Right now - you’re experiencing a reality of unconscious projection.
Jun 18, 2024
Right now - you’re experiencing a reality of unconscious projection.
As the true integration of a shadow happens in the collective (right now), the unconscious projections are being felt extraordinary strongly by those that were once unconscious and played that role.
As you now experience the other side of this, have compassion and kindness for yourself as you realise how you’ve shifted and grown.
The true integration of a shadow appears in the extremities of your reality as someone who was once close to you or a complete stranger now playing this out ‘in your outer field’ or ‘right in front of your face’.
The grief you feel, is that of grieving your old self, shattering into oblivion, integrating, as your heart opens again to live the life you’ve dreamt about.
Aka your frequent has shifted and that old vibration is no longer of resonance in your life. The entire paradigm has dropped away. Let it. The old web, disintegrating, like cotton threads dissolving back into the Earth.
The collective frequency has shifted and you’re rising…. Without the unconscious projections needed for your conscious evolution of your Purpose.
You can just do your Purpose now, in whole hearted alignment with you who you are ❤️
Look 👀 for the signs, they are prevalent and obvious to those who can see 👁️ Spirit is communicating with you, pay attention ✨
You can sense who is in alignment and who is not and at this stage, you've gone through enough to leave what falls away, to fall away. Besides, what is coming, is what you've asked for, now the path is clear.. there is only one obvious path - the path you've always desired, coming to fruition.
Isn't it grand?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. If you can feel the shifts of dimensional vortex reality transforming your life - meaning, the last month the energy has felt sooo different, like nothing you've felt before and have been questioning yourself because of it, you're right in this dimensional shift and Master Manifestor? Is exactly right for you as we transcend the matrix of what has been imprinted and shake off anything that is not your Soul's unique path - because right now, the portal is open for just that - your Soul's path - are you going to choose it? Click here for all the details, those that join before Friday, get access to the Full Moon Ceremony right on Solstice - these energies are next level: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor
P.P.S. If you want access to the Throat Chakra Consciousness, where all the deep dark Shadow Truth Integrational shifts are, Life Purpose Legacy is for you - the gateway to another world, through the portal of your body, Life Purpose Legacy is the Inner Circle - lifetime access to all courses, and Rapid Ascension Awakening is yours, click here, early bird is open now AND I have been guided to add a monthly membership option 😱: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy