Sabotage - and Your Life Purpose.
Dec 29, 2022
Sabotage - and Your Life Purpose.
How many times do you go to do something that you really want to do, and someone will tug or pull at your time or energy and want you to do the thing with them instead - and you give into that?
How many times do you let other people’s voices in your head stop you from doing what you really want to do?
How many times do you put other people first, instead of tending to your own needs, of what you need to do for you, before you help them?
How many times are you going to let the negative stuff pull you down and distract you from your Life’s Purpose?
You see, anything that pulls you away from your Life’s Purpose - is sabotage.
I don’t really like the word sabotage - but this is exactly what it is and exactly the word to describe it. ‘Deliberately destroy’
The only thing that stops you from sabotaging your own Life’s Purpose, your Soul calling work - is you.
It is a choice to let it pull you off path.
You could reframe it to destroying what you know to be true in your Heart of what you need to do, of what is right for you in your life, of the life you are living of - what your Life’s Purpose IS.
Because when you know, and you get a taste of it - there is no going back.
But then - sometimes you do - especially in the start - because you are scared of your power - that is all.
Scared of your own power, comes from past life, or this life, when you have abused or controlled other’s in the past and you become aware of this, feel remorseful for it and then are scared to step into your power, for fear of doing that again.
But what actually happens - is you actually become aware of how powerful you are.
Of how powerful your thoughts and emotions are and what you create in your life.
When you manifest ‘good’ things - sabotage can arise - for example, in spending all the money you get in, because you are uncomfortable with more money that you usually have (there is a ‘level’ of money you are comfortable with).
Or, when you have consciously been journalling about a specific thing and then it comes to fruition and the first couple of times this happens you are like ‘Omg this stuff works! Shiz!’ and then you retreat in whatever way shape or form because you become aware of your power and become scared of it.
At the core - of ANY sabotage?
Is that you simply you do not believe you are worthy enough.
Worthy enough of having money.
Worthy enough of having family.
Worthy enough of having the loving relationship and partner you want.
Worthy enough of living a ‘good’ life - whatever that looks like to you.
Or you might think you are worthy enough, manifest it easily enough, then sabotage it along the way…
Because along the way, your self worth starts to creep in and you are like, um, actually, how can this be so good?
Or, you feel loved in your life and then - when you are loved enough, you feel safe and then, all your ‘stuff’ comes up…..
And you either recognise it, love it and transform it…
Or it becomes the death of you i.e. - sabotage rules your life.
You sabotage every good thing in your life.
Either way - it is a choice.
Easier said than done. Perhaps.
What you are doing - is when you keep choosing the life that you know is right in your Heart and Soul for YOU…
You are:
~ Strengthening the muscle of WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU i.e. your HEART and SOUL i.e. your INTUITION
~ Aligning to your Life’s Purpose
~ Growing in Self Confidence, Awareness and LOVE for yourself and your life
Any doubting or questioning - is sabotage
Any doubting or questioning - is other people’s opinions and voices in your head
Any doubting or questioning of what you know is right in your Heart, is just your head trying to overtake your Heart.
Let your Heart be stronger.
Let your Self Confidence grow.
Let your Soul be NOURISHED by what is RIGHT FOR YOU.
Because after all honey, it was never about them.
It was always between you and Your Soul and birthing Your Life Purpose.
Brush away the negativity, shake off the other people’s opinion, detangle your energetic cords, STAY YOUR COURSE
By doing this, you shift the generational karmic ties.
The buck stops here bunny!
Chrysocolla in The Liquid Crystals, the Animal Totem associated with it, is Rabbit. “Silence” is the purpose…. and taken directly from The Liquid Crystals, by Justin Moikeha Asar, Pg 98:
“If Chrysocolla has made her way into your life today, her presence usually relates to the recognition to your feminine side and her pathways of growth. It is possible that you have developed a dependence on the masculine methods of living and it is time to step back into your self, trust and feel that which really resides within you. Release your attempts to control and change the external world. The Goddess is on your doorstep, will you take her hand? Real change is that which leads to the discovery of the divine inner self. Sit a while and recognise your greatest achievement is not in the world, it was what you sacrificed to be in the world at birth. Chrysocolla time is a time of Inner Truth, that if embraced will lead to Inner Peace and birth a new divine life for us all. Battles are best fought within self if anyone is ever to be Victorious and the world returned to peace.” “I am the Power of Silence” - The Liquid Crystals, by Justin Moikeha Asar, Pg 98.
Now the return to the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Balance Dance…
The strong, but the soft at the same time…
The holding, but the releasing at the same time…
The moving forward, but the letting go at the same time….
When you choose to say no, you say yes to you.
When you choose to say enough, you give more energy to you and your life aka, your Life Purpose.
When you choose to leave, you give lease and life to your Life Purpose.
When you choose to follow what your Heart calls to you, regardless of the fallouts, the things that WILL fall away because you are reclaiming more and more of YOU and shedding all those skins that you have allowed yourself to get wrapped up in, you SHINE.
Some people put on more sunnies to stop being blinded.
Let them.
Keep shining.
The world needs you.
No, YOU need YOU.
Do it for you.
Because everyone will benefit anyway.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. 2023 is not going to be a year of sabotage is it now? Nope, didn't think so! 2022 has been challenging, hard, dropping down to the depths below anything you could've thought it could've gone to and yet, you accelerated through it all - but not to the level nor the extent that you knew in your mind you could possibly get to.
Life Purpose Accelerator is open for my 2023 intake. This is my Private 1:1 Exclusive Inner Circle where in 2023, I am only taking on a limited number of private clients.
To show up as your best, be your best and accelerate your Life Purpose the best, whilst holding both the Light and Dark, navigating the highs and the lows, whilst birthing the reason you are born.
If you know that Life Purpose Accelerator is the place you're to be in 2023, click here for all the details to apply, or send me a message to talk about the requirements: