🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 9th April 2024 Eclipse Season Vibes 🍂🌕🌏☀️🌷
Apr 09, 2024
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 9th April 2024 Eclipse Season Vibes 🍂🌕🌏☀️🌷
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today, to see what message is awaiting you from the White Light Oracle today 🤍
You’re someone who has always been born with a fire spirit inside of you. One who creates, one who inspires and one who has a divine connection that is here to change the world. It’s in your bones, it’s in your blood, it is a deep inner knowing that has never gone away.
You’ve always been drawn to and live the good life and you’re not like most people you know around you but you’re dedicated to your purpose work, no matter what’s going on around you - you MAKE things happen - anything you want, you create it. Nothing stops you, nothing gets in the way between you and your dreams.
You’ve been getting the nudge it’s time to accelerate your mission and yet, you all of a sudden feel imposter syndrome everywhere you look! Like everyone is doing it, so why should I?! But that nudge.. just does not go away. If this sounds like you - you’re ready for Your First Million.
At the crux of this most pivotal time of change on our planet, where you focus now this year, lays the foundation for the next 20 years… you’re definitely ready for Your First mIllion right?
Click here if YES is a no brainer, this one is not to be missed if you’re on a mission with your purpose, know you’re destined for Purpose Made Millions and are born to change the world with your heart and soul led mission: https://www.realityawareness.com/your-first-million
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Dvara Patra. ‘Out of confusion, a clear progressive pathway is opening up for you. It is an auspicious time to give generously of yourself to others, enriching the quality of your connections, expressing spiritual blessings of goodwill and encouragement from your heart. A powerful blessing is entering your world. A prayer is now being answered in a beautiful way. Spirit gives freely and generously of all good things and the task of humanity is to learn how to receive. The key to receiving is an open, surrendered, generous and trusting heart.’ I felt called to share that first message from the book today, for this card. It is a Chalice on this card, the golden light of your higher self and I feel for you - a deep confirmation that you have stepped through the portal and are on the other side now and this energy… is different strange, but good, but you’ve literally left all behind that you’ve ever known and I feel you know it’s right, this path you cannot see but can feel but I feel you’ve been challenged somewhat to keep your heart open, to keep opening your heart on this new path. I feel you’re stepping into a place where you know you need to be, you’re taking and have taken physical steps to say yes to where you know you need to be - surrounded by mentors and people and places who are in alignment with your SOUL. You are done with the drama, you are done with the way life used to be and right now are in the transitionary phase, you’ve shut the door on the old and it’s hurt your heart, because you just… didn’t think it would be this way, but it is and it indefinitely what you’ve chosen because you will not be a part of that anymore - but it isn’t even that… your SOUL has magnetically called you to a higher realm of living, of being around people who respect you, of being around people who are also.. healed. Not perfect, but not projecting their wounded crap onto you. You’ve grown. Acknowledge this, celebrate this. You might be feeling wobbly, but you’ve made it, in this new vibration and life.. is about to be AMAZING. Hold it. Stay here a while.. or forever more. This the glory you’ve done all the work for in the first place, however, you might feel alone, not lonely just… adjusting to this new vibration, whilst the Universe brings you people that are aligned on this vibration, stay focused and stay here. During this time - if you get new ideas pouring in, then RUN with them as soon as they drop, do not leave them in the ethers - they are being given to you because you have shifted. At this time, it might be scary to stay open, to trust again and to run with the ideas that drop in when you receive them, because now you are in this higher frequency, you are receiving your ‘next level ideas’ if that makes sense. We heal, but DOING the thing as we receive the guidance - your Soul knows how to heal you, how to propel you forward and at this time, you’re being given this, so trust it - you’re safe to trust this again. No need to be frozen in time, now is the time to open and run with what you’re being given in this new space, look forward - for this is where your destiny lays. Love xxx You’re someone who has always been born with a fire spirit inside of you. One who creates, one who inspires and one who has a divine connection that is here to change the world. It’s in your bones, it’s in your blood, it is a deep inner knowing that has never gone away. You’ve always been drawn to and live the good life and you’re not like most people you know around you but you’re dedicated to your purpose work, no matter what’s going on around you - you MAKE things happen - anything you want, you create it. Nothing stops you, nothing gets in the way between you and your dreams. You’ve been getting the nudge it’s time to accelerate your mission and yet, you all of a sudden feel imposter syndrome everywhere you look! Like everyone is doing it, so why should I?! But that nudge.. just does not go away. If this sounds like you - you’re ready for Your First Million. At the crux of this most pivotal time of change on our planet, where you focus now this year, lays the foundation for the next 20 years… you’re definitely ready for Your First mIllion right? Click here if YES is a no brainer, this one is not to be missed if you’re on a mission with your purpose, know you’re destined for Purpose Made Millions and are born to change the world with your heart and soul led mission: https://www.realityawareness.com/your-first-million
Card #2: Archon Barbelo.
This card is signifying a change in direction of your path - if you have been out of alignment, things are about to get rectified in your favour. If those have been unfairly dismissing you or have taken actions against you out of spite and jealously - they are about to receive their karma and you are going to be put right into a path that is even higher vibrational alignment that what you would’ve been on, should you have continued on before this even happened. Everything that did happen - was so you can jump to this higher timeline that you are now sensing is on your doorstep. Have you felt weird in your body? Have you felt unaligned? Have you felt depressed or like there is no way out of this?! I wonder what is going on underneath for you? Is there a feeling of loss that you are not acknowledging? I feel that you are being shown ‘a black hole’ right now - because the light of your consciousness is touching it so to speak, meaning - you are also being shown the way out at this time and it is important that you are focusing on releasing yourself from the entrapment that you put yourself in - meaning, you have not done anything wrong and beating yourself up (chaining yourself up!) because of the guilt you have felt from your past and ‘how they reacted to you’ - is not something that you DID. It was their own projections that you are being guided to release guilt from yourself so you can move forward. You know when, you set boundaries with someone and they lose it at you, call you all the things under the sun and then bad mouth you? You can release yourself from the guilt and shame entrapment that they have held you captive in this entire time, mean whilst they are living their life and ti is time to live yours. If you are feeling at your lowest right now - like the Earth has just dropped out below you - because it has. The eclipse has eclipsed out the timeline and trajectory that was not serving you and only fuelling more depression and now the bottom has dropped out - so grieve all you’ve left behind and know that you’re headed for greatness that you are born for more and it is your time - your timeline and not some subconscious projection anymore. The time for unconscious darkness has passed, you’re now entering into a phase of light - which may mean there may be entanglements to release yourself from, but it is happening and you are on the right path now - even though, this minute, it may not seem like it - RELEASE. Love xxx You’re someone who has always been born with a fire spirit inside of you. One who creates, one who inspires and one who has a divine connection that is here to change the world. It’s in your bones, it’s in your blood, it is a deep inner knowing that has never gone away. You’ve always been drawn to and live the good life and you’re not like most people you know around you but you’re dedicated to your purpose work, no matter what’s going on around you - you MAKE things happen - anything you want, you create it. Nothing stops you, nothing gets in the way between you and your dreams. You’ve been getting the nudge it’s time to accelerate your mission and yet, you all of a sudden feel imposter syndrome everywhere you look! Like everyone is doing it, so why should I?! But that nudge.. just does not go away. If this sounds like you - you’re ready for Your First Million. At the crux of this most pivotal time of change on our planet, where you focus now this year, lays the foundation for the next 20 years… you’re definitely ready for Your First mIllion right? Click here if YES is a no brainer, this one is not to be missed if you’re on a mission with your purpose, know you’re destined for Purpose Made Millions and are born to change the world with your heart and soul led mission: https://www.realityawareness.com/your-first-million
Card #3: Magnetism of Eros.
You have stepped into a new era of you! You are on fire - or about to be! You feel so different, you are clear on where you want to go, but perhaps the steps there are still… you’re still trying to find the steps! You are at such a pivotal point right now and I feel like a broken record saying on focus on what you desire right now but it is so true. Not just the eclipse but the energies in general - there is such a vortex open - JUST FOR YOU - that is awaiting you to choose and whatever you choose, is going and IS amplified ten-fold at this time - so what do you choose? And it isn’t even about amplification - it is about your life path. There is literally a tear in reality right now and your dream life, is awaiting you on the other side of it - will you step through? Or are you too scared to leave behind what is familiar to you? You… have an opportunity of a lifetime in front of you - this card has come to you to let you know it is important for you to take this opportunity at this time. This has been destined and written in your chart and right now, you are being urged to take it. I feel you’ve decided in your mind, but some actions are still - not quite there yet. What is it, that you need to step into, about yourself to allow this vortex and portal, to come to complete fruition for you? If you’d only walk away from that which isn’t serving you, if you’d only choose to face the light instead of the darkness it would rapidly shift for you. I am also getting the message about something about being organised or organising something - for yourself maybe? What is it, that you need to do - to become magnetic to you? To yourself? It feels like - this era, whatever you do - do it for you. I am hearing, ‘don’t waste time on topics, things or issues that don’t feel fulfilling to you. In this pathway with no staircase, your guiding light is only doing what lights you up, fulfils your heart and is what you are ready to access in your life - what you want for YOU - not for others at this time. Your heart is always - ALWAYS guiding you in ways that are going to sustain and fulfil you and it feels like you are needing to take heed of what is calling you from your heart centre - it is going to light you up at this time and guide the entire way of this new beginning, as this card is #1 of this Oracle deck, signifying a powerful new beginning for you. It is yours for the taking, do not let this opportunity portal window in time and space on your life purpose path that is so clear and open for you right now - do not let it pass you by. You’ve been asking for this! Love xxx You’re someone who has always been born with a fire spirit inside of you. One who creates, one who inspires and one who has a divine connection that is here to change the world. It’s in your bones, it’s in your blood, it is a deep inner knowing that has never gone away. You’ve always been drawn to and live the good life and you’re not like most people you know around you but you’re dedicated to your purpose work, no matter what’s going on around you - you MAKE things happen - anything you want, you create it. Nothing stops you, nothing gets in the way between you and your dreams. You’ve been getting the nudge it’s time to accelerate your mission and yet, you all of a sudden feel imposter syndrome everywhere you look! Like everyone is doing it, so why should I?! But that nudge.. just does not go away. If this sounds like you - you’re ready for Your First Million. At the crux of this most pivotal time of change on our planet, where you focus now this year, lays the foundation for the next 20 years… you’re definitely ready for Your First mIllion right? Click here if YES is a no brainer, this one is not to be missed if you’re on a mission with your purpose, know you’re destined for Purpose Made Millions and are born to change the world with your heart and soul led mission: https://www.realityawareness.com/your-first-million
Card #4: Beatitude of Rapture.
I am hearing - forgiveness. Who is it that comes to mind that you need to forgive? It feels like they have been on your mind a lot lately - was it a recent incident or something from quite some time ago? Whichever - the energy is the same. This is something that you need to resolve within yourself. Not always do we need to speak to the person itself about this situation and you also know, if you know my work I am all about FUCK FORGIVENESS when we need to grieve and cry and scream about what happened…. to HEAL from what happened. So make sure you do that. But for you - today, this message feels like - it is time to forgive to set your own soul free and be able to move on with your own life. Who is it that comes to mind about furtiveness? It feels like you have been waiting around for them to realise, or for you to receive contact from them or just.. something… but there has also been a ‘snap’ in the last few weeks about HOW FUCKING MUCH you have been giving of yourself - and not to you!! You have given to EVERYONE and it feels like you have reached your limit - there has definitely been a tolerance snap and now you’re not letting people walk under your feet, you’re not letting people overtake your guilt and continue to do things that pull you out of alignment of what you are being called to do in your heart and soul. It feels like you’re being shown something at this time - are you seeing the reflection of your situation in someone else’s life? It feels like there is deep internal recalibration going on for you that is bringing soooo much awareness, light and consciousness to your past and this is your sign to… forgive yourself. Forgive yourself for what you did in your unconsciousness of your life. Forgive yourself for how you treated others in your unconsciousness at the time. The cliche of ‘you were only doing the best you knew at the time’ is so true at this point, but it is a deep softness into your self about forgiving yourself for all your past choices is what is going to set your Soul free at this time. Dropping deep into this, you are able to come to a place where you return to divine synchronistic flow, divine magic and the path your Soul has destined for you to take… which is why… all of that happened in the first place. Notice the divine synchronicities as a sign that ‘you’ve made it’ and that witnessing them, increases their flow so you’re in the current taking you to the full manifestation of your dreams. Love xxx You’re someone who has always been born with a fire spirit inside of you. One who creates, one who inspires and one who has a divine connection that is here to change the world. It’s in your bones, it’s in your blood, it is a deep inner knowing that has never gone away. You’ve always been drawn to and live the good life and you’re not like most people you know around you but you’re dedicated to your purpose work, no matter what’s going on around you - you MAKE things happen - anything you want, you create it. Nothing stops you, nothing gets in the way between you and your dreams. You’ve been getting the nudge it’s time to accelerate your mission and yet, you all of a sudden feel imposter syndrome everywhere you look! Like everyone is doing it, so why should I?! But that nudge.. just does not go away. If this sounds like you - you’re ready for Your First Million. At the crux of this most pivotal time of change on our planet, where you focus now this year, lays the foundation for the next 20 years… you’re definitely ready for Your First mIllion right? Click here if YES is a no brainer, this one is not to be missed if you’re on a mission with your purpose, know you’re destined for Purpose Made Millions and are born to change the world with your heart and soul led mission: https://www.realityawareness.com/your-first-million
Card #5: Shekinah.
This feels like a return to your power. This feels like a deep ‘return to the start’ so you can start the path again… version 2.0. In a good way. You learnt what you needed to learn, but the potency of energy around you at this time is tangible. I am getting the message for you to trust your intuition more than you are giving yourself credit for or paying attention to it - there is something your intuition is speaking to you/guiding you on and it is important at this time to take heed as it is going to answer the prayers you have been seeking. Something that you tried to do a long time ago, it wasn’t that it wasn’t working, it is that it was a different time in space for you and right now, you are being asked to ‘try again’ - what was that, that you gave up on, but it is almost daily still on your mind? Whatever you have shifted deep inside of yourself recently (that will be confirmed by long term relationships suddenly falling away with this eclipse) is also that there is an opportunity, a window a doorway that if you try again now, in these energies, in this opening, in this new light, this new direction - will be successful. The question is - do you trust yourself and your intuition enough to try again, knowing that you will succeed? If not on the first, but the second time? I feel that you’ve given up hope - but that actually is - is surrender…. and that - is where God can now step in and help you but also hearing so strongly that this is the divine timing for you at this time - the doors are open for you that were once closed - try again on the thing you gave up on! I am hearing to believe in yourself again, what has happened, has happened and now you’re moving forward, it feels like anything that stopped you in the past is not going to have hold on you again or happen again in that way - because what it did - was made you stronger to deal with this right now that is happening for you. That ‘what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger’ - feels like death when someone says it to you.. because what you’re tired of? Is being strong! You’ve had to hold it together for all these years and you’re just… done. But it is okay - because there is a deep shift happening here for you and this ‘strength’ is different than before. You are different. And as mentioned - whatever you tried and were blocked at prior to the eclipse - try again…. you’re on a different trajectory right now, because you’ve chosen. All the doors are now opening for you. Love xxx You’re someone who has always been born with a fire spirit inside of you. One who creates, one who inspires and one who has a divine connection that is here to change the world. It’s in your bones, it’s in your blood, it is a deep inner knowing that has never gone away. You’ve always been drawn to and live the good life and you’re not like most people you know around you but you’re dedicated to your purpose work, no matter what’s going on around you - you MAKE things happen - anything you want, you create it. Nothing stops you, nothing gets in the way between you and your dreams. You’ve been getting the nudge it’s time to accelerate your mission and yet, you all of a sudden feel imposter syndrome everywhere you look! Like everyone is doing it, so why should I?! But that nudge.. just does not go away. If this sounds like you - you’re ready for Your First Million. At the crux of this most pivotal time of change on our planet, where you focus now this year, lays the foundation for the next 20 years… you’re definitely ready for Your First mIllion right? Click here if YES is a no brainer, this one is not to be missed if you’re on a mission with your purpose, know you’re destined for Purpose Made Millions and are born to change the world with your heart and soul led mission: https://www.realityawareness.com/your-first-million
Card #6: Seven Blessings of Eve.
Slippery snakes - transformation - seeing the truth in relationships - understanding your life’s mission more deeply - what is it that is being shown to you at this time? Your heart is being filled with the light of spirit and that may mean you have lots of anger or grief coming out at this time as you are moving through this portal in time - follow the light! All sounds very cliche - what does this mean? It means that you are being guided away from something and it is important for you to take heed at this time. The world is going to be shown a lot of truths, simultaneously the people in your life are also going to be shown a lot of truths and your path will be clear. This is similar to card number 5 in that doors that were once shut to you - are now being opened. There was such a divine timing that had to occur through this portal of time and not everyone is now on this trajectory - but you are. Your feelings, your reality, your heart, your mind might feel very foreign - you have even been wondering who you are in this body of yours or that if you are even you! You’ve been activated into a potent light spirit gift several weeks ago - maybe mid-Februarish and it is your Soul choosing a path that was only available to some who ‘saw’ it with their Soul. If your life has changed dramatically since mid-Feb, know you chose this. You are to take heed at this time of something you thought was lost, is now found - this new dimension of energy had to be present for you to access these gifts and now you are very clear in your path moving forward of what to do. Something to do with your Purpose work has been on your mind - make these a priority in your day for the ‘Light of Eve’ (Spirit/God) - to help you as your focus on these, magnetically draws every which thing to you that you will need. You need not worry at this time, but your prayers and your focus must be irrevocably honed to where you want to go, knowing with full faith, that this is coming to pass and all you need to do (alongside aligned action of course) is to hold this vision, stay in the full faith of what you’re being guided to do and shown and you will live your dreams - today. The other part of the snake transformation/skin shedding happening for you is your consciousness has changed. Your internal space has shifted. You no longer have this drive nor need to prove anything to anyone, instead, you have stepped into a place of empowerment and doing it in divine service from your heart, rather than the unconscious need for validation to be good enough. You just are. And you’re following your Soul. Your world might feel weird as you ‘arrive at the fullness of this vibration’ - but you’re already here, so move forward in divine trust, that this is right for you. Love xxx You’re someone who has always been born with a fire spirit inside of you. One who creates, one who inspires and one who has a divine connection that is here to change the world. It’s in your bones, it’s in your blood, it is a deep inner knowing that has never gone away. You’ve always been drawn to and live the good life and you’re not like most people you know around you but you’re dedicated to your purpose work, no matter what’s going on around you - you MAKE things happen - anything you want, you create it. Nothing stops you, nothing gets in the way between you and your dreams. You’ve been getting the nudge it’s time to accelerate your mission and yet, you all of a sudden feel imposter syndrome everywhere you look! Like everyone is doing it, so why should I?! But that nudge.. just does not go away. If this sounds like you - you’re ready for Your First Million. At the crux of this most pivotal time of change on our planet, where you focus now this year, lays the foundation for the next 20 years… you’re definitely ready for Your First mIllion right? Click here if YES is a no brainer, this one is not to be missed if you’re on a mission with your purpose, know you’re destined for Purpose Made Millions and are born to change the world with your heart and soul led mission: https://www.realityawareness.com/your-first-million