Salty, sun kissed and sunburned…😌
Nov 19, 2022
Salty, sun kissed and sunburned…😌
I arrived home.. exhausted- but not busy exhausted, not tired exhausted… but salt water infusion exhausted and that… isn’t exhaustion… it’s a satisfying feeling that…
I walked through the front gate, the hot summer winds sweeping through the valley and noticed…. My nervous system… calmed. An unexpected blissful early morning long water surf, with incredible blues that took my breath away and sun, sand and heart centred chats with my bestie…. Exactly what I needed after one of the most intense weeks.
Incredible extremes have been felt - especially Wednesday… feeling the highs and the lows all at the same time - like you’re literally suspended in the middle and the sense of experiencing both, knowing you can hold both, but feeling both worlds ripped apart at the same time… what a skill. (Friday was extreme tiredness and these have been collective energies all week so strongly, many have been feeling them).
The Oceanic Codes were already calling as Transcendence is on our doorstep and yet, it was a last minute call to chuck my board in after a girly breakfast and walk on the beach catch up was in call, but one look at the ocean and we were in it 🌊 🏄♀️
It took me a bit to remember what the ocean felt like… and arriving home feeling - changed - the most frustrating part about being out here in the country is knowing exactly what I need and not able to do it in the moment I want to. It has been a reset, a deeply encoding standard raising 11:11 flow morning.
We left our phones at home and dropped into synchronicity ocean time as the soulfuelled chats led to upleveing and holding standards and ‘no’s’ that raised the bar once more.
Paddling out…. SELF AS PRIORITY was all that was pouring through me… encoded… embedded…embodied.
The old Hannah would’ve said no, cancelled, rushed around and forced myself to sit at my computer… I had work to do.. clients to tend to. And yet, after the intense week of collective energies alone, let alone 560km worth of driving (that’s just how it is when you live in the country and it… takes its toll…)
I chose to follow my heart and catch up with my bestie, let alone the surf? That… made my week after adjusting back to water life… let alone the 11:11 uplevel that came so synchronistically when we moseyed on back to her home #magic
I needed my magic back.
I needed to trust the flow once more.
I needed my nervous system to calm…
Leading up to the year mark of the almost fateful dog attack where somehow some being chose to save me that day, my nervous system has been well… not that calm let’s say…
Laying on the sand I spoke of the work I had to do and the no phone scenario and how much we lapped it up of not being in our phones after a solid week and… I said, “It’s taught me work life balance living out there (the country).” I used to be non-stop work, I didn’t mind it - my life’s work is not work I just love it.. and yet, living in the country I have had to segregate it… I just don’t have the capacity to drive the lengths I have to and do what I do with my now teenage daughter and work at the same time. Plus… I choose not to.
And when those words rolled out of my mouth to Jay… it was like time stood still, the sound of the waves, the warming burning sun beaming on my skin, the warm air bustling across the sand… and it sunk in…
This is a recoding, this is an uplevleing, this is a frequency shift, this is a frequency embodiment that… is here now.
I’ve shifted.
I’m living it. It’s…. Happened.
The shift is real.
The extremes are real.
The saying no to what you don’t want to come into the full alignment of your Soul so that everything can come into the space that is here…
Because it may be busy but there is space… in between… and that… allows your Soul to step in and create, align and become all that you have dreamt of becoming with all that you’ve ever wanted… lining up… waiting for you because you chose and you became and you are and so….
It is 🤍
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. I am about to release something tomorrow… something.. so frequencly special (yes… it’s a word now 💎)