๐Ÿ”ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐Ÿ”ฎ for 8th October 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Oct 08, 2024

๐Ÿ”ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐Ÿ”ฎ for 8th October 2024

Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Salt Water Oracle for you ๐ŸŒŠ

You’re psychic, you're a mystic, you’re a healer. You’re established and want to expand your skills. You’re wanting to take your intuitive magic into your current workplace, but you don’t want to come across woo woo. You just want to hone your intuition so you can take your business to the next level - you want to unleash your unique purpose and use it to expand into greater levels of wealth, health and love to bring dreams to reality.

Your intuition is pretty clear, but you want to put the pieces of the intuitive puzzle together and truly know not just what steps you’re being guided to take in your purpose, but use your gift to help the world, because you’ve always felt you’re born for it, this is what you're here to do and you want to clarity of intuition, alignment of true purpose and receive unlimited abundance to support your wildest dreams to come true. Unleash the magic, trust your intuition doors close in 48 hours, click here to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ๐Ÿ‘‘

Card #1: Ceremonial Cup. ‘I embrace the role of spirituality in my life.’

You’re being asked to take your spiritual and psychic practises to the next level. Increase your meditation practise, learn new skills, step into mentorship,  understand the energetics, metaphysics and spiritual meaning of situations, energies and events in your life - feels more important now more than ever before. You have been through something recently that has made you question and change direction and life path about ten times (or so!) And now you’re just kinda waiting in limbo in a way, to see where you’re being guided to go. And yet - the answer for you - is to choose the path that is going to take your psychic, metaphysic and spiritual understanding to the next level. ‘I embrace the role of spirituality in my life.’ Feels like something you used to do a long time ago - as normal - but you shut it down or it ‘didn’t even get a chance to get off the ground’ because of people and circumstances that were hindering you - or you chose to put them first. Now, is the time to put you first. If you look at yourself as this ‘ceremonial cup’ - how are you treating yourself? Like the sacred Goddess/God that you are? Or are you still allowing your cup to come last? There is something here around switching the way you view yourself and ‘put yourself first’ above all. Sure you might be busy, but your ‘busy’  will benefit from you coming first for a change. It doesn’t have to be a great huge routine shift, but the benefits of what you do shift - are going to be extraordinarily noticeable you will wonder why you haven’t done this before now. I am also getting that your routine will obviously shift from this change, but you will be more productive when you do work and get your tasks done, so ultimately - filling your sacred cup - you as the ceremonial cup, is going to change the entire game for you.  So what is that as you are reading this, that comes to mind, that has been on your mind, that this message is clear for you that you need to fill your sacred well, first, now and make this your new routine, lifestyle and way of being? You’re being asked to step up your game and step up your spiritual practise - make life a moving meditation. Become the sacred cup. How do you need to support the next stage of your evolution now? Love xxx You’re psychic, you're a mystic, you’re a healer. You’re established and want to expand your skills. You’re wanting to take your intuitive magic into your current workplace, but you don’t want to come across woo woo. You just want to hone your intuition so you can take your business to the next level - you want to unleash your unique purpose and use it to expand into greater levels of wealth, health and love to bring dreams to reality. Your intuition is pretty clear, but you want to put the pieces of the intuitive puzzle together and truly know not just what steps you’re being guided to take in your purpose, but use your gift to help the world, because you’ve always felt you’re born for it, this is what you're here to do and you want to clarity of intuition, alignment of true purpose and receive unlimited abundance to support your wildest dreams to come true. Unleash the magic, trust your intuition doors close in 48 hours, click here to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Dragon Seahorse. ‘Bringing into balance the divine masculine and feminine aspects of  self.’

You need to reassess which direction you’re going and ‘how’ It feels like you’ve been pushing in one direction for too long and you either need to make a clear cut decision about this or just stop trying all together. I know that sounds a bit full on - but not making a decision is also a decision and it is actually more draining for you going around in a stagnant loop than actually taking action on moving yourself forward at this time with what you know you have to do. Because let’s be real, you’ve already made the decision, you just haven’t actioned that decision. Maybe it’s not yet time to - but the delay is also costing you more than if you would just do the thing because it is going to support you in ways that are going to move you forward - it is why you're thinking of them anyway right? There is also a great shift that is occurring or about to occur in your life at this time and it will bring more balance and harmony to your life, even if in the interim it brings about chaos - because ultimately, with any change, chaos comes, because well - it’s change. When we can change our view/mindset around the change that it is ‘just change’ and a process of transformation from one step to the next, from one stage to the other is that it makes it easier - to an extent. It takes the bigness out of it and ‘just something we do’. Of course things will feel big and they will feel even bigger when we are dealing with unprocessed emotions of the past that are affecting this change and it its the emotions that are big, not necessarily the change itself. Regardless, this is shifting your internal energetic frequency and you’re coming into greater levels of balance within yourself and around you. You will feel safer being in your feminine and receiving greater levels of love. You will feel safe with the masculine and need not be on guard anymore and open up to deeper levels of trust. In your relationships and in your life in general. Everything is connected and at it’s core everything comes back to how we first experienced mother and father love, care, nurturing, protection or lack there of. It is here is what is healing for you on a deep core level and this can rock your world as it does heal, because you are healing the foundations of which your reality is built. So if you are going through enormous change right now or it is about to knock on your door - know you have helped deep core foundations within yourself, so that you can set the bar to where you want - not capped at generational and societal lineage levels - but wherever you choose to go from here - will be purely of your own creation. That - is to be celebrated and… what an incredible clean slate you have from here - so what do you choose to create from here? Love xxx You’re psychic, you're a mystic, you’re a healer. You’re established and want to expand your skills. You’re wanting to take your intuitive magic into your current workplace, but you don’t want to come across woo woo. You just want to hone your intuition so you can take your business to the next level - you want to unleash your unique purpose and use it to expand into greater levels of wealth, health and love to bring dreams to reality. Your intuition is pretty clear, but you want to put the pieces of the intuitive puzzle together and truly know not just what steps you’re being guided to take in your purpose, but use your gift to help the world, because you’ve always felt you’re born for it, this is what you're here to do and you want to clarity of intuition, alignment of true purpose and receive unlimited abundance to support your wildest dreams to come true. Unleash the magic, trust your intuition doors close in 48 hours, click here to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #3: Healing Waters of Mintaka. ‘I call in Mintakas sacred waters to grant me divine clarity.’

You are in need of healing, cleansing and deep guidance. That guidance is coming - but.. there is something you are putting off/delaying, by not actioning what you know you need to do - in order to help move you forward. You feel paralysed, burnt and affected by all that you have tried to do and it ‘seemingly’ failing - but there is a greater part of you that fears success and that is why you are ‘okay with being in your stuck place’ right now. Ouch. I know. That is strong. But it is also truth. You are only being stopped/blocked/ridiculed and ‘attacked’ because you are not on the right path, nor are you truly listening to what the deeper divine purpose of your mission is guiding you to step up and become - you are still interwtwigingm family generational lineage ‘ways of doing your mission and that is why you have needed up where you are right now.’ Also ouch. I know. Sorry not sorry. It needs to beside, and heard. Your next quantum leap, your 'getting back to your happy zone’ - lays in not what you have done, but where your mission is evolving you to. Back in April/May/June - timelines switched that much in the collective that your mission become invalid - on this new timeline. To ‘catch up’ - your mission is still 150 million percent valid - but it needs reworking and your inner world needs reworking to align to this higher and new timeline that has entered our realm. Life, you and human consciousness is always evolving. You can’t save the world, you can’t change the world, you can’t save every human, you can’t change every human, but you can teach the ones willing to listen, your knowledge and it is here your mission its urging you to ‘catch up’ to this new timeline and new way that your vision and mission is wanting to birth through. You have gifts, skills and abilities that can change the world, but just do them for you - and teach them to larger audiences. Don’t do it for them, don’t just catch them a meal to provide to them - teach them how to do it. Remember, you will lose people in the process of how you evolve and change with this - but you will reach larger audiences and you will be able to help more people in the long run. Let go, heal and transform your people pleasing tendencies, heal the inner child in you that is still reaching for validation and love from your parents that you never received as a child and come into your maturity mission of what is calling forth from your soul to change the world. Because you can, but from a soul aligned mission place, not from an inner child needing validation place. Ouch I know has this message been, but long term - you’ll be happier because you healed, and came into alignment of your souls path, not a child’s memory reconnection path. Love xxx You’re psychic, you're a mystic, you’re a healer. You’re established and want to expand your skills. You’re wanting to take your intuitive magic into your current workplace, but you don’t want to come across woo woo. You just want to hone your intuition so you can take your business to the next level - you want to unleash your unique purpose and use it to expand into greater levels of wealth, health and love to bring dreams to reality. Your intuition is pretty clear, but you want to put the pieces of the intuitive puzzle together and truly know not just what steps you’re being guided to take in your purpose, but use your gift to help the world, because you’ve always felt you’re born for it, this is what you're here to do and you want to clarity of intuition, alignment of true purpose and receive unlimited abundance to support your wildest dreams to come true. Unleash the magic, trust your intuition doors close in 48 hours, click here to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: Blue Crab. ‘Allowing new experiences into your life takes great strength.’

Time for change. And yikes - let’s be real - you’ve been frigging scared of this next step! You’ve been scared and I am getting the message - you’ve been scared mostly - not because of what you’re walking away from and losing because meh, you’re done with your past and those that don’t care for you like you need/want them to - but because - you don’ tactually believe you can have what you truly want because the ‘how’ seems overwhelming and daunting and you’re not sure how you are going to do it - like it just seems to big and still like a dream - that you can’t have, don’t deserve to have or is too far away from your current reality to even know how to do it, so you keep… stopping. And settling. And cocooning. And going back to what is comfortable when the Universe is pushing you to make changes, to move forward, to go after your dreams - like the only thing stopping you is you right now. You are not believing that what you want and can have is possible - like, you believe it is possible, but the feat seems too huge or you don’t know how or it will take too long or - and so you just stop. Remember the Hummingbird story? Don’t quote me exactly on this - but this story always fascinated me and it is actually so true - this - works, because I have experienced it for myself. One day, the Amazon was burning and a Hummingbird was flying back and forth to get water in it’s tiny beak and flying back to put the fire out. A panther walked past and said it was pointless what are you doing that for. The Hummingbird continued, flying back and forth to save it’s home and said it was doing what it can. The panther had given up and resided to the fact there was nothing it could do - but the Hummingbird continued. Soon - the rains came and put the fires out. The Hummingbird did what it could and the Universe stepped in and helped. I have experienced this in my own life. Sounds silly, but I have a very large backyard of grass. When I first moved in here it was very dry and all I craved was a large clean green lawn that I could walk on without it being brown, dry, brittle and full of prickles. So I decided to just water and tend to a small patch that could stand on with my bare feet and earth on. It was tiny compared to my entire yard, maybe a tad larger than a meter squared, but it was rectangle so not even. Anyway, it was tiny and yet, I made it very green and no prickles and tended to it and I could stand on it and earth and I was very grateful. Not long after, we had the floods - so everything became green and overgrown. Then next season was a drought, but still, I tended to my tiny patch of lawn and in deep gratitude, could enjoy my feet on the earth. Nowadays - my entire backyard is thick healthy lawn, some patches are prickles, but mostly I can walk barefoot on my grass - with gratitude and when I look out it is all lush and green. And yet, I don’t tend nor water my entire yard. Nature does. Hummingbird is actually the Animal Totem for the Ear Chakra Consciousness also and this is about a shift in frequency. Not only can your dreams manifest easier in a higher frequency - you have to not be scared of the greatness of your dreams and desires - for they wouldn’t even be a thought for you if they weren’t meant for you - if your life wasn’t meant to be like that - you just wouldn't even be thinking along the lines like that. Remember, your dreams and visions are yours and no matter how big and daunting it seems - it is possible. Just by doing what you can with what you have today and the next day and the next day and continuing to expand and evolve as you can and never giving up - one day - just like that - the rains come and the Universe showers you in all the things you need to fulfil the entire vision. But you mustn’t just try. You must give - your all - no matter how pointless or daunting the task ahead seems - you must do what you were born to do and do it with all your heart, one little bit at a time (well all that you can do at the time) with all your heart and soul. If it is on your mind, if it is calling your heart - it is meant for you. And when you action it, and never give up.. babe - the rains will come. I promise. Love xxx You’re psychic, you're a mystic, you’re a healer. You’re established and want to expand your skills. You’re wanting to take your intuitive magic into your current workplace, but you don’t want to come across woo woo. You just want to hone your intuition so you can take your business to the next level - you want to unleash your unique purpose and use it to expand into greater levels of wealth, health and love to bring dreams to reality. Your intuition is pretty clear, but you want to put the pieces of the intuitive puzzle together and truly know not just what steps you’re being guided to take in your purpose, but use your gift to help the world, because you’ve always felt you’re born for it, this is what you're here to do and you want to clarity of intuition, alignment of true purpose and receive unlimited abundance to support your wildest dreams to come true. Unleash the magic, trust your intuition doors close in 48 hours, click here to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: Golden Age of Aquarius. ‘Embracing your inner light to show others the way.’

You’re a Healer. You’re a Leader. You’re One Of A Kind. You chose to incarnate into this realm at this pivotal time of human consciousness rapidly accelerating and awakening. You’re here to lead the lost and forsaken home. You’re here to activate and put people on their true unique life purpose path. That is what you were born to do. Because let’s be real - you do this anyway - help people. In some way shape or form you do. And lately you've been thinking about how you can ‘embrace your inner light’ in a greater way. You want to do more. You want to shine your light in a bigger way - or even just again because you know you shut it down long the way in the past. You’re ready to move past that. You’re ready to face your fears, you’re ready to come out of hiding, you’re ready to push yourself past your comfort zone, you’re ready to give it all you’ve got and some - to do what you’re being guided to do to create that which you are asking for. You are connected to spirit, you’re intuitive as fuck, you’re so connected to Source, you sense things, know things and your intuition is on point every single time, even if you’re still currently learning and deciphering it - you’re very clear. And you’re being asked to trust yourself on a whole new level right now. Like the image on this card - you’re shifting into a new frequency. You’ve already felt it - this year has been huge for you and the portal you’re now in - you feel the tangibility of how you’re steering this ship - you’ve finally got your power back, you’ve finally reached a new level, you’re finally feeling the wholeness of your being again and thank goodness for this. With this - I feel with this card your teetering on the edge of a whole new paradigm, a whole new world - but it requires a big decision and an even bigger commitment. It will push you,  stretch you and challenge you - but ultimately? You’re in a place where you can actually do it now and give your full focus and attention to. A few years ago? You definitely couldn’t have - and yet now - you can and now - you literally have no excuse not to ;) So, this decision, will just be easier once you’ve made it and decided to go all in, because there is no better time like the present and you know that this moment - has been waiting for you for all of time. ‘Embracing your inner light to show others the way.’ - you were born for this. Love xxx You’re psychic, you're a mystic, you’re a healer. You’re established and want to expand your skills. You’re wanting to take your intuitive magic into your current workplace, but you don’t want to come across woo woo. You just want to hone your intuition so you can take your business to the next level - you want to unleash your unique purpose and use it to expand into greater levels of wealth, health and love to bring dreams to reality. Your intuition is pretty clear, but you want to put the pieces of the intuitive puzzle together and truly know not just what steps you’re being guided to take in your purpose, but use your gift to help the world, because you’ve always felt you’re born for it, this is what you're here to do and you want to clarity of intuition, alignment of true purpose and receive unlimited abundance to support your wildest dreams to come true. Unleash the magic, trust your intuition doors close in 48 hours, click here to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: Conception. ‘The divine alignment of multiple aspects has come together just for you.’

You know that - ‘don't give up, you’re about to have a major breakthrough’? That… I keep/kept hearing - timing, divine timing, there is a divine timing happening for you at this time that is really important to remember that when you think it isn’t working or something isn’t happening or that you are wondering if x-y-z - that.. there is an intricate divine timing happening for you at this moment. Something you thought was lost, has come back into your life, something you thought you’d never resolve, is and has been and will be resolved, something you were not sure of is a big yes and that all the resources you need will and have already showed up. Because in divine truth - it’s always been inevitable for you. You want it, so you’ll make it happen. And you might be feeling at the end of your tether right now, you might be feeling at a loss, you might be feeling like giving up - remember - at the end, is the beginning and this new beginning is friggin amazing for you. Know that your purpose has divine alignment, divine timing and you’re - living it right now. I am getting such a strong sense for you of letting go of control, of leaning back into trust and knowing that you’re in this time and space right now, you're exactly where you’re meant to be, doing exactly what you’re meant to be doing - otherwise you'd be somewhere else doing something else. I am getting the strong message for you to amplify your manifestations, rather than hinder them, to surrender to where you are, no matter what you’re going through - the more you let go and let God as they say, the more you surrender and connect into the flow - rather than going against it. It feels like you’re so close to a major breakthrough - or have just broken through to a level that you had always dreamed of but didn’t expect you’d ever get here. It feels like you’ve been ‘playing parallel universes’ but now - they are merging - your dreams are becoming reality and no matter which phase you’re in of it right now, ‘The divine alignment of multiple aspects has come together just for you.’ - trust, faith, discipline and perseverance are your friends right now. This is a good time in divine alignment unfolding for you to begin new projects, commit to new undertakings that your Soul is calling you to do and know that - you’re 100% right on path and your Soul is 100% guiding you correctly, cause remember, you just wouldn’t be thinking about it or doing it otherwise. Love xxx You’re psychic, you're a mystic, you’re a healer. You’re established and want to expand your skills. You’re wanting to take your intuitive magic into your current workplace, but you don’t want to come across woo woo. You just want to hone your intuition so you can take your business to the next level - you want to unleash your unique purpose and use it to expand into greater levels of wealth, health and love to bring dreams to reality. Your intuition is pretty clear, but you want to put the pieces of the intuitive puzzle together and truly know not just what steps you’re being guided to take in your purpose, but use your gift to help the world, because you’ve always felt you’re born for it, this is what you're here to do and you want to clarity of intuition, alignment of true purpose and receive unlimited abundance to support your wildest dreams to come true. Unleash the magic, trust your intuition doors close in 48 hours, click here to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition