🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 7th July 2020 🔮
Jul 07, 2020
🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 7th July 2020 🔮
Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting you from the Work Your Light Oracle Card Deck today.
In these fast paced, rapidly transforming times, it is easy to get stuck, tripped up, doubt yourself, get confused and go backwards, especially with the world events not supporting any of the energies coming at you! HUGS!!!!
In the 30 Day Reality Shifter, this is where deep level 1:1 support from me during this huge transitional space in time resides.
With 2 x 45min Phone Call Psychic Readings & Intuitive Healings and 30 Days of Unlimited WhatsApp Voice and Text Messages, all your questions are answered, so you can release the confusion and pain, spread your wings and fly once again.
With priority phone call time slots in my schedule, you can start right away to get you back on the road to your happy, free and content self through one of Humanities greatest transitions of all time, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-shifter-program
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Align Your Life. ‘What is no longer in alignment with who you are?’
Ah, you might have received this card two weeks ago and be like, ‘Yeah, yeah I know, I know!’ And yet, the key here is that yes, you know, and two main important factors with this card for you today is - number 1, please, please, please don’t beat yourself up for ‘still being there’ or ‘doing it again’ or anything of the sort! Which I know is easier said than done. Plus the regret is a part of the healing and grief cycle, the part that each time we ‘do it again’ it makes us stronger to not go there again, until eventually we might think about it, but we just don’t. So please be gentle with yourself! The other message here is that with this card specifically today for you I am also feeling like many parts of you are fragmented right now. Have you been in a volatile environment? A harsh energy? Had fights or negativity thrown at you recently? This can cause us to scatter and shatter our energy in an attempt to protect ourselves plus also the pure vibration of such a harsh energy for a pure open hearted Earth Angel Empath is deeply traumatising - have you been in such an environment recently with someone? Also, if you take drugs of any kind, this can also scatter and shatter your energy and leave big holes in your Aura which allows for negative and dark energy to enter you, where your pure open heart Soul is ‘supposed’ to be. When we have been in a traumatising environment, we also (our Soul) also leaves our body because we don’t feel safe and again, that dark energy can ‘take it’s place’ whilst we just hover above our body. So, if you have been in such a place, then, remove yourself from such an environment asap. At the same time, seek support from a Healer you trust that can remove such darkness from your Aura and body as after being in such an environment, usually we are too engrossed/close to it to see clearly at this point. The other thing you can do (there are many things of course!) but, is to spend time in Nature as the Fairies are Masters at sewing up the holes in your Aura, which is why you always feel better for spending time in Nature and feel revived and alive from doing so. You are whole and healed again and your energy isn’t leaking all over the place. I am also getting the message for you to drink more pure water. If you have been feeling lethargic and tired, first of all, of course, remove yourself from harsh environments, but deeply increase your water intake to keep you hydrated and thinking straight. Many forget to drink water and it is so simple and so effective. We ‘should’ be drinking 2-3lts of water a day. Many struggle with this, however there are ways. I always carry a 1 or 2 lt bottle of water around with me so I can monitor how much I am drinking and just make sure I drink two of them over the day minimum. Drinking 2 big glasses of water on an empty stomach when you wake is also powerful for setting up your body system for the day. Regardless, get into the habit of drinking the required amounts of water a day and deeply support yourself to come back to the energetic you, the whole, you, the strong, motivated, happy heart you, that you know yourself to be and remove anything from your life that is pulling your vibration down. Rise up precious Soul. We love and need you to shine. Love xxx In these fast paced, rapidly transforming times, it is easy to get stuck, tripped up, doubt yourself, get confused and go backwards, especially with the world events not supporting any of the energies coming at you! HUGS!!!! In the 30 Day Reality Shifter, this is where deep level 1:1 support from me during this huge transitional space in time resides. With 2 x 45min Phone Call Psychic Readings & Intuitive Healings and 30 Days of Unlimited WhatsApp Voice and Text Messages, all your questions are answered, so you can release the confusion and pain, spread your wings and fly once again. With priority phone call time slots in my schedule, you can start right away to get you back on the road to your happy, free and content self through one of Humanities greatest transitions of all time, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it:https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-shifter-program
Card #2: Anna, Grandmother of Jesus. ‘Seeding the Light. Laying Foundations. Divine Plan.’
Ah, what is coming through so strongly as soon as I saw this card for you is about Light Language! Do you do/channel Light Language yourself? Do you have inklings to let sounds out of your mouth or move your body in certain ways? I feel that you have already sensed something wanting to come out of you or you’ve been drawn to Light Language in some way shape or form. Perhaps it isn’t Light Language as such, but more of something different that is wanting to come out of you. Perhaps you have had contact with a new Spirit Guide recently and they are showing or guiding you to something to create in the world - trust this. I feel you’ve been drawn here to trust this new thing or new venture you’ve been receiving information about. I am also getting the message for you about a new mentor, or new person that has recently entered your life, or that you’re about to meet in the next 24-48hrs and I feel they are having or will have a significant impact on your life purpose path. I feel that they and you, have valuable information to exchange with each other, just like your Spirit Guide in a way and yet, this person is in physical form. Perhaps your Spirit Guide lead this divine meeting in the first place 🤩 If opportunities present themselves in the next month - say yes and then figure out the how later as I feel that this coming time for you is a very magical and high level and ‘instant’ manifestation space for you - you’ve done a lot of work and have come a long way and all this magic in your life, is from years of doing the work. It is to be celebrated beautiful one - let yourself receive it, truly let it in and receive more 😉 I am also getting thee message for you to trust your intuition about the situation you are enquiring about, which may or may not be related to what we’ve already spoken about here. If you are confused - you’ve taken on another’s energy or opinions about the situation - you asked them what you should do, instead of trusting yourself in the first place. So - go back to prior to the confusion and what they said to you as they are only giving you advice from their limited mindset and probably fear of losing you in some way shape or form. You already know the decisions and actions you need to take, without their opinion. Asking their opinion is only showing yourself, you don’t trust your intuition - but you do, don’t you? Love xxx In these fast paced, rapidly transforming times, it is easy to get stuck, tripped up, doubt yourself, get confused and go backwards, especially with the world events not supporting any of the energies coming at you! HUGS!!!! In the 30 Day Reality Shifter, this is where deep level 1:1 support from me during this huge transitional space in time resides. With 2 x 45min Phone Call Psychic Readings & Intuitive Healings and 30 Days of Unlimited WhatsApp Voice and Text Messages, all your questions are answered, so you can release the confusion and pain, spread your wings and fly once again. With priority phone call time slots in my schedule, you can start right away to get you back on the road to your happy, free and content self through one of Humanities greatest transitions of all time, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-shifter-program
Card #3: The Ever Unfolding Rose. ‘Cracked Open. It’s happening for you, not to you.’
Gosh, do you feel like you’ve been through the wringer lately?! Are you in a place where you can’t stop crying?! Or know you need to and can’t?! This is normal for this time of year, meaning the Eclipse Season and so many huge astrological events going on, let alone - have you for the past 12-18months been on this healing journey that has dropped you into a deep space of healing, self reflection and inner journeying work, meditations and many kinds of shifts you’ve been undertaking to make your life better in some way shape or form? Have you watched my ‘Cycles of Healing’ Video? If not, please do as it will deeply help you realise that what you are going through is very normal: https://youtu.be/IrQ0u1C9sZE ) Not nice to go through, but a very normal part of awakening is crying and releasing trauma through tears! Which, most people are not comfortable with - however, crying is one of the most healing aspects you can allow yourself to feel - especially when the waves come. When we allow ourself to ride these waves - we unfold like this Rose, bit by bit. We defrost and thaw out so those tears are melting the ice that has been keeping us stuck around our closed heart and we begin to open little by little and feel solid and grounded in that, because we are not carrying those big lumps of grief around anymore. “Allow what is falling away, to fall away.” As it says in the guide book - it is so what this is about. We only struggle to let go when we haven’t fully and completely grieved the situation and the reality with grief is that it comes in waves and it comes in cycles (refer to the video I was mentioning). Just so important to honour it - all. The ups and the downs, the ebs and the flows. Why? Because that is the nature of life. There is day and there is night. These are the natural cycles and our body and life has these cycles too. Allow them and trust them. Now is a time to be so gentle on yourself and treat yourself like you would a sad, scared child - you’d wrap them up in love and tell them its going to be okay - this is how you need to be tending to yourself right now too. Reach out and gain support if you need to, you’re not alone and you deserve to be supported 100%. Love xxx In these fast paced, rapidly transforming times, it is easy to get stuck, tripped up, doubt yourself, get confused and go backwards, especially with the world events not supporting any of the energies coming at you! HUGS!!!! In the 30 Day Reality Shifter, this is where deep level 1:1 support from me during this huge transitional space in time resides. With 2 x 45min Phone Call Psychic Readings & Intuitive Healings and 30 Days of Unlimited WhatsApp Voice and Text Messages, all your questions are answered, so you can release the confusion and pain, spread your wings and fly once again. With priority phone call time slots in my schedule, you can start right away to get you back on the road to your happy, free and content self through one of Humanities greatest transitions of all time, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-shifter-program
Card #4: Soul Family. ‘Call In Your Tribe. You don’t have to do it alone!’
First of all, I am trusting you are in my free Reality Awareness Support Group on facebook? There is a tribe of us in there, just like you that feels all, knows all, have probably been told you’re crazy, too much, too heavy - too something! Simply because the person saying it didn’t know how to handle (control!) you, because you don’t tolerate that! You’re strong, you’re sensitive, you’re highly intuitive, you have a gift and you feel very different to 99% of people around you. I feel this card has come to you to know you are not alone - a big reason I created the Reality Awareness Support Group and Trust Your Intuition Course - is because I KNEW there were others of me in the world, but in my physical vicinity I didn’t know anyone (expect 3 people) and so I dedicated myself to growing my tribe to find you! There is a HUGE support in that group, if you’re not in there, please join us for free in there and post when you need support - you’re not alone! The other message for this card I am getting is about expansion. The Dolphins and Whales are jumping out of the water on this card and I feel that this is your sign to leap into your uncomfortability!! Put yourself out there, get uncomfortable - put yourself in situation that you KNOW your Soul is asking of you, but you’ve been putting off because you’ve been scared to because it pushes you outside of your comfort zone. This card? Is your sign to do that! Whether that is joining a group or expanding your business and your own tribe - either way, whatever it is your Soul has been urging you to do - is your answer to your prayers to not feel so alone anymore. Maybe it’s making a post in a group and reaching out for the first time - allow yourself to receiving the love, support and gift of receiving. Sometimes we have trouble asking for help or putting ourselves out there because we have done that in the past and been burnt and shut down our own heart, because it has happened so often! Honey, please know that the only thing you need to change is the people you are surrounding yourself with and asking for help from!! #truthbomb! So, get uncomfortable, and reach out to the right people for support - not the ones that you know will let you down again. Trust the calling of the uncomfortable path - for that one, is just pushing beyond what you’ve always known. It is safe for you to be around people who lift you up and encourage you or reflect your gift back to you. If you’ve been burnt time and time again, this is your sign to get help and support to work through that… because you’re over it right? Over not having someone who gets it, over doing it alone, over it all! It’s time beautiful one, it’s time. Or you wouldn’t be feeling this way. Now, what makes you super uncomfortable that you KNOW your Soul is calling you to take action in what direction? Trust it. Love xxx In these fast paced, rapidly transforming times, it is easy to get stuck, tripped up, doubt yourself, get confused and go backwards, especially with the world events not supporting any of the energies coming at you! HUGS!!!! In the 30 Day Reality Shifter, this is where deep level 1:1 support from me during this huge transitional space in time resides. With 2 x 45min Phone Call Psychic Readings & Intuitive Healings and 30 Days of Unlimited WhatsApp Voice and Text Messages, all your questions are answered, so you can release the confusion and pain, spread your wings and fly once again. With priority phone call time slots in my schedule, you can start right away to get you back on the road to your happy, free and content self through one of Humanities greatest transitions of all time, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-shifter-program
Card #5: The Age Of Light. ‘You’ve been training for this for lifetimes.’
Ah, do you feel under qualified? Honey - can you let that go?! This card has come to you today that even though these feelings of you can’t do it, or aren’t good enough or need more training or need to do the thing FIRST - no… no… NO! Stop under valuing yourself, stop doubting yourself, stop thinking that what is happening in your life now is because you ‘deserve it’ or some bad karma. NO! STOP thinking negatively! Can I just say that too?! Whenever we take a course or acquire new knowledge, we have actually learnt this information before in the past in some way shape or form PLUS the fact that all information exists in this multi-dimensional universe that we can access at anytime, so whenever you are learning something new, you are re-activating it in your system in a conscious way. The other message I am getting here for you is that a piece of not feeling comfortable in your gifts, in your thing that you do or know you have to step up and start doing is, practise. Practise, practise, practise. This is such an under thought of thing in a way and I always bring it back to the driving a car analogy. In the start, when you were learning it was scary and huge and took soooo much energy to do right?! And now, you don’t even think twice about it and probably do things driving you are not suppose to do in a way. So always remember that the more you practise the thing and yes, that means getting uncomfortable in the thing your Soul is calling you to do - will get easier and it will become more natural for you. I also feel that this card may come as a confirmation for what you’ve just stepped up and started doing and I feel that it is like a congratulations and celebration for you to acknowledge yourself stepping up. I also feel like you are coming into realisation of your gift an actually acknowledging an honouring what you are here to do by listening and taking action on those steps yes? I feel like more doors are opening up for you because you have stepped into this new life of doing the thing you have been called to do and from this, because you have taken action on the thing, the floodgates have opened so to speak and you may have more ideas flooding in about what to do - which is exciting for you! Write them down, but most importantly take action on them. Getting uncomfortable will become your norm and you can learn to stay in the flow easily in this space - because the flow, the ideas, the energy - is too delicious to to back to anything else from this. Practise, practise, practise - you are good enough to do your thing - you wouldn’t be getting the pull and call to it otherwise. Love xxx In these fast paced, rapidly transforming times, it is easy to get stuck, tripped up, doubt yourself, get confused and go backwards, especially with the world events not supporting any of the energies coming at you! HUGS!!!! In the 30 Day Reality Shifter, this is where deep level 1:1 support from me during this huge transitional space in time resides. With 2 x 45min Phone Call Psychic Readings & Intuitive Healings and 30 Days of Unlimited WhatsApp Voice and Text Messages, all your questions are answered, so you can release the confusion and pain, spread your wings and fly once again. With priority phone call time slots in my schedule, you can start right away to get you back on the road to your happy, free and content self through one of Humanities greatest transitions of all time, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-shifter-program
Card #6: Don’t Dim To Fit In. ‘How are you dimming your light in order to fit in?’
Ah, the first message that is coming through and might sound weird for this card, but relates to money! How are you dimming your light when it comes to money? What needs cleaning up? What needs tending to? Many people want more money and a particular lifestyle, but they won’t do the required work to make that happen. But…. That’s not you right? The fastest way to make more money is to look at, focus on and track your money everyday. That includes, yes, money tracking, income and expenses everyday plus mindset and energetic work everyday. Now, if you are someone who does the work, you would already be doing these things. So, the question comes into - what are you dimming your light to, in relationship to money? How do you feel about money? Are you allowing the limiting beliefs you hold about money to stop you doing the thing, making the choice and acting on it? The other messages here is about cleaning up, what needs to be cleaned up energetically, physically, technically, in relation to your money, book keeping and other ways related to your money? Unpaid bills, outstanding debt and more? I am getting the sense that ‘not looking at these things’ - is dimming your light and the first step towards becoming brighter so to speak, is to look at them, get organised, focus and step forward. Ignoring things holds you back - and you could apply this to ANY area of your life as I feel you have been doing all the work, working hard to change things and it…. Feels like things haven’t really changed compared to the work you’ve put in, in a way right? I know that sounds negative, but sometimes you are ready to give up it feels like? No, no need to give up - just tidying up is all that is needed for this shifts the energy and you are free for the next thing to come in. If you've been somewhat confused about what to do next or feel blocked - tidy up and shift the energy. Tidying up clears out what is blocking your light so you can see again so to speak. The other message I am getting here is, similar to tidying up - is tying up loose ends, it feels like a time to cut cords, release yourself from situations that are holding you back and ‘not letting you’ have space to do your thing in a way it feels like. If something feels draining, it also pulls on your light and energy and so it’s time to let it go - so you can feel free to breath again and shine your light where you’re being called to shine it most. In relation to your business, is there an aspect that you need to reassess your pricing structures? Does something feel ‘off’ about what you offer? Ask your Soul for clarity as these off feelings are only leading you to more expansion, not stopping it 😉 Release what no longer feels aligned so the sparkling Diamond energy that you are, can shine once more. Love xxx In these fast paced, rapidly transforming times, it is easy to get stuck, tripped up, doubt yourself, get confused and go backwards, especially with the world events not supporting any of the energies coming at you! HUGS!!!! In the 30 Day Reality Shifter, this is where deep level 1:1 support from me during this huge transitional space in time resides. With 2 x 45min Phone Call Psychic Readings & Intuitive Healings and 30 Days of Unlimited WhatsApp Voice and Text Messages, all your questions are answered, so you can release the confusion and pain, spread your wings and fly once again. With priority phone call time slots in my schedule, you can start right away to get you back on the road to your happy, free and content self through one of Humanities greatest transitions of all time, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-shifter-program