đź”® Reading Results are IN đź”® for 7th May 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot May 07, 2024

đź”® Reading Results are IN đź”® for 7th May 2024 

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today, to see what message is awaiting you there from the Daily Guidance from the Angels for you. 

Are you a visionary entrepreneur at the brink of something big? You can feel it bubbling at the edges, but you can’t quite access it. You’ve built a business that aligns with your deepest beliefs and you’re successful in this.

You’re passionate about empowering others to be their best selves, you do this without even getting paid most of the time, you love empowerment, spirituality, intuition, and healing. Yet, you find yourself at a crossroads, feeling as if an invisible ceiling is capping your potential - spiritually and financially. Imagine if you could elevate your influence and shatter those income ceilings with nothing more than the tools you already possess - your intuition and spiritual insights.

Trust Your Intuition harnesses your innate psychic abilities to make strategic decisions that exponentially grow your business, breaking through financial barriers to receive the income you desire and step into your calling as a public figure in the spiritual community with confidence and authenticity - Trust Your Intuition - is made just for you click here for the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen đź‘‘

Card #1: Blessing in Disguise. “What appears to be a problem is actually part of your answered prayer. You’ll understand the reasons behind your present situation, as everything resolves. Trust in heaven’s protection and infinite wisdom to answer your prayer in the best way.” 

You are being asked right now to stretch your faith. Perhaps you are seeing signs, perhaps you are not - but regardless Spirit is coming in strong to remind you that this situation is happening because your Purpose is shifting gears. You are no longer running at effect of your societal and family generational upbringing, imprints and consciousness. You have been doing the work and the Spirit world sees this. Your Soul sees this. You have worked hard to get where you are and it is time you see what you have accomplished, how far you’ve come and from this vantage point, get super clear on what you want. When you have released a lot of societal and generational programming and imprints it can come to a ‘standstill’ where you don’t quite know what we want (you do and you don’t) but you’re very clear what you don’t want. It is almost like that teeny tiny gap (is it small actually?!!?) that place of stillness (or is it still moving) of that place in between your inhale… and your exhale…. there is a tiny gap of stillness - before you exhale.. right now - you are here - you are experiencing life from a different vantage point, no longer walking up the big hill, but you are at the top, now deciding which way to go from here - seeing what you can see and choosing your life from this place. What a view. What if, you could have anything you choose? The Astrology has been insanely intense this last few weeks, but May gives us a sigh of relief, a breath of fresh air. Now is the time to recalibrate and set your compass in where you want to go and focus upon it with unwavering faith, forward focus and a diligent commitment like you’ve never experienced before. This situation that you are in right now - will pass - and whilst you know this, the reminder here is that, this is happening BECAUSE you have asked for a better life, because you have shifted gears and raised your standards, you will be tested and… things will change. That is what is happening right now - let them. People will suddenly leave, situations will come out of the blue to test you beyond tomorrow. But you will pass the test. You have passed the test. Now.. it is time to get really clear on what you do what to create in your life, not a replicated version of your childhood or reflection of your family system lineage, because you can create the life of your dreams and live what you want, or you can replicate your family system because there are unmet needs there. No judgement from my end, but just an awareness that… if I was doing - if I truly gave myself permission to live my own life - what exactly would I be choosing? If I was to live the life I wanted, what is that? Because this Blessing in Disguise you - has opened up a pathway - for you to create just that - a life of your own, not a replicated family system or societal imprinting. So, what do you truly choose? Love xxx Are you a visionary entrepreneur at the brink of something big? You can feel it bubbling at the edges, but you can’t quite access it. You’ve built a business that aligns with your deepest beliefs and you’re successful in this. You’re passionate about empowering others to be their best selves, you do this without even getting paid most of the time, you love empowerment, spirituality, intuition, and healing. Yet, you find yourself at a crossroads, feeling as if an invisible ceiling is capping your potential - spiritually and financially. Imagine if you could elevate your influence and shatter those income ceilings with nothing more than the tools you already possess - your intuition and spiritual insights. Trust Your Intuition harnesses your innate psychic abilities to make strategic decisions that exponentially grow your business, breaking through financial barriers to receive the income you desire and step into your calling as a public figure in the spiritual community with confidence and authenticity - Trust Your Intuition - is made just for you click here for the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Family. “This situation is rooted in an emotional experience with a family member, which we can help you to understand and heal. In your mind and heart, surround this person, yourself and the experience with a calming blue light and many angels. Be open to the gifts within the situation and allow yourself to feel peace.”

Generational roots, generational lineage, but also - the societal programming that comes alongside generational lineage, so a double bind wound I call this - a layered wound if you may. This card, has also shown up for you if you are feeling like the repeating patterns are not going away, if the patterns have become glaringly obvious or you are seeing parental traits your intimate partner, if you are wondering why this has ‘all happened all of a sudden’ when things were really good or that your revenue in your business is an income cap you just can’t seem to break through that glass ceiling - this, is due to the societal and generational lineage programming in your blueprint DNA… clear and change this and your income will skyrocket, patterns will break and you will be set free to a new reality that is…. what you have been working to birth, create and have been doing all this time. It reaches a point where everything shifts - manifestation means, reality shifts! When you’re asking for more, when you’re asking for new things, experiences, relationships, income levels, love or anything else - of course reality shifts. It is the ‘snap’ where all your affirmations, embodiment, journalling, visualisations and manifestation works moves from just your thinking and dreaming and lands into reality and that can feel like a catalytic tsunami wave of change. You are running the gauntlet. You are being tested like no tomorrow. The grief won’t stop. People come out of the blue and tell you what you are doing wrong or how much they hate you. Someone passes away unexpectedly whilst you are hitting incredible breakthroughs in your business for the first time and celebrating is torn  because of your personal life. People love you and praise you and new loving clients, people and situations enter your life. You hit new income levels and sustain them - all at the same time. The polarity is experienced all in a split millisecond all at once and over months all at the same time. Time.. becomes different. You have merged into a higher aptitude of yourself and you know what honey? You’ve been preparing for this for lifetimes. God doesn’t give you anything you cannot handle and your dreams are becoming reality - THAT is why everything is shifting at once. The good and the ‘bad’. The hard and the easy. The eye opening and heartbreaking. The smiles and the tears. And… you’ve got it all. Your dreams… are coming true, but at this moment in time, it might not feel it, but it is. Don’t give up now, you’re just getting started and reality shifting like this aka change - is THE SIGN. Love xxx Are you a visionary entrepreneur at the brink of something big? You can feel it bubbling at the edges, but you can’t quite access it. You’ve built a business that aligns with your deepest beliefs and you’re successful in this. You’re passionate about empowering others to be their best selves, you do this without even getting paid most of the time, you love empowerment, spirituality, intuition, and healing. Yet, you find yourself at a crossroads, feeling as if an invisible ceiling is capping your potential - spiritually and financially. Imagine if you could elevate your influence and shatter those income ceilings with nothing more than the tools you already possess - your intuition and spiritual insights. Trust Your Intuition harnesses your innate psychic abilities to make strategic decisions that exponentially grow your business, breaking through financial barriers to receive the income you desire and step into your calling as a public figure in the spiritual community with confidence and authenticity - Trust Your Intuition - is made just for you click here for the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #3: See Only Love. “Look past the seeming errors, mistakes and misunderstandings, and see only the love within each person (including yourself). Your resolute focus upon the love that underlies every situation brings about healing in undreamed-of ways.”

If you are triggered right now - take a look deep inside. Coming off Card #2 - Family - whatever situation is going on in your life right now, is because of a childhood wound that has been deeply touched by the glowing rod of the iron bar - OUCH. You are hurting right now and there is nothing that ANYONE can do to help you! I know this doesn’t sound very helpful - BUT it is the truth - meaning - no one can help you out of this situation - BUT YOU. #realitycheck. No healer, no doctor, no counsellor, no friend, no person in your life - or outside of your life. No one. Do you know who can change this situation and heal you? Yep, you guessed it - YOU. This has hit so fucking deep for you - because what you are healing right now - is the victim, trauma filled, cyclic drama pattern that has been creating every shit event in your life ever since. And you know WHY this is coming up for you? Because you asked for a better life. Because you want to experience the deepest, most purest love available on the planet. Because you want a relationship that blows the socks off anyone and anything you’ve seen in your life or online. Because you want to experience joy to the highest levels, because you want to live your best life, because you want EVERYTHING and leave your mind blowing legacy that changes the entire damn world. And this is why you have been cut to your core, why you have hit rock bottom, why you are envious and jealous as fuck to the people who have triggered you the most… because this victim imprinting vibration is not serving you anymore and it is dissipating and you are right in it the volcano has erupted and it is allllll coming out. Wolf Spirit is also right by your side, shedding these old layers of your consciousness of your psyche. You may not know the way, but your Wolf does. This pattern hasn’t been serving where you are heading and this level of imprinting and lower vibrations in your body definitely won’t allow the vibration of your best fucking life ever in - THIS is what is allllll shifting out so you can… live your best life ever. I know this - because I have been there. And I also know the breakthrough moments that are about to come for you. See Only Love is reminding you of your truth, of your heart - that the childhood wounding is clouding for you right now, remember - this is releasing from your body and you may not know what lays ahead - but you are trusting, hoping and deep down in your heart, you know.. that you are in process of becoming the best version of yourself and your life - even, as all is dissipating beneath you.. hold onto - that Hope. Love xxx Are you a visionary entrepreneur at the brink of something big? You can feel it bubbling at the edges, but you can’t quite access it. You’ve built a business that aligns with your deepest beliefs and you’re successful in this. You’re passionate about empowering others to be their best selves, you do this without even getting paid most of the time, you love empowerment, spirituality, intuition, and healing. Yet, you find yourself at a crossroads, feeling as if an invisible ceiling is capping your potential - spiritually and financially. Imagine if you could elevate your influence and shatter those income ceilings with nothing more than the tools you already possess - your intuition and spiritual insights. Trust Your Intuition harnesses your innate psychic abilities to make strategic decisions that exponentially grow your business, breaking through financial barriers to receive the income you desire and step into your calling as a public figure in the spiritual community with confidence and authenticity - Trust Your Intuition - is made just for you click here for the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: Be Honest With Yourself. “Look into your heart and you will know the truth of this situation. It’s safe to admit the truth to yourself, for we will support and guide you through any necessary changes. Lean upon us of courage and the strength to take good care of yourself. Focus only upon your true desires and they’ll come to you upon angels wings.”

Number 1 - what does your heart even want? And number 2 - do you truly have to try and renege up these old ways to do it?  Don’t - throw the baby out with the bath water but there is something trying to come in - or about to come in - that is going to change the entire trajectory of how and why you are doing something. “Lean upon us of courage and the strength to take good care of yourself.” - this feels an imperative piece and it feels you have just started to - or you are - giving your all into this new venture, this new direction and I am hearing ‘don’t give up right before the miracle occurs’ and also - the structure of something - is this a new structure you are implementing, or is it that you just have implemented a new structure and now you’re ‘finding your feet’ with it…. it could be a new exercise regimen, business structure, relationship that you’re learning or mindset training you are working on yourself (or anything else). I am hearing that ‘now it is here’ - now it is is time to act from this place. I am also hearing, stay connected to your reality during this transition and that you know what to do, so stop waiting around to say the perfect words at the perfect time and instead, show up being your authentic self with your authentic heart and allowing your soul to shine through. As much as this is - change the structure but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater - it is also like - just because things have changed, doesn’t mean you have to hide away or change things. Like of course, new expansion structures etc are always in flow with the growth of a new relationship, moving house, changing jobs or accentuating business projects, but at the same time - what got you here was trusting your own intuition what to do - so nothing also needs to change - yes? Come back to what you know is true in your own heart, all the answers are right there for you and all you need to do, is drop back to this place - as you implement the changes or not, only you’ll know what is right for you, but reality is - you know what to do. Be honest with yourself about this, take back your power and control and do what is right in your own heart - this, right now, is all that matters. Love xxx Are you a visionary entrepreneur at the brink of something big? You can feel it bubbling at the edges, but you can’t quite access it. You’ve built a business that aligns with your deepest beliefs and you’re successful in this. You’re passionate about empowering others to be their best selves, you do this without even getting paid most of the time, you love empowerment, spirituality, intuition, and healing. Yet, you find yourself at a crossroads, feeling as if an invisible ceiling is capping your potential - spiritually and financially. Imagine if you could elevate your influence and shatter those income ceilings with nothing more than the tools you already possess - your intuition and spiritual insights. Trust Your Intuition harnesses your innate psychic abilities to make strategic decisions that exponentially grow your business, breaking through financial barriers to receive the income you desire and step into your calling as a public figure in the spiritual community with confidence and authenticity - Trust Your Intuition - is made just for you click here for the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: Trustworthy Guidance. “You’ve received a wonderful idea as an answer to your prayers. This idea is real and trustworthy. You can safely move forward with it, knowing that we are with you every step of the way. Ask for and be open to receiving our support for anything that you need related to this idea.”

Okay - first of all - remember to ask. Sometimes in the hustle of everything - we forgot to ask! And the other strong message here is tend to your paperwork - what essential nuts and bolts so to speak, do you need to tend to? Whilst the image on the card is that of an artist painting or drawing I am getting the strong sense in a need to tend to your physical reality. Sometimes when we are busy, it is easy to let non-essential things go and right now - it is time to stop, break and tend to these. Or is it, that you are needing a break too? When we are go go busy mode, it is hard to hear our intuition and even trust it - because we are just on the go the entire time. This card has come to you to remind you that deep inside you do know the next move to make and that it is okay for you to take a break to recalibrate. As you give yourself permission to reset your frequency and integrate that which you have been through to make sure the compass is pointing in the direction you actually want to go - you can stay on path and accelerate the true destiny of your purpose, instead of not allowing these crucial reflection stillness times that allow for you to recode and expand with the expansion, rather than feeling left behind and FOMO kicking in and all kinds of things that is only triggering your not enough/not good enough/always left out/left last/never got the emotional love you needed childhood wounding wound playing out as the momentum you’ve built, takes it’s own course and you can allow what you’ve created to be it’s on Soul and grow whilst you’re in deep loving partnership to it. This is relationships 101. As you give yourself permission to rest, reset your nervous system at every level of your business (or relationship), you allow this integration to not just accelerate - but stabilise into your core manifesting the reality you’ve been doing all the work for in the first place. Hence, the tending to the paperwork essentials - or whatever the ‘paperwork’ means to you - it could be that house project you’ve left to the back burner or the new hobby you wanted to start. Regardless, you know what break/integration/tending to is required, but it is deep in physical reality that is required to ‘stabilise’ this shift. Remember, your unique purpose, unfolds at your unique pace, because it is part of a whole of a whole myriad of factors coming together that will allow it to happen when you can not just stabilise, but become the person you need to be to do what you were born to do. Come back to reality for a moment or more, take a break where your heart is calling you to, to allow this guidance to show you the next step. The core of the foundations lays here - tend to them aka reality. Love xxx Are you a visionary entrepreneur at the brink of something big? You can feel it bubbling at the edges, but you can’t quite access it. You’ve built a business that aligns with your deepest beliefs and you’re successful in this. You’re passionate about empowering others to be their best selves, you do this without even getting paid most of the time, you love empowerment, spirituality, intuition, and healing. Yet, you find yourself at a crossroads, feeling as if an invisible ceiling is capping your potential - spiritually and financially. Imagine if you could elevate your influence and shatter those income ceilings with nothing more than the tools you already possess - your intuition and spiritual insights. Trust Your Intuition harnesses your innate psychic abilities to make strategic decisions that exponentially grow your business, breaking through financial barriers to receive the income you desire and step into your calling as a public figure in the spiritual community with confidence and authenticity - Trust Your Intuition - is made just for you click here for the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: Energy Work. “Live can be electrifying because it’s very essence is energy. Your body is a remarkable energy filed that will positively respond to loving treatment. Your hands and heart are activated to give healing energy to your loved ones and clients.”

This situation calls for energy healing. There is an energetic piece that is holding you captive in a cage, feels like you are stuck in a physical timeline of old and yet your mind is operating in a timeline that is not yet grounded into your reality. Alongside this energy work - what physical movements do you need to take to that has been on your mind that you need to sort out? Is it a diet change, exercise routine or some physical health tending to that you need to focus on? Sometime here with your physical body is important at this time and of course, that can relate to trauma in your body. Have you felt sensations in your gut/stomach/bowel/heart/solar plexus/sacral/base lately? These are signs that you are grounding a new reality into existence and it is imperative that you can do what ever you can manage or accentuate right now for your physical body as this is housing your soul and this new frequency as you work through what you have been releasing - from your entire life! Remember, simply walking is sooo powerful for so many pieces of body, mind and soul -  don’t underestimate a simple walk! Regularly - even better. This card might be your sign to move to a higher level of physical fitness (which if this is you, this has been on your mind) so, needn’t need anymore signs for that one. This can also be relational to the Energy Work required around something to do with a house move, or home situation. Whatever ‘trauma is moving through your body’ that you may have felt as physical pains you don’t usually get - it is clearing out - but this Energy Work may be supported by a healer or physician that you are drawn to, to support this shifting in your lief. I am sensing this is going to clear and open up the pathway that allows your new home or home situation to be resolved and a brand new chapter of your life opening up. Get ready - your life won’t be the same and you certainly won’t be disappointed either! The worst is now behind you, only good things on the horizon to come and everything is lining up for you. Continue to trust the path you are walking, for it is indeed, right for you and creating all the magic that you know in your heart to be true. Love xxx Are you a visionary entrepreneur at the brink of something big? You can feel it bubbling at the edges, but you can’t quite access it. You’ve built a business that aligns with your deepest beliefs and you’re successful in this. You’re passionate about empowering others to be their best selves, you do this without even getting paid most of the time, you love empowerment, spirituality, intuition, and healing. Yet, you find yourself at a crossroads, feeling as if an invisible ceiling is capping your potential - spiritually and financially. Imagine if you could elevate your influence and shatter those income ceilings with nothing more than the tools you already possess - your intuition and spiritual insights. Trust Your Intuition harnesses your innate psychic abilities to make strategic decisions that exponentially grow your business, breaking through financial barriers to receive the income you desire and step into your calling as a public figure in the spiritual community with confidence and authenticity - Trust Your Intuition - is made just for you click here for the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition