🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 9th August 2022
Aug 09, 2022🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 9th August 2022
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Beyond Lumeria Oracle Cards for you. ✨💜
You’re unique.
You’re talented.
You’re different.
You know this and have always felt almost like you don’t belong.
You love helping people but your boundaries suck most of the time, but you… know that you’re meant to do this path even though it’s been hard, there truly is no other way, no other way you’d rather be serving or helping or doing this spiritual gig in the capacity that you do.
You know you’re here to serve Humanity and you already do and you’re… ready to take your skills to the next level to stop being wiped, floored and start confidently executing boundaries, expanding your business and your life, get your joy back and… come into the most empowerment you’ve ever felt… by being your true Authentic Self… and some.
Trust Your Intuition Early Bird is open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: The Infinite.
Your ultimate connection to Spirit - I want to say has been compromised. However - I feel you are in the process of reconnecting to yourself, you are finding strength within yourself and your situation and it is taking you above and beyond what you have ever found yourself in before. I feel that your connection is growing stronger now - it was compromised (just unconscious to it, because we are always connected, just unconscious of the connection in truth). You’re remembering deep aspects of who you are, you are coming into a higher stage of learning through your spiritual growth than you have ever felt before and you feel.. different. You are connecting more into he Light side of your Being - even your intuition has become more heightened recently. It feels like lately you have shifted through some hard core heavy very old karmic Past Life entanglements and…. You’re feeling freer than you ever have before. Do you have an almost unsettled energy - it is an excitement unsettled energy, that is more active, alive and… it feels like you could run a marathon and some. I feel like you’ve come into a space of peace after deep turmoil and The Infinite - is where you have found your ‘Home’. I am also wondering if you have started in a new career direction as well? Have you begun something new in this direction? If you haven’t - time to put those ideas into action. Don’t delay that any longer with this huge upswing of new beginning energy… use it beautiful Soul. Love xxx You’re unique. You’re talented. You’re different. You know this and have always felt almost like you don’t belong. You love helping people but your boundaries suck most of the time, but you… know that you’re meant to do this path even though it’s been hard, there truly is no other way, no other way you’d rather be serving or helping or doing this spiritual gig in the capacity that you do. You know you’re here to serve Humanity and you already do and you’re… ready to take your skills to the next level to stop being wiped, floored and start confidently executing boundaries, expanding your business and your life, get your joy back and… come into the most empowerment you’ve ever felt… by being your true Authentic Self… and some. Trust Your Intuition Early Bird is open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #2: Freedom.
Freedom - what does Freedom mean to you and what comes to mind when you hear/read Freedom? What is the first thing that came to mind? This… is your next goals. Perhaps you are already working on it, or have thought about it… now is the time to action those. By actioning these ideas, you are going to have a new lease on life. You are going to have more energy and be more happy with who you are as a person - why? Because you are following the next goals that your Soul is guiding you to go on. I feel that things will happen quite quickly once you move forward on this too. Almost like the Universe is waiting for you to take these steps onto and into this space of these goals and as soon as you do - the Universe swoops in and gives more support to get it done more efficiently faster and complete in ‘record’ time so to speak, which feels very exciting for you because… after this is done -what is the next level of Freedom from that? Once this first section is complete, what will you be doing/working on/expanding into after that? So important to look to the next goal, beyond this current space - do you do that already? That way, it gives your energy, a place to move beyond the current now - expansion at it’s best, supporting the right now and current goals. I am also getting the message about nature, outdoors and spending time frequently at this time outdoors to revitalise your energy. This feels important and being able to take the breaks in between projects so that you can recharge. It almost feels like you’re in a different space - not pushing anymore, but still ‘full’ but getting back to YOUR flow and coming into a space of allowing your next phase to deeply solidify in… your way, not someone else’s. You have all the foundations you require at this time and now… you are able to do it your way… ‘Let me just do whatever the fuck I want to do, to see how free I really can be!’ - Me. This… is something to live by if you ever feel stuck… helps to shake off anyone else’s point of view, anyone else’s words or if you just feel blank at what to do next… use that mantra and see what pours in from your Soul. I also feel like you’re coming into a whole new energetic structure with what you’re working on at this time, so allow yourself to receive these new structures in your life… I keep hearing for you - “You are safe, you can relax now.. you’ve got this. You were born for this time, this is your time. Shine” Love xxx You’re unique. You’re talented. You’re different. You know this and have always felt almost like you don’t belong. You love helping people but your boundaries suck most of the time, but you… know that you’re meant to do this path even though it’s been hard, there truly is no other way, no other way you’d rather be serving or helping or doing this spiritual gig in the capacity that you do. You know you’re here to serve Humanity and you already do and you’re… ready to take your skills to the next level to stop being wiped, floored and start confidently executing boundaries, expanding your business and your life, get your joy back and… come into the most empowerment you’ve ever felt… by being your true Authentic Self… and some. Trust Your Intuition Early Bird is open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #3: Lumin Essence.
Hmmm, have you just had a big shift in all your ‘bad traits’ - that you are now seeing as a huge part of just who you are and your gifts and…. Coming into a deep sense of self love about it? It is almost like you are seeing yourself in a different light and whilst this is the epitome of Shadow Work - transforming your ‘bad traits’ to your ‘good traits’ I feel that you’ve let yourself really come into owning who you are. There is nothing wrong with you and everything you felt shameful of in the past and where you got to at this point, is actually what you needed to do and almost seems irrelevant now. There has definitely been a big internal shift for you to now have dropped into your Heart space about so many things it feels. It almost feels like in the past, you have been shut down for being too kind, for your Heart being too open - like it was a bad thing that you were kind, considerate, compassionate because of what people said to you about it and now... that has lifted from you and you are able to come back into the true nature of your heart, kindness, compassion and deep love and respect for yourself.. let alone the confidence in being just who you are with your big wide open heart. Thank goodness you're back! I am also sensing a new person entering your life soon - is that a new lover? Or new friend? Or a business colleague? Regardless, they are going to reflect and light up your Heart - just a reflection of yours and a reflection of the work you have done on yourself recently and up until this point that has allowed you to come into this place here with grace and ease. Have you been crying lots lately? Even happy tears? Or wanting to? It feels like a huge release for your Heart recently and that is what has dropped and shifted ‘everything’, it feels like. It feels like you are more in touch with your emotions, rather than them being like a bad thing… you’re realising your power through your emotions and the person that you have stepped into is… this. Is you. You feel more grounded in your power, you are ‘coming back to life’ and it feels like you are only just brushing the tip of the iceberg with your new found power. This is a potent portal for you - do not be afraid of what is wanting to come through you and ‘how’ that is to be channeled. For it is, time. You have risen up out of the mud, you have risen up out of the fire and you are… arriving at you are. No, you have… arrived. Love xxx You’re unique. You’re talented. You’re different. You know this and have always felt almost like you don’t belong. You love helping people but your boundaries suck most of the time, but you… know that you’re meant to do this path even though it’s been hard, there truly is no other way, no other way you’d rather be serving or helping or doing this spiritual gig in the capacity that you do. You know you’re here to serve Humanity and you already do and you’re… ready to take your skills to the next level to stop being wiped, floored and start confidently executing boundaries, expanding your business and your life, get your joy back and… come into the most empowerment you’ve ever felt… by being your true Authentic Self… and some. Trust Your Intuition Early Bird is open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #4: The Sound of the Universe.
Ah - what sounds - signs - have you been hearing. This is such a strong message for you about taking notice of the signs and opportunities and saying yes - jumping on them. It feels like something is so strong in your field at this time and it feels like don’t let this opportunity pass by. Is this the potent energies of Lions Gate Portal that you are being guided to do something, go somewhere, speak to someone in a different way, write that book - what is that? It feels like ‘The Sound of the Universe’ is a strong message - are you hearing lyrics in songs? Are you paying attention to the words people randomly say to you on the street? It feels like at this time - Spirit is heightened - your intuition is heightened. You are hearing the wind speak to you and it is like God touching you. You are extremely sensitive and in tune right now and this feels like such a strong sign to not doubt your connection - or the signs and where they are leading you. It feels like you’re about to have a big breakthrough regarding your dreams with this ‘The Sound of the Universe’ card, so this is your sign to not give up at this time. You may have had a knock back or downfall and as they say, ‘If things didn’t work out, know God is protecting you’ and soon, you will see ‘why’ but at the time, it feels excruciating because you’re so sure, that was how it was meant to work out - right? It was like all the signs were pointing that way and even the Universe opened doors for you and now you’re like… um… and I feel that this… new doorway/understanding of ‘why’ is about to be revealed (stay tuned!) (To your intuition!) Because, all is about to be shown to you… very, very soon. I also feel that from this experience, you have learnt to surrender and also… feel more grounded. That, is a gift in itself, because that? Is what dreams are made of. Hang in there… and keep going, you’re soo close. Love xxx You’re unique. You’re talented. You’re different. You know this and have always felt almost like you don’t belong. You love helping people but your boundaries suck most of the time, but you… know that you’re meant to do this path even though it’s been hard, there truly is no other way, no other way you’d rather be serving or helping or doing this spiritual gig in the capacity that you do. You know you’re here to serve Humanity and you already do and you’re… ready to take your skills to the next level to stop being wiped, floored and start confidently executing boundaries, expanding your business and your life, get your joy back and… come into the most empowerment you’ve ever felt… by being your true Authentic Self… and some. Trust Your Intuition Early Bird is open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #5: Shine Your Light.
Well, this card is pretty self explanatory and feels like similar message through a few cards here today - about working on whatever project has been near and dear to your Heart - but this card feels like completion. Either completion of a cycle or get the project done TO completion, because now is not the time to dilly dally around anymore. Set a strict schedule and get to it Lightworker! This also feels like a rise in your power (similar to another card) however, this feels like more of an anchoring of your gifts. You feel different, but a body different and…. Are you being called to a different geographic location at this time? Even just for travel and a fresh perspective? This card is also about doing what you love and I feel that this is a sign of coming into your power and… taking your power back.. doing what you love AND achieving/working/creating what you need to. It feels like a balance card in a way of doing what you love, creating a sustainable empire that gives you wings to do what you need to do and WANT to do… but actually creating space and time for that now. It feels like the hard yards have been done, so it is time to actually step into a new way of being, a new Light of your life, new chapter and start to bring that balance back to what you truly love. You love what you do, but there is also your life to love too and I feel this is what the Shine Your Light card is about for you today - taking your power back and doing what you love in your career - but also, in you life too. You’ve given your all in your work, you still do… and now, the balance swings back to giving back to you. I am hearing ‘trust’ and it feels like a message of trusting the flow - and I am hearing specifically ‘trusting the pendulum swing’ meaning, it doesn’t have to swing from extremes, but more of the balance of what you require - honouring the cycles of your life, of each day, of each breath and coming into following that rhythm - the rhythm of your Soul… to guide you and allow your to truly own, step into and come back into your Power, your rhythmic flow of your Soul… that allows you to be who you’ve always wanted to be.. and now you just… are. Love xxx You’re unique. You’re talented. You’re different. You know this and have always felt almost like you don’t belong. You love helping people but your boundaries suck most of the time, but you… know that you’re meant to do this path even though it’s been hard, there truly is no other way, no other way you’d rather be serving or helping or doing this spiritual gig in the capacity that you do. You know you’re here to serve Humanity and you already do and you’re… ready to take your skills to the next level to stop being wiped, floored and start confidently executing boundaries, expanding your business and your life, get your joy back and… come into the most empowerment you’ve ever felt… by being your true Authentic Self… and some. Trust Your Intuition Early Bird is open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #6: Transformation.
Cocoon. Shelter. Being Gentle. All deep meanings for this card and I feel like this message for you is that if you need to lock yourself away whilst you heal - then allow this space and time for this… however, I also feel that…. You are coming into a space where you are coming out of the cocoon at this time. It almost feels like it is getting boring in there now! Which is good! There is always something to do in life and…. Your Soul is starting to show you inklings of what life can be like. Are you able to plan a trip somewhere? It feels like you are shaking off the mud and dirt and rising up from the Earth, born again, born anew and just finding your feet…. I am hearing the ‘planning’ aspect for you quite strongly - so is that planning in visits to people? Planning in travel? Planning in getaway trips or adventures or - what is that for you? It feels like a freshen up of the energy. It feels like you have roots where you are, so now - next phase or moving or travel - something about the moving and perhaps this is the moving of energy - but it feels like foundations are solid, now… what? This is your clean slate to have space to do what you’ve always wanted to do, so… now you can - will you? Have those chains fallen off yet? Or are they still attached? Yep, they have beeb released, so now you can too. And it can be like a new born baby looking at the light/sun for the first time… you have literally been reborn in this space and now you are finding your feet, but the clean slate - do anything you want from and in this space, space… is real. I feel too, that protecting your energy, your ideas and what you do plan to do - to yourself at this time. You are fragile like a new born baby with delicate skin, so just nurture your ideas to fruition and let your energy of this new clean slate, solidify by you… going out and living your life - the way you damn well want to - for perhaps the first time ever. With direction, clarity, solidarity of self and damn well full of PURPOSE baby. Just… do it. Love xxx You’re unique. You’re talented. You’re different. You know this and have always felt almost like you don’t belong. You love helping people but your boundaries suck most of the time, but you… know that you’re meant to do this path even though it’s been hard, there truly is no other way, no other way you’d rather be serving or helping or doing this spiritual gig in the capacity that you do. You know you’re here to serve Humanity and you already do and you’re… ready to take your skills to the next level to stop being wiped, floored and start confidently executing boundaries, expanding your business and your life, get your joy back and… come into the most empowerment you’ve ever felt… by being your true Authentic Self… and some. Trust Your Intuition Early Bird is open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition