’t gone anywhere since you were a kid and is still present there awaiting your connection, it could be the vast wide ocean, that has also still been there since you were little and is still there today and all be. Some things change and don’t last and some things do and your connection to Earth Herself? To the whispers of your Soul that are speaking to you, guiding you and by your side constantly? She is. Pay attention to Her. She never leaves you. Reconnect. Find your heart again. Everything will feel better in life - once you do. Love xxx These… are the last days for Legacy. Click here before doors close: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #6: Hidden Depths. “Something hidden is about to come to light - perhaps a secret or memory at the back of your mid. When we expose what’s hidden, we can become free.”
There are many messages streaming through for this card message for you today - but the main one is that there is a truth you are needing to admit to yourself first and foremost. It is like you have been covering it up and trying to pretend everything is okay when deep down you haven’t been happy, you haven’t been fulfilled and it’s been showing. You’re snapping at random moments, you’re short tempered and you’re not usually and the message here is that it is okay to realise how much you are carrying on your shoulders right now and it is important to let go of what no longer is in alignment. You are not who you used to be, you’ve grown, evolved and changed and your old life is redundant. It’s okay to admit this. It’s okay to admit you’re not happy and you used to be. It’s okay to admit that you’re carrying everyone else’s burden on your shoulders and you don’t need to carry this anymore. What is also super important here - is that when you ‘hit this point’ - sure some things definitely need to change - but what is happening energetically is that the role you used to play ‘for all these people’ is disintegrating. it hasn’t been authentically you and like a bridge that wasn’t built to stand the test of time, it will disintegrate and crumble. That is what is happening when you ‘start falling apart’ - the ego mask if you may, is disintegrating. Now, it is up to you to recalibrate yourself, what stays, what goes, what help can you hire, ask for help, get a mentor in the field that is annoying you the most, change your routine, living space, move house, move country. What is that for you? The old role is done and complete, one could say the old karmic patterns have disintegrated. Now - what is it that scares you? You know you have to do this - but it scares you? What is that? That - is what is surfacing from the hidden depths - you can’t deny this truth that is bubbling up that you have to action, align yourself and step into in your life. I am not telling you anything you don’t know but you don’t want to drown in the swamp of stagnation by not actioning this - you want become that beautiful glowing asf Lily Flower that opens her petals and receives all the abundance of the universe that the Fae are pouring it’s cornucopia out to you for. It’s available. The crumbling is real, your authentic self busting forth into a life you want, not someone else’s choosing for you or persona you’re having to uphold - but your authentic you - is best for all involved. Know this - you being honest with your deepest soul desires - will bring you all you desire. As the old disintegrates be okay with not knowing for a while, whilst your Soul desires come into full focus. For that - is what will set you free. Love xxx These… are the last days for Legacy. Click here before doors close: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy