Reminder - You’re Ahead Of Your Time.
Dec 02, 2021
Reminder - You’re Ahead Of Your Time.
Even in all your messiness.
Even when people think that you’re not grounded, don’t have a purpose, vision or reason why you are doing certain things, judge you for not doing what THEY think you should be doing to ‘contribute to humanity’ - but they do not know your vision, your purpose, your intuition or what you have been living for YEARS, before they even have heard a whisper of this way of life, that has been inside of you that has always guided you and - never looked ‘normal or right’ to anyone over the years, let alone now, so don’t pay anymore attention to them right now and remember this deep, solidified truth that… has always guided you.
Underneath all the chaos of change that you are experiencing right now is a divine order that is spurring on the next iteration of your Life Purpose. You are expanding.
Some people fall away - this is normal and to be expected.
When you change, expand and grow - when you step into the next level version of the highest iteration of you, some people will not resonate with you anymore.
This is okay (even though tears come with that at times). Don’t dim your light or inhibit your growth for fear of them dropping away.
It takes courage and a deep trust in the unknown to continue on a path that only comes to light as you step foot on it. There is a lot of trust in a path like this. A lot of trust in yourself, a lot of trust in who you are and knowing you can not live any other way anyway.
Even though you may not have them in your vicinity - yet - there is a myriad of people who are RISING WITH YOU.
Sometimes, you only have one mentor at the end of the telephone line (so grateful) that gets you through the times when there is NO ONE - trust me, I have walked this many times, where I have recalibrated to the next version of myself, to the next expansion in my business and life and - not had a single soul from my old life. Even clients and people who once resonated dropped off and it felt like there was NO ONE for a time, because there literally wasn’t!
People won’t understand your vision - because they are not you. They do not know your intuition or are not living your life, or have lived what you walked through. Continue following your vision anyway.
It is easy to lose your footing and feel overwhelmed in moments of time (sometimes days/weeks!) when all of a sudden, fast rapid expansion changes come in until you remember that this is what you have prayed for, asked for, and have trained for….for lifetimes. Then you pick yourself back up, shake yourself off, get back on track, hire more staff, go for a big run and realise that everything you’ve been working for this entire time has just landed and is ready for the next 5 year plan to birth into reality.
Remember - people won’t understand what you’re doing - because your vision has been given to you - not them.
Remember - it is okay to lose your footing for a moment when you have just hit rapid acceleration growth in your business whilst you recalibrate at this higher iteration of yourself, hiring more help and returning to the powerful Soul that you are ready to ground into the next level version that your Soul has been planning for this entire time.
Do you know your Soul’s Purpose?
Do you have a plan? A 5, 10, 15, 20 year and beyond plan?
Are you here to leave a legacy?
Do you even think about those things?
Are you ready to?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. The most rapid acceleration of expansion has just landed! With that, I HAD to expand my team and fast and I feel so much better again! YAY!
You don’t need to stop things or take away things - you need to EXPAND on things!
Important things, very important things… Life Purpose things even :)
Life Purpose Accelerator is open for application. You can book a call with my team to make sure, this is the correct program for us both moving forward.
Click here for all the details for Life Purpose Accelerator:
You know you’re here to do big things, ‘not normal’ things.
You know you’re a risk taker, you know you leap before you see the ground beneath you because you’ve always lived your life this way and won’t take orders from no one!
You’re different, always have been, somewhat of a loner, even though you don’t feel it because you feel sooo connected to Spirit, Life, Plants, Animals and that is just normal and you wonder how that is not normal for other people!
You think outside the box, you come up with solutions that are just a no brainer for you, are complete common sense and again, wonder why people don’t think this way - as normal!
You’re starting to realise you have a gift, that you are different for a reason and know you are preparing for something HUGE - even though you are not quite sure what that is exactly…
And that, is how you know it is time.
Click here for all the details for Life Purpose Accelerator and to book a call with my team to truly see if this, is in complete alignment for you to accelerate the very reason you are here:
P.P.S. Only 48 hours before out Total Solar Eclipse New Moon Ceremony! Are you coming??
P.P.P.S. Less than 48 hours to go now before the extended Early Bird of Trust Your Intuition Investment increases for good! Are you coming?? Click here for all the details:
P.P.P.P.S. (Yes! A lot of P’s today!) Reconfiguring Energetic Codes commences just a few days after our powerful Total Solar Eclipse Ceremony, this going to be one powerful portal to finalise 2021 and start 2022 with full alignment of your Life Purpose - are you coming??? Click here for all the details: