đź”® Reading Results are IN đź”® for 8th November 2022
Nov 08, 2022
đź”® Reading Results are IN đź”® for 8th November 2022
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Ascended Masters Oracle.
You’re a Soul who is here to do more than normal. You’re a Soul who is here to set the world on fire with your passion, to speak your truth, live your Purpose and ignite other people to live a wholesome dedicated life. You’re not one of the crowd - you’re here to lead the crowd.
You’re one of a kind and you know it. You know you’re different, you know you’re born for more, you know you’re gifted and you already use it.
You feel a niggling inside of you and you know you’re ready to step into it full blast and give it all you have because… that is what is life is for - living - breathing and being on fire in the most dedicated way that you are here for - in deep intuitive flow, in deep service to the divine, in deep devotion to the Goddess that speaks within you, in deep divine love, joy and all that matters most to you.
Life Purpose Accelerator, my 12 Months Private 1:1 Mentorship is open for application now, click here for all the details or send me a message to chat about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen đź‘‘
Card #1: Follow Your Heart. St. Francis.
All that is sooo important right now is that you Follow Your Heart! Just as St Francis is saying here! Like - it is sooo strong for you right now this message. Hmm, have the Whales and Ocean been strong in your energy of late? Have you ‘shifted’ and come back and then ‘shifted’ again? It feels like big unleveling shifts for you are and have been occurring and whilst lots of things have cleared out for you it feels so strongly that there is an ‘Ocean of Abundance’ coming in for you and whilst that requires you to take some big leaps, risks - they are all so Soul aligned, so not a risk at all, but growth, love - JOY - the thing you’ve been wishing and dreaming about and for! I feel that this Follow Your Heart message is so strong for you at this time, because this is about you trusting your intuition ten fold and some at this time. I feel you are such a strong, powerful Soul and you hold a very solid energy that can move mountains - but you’ve been hiding - so don’t do that anymore! Come out of the spiritual closet as I say - but I feel you could’ve have just done this too. I feel you don’t need to justify what your Heart wants, you just need to move into a space where you own what you want - and just go get it without justifying yourself - just do it - and own it. I am hearing - ‘follow it and do it with reckless abandon - take deep trust in yourself and your Soul at this time - because it is only leading you to brighter days that you have always dreamed of living.’ You are being guided so strongly right now and - has your Faith been strong lately? Or have you been asking for your Faith to be increased? Or have you been getting signs to continue to stretch your Faith even when you are not sure how? This - is your quadruple sign to continue this Faith of yours! You know what your Heart wants, you know what feels right to you - you do not need anyone’s guidance or confirmation on the life you want to live - let alone you know is right for you. This is such a strong card in trusting your intuition at this time and just… letting this be normal for you. No need to justify, no need to preach it - although you can… because this is who you are and if shouting it from the roof tops brings you joy - then you better be shooting it baby! I am also sensing that if you have been feeling down lately, the wave of ‘up’ is about to come in full swing - but this is, because this is by YOU taking the lead - following your heart, leaping with faith, taking Soul aligned risks and THIS is what brings you the Joy - not what drops in your lap - but what you choose to do first… but - you already knew that right? So - what is it, that your Heart is calling you to do? Follow it baby - follow it all the way Home and some because… your Heart knows. Trust Your Intuition - Trust Your Heart - the message can’t get any clearer - Follow Your Heart. Love xxx You’re a Soul who is here to do more than normal. You’re a Soul who is here to set the world on fire with your passion, to speak your truth, live your Purpose and ignite other people to live a wholesome dedicated life. You’re not one of the crowd - you’re here to lead the crowd. You’re one of a kind and you know it. You know you’re different, you know you’re born for more, you know you’re gifted and you already use it. You feel a niggling inside of you and you know you’re ready to step into it full blast and give it all you have because… that is what is life is for - living - breathing and being on fire in the most dedicated way that you are here for - in deep intuitive flow, in deep service to the divine, in deep devotion to the Goddess that speaks within you, in deep divine love, joy and all that matters most to you. Life Purpose Accelerator, my 12 Months Private 1:1 Mentorship is open for application now, click here for all the details or send me a message to chat about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Teacher. Mahachohan Ragoczy
It’s time step up. It’s time to lead. It’s time to stop undercharging - or stop not charging at all. You’ve been doing this long enough now - your next level calls you. You’re not walking into 2023 with your old flair of ‘I need more practise’ - that’s bullshit - you’re ten leagues ahead of anyone who is thinking about starting and you’re skills are needed why? Because we can be teaching the same damn thing and someone who resonates with me, won’t resonate with you and someone who resonates with you, won’t resonate with me - it is the way the world works - so it is time to step up and into your truth - into your Leadership role, it I s time for you to stop hiding away under the guise of ‘I am not ready yet’ and step the fuck up baby! Hearing it?! You are a Leader, you naturally do it anyway but this is your what - 10th billion sign - to step it up?? Yep. This. Now. What are you even still reading for because you’re wasting time when you could be working on your own shit and yet, here you are, still waiting for that sign… meanwhile, you’re getting triggered and agitated in your own life about shit that is STILL irritating you because our are not yet taking that leap of faith, disciplining your ass down and doing the thing that you know you need to do, get done and focus on. Right? Soooo… you’re still reading? Okay, let me say it straight - if you’re not going to step up, the opportunity won’t go away - anyone knows you can change your life in any instant, any moment and make shit happen. But the reality is - is that you’ve been doing this for way longer than ‘I need more practise and I need to be ready’ - honey you are fucking ready and the world needs you - NOW! Not tomorrow, not next week - but now! Let alone the fact that right now IS the best time to start, get out of your comfort zone and do the thing that’s on your mind. The other thing that propels you forward with confidence so another year ain’t passing you by? Mentorship baby. Mentorship. Being mentored by someone who has walked this path ten times over and some, being mentored - oh, you are? So use it honey. Or you’re not? Think you can’t yet? And yet, you wonder why the Universe ain’t moving your life forward yet too? Some tough love here today… but again, why are you still reading? Maybe that’s because you’re ready for Life Purpose Accelerator? This is your time to STEP UP - so are you? Love xxx You’re a Soul who is here to do more than normal. You’re a Soul who is here to set the world on fire with your passion, to speak your truth, live your Purpose and ignite other people to live a wholesome dedicated life. You’re not one of the crowd - you’re here to lead the crowd. You’re one of a kind and you know it. You know you’re different, you know you’re born for more, you know you’re gifted and you already use it. You feel a niggling inside of you and you know you’re ready to step into it full blast and give it all you have because… that is what is life is for - living - breathing and being on fire in the most dedicated way that you are here for - in deep intuitive flow, in deep service to the divine, in deep devotion to the Goddess that speaks within you, in deep divine love, joy and all that matters most to you. Life Purpose Accelerator, my 12 Months Private 1:1 Mentorship is open for application now, click here for all the details or send me a message to chat about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: Go Now! Serapis Bay.
This card - may as well be the Walk Away From This Unhealthy Situation Card - or the leave this toxic relationship card. This card can also mean about your literal health, mental health, physical health, spiritual health, financial health - what needs to be packed up and left right now? What are you needing to walk away from? Or more so - what are you needing to walk TOWARDS? And I feel this card? Is VERY much about this for you. Change your focus, change your life, change your standpoint and change your life. So often, in the spiritual realm, we are looking for the problem to fix, the wound to heal, the thing that is wrong - and whilst at times we need to dig deep and look inside at what needs to be cleared, fixed, pulled out and re-written, but I feel at this time for you - you have done enough of that and also with - not the best results? I feel that for you, this is your sign to change your focus. What if you focused on what you are walking towards instead? What if you focused on the things that are good for your body, instead of the focus on all the things that are not good for your body that you won’t ‘walk away from’? What if you put all your energy into the good things, in the the things you loved? This is not about pushing away and denying what literally does need changing in your life, but I feel this card coming to you at this time is to shift - out of the darkness and into the Light, this card, is about you moving from a state of unease into a state of ease, from unhealthy into healthy and this is about you focusing on where you’re going, where you’re moving to, what amazingness this is going to bring you, already is and will make you feel - because this? Is the ‘key to success’ baby. This ‘Go Now!’ Is ‘ENOUGH’ of this focusing on the shit all the time because we only know - what that brings more of yes? Sooo… the question is - do you know where you’re going? Are you feeling down and like shit because of someone else’s vision for you that you’re trying to make happen in your life and it just isn’t aligned for you - but you are trying to make it work for what - approval? What about approving your own life? What about getting clear on what you truly want and where you’re going and ONLY focusing on this for a time - a long time - and see where that leads you? What have you got to lose anyway right? Turn your focus away from what isn’t working and focus on what is… and keep focusing on that and into the Light you go… for there - is everything there… What is it that you want? You do know what that is right? And are you deeply present with where you are alongside clear on where you’re going? This, is the strong message for you today - time to focus on where you’re heading to and what you want - for that, is what will be. Love xxx You’re a Soul who is here to do more than normal. You’re a Soul who is here to set the world on fire with your passion, to speak your truth, live your Purpose and ignite other people to live a wholesome dedicated life. You’re not one of the crowd - you’re here to lead the crowd. You’re one of a kind and you know it. You know you’re different, you know you’re born for more, you know you’re gifted and you already use it. You feel a niggling inside of you and you know you’re ready to step into it full blast and give it all you have because… that is what is life is for - living - breathing and being on fire in the most dedicated way that you are here for - in deep intuitive flow, in deep service to the divine, in deep devotion to the Goddess that speaks within you, in deep divine love, joy and all that matters most to you. Life Purpose Accelerator, my 12 Months Private 1:1 Mentorship is open for application now, click here for all the details or send me a message to chat about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Clear and Shield Your Energy. El Morya.
This is a time to amp up your spiritual protection - like disciplined everyday - several times a day if you feel it more deeply some days. Even before bed - what are you routines like at the moment or have they gone out the window? I am sensing that your routines for your self care are enough to keep you protected at this time - but are you even remembering or making them a priority? You know that is what a huge factor in spiritual protection is right? I am also getting the message - don’t waste your breath on those not ready to listen. This is an energetic drain all and in itself. I am sensing the strong sense of what chapters do you need to close off and where are you being guided to channel your energy to and for and on instead? It feels like a pertinent time for you in elevating to your next level, but you won’t do that by staying in the doors that are shutting on your face. Where do you need to be the one to cut ties, instead of waiting for that person to keep their promise that they said they would like - what 5 years ago? Right. No. No wonder you have a dark cloud hanging over your head! Or was it 25 years ago? This is a strong portal on our Total Lunar Eclipse today, to close off old portals and finish old stories and stop hanging onto threads you ‘thought were going to be there’ - well they are not and… isn’t it time you lived your life yet? I am also wondering if there is a bigger ‘web’ around you or over you that you need to also clear up too? These old threads you are ‘hanging onto’ or they are hanging onto you? Are needing to be finalised, because well, do you want that energy coming into 2023? I also feel that if these threads are ‘out of your hands’ you will receive information very soon about how you can tie up these loose threads sooner rather than later and - unexpected information will be coming in for you about this situation too. And yet, now more than ever your spiritual practises (and self care) is ever imperative for you during this time of Scorpio, this Total Lunar Eclipse and these threads that are still lingering. Also, did you pull card #3 at all too?! There is a different but same message in there about focus - where are you focusing your energy and whilst that ties in and it doesn’t to this message, it feels like you are needing to channel your energy into what lights you up at this time, because ‘whilst your hands are tied’ there is also this focus energy that can change the course of events and also ‘protect your energy’ during this time too. I keep getting the message - what was happening this time last year? And - where do you want to be this time next year? It is time for you to lift yourself up, discipline your routines and spiritual practises and change the course of your life - now is the time beautiful… so are you? Love xxx You’re a Soul who is here to do more than normal. You’re a Soul who is here to set the world on fire with your passion, to speak your truth, live your Purpose and ignite other people to live a wholesome dedicated life. You’re not one of the crowd - you’re here to lead the crowd. You’re one of a kind and you know it. You know you’re different, you know you’re born for more, you know you’re gifted and you already use it. You feel a niggling inside of you and you know you’re ready to step into it full blast and give it all you have because… that is what is life is for - living - breathing and being on fire in the most dedicated way that you are here for - in deep intuitive flow, in deep service to the divine, in deep devotion to the Goddess that speaks within you, in deep divine love, joy and all that matters most to you. Life Purpose Accelerator, my 12 Months Private 1:1 Mentorship is open for application now, click here for all the details or send me a message to chat about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: Priorities. King Solomon.
Soooo… when you get the thing - then what will you be doing? When you achieve your goals, when you have the money you desire, when you are satisfied and fulfilled, what will you be doing? What then? Priorities baby. King Solomon is asking you not only to get organised (because I feel like you’re pretty ‘full’ with things right now - you’re on course - stay this course) But for example - when I have x-y-z done then I will be exercising more or when I have x-y-z money then I will be eating healthier or when I have x-y-z house then I will be able to do - what? The strong message that I am getting here for you right now from King Solomon - is to prioritise the then I will be able to do the thing… = but do it now. No… don’t tell me but you can’t because of x-y-z hasn’t happened yet. Soooo.. you want a new house or location so you can do more exercise - you need to make time for it now. Soooo…. You want to eat healthier so you can do smoothies and juices and what - but those veggies go off in the fridge and another week goes by and ergh… You see - the Priorities can always get done no matter what - because you are the one in control of - TIME. No matter what the x-y-z is for you what it all comes down to? Is TIME TO DO IT. Everyone single person on this planet has 24 hours in a day it depends how you choose to use it - wait on - Prioritise your time - is the more accurate piece here. I am getting the message too - that you need more fun? More excitement? More joy? More… fun… or have you just been having that? It feels like it is something that needs to be prioritised into your scheduled and use - you have time! Make that juice at the same time you’re cooking dinner - you’re in the kitchen anyway! Watch Netflix if you must whilst you’re working out - or listen to your favourite mentor in your ears. If you’re looking for that diet change but struggling with it, start with increasing the quality or quantity of fruits and vegetables. Don’t take away what you love and what is supporting you right now (unless you’re disciplined enough and have enough joy in other areas of your life - otherwise you’ll struggle with this) - so keep what you love, even if it’s ‘unhealthy' and just add in what is good and can improve on in other areas. What Priorities are you being guided to ‘not wait until x-y-z’ is done - because if you were truly honest with yourself, you would recognise that yes - indeed, you can do an aspect, if not all of what you really want to do now - now. And you know what happens when you step into this? Oh - like magic, your new life arrives. This.. is you taking your power back now, this is you regaining your energy now, this, is you allowing yourself to live your life and not wait until x-y-z because who wants to do that?! Yeah didn’t think so… sooo, priorities - are now? Get up earlier, go to bed later…even just for a time.. because you can get to where you want to go - now. But you, are the only one dictating how you spend your time in the 24 hours that we all have. Unless you are a time warper or something ;) Love xxx You’re a Soul who is here to do more than normal. You’re a Soul who is here to set the world on fire with your passion, to speak your truth, live your Purpose and ignite other people to live a wholesome dedicated life. You’re not one of the crowd - you’re here to lead the crowd. You’re one of a kind and you know it. You know you’re different, you know you’re born for more, you know you’re gifted and you already use it. You feel a niggling inside of you and you know you’re ready to step into it full blast and give it all you have because… that is what is life is for - living - breathing and being on fire in the most dedicated way that you are here for - in deep intuitive flow, in deep service to the divine, in deep devotion to the Goddess that speaks within you, in deep divine love, joy and all that matters most to you. Life Purpose Accelerator, my 12 Months Private 1:1 Mentorship is open for application now, click here for all the details or send me a message to chat about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: Detach from Drama. Pallas Athena.
Whilst - yes - what also - do you need to say? Sometimes the ‘drama’ is the going around in your own head ten times and some and send you insane! Then it reaches a peak and you bust it all out and omg.. what a relief! Sometimes the ‘drama’ is - actually always - unmet needs in any kind of relationship where you are simply not getting your needs met. Now, not always are they ‘meant’ to be met by someone else - but voicing them IS your responsibility and is a requirement if you are to have any sort of healthy relationship with anyone, you must learn what your needs are, how to articulate them and how to met them yourself without requiring it be anyone else’s responsibility to meet them. It is a fine line to walk and ask for, let in and receive help and know the difference between meeting your own needs as well. In a relationship this will vary depending on what is going on for each person and the relationship at the same time - at any time. I am also getting the message too - that you’re waking up to another level of ‘drama’ at this time. Whether you’re in it, walking away from it or wondering if you’re a big part/reason or cause in the matter- you’re waking up to the next level and that is all that is ‘important right now’ - meaning it is not bad that you feel this way, but you are realising what is truly going on - but we usually do feel bad in the midst of ‘waking up’ and ‘waking up’ means looking at oneself. I feel you’re deeply reflecting at this time on what your part in this situation is and really taking stock of ‘is this really what I want in my life?’ ‘How do I work through this the best way possible without wondering if it is even worth trying?’ ‘Am I/are we ever going to get past this hurdle, will it ever resolve?’ I feel at this time you are really looking within and reassessing EVERYTHING. ‘Is this how I want my life to be?’ ‘Is this really what I have asked for?’ ‘What is my part in this creation and how can I change it?’ I feel that this hasn’t been an easy road for you recently and it has been smack bang in your face as you look deep within at this situation you have found yourself in and yet… you are getting through it - day by day - breath by breath - moment by moment and you are - pulling through. You are slowly turning the ship around and it is now heading in the right direction for the fruition of your Purpose. It has been a huge mountain you’ve been diving deeply into that just… has floored you and some, but you’re doing it and that, is all that matters. Stop being so hard on yourself because you are gaining deep wisdom right now, even though it doesn’t feel like it. You will look back on this time in your life, just like you look back on other times in your life and somewhat wonder how you go through it - but you also remember - the lessons, wisdoms and life changes that it took you on - just like now. So go easy on yourself and as hard as it is right now - enjoy these moments, so you you also look back and know you gave it all you had, made the best of a worst situation and remember that you gave life into every moment you can - because that… is what life is about and is what creates the imprints on your Soul - are those that you remember. Make them ones to remember. Love xxx You’re a Soul who is here to do more than normal. You’re a Soul who is here to set the world on fire with your passion, to speak your truth, live your Purpose and ignite other people to live a wholesome dedicated life. You’re not one of the crowd - you’re here to lead the crowd. You’re one of a kind and you know it. You know you’re different, you know you’re born for more, you know you’re gifted and you already use it. You feel a niggling inside of you and you know you’re ready to step into it full blast and give it all you have because… that is what is life is for - living - breathing and being on fire in the most dedicated way that you are here for - in deep intuitive flow, in deep service to the divine, in deep devotion to the Goddess that speaks within you, in deep divine love, joy and all that matters most to you. Life Purpose Accelerator, my 12 Months Private 1:1 Mentorship is open for application now, click here for all the details or send me a message to chat about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator