🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 9th July 2024
Jul 09, 2024🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 9th July 2024
Scroll down to see what message is awaiting you from The Soul's Journey Lesson Cards for you today.
After 8 years with Reality Awareness Online I feel like this year - everything is landing, coming together and solidifying everything I have known, built and taught these last 8 years from my 20 years of walking this industry. I have been working on a project for the last 6 months and I am 👌🏻 close to having it finished - for YOU.
This is 6 months solidly working on it and 8 years in the making and I am sooooo excited to release this to you… keep your eyes peeled 👀 This is everything to me, for you, for us, for Purpose Driven Lives to Create the Magic in the World, that which our Heart and Souls have known, since the dawning of time 💎👀 So excited to drop this for you 🤍
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Pride. I love myself, and I see myself in everyone.
This card is very much in the Unity Consciousness of Divine Step #5 of the 12 Divine Steps to Awakening Your Life Purpose - Unity. Seeing yourself in everyone and allowing yourself to see the deepest aspects of your psyche playing out here in everyone. However what is coming through for you in this card is - of course there is the ‘don’t let pride get in your way’ - but more accurately that statement, for me, translates to ‘don’t let ego get in the way’ - and yet, it is all of these and none of these of the message I am ACTUALLY getting here for you on this card. I almost feel like you are driving yourself insane (in a way) to try and figure something out - but - you actually can’t even figure it out (not meant to) and it is literal crazy making for you. I am sensing that there is there a deep core wounding surfacing - this card is yellow, it is the solar plexus - your self worth and whatever has been ‘triggered’ for you - lays deep in your power centre here at the Solar Plexus of where your sense of self lays. But where this is actually stemming from? The last 3-4 years in particular have seen a wave of people/collective go through a huge dark night of the Soul. You were shown who your true friends are, you have been shown who is truly there for you when you need it most, or who is there for you only when fun times are had. You have been seeing the truth about situations and having to enact your power, your pride, your beliefs and stand up for yourself in ways you didn’t even know were possible before now. You’ve known you can, but now you’re being almost ‘pushed off the edge that you have to’ - like rise or die type scenario but there is only one way forward from now and that is UP like a MOFO because you did NOT visit hell and back to only stay there! Hell is over now - time to fucking rise!! #insertimaginaryphoenixemoji. This Pride card for you today - is about seeing who the fuck you are - remembering this - not that you forgot, but you also did! This ‘wound’ surfacing - is only surfacing/clearing another layer, because the place where you are in now - is this energy of this new life, coming forth into being - and that old layer of energetic resonates is being ‘burnt’ out - it cannot stay in this new frequency. You are in a new era, a new paradigm. You hold yourself differently, you speak differently and your visit to hell and back, makes you stand with an energy inside of yourself that is ferociously fierce but so solidly grounded and has created a sense of solidarity inside of yourself that you are so strong, your energy has changed and it has given way for a new foundation that can hold this next level that is the reason you visited hell in the first place - to face and burn all those demons away. The light lives here now, the time for darkness is over and it is due time you reminded yourself that. Stand tall honey, with deep pride and deep acknowledgement of the ground you now stand, hold and bring forth and energy to the table that cannot be knocked. You know what you’re here for - this new era is not tangible - you're living it because you’re worth it and that is why you are here now - because you knew deep down inside you deserved this… so… embrace it, shine that beautiful light of yours. Now is time to learn through joy - the very place that sun shines bright out of - your Solar Plexus - with deep empowerment, consciousness, and heartfelt sense of self that emanates and energy that attracts everything you desire because you’re in alignment with who you were born to be. Magic awaits. Own it. Own your light and let the magic continue to guide you. Be proud of yourself, you deserve this, every single moment of it. Love xxx After 8 years with Reality Awareness Online I feel like this year - everything is landing, coming together and solidifying everything I have known, built and taught these last 8 years from my 20 years of walking this industry. I have been working on a project for the last 6 months and I am 👌🏻 close to having it finished - for YOU. This is 6 months solidly working on it and 8 years in the making and I am sooooo excited to release this to you… keep your eyes peeled 👀 This is everything to me, for you, for us, for Purpose Driven Lives to Create the Magic in the World, that which our Heart and Souls have known, since the dawning of time 💎👀 So excited to drop this for you 🤍
Card #2: Health. I will honour the physical vessel that enshrines my soul.
It feels like it is GO TIME in taking care of yourself - mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally - like, naturally you have just WANTED to. I am getting the message here on this card that you are needing more time in nature (or perhaps you are spending lots of time in nature!) and that you are being asked to take - whichever aspect - mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally - health to the next level. Of course, you can take all aspects at once and raise your standards with them all, but you can also take one and highly dive into the depths of learning all about it, growing and accelerating your skills in a particular area. You might find that you have naturally in the last few weeks been naturally asking more questions about a particular topic and it has really peaked your interest. I am also getting the message here that there is a unique skill that you possess about what you have been intrigued to learn more about - or has been naturally happening to you and this is a sign of your Unique Life Purpose taking shape and being pulled into a direction of you taking the steps to enhance your knowledge base and skill set in this area - what comes to mind as you read that? This is also, of course, your sign to take care of your health at this next level too. You’ve been thinking about a particular health/diet change for a while and now - with this card today - is your sign that there is no time like the present, you will never be ready, have the time or resources or know when just to do it right. Now is the time. Now is the time you CREATE time, now is the time you just MAKE IT HAPPEN, because you know that any new routine is tricky to implement - when you begin - but.. you just do it everyday no matter what and it happens #simple. You make the time and you stop making excuses. The potent piece here is that the more you create time to take care of yourself, this… is where the magic starts opening up, because you’re connected to your body, to the synchronistic flow that is your Soul’s connection to the reason you’re here. The more you take care of your vessel - the clearer you hear your Soul and this is an important factor with your Life Purpose right now. What health pieces have been on your mind that… are not to be on your mind anymore, because you’re now implementing? Love xxx After 8 years with Reality Awareness Online I feel like this year - everything is landing, coming together and solidifying everything I have known, built and taught these last 8 years from my 20 years of walking this industry. I have been working on a project for the last 6 months and I am 👌🏻 close to having it finished - for YOU. This is 6 months solidly working on it and 8 years in the making and I am sooooo excited to release this to you… keep your eyes peeled 👀 This is everything to me, for you, for us, for Purpose Driven Lives to Create the Magic in the World, that which our Heart and Souls have known, since the dawning of time 💎👀 So excited to drop this for you 🤍
Card #3: Discipline. I can accomplish what I set my mind to.
This is similar/follow on message from the end of the last card there - Health - however, with this Discipline Card, I am sensing such a - it is time to complete what you started energy and strength coming through. There are 6 months (less than!) left of 2024 - what are you wanting to accomplish? What position do you want to be in? What do you want to look back on and ‘see what memories you’ve created’? If you think back to just 3-4 months ago - you did not even think your life could be what it is now and so imagine what you can create in the next 6 months. Disciplined plan is in call. That means saying no to people, things and environments that are taking you away from and off your purpose vision path. I feel you are very clear about your tasks, goals and what you want to do between now and the end of the year (use any timeline for yourself!) so now it is time to do it and the other strong message coming through is… you’ve been dilly dallying around for too long! You have been in and out - you haven’t been FULLY IN. You have been fully in - in times gone past and those stints have absolutely changed your life. However, right now - you’re being asked to set in stone a strict routine again. To go all in. Perhaps this is going all in on a relationship you’ve been one foot in and one foot out on - perhaps it is on a project, perhaps it is on your health - whatever it is, you’re being asked at this time to be ALL IN on this fill in the blank. I am sensing that you - are about to come into an extremely busy era of your life and this disciplined practise is not only ushering in a new movement and energy in your life - but you’re coming TO life with this. This new life being birthed through this disciplined practise is going to set the motion forward of something that has been stuck for quite some time. But in reality, nothing is stuck, but a divine timing and that timing for you is now. This feels like such a strong message that those times in your past when you have been religiously and analy disciplined about something? Time to apply that disciplined energy again - you’re being trained for something and it is time to rise to the plate. You’ve been summoned by your Soul - will you answer the call? It almost feels like an important timeline is opening for you - are you jumping on it? Love xxx After 8 years with Reality Awareness Online I feel like this year - everything is landing, coming together and solidifying everything I have known, built and taught these last 8 years from my 20 years of walking this industry. I have been working on a project for the last 6 months and I am 👌🏻 close to having it finished - for YOU. This is 6 months solidly working on it and 8 years in the making and I am sooooo excited to release this to you… keep your eyes peeled 👀 This is everything to me, for you, for us, for Purpose Driven Lives to Create the Magic in the World, that which our Heart and Souls have known, since the dawning of time 💎👀 So excited to drop this for you 🤍
Card #4: Abundance. I am a limitless being.
Today I was told - Dream Biggest. Not just bigger - but Biggest. Yes #ofcourse. How did I forget? This… card is about you stepping into this version of yourself now. If you already were living x-y-z would you be worrying about the things you’re worrying about now? No. I am getting the message that you are being asked to dive back into those dreams you buried long ago because right now - you are poised to receive all the blessings and more that you are asking for - they are already right there for you - but it is your energy that is the alignment to receive this course of action for you to take right now. It feels like you’re on the verge of a big breakthrough after a time of feeling like everything is and has fallen away. You’re being asked to continue to hold the vision - no matter what obstacles, challenges and adversities you’re facing right now. This breakthrough - feels like it has been coming foreverrrrrr right?! And yet - through this time, you have learnt lessons, understandings, people showing their true colours and other important information that if you did not walk though this portal - you would’ve missed this extremely valuable information that you may not understand fully for a few years from now - but this is ‘why’ you’re going through this right now. There is a lot of red on this card as well - Base Chakra - where physical reality births and you are also being asked to take your head out of the clouds and ground your experiences to this Earth - it is time to get grounded and it is ‘here’ where the answers to ‘receive’ your abundance lay - almost like - you’re needing to shift your focus, attention and energy elsewhere to allow the energetic structures you’ve been working on for YEARS to take effect. Time to live what you birthed in this world - your life! (Base Chakra). I am also getting the strong message you’re being reminded to remember where your Abundance comes from - your Creator! And you are made in the likeness of that - so you ARE Abundance. I am Abundance. I am Abundance. I am Abundance. It is time to transform those cells of your being. The last message here of this is to come back to the gratitude of the now - strong message through this card about being grounded with your physical reality to ‘birth’ your abundance, but it is more about you being deeply connected to the reality of now - whilst holding that vision and allowing yourself to connect to the atoms of the pieces that are in front of you because reality - for you - is merging to a place where the cells of your being are in big transformation right now - Abundance baby - energetically and are it - to elevate your current reality to reflect that. You’re already in it - do you see it? Love xxx After 8 years with Reality Awareness Online I feel like this year - everything is landing, coming together and solidifying everything I have known, built and taught these last 8 years from my 20 years of walking this industry. I have been working on a project for the last 6 months and I am 👌🏻 close to having it finished - for YOU. This is 6 months solidly working on it and 8 years in the making and I am sooooo excited to release this to you… keep your eyes peeled 👀 This is everything to me, for you, for us, for Purpose Driven Lives to Create the Magic in the World, that which our Heart and Souls have known, since the dawning of time 💎👀 So excited to drop this for you 🤍
Card #5: Envy. I am the same as everybody but with different challenges.
Hmmm, this card has two particular meanings here - you’re envious of someone - and/or you’re copping and energetic mess from someone right now, because they are deeply envious of you. Lets start with the message that you are envious of someone - this… is causing a deep pull of energetic mis-alignment of your entire life. It is like you are stewing on something that happened ages ago and you are still ruminating on it - you haven’t even had the courage to speak to them about it and honey - this is eating you the fuck up inside and creating a gaping big black hole that is feeding parasites energetically and physically - have you had sore neck, cramping side of your body and arms/one side of arm that has been making you worried about your health? Yeah, this energetic envy eating you literally up inside! Purge! Did you just purge?! Almost be sick?! This energetic release must happen now. You need to have conversation with them, write them a letter (and don’t send it) but purge it out. This… is so important because this ‘black hole’ is keeping you there in this - stuck in this timeline from back then, if that makes sense? If you want to move forward, deal with this issue that is eating you up inside. As for - the copping the energetic envy of someone that you don’t even know, you want to check this - you’re not envious of someone first, because it is only a projection of what you’re holding deep inside yes? For this card’s message for you I am also getting (which like of course) - that it is time to let go of something you thought you were supposed to do or be or have. Like you were following a path that was simply not yours to follow and it has brought you to a place of this ‘envy’ because honey - it isn’t actually where you were supposed to go. It’s time to face the grief of what you think you have lost and come into deep ‘aloneness’ with your grief, because it actually wasn’t even your path. Majority of envy wounds are born from pedestals that are/were a projection of childhood wounding, particular that of the mother wound. So, this is your sign to dive deep, because you’ve been asking what the fuck has been holding up your progress and it is this… so… time to dive honey. Mother/female wound healing here you come aka a lot of facing deep core grief you’ve been avoiding..… Love xxx After 8 years with Reality Awareness Online I feel like this year - everything is landing, coming together and solidifying everything I have known, built and taught these last 8 years from my 20 years of walking this industry. I have been working on a project for the last 6 months and I am 👌🏻 close to having it finished - for YOU. This is 6 months solidly working on it and 8 years in the making and I am sooooo excited to release this to you… keep your eyes peeled 👀 This is everything to me, for you, for us, for Purpose Driven Lives to Create the Magic in the World, that which our Heart and Souls have known, since the dawning of time 💎👀 So excited to drop this for you 🤍
Card #6: Love. I commit to the practise of seeing the good in all things.
You have entered a new vortex of LOVE. It is ULTIMATE BLISS! And all your dreams come true and it is also bringing up deep fears alongside - dreams come true - is this too good to be true? Am I losing my mind, is this real? Yes, it is real and you have evolved to a place, you have done the work, you have arrived here, because this place of love - is called - alignment. You put yourself first, you chose you and you did whatever you had to do to protect your vibrational alignment. It is here that you are being guided to remember this. This Love - is also a choice to stay here. It is easy to sabotage what is good for you when you don’t believe you’re worthy - but honey, you’re past that. You’ve done that. Lived that. You know what that feels like and what that destroys like and you’re… not that persona anymore so it is like those fears can evaporate now, so that you can allow yourself to experience what you have been aligning to all along, witnessing others experience all along, and come to a place of deep reverence for self, for this space of love you’ve created with another person and deeply treasure this (which I know you do). This - I commit to the practise of seeing the good in all things - is about becoming super conscious of your thoughts and what you are naturally thinking about - are you seeing the good or the bad, what are you talking about most of the time - or are you complaining? Are you choosing to talk only of good things thus only good things make manifest? It feels like this is an important reminder of these choices of choosing to see the Love in everything you do - seeing the miracles that are occurring in every day life - the love and the miracles that are interwoven from this very facet of this mystical, magical creation of life and what you’re creating and contributing IN that. What practises of LOVE have you committed to recently or can commit to? It feels like you have been elevated into a new frequency and now - what practises can you implement that are going to continue this elevation of the love frequency that you are now experiencing in your life? What a blessing and gift to be here - not everyone reaches that state - congratulate yourself - this is a big deal - it’s time to celebrate…. LOVE! Let me know how you are celebrating and amplifying this LOVE in the comments below! I want to know - let’s quantum entangle in LOVE honey - what a gift! Love xxx After 8 years with Reality Awareness Online I feel like this year - everything is landing, coming together and solidifying everything I have known, built and taught these last 8 years from my 20 years of walking this industry. I have been working on a project for the last 6 months and I am 👌🏻 close to having it finished - for YOU. This is 6 months solidly working on it and 8 years in the making and I am sooooo excited to release this to you… keep your eyes peeled 👀 This is everything to me, for you, for us, for Purpose Driven Lives to Create the Magic in the World, that which our Heart and Souls have known, since the dawning of time 💎👀 So excited to drop this for you 🤍