🔮 Reading Results are now IN 🔮 for 18th June 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jun 18, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are now IN 🔮 for 18th June 2024

Scroll down to see what message is awaiting you behind the number you chose earlier today, from the Sacred Journey into the Animal Realms Oracle. 

It is not that your dreams are not real - it is that it hasn't happened YET. The question is, are you someone who gives up when you're about to strike gold? Perhaps letting go of control has been on the menu, but now you're not who you used to be, well, how and where do you go from here?

Master Manifestor starts next week - just days after Solstice - the potent portal that heralds change on a dawning sea of the winds ushering in a new chapter of your life. Are you ready to jump on the Master Manifestor piercing the veils plane to jump start your Manifestations and bring them to life?

To stop wishing, hoping and fuck the waiting game off once and for all and... live your manifestations like they were never once a dream? If you're ready for accelerated change in this 3 Week Vortex, Master Manifestor is for you, click here, we start early next week and pre-work has already dropped: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Pamper Time. 

Time to stop and do you. Time to stop and take care of you. Time to put yourself first. Time to choose you. Time to allow SPACE, so that what you’re asking for - can come forth into your life. And that, is what you’re being asked to do right now - or - is what you are creating space for. Something inside of you have shifted recently - SNAPPED, even, and it has created a lot of space, let alone shifted your frequency resonance and you are already experiencing the physical reality changes from and because of this. Now, more than ever you are being asked to hold stronger boundaries - which, actually I feel is a lot easier for you with this ‘snap’ - because, you have allowed yourself the space to heal from whatever your past has been and in this, your level of self worth and self love has exponentially increased. This, has changed your reality rapidly - it is like the Universe ‘to respond’, has been waiting for you to deem your own self worthy to receive what you truly want, let alone have the space in your life to create that which you truly want - for you. These boundaries, may ‘come as a surprise’ even, that you didn’t know someone or something was draining your energy until it stopped it, but now you’ve stopped it, has given you a lot of clarity and this new chapter can commence in your life. I feel you’re already experiencing new tangible aspects of this reality coming in for you at this time and it is because of all these factors. There have also been other things on your mind that you have put off in the last few years for whatever reasons, and yet, they used to keep you looking and feeling spick and span, and making you feel sooo amazing in your life - these things? It’s time to bring back, if not all at once, then what CAN you do at this time? The first thing that comes to mind is going to elevate you, because you FEEL amazing again.. these things, can now priority again for you. This ‘snap’ - has been this - enough of everyone else first.. time for YOU. Then - now - you continue to ask, almost as your mantra, what else can I do to take care of myself, to love on myself some more today? So…. off to it then! Love xxx It is not that your dreams are not real - it is that it hasn't happened YET. The question is, are you someone who gives up when you're about to strike gold? Perhaps letting go of control has been on the menu, but now you're not who you used to be, well, how and where do you go from here? Master Manifestor starts next week - just days after Solstice - the potent portal that heralds change on a dawning sea of the winds ushering in a new chapter of your life. Are you ready to jump on the Master Manifestor piercing the veils plane to jump start your Manifestations and bring them to life? To stop wishing, hoping and fuck the waiting game off once and for all and... live your manifestations like they were never once a dream? If you're ready for accelerated change in this 3 Week Vortex, Master Manifestor is for you, click here, we start early next week and pre-work has already dropped: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor


Card #2: Angels.

Whatever you’re going through right now - you will get through this. Perhaps you have already decided that you will, perhaps you’re wondering if you will, perhaps you’re feeling like you CAN’T EVEN ANYMORE - and I want you to know - let yourself GO there - let yourself SURRENDER to these feelings… don’t act on them just body weight feel them with your whole heart and allow yourself to TRULY go there. Why? Because feeling is healing. And this part that you’re in right now? Is like allowing the rope to be untied from the jetty so the boat (super yacht!) can sail right on towards your dreams. You don’t need to hang onto the past anymore - and you haven’t been, but this portal you’re experiencing right now IS the letting go of that rope, is puling up the anchor, is cutting the threads to your past - whether energetically or physically - it is all snapping and letting go right now - let it. You might be like, “Yeah Hannah, this is stuff is OLD and people always tell me to ‘get over it’, but I can’t stop thinking about it and I am so upset about it.” - Yes, this is called HEALING…… people who haven’t healed from their past and have buried their shit in their subconscious will tell you to stop talking about it, stop crying about it - because it is triggering their own unhealed shit, that’s all. So don’t listen to them and know you’re HEALING as you’re dropping into this and give it a good 3 years of feeling like shit, wandering, grieving and all the things. Yes, three mother fucking years. Think about it - if you truly haven’t healed with the ways that I teach ie FEELING CONSCIOUSLY and you’ve been going to every healer and ceremony possible for YEARS and you’re still feeling the same and haven’t ACTUALLY healed at your CORE - then yes, give it three years PLUS - how old are you? Three years in the grand scheme of 30 or 40 or 50 years or however old you are - is NOTHING! It is a blink of an eye in the grand scheme of what you have been enduring all the years of your lifetime, so yes, FEEL and HEAL - because you kinda have no other choice right now anyway, because it is all surfacing now anyway right?! Why you might ask? Because you, as a powerful friggin healer, lightworker - LEADER are being CALLED to SERVICE and you cannot not walk forward carrying this baggage of your past that is dimming your light, let alone - there is only so much time a powerful being like yourself can hold and suppress your pain and trauma. You have a purpose to live, you can’t afford to put off doing what you’re born to do - your PURPOSE is calling you and thus, why you’ve been ‘forced’ into healing right now.. it is PART of your purpose and who you are, let alone what it is clearing the slate for YOUR purpose to birth through you. Your Angels are by your side EVERY step of the way, you’ve felt them, seen them and noticed them and they are here for you - guiding you to the best healing you need to GET YOU THROUGH THIS - so you can do what you’re born to do. You have noticed them via feathers, coins in random places, people turning up and saying things you feel like you’ve heard for the first time, but heard a million times, animals crossing your path that catch your attention and make you stop and seeing pictures that make you stop scrolling and read and delve further into the content…. take notice - you’re being healed, but healing ain’t easy, it’s messy as fuck. Embrace it. It’s a season and you’re in it. Love xxx It is not that your dreams are not real - it is that it hasn't happened YET. The question is, are you someone who gives up when you're about to strike gold? Perhaps letting go of control has been on the menu, but now you're not who you used to be, well, how and where do you go from here? Master Manifestor starts next week - just days after Solstice - the potent portal that heralds change on a dawning sea of the winds ushering in a new chapter of your life. Are you ready to jump on the Master Manifestor piercing the veils plane to jump start your Manifestations and bring them to life? To stop wishing, hoping and fuck the waiting game off once and for all and... live your manifestations like they were never once a dream? If you're ready for accelerated change in this 3 Week Vortex, Master Manifestor is for you, click here, we start early next week and pre-work has already dropped: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor


Card #3: Stay Focused. 

Now is not the time to get distracted. Do not leave projects by the way side one moment more - because you’re being called into Service in the most divine way with people, projects and opportunities coming and have come your way - say yes, but don’t let yourself not complete the task at hand - clear the slate and then let it fully in, but say yes and continue on yes? Yes, yes, yes is the strong message for you with this card - but also, you’re on the verge of a big breakthrough - even though it feels like you’ve had a waterfall amount of them lately! This Stay Focused card, is calling forth a tidying up, cleaning up and getting organised asf with the projects at hand. You can feel the sense of urgency undertone that NOW is the time, because TIME has been moving on and you’ve been somewhat dilly dallying around - well, you haven’t but on your most important, pressing projects you have! I am sensing you can feel big change on your doorstep and this ‘clean up phase’ is deeply important right now - you, can also feel this! #ofcourse. I am not telling you anything you don’t already know, but I am also telling you as confirmation AND - most importantly, when this ‘clean up, undertone sense of urgency phase occurs’ - this is usually  around a six month portal that happens, before your Life Purpose busts through to a new level and it is THIS big change coming that you can feel - and it’s exciting! There is a white donkey on this card, and it is here the steadfast stubbornness of achieving your goals, your dreams, your desires no matter what the current circumstances - that isn’t where you’re focused (well, you are, but not on the ‘problems’ - you’re cleaning up, clearing and finishing tasks for the task ahead! Your Soul FEELS it and it is here, your confirmation to yep, no more dilly dallying around - time to get moving! Big things coming and the Full Moon on this card - really utilise the Moon Cycles and run with these cycles of change right now, your Purpose, requires it of you. Your intuition is 100% correct about your plans, so, steadfast focus ON baby. Love xxx It is not that your dreams are not real - it is that it hasn't happened YET. The question is, are you someone who gives up when you're about to strike gold? Perhaps letting go of control has been on the menu, but now you're not who you used to be, well, how and where do you go from here? Master Manifestor starts next week - just days after Solstice - the potent portal that heralds change on a dawning sea of the winds ushering in a new chapter of your life. Are you ready to jump on the Master Manifestor piercing the veils plane to jump start your Manifestations and bring them to life? To stop wishing, hoping and fuck the waiting game off once and for all and... live your manifestations like they were never once a dream? If you're ready for accelerated change in this 3 Week Vortex, Master Manifestor is for you, click here, we start early next week and pre-work has already dropped: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor


Card #4: Prosperity. 

Prosperity follows you as you follow the path of your destiny, the path your heart is calling forth, the place where there is not a footstep to follow, but only yours that you create that which you know in your being, is yours to walk. The path of your Soul. You are being asked to stay deeply connected to your finances at this time. When we are in a hard patch, it can be the hardest to look at your finances - DAILY - and yet, you are being asked to. It is a relationship and if you can’t look at the hard stuff when it is hard, how you can expect to receive the good stuff when it is good? Perspective shift, changes everything. If this is/was the love of your life, would you give up on it? No, didn’t think so. Money holds no value - it is only what we give it. Money holds no energy (good/bad) - only what we give it and right now, with this card for you today, you’re being asked to recheck your belief systems around your money, wealth and what you believe, let alone current status and revise this, re-connect with this and evaluate. I am also getting the sense for you, in your looking at - take it to the next level. It is like you have been ‘stuck’ at this level, because of past experiences and of course could be generational lock holds to be released, but this is a time of great expansion. Something has completely shifted and aligned for you and now it is assessing and reassessing the foundations for which what has been built - do they need to be adjusted, shifted, built on or re-structured? Perhaps you are in this phase right now and this is confirmation for you. As I always say to my clients, in the lull, in the quiet phase - what do you wish you had got organised - for the busy period, the exponential growth period ALWAYS comes to pass again, the tide always comes back in, the breath always inhales once more - so, what do you wish you had got organised and completed, systems set up and structures in place? When everything collapses, it is not because you did something wrong, it is because you are ready for the next level and the next level, cannot be sustained on the current system you have built - hence the rebuild. NOW - key here is, to realise that you do not need to burn everything to the ground nor have it collapse every time you bust through a new level. You can keep expanding - and expanding everything the same time. Keep the push, the drive, the hustle, the growth and let it MOVE you, not stall you. You’re being asked to deeply look at your finances, deeply reconnect to your vision and expand it ALL. This could mean pushing beyond your comfort zone in things you’re being asked to do in your business and personal life that may seem counter intuitive to the goal, but also makes total sense and almost a ‘why didn’t I think of that’ idea (which, btw, is your claircognisence and Archangel Uriel helping you with these divine thoughts of Prosperity) that is creating a stabilisation of this new level and the foundations of which can truly be sustained in the future. You’ve learnt, grown and sown new seeds - let them BLOOM baby. Stretch yourself, trust yourself and grow - it’s time. Love xxx It is not that your dreams are not real - it is that it hasn't happened YET. The question is, are you someone who gives up when you're about to strike gold? Perhaps letting go of control has been on the menu, but now you're not who you used to be, well, how and where do you go from here? Master Manifestor starts next week - just days after Solstice - the potent portal that heralds change on a dawning sea of the winds ushering in a new chapter of your life. Are you ready to jump on the Master Manifestor piercing the veils plane to jump start your Manifestations and bring them to life? To stop wishing, hoping and fuck the waiting game off once and for all and... live your manifestations like they were never once a dream? If you're ready for accelerated change in this 3 Week Vortex, Master Manifestor is for you, click here, we start early next week and pre-work has already dropped: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor


Card #5: Believe in Yourself. 

Um, you’re worthy of this, you know that right?! Past experiences may have tainted you, burnt you or thrown you to the ground and some… BUT - you’re not in the past now are you?! However, when we step forward, the old experiences may resurface to keep you safe, because you know, new paradigms of relating, realise you to new heights and that means an old part of you dies. That - is why you sometimes in the beginning stages of moving forward - feel paralysed and you ‘can’t move forward’, because you can and right now, you’re being reminded of your power, your healing abilities, your gifts - your GOALS, DREAMS AND HOPES that got burnt out when you got burnt and you’re being asked to re-ignite something you’ve left behind - what is that for you? This re-ignition of a dream you put to sleep, is being reawaken, just as you were giving up! Yeah, that, my friend, is called SURRENDER. As you surrender your desires to the Creator, you are bestowed upon, more than you could ever imagine to ask for. This - for you right now, is what you have in front of you - on the path in front of you that you’ve chosen, and you’re being asked to not only remember your dream about this, dig it up from the ground (your subconscious) when you buried it long ago, but you’re being asked and REMINDED - that you are worthy of this. You would’ve heard at some point that what you have in your vision, your heart, your desires - are yours - or they wouldn’t be given to you - meaning, you wouldn’t be thinking about it if it wasn’t right for you, you wouldn’t even be thinking about wanting the thing if you weren’t meant to do it/have it/be it - right? Exactly. So, believe in yourself, believe in the fact that you’ve done the work FOR this - so let yourself fully commit and know that you are on this path for a reason, this is yours and it is more than time for you. The other part of this is as you start to shift your beliefs systems and then your aligned actions to match this, you obviously shift your vibrational frequency resonance. That may mean that ‘all of a sudden’ relationships, situationships, career and lifestyle choices - happen FOR you - meaning, they will either drop away or elevate you. Trust these ‘out of the blue’ changes. Not only is this from the work you’ve been doing and now the shift has occurred and is here, but also, what is not required any longer to be in the vicinity of your vibrational filed aka - you got the lesson - will change, release and say goodbye, sometimes without you even knowing what you did or why! At the same time, you have your Eagle Eye inner vision attuned and you KNOW why this is happening and you feel sooooo free again - like you didn’t realise how much it was holding you back and you’re actually happy it is gone now - YAY and thank fuck lol! Because… this new level of believing in yourself - this elevated YOU that you’ve embodied, is actually YOU - meaning, you’ve let go of all the subconscious creations that are not you, but have imprinted you from your childhood upbringing, past life and societal programming and now YOU at this clear slate, without all that - can truly follow YOUR heart, rather than desires that are only longing to awaken you to unmet and unhealed wounds from your childhood. No wonder your self-belief has upped it a notch! (or ten!) Keep going! Your belief is what creates your reality (not telling you anything you don’t know!) and so if you believe yourself, deem yourself worthy and have released societal programming and past experiences telling you otherwise, then honey, the world is your oyster - what do you choose? Love xxx It is not that your dreams are not real - it is that it hasn't happened YET. The question is, are you someone who gives up when you're about to strike gold? Perhaps letting go of control has been on the menu, but now you're not who you used to be, well, how and where do you go from here? Master Manifestor starts next week - just days after Solstice - the potent portal that heralds change on a dawning sea of the winds ushering in a new chapter of your life. Are you ready to jump on the Master Manifestor piercing the veils plane to jump start your Manifestations and bring them to life? To stop wishing, hoping and fuck the waiting game off once and for all and... live your manifestations like they were never once a dream? If you're ready for accelerated change in this 3 Week Vortex, Master Manifestor is for you, click here, we start early next week and pre-work has already dropped: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor


Card #6: Make it Happen. 

You have what it takes to succeed. You may be feeling tired, because of ‘what happened’ - but honey, the only reason you’re ‘tired’ is because you’re FUCKING BORED!!!!! There is no room for tiredness when you’re ALIVE WITH PASSION AND PURPOSE AND LOVE WHAT YOU DO!! BOOM BABY! And yet, you KNOW this, at your core and maybe reading this makes you sad, because you were doing your fucking passion and everyone left you, or tore you down or x-y-z and you know what?! That is NORMAL! And you know what? GOOD! Because now it means you can TRULY make your dreams happen without all the riff riff hanging the fuck around draining the life out of you and raining on your parade! And when they come climbing out of the woodworks when they see your success you’ll be asking your bodyguard to repeat their name to you because nah, you don’t know who that is and waving them on as you stay focused on where you’re head. #forrealbut. This card has come to you to not drop what you started and not lose sight of your dreams for some petty bullshit that the devil is trying to pull you off path. It’s not the devil as such, but the darkness ALWAYS rears it’s head when you’re about to have a massive breakthrough (or just have) to ‘test’ you if you like - are you sure? Are you SURE you really want this? Are you SURE you want to walk this path? HELL FUCKING YES YOU DO. Sooooo MAKE IT HAPPEN. Blinkers on and even when the darkness is screaming in your face - you don’t even hear it as you’re shooing the fly away whilst you finish the task at hand because fucking oath you’re doing it, going to make it HAVE made it and - this - White Dog on this Make It Happen card - is your guardian through the underworld to the realms of the shimmering Goddess. I am getting the strong message for you that you have passed the test and now is the time to Make It Happen - what is that for you? You know exactly what it is for you. We are mid-June - we have 6 months left of this year - what are you going to Make Happen? You KNOW how fast 6 months swings by, so you’re not going to let this go on any longer now are you? No. Also, what is it that - if you look back and think, fuck I wish I had just done that - what is that? Don’t live with regrets! Live with a life you look back and think, fuck I am sooo glad I just did the thing without thinking, because it was the best thing I ever did. Sometimes it has a bit of a fallout - but that is only the logical rational imprinted path falling away… your illogical, completely intuitive path - will never make logical sense to your brain and that is why you MUST make your heart muscle stronger than your brain! Your heart knows, it always has. This path is meant for you. You’re protected through this passageway, so you can let all that go now and keep shooing those flys that are in your way and close the door so they can’t come back in. Remember your powerful allies through this portal, your Fae Dog that leads you through the underworld to the realms of the shimmering golden platinum light Goddess, your Dragon by your side protecting, clearing the path before you and healing your beautiful big heart that is here to shine light upon this world… your path is awakening to a new level of direction and power - embrace it - you were born for this. Love xxx It is not that your dreams are not real - it is that it hasn't happened YET. The question is, are you someone who gives up when you're about to strike gold? Perhaps letting go of control has been on the menu, but now you're not who you used to be, well, how and where do you go from here? Master Manifestor starts next week - just days after Solstice - the potent portal that heralds change on a dawning sea of the winds ushering in a new chapter of your life. Are you ready to jump on the Master Manifestor piercing the veils plane to jump start your Manifestations and bring them to life? To stop wishing, hoping and fuck the waiting game off once and for all and... live your manifestations like they were never once a dream? If you're ready for accelerated change in this 3 Week Vortex, Master Manifestor is for you, click here, we start early next week and pre-work has already dropped: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor