Scorpio Full Moon
May 19, 2019
Shattering old realities is how I can describe it.
Things blown out of the water.
Reality in your face smack downs.
HUGE joyful new situations elevating.
Talk about diving deep!
Last night was soooo alive and total next level Full Moon Ceremony, you saw me buzzing off that energy that poured through that Ceremony - Reconfiguring of Energetic Codes? Gosh. It wasn't until I was channeling it did I realise what they meant!
Then this morning, I kept turning my alarm off and slept past it for almost 4 hours! I should've just let myself sleep in!
Yet, it wasn't until later in the morning, did I realise why I did that.
Full Moon peaked at 7:11am this morning (AEST) and that was right when I was pressing snooze. I obviously had to be somewhere else for that one! It reminded me of the Eclipse Blood Red Full Moon in July last year, it was the only Full Moon Ceremony in almost 2 years now, that I have missed! And I slept right through it - I needed to not be here, not because I didn't want to be, but obviously other work needed to be done elsewhere.
I woke up feeling sooo off this morning. I know there are several factors playing into this. Yesterday I woke up feeling like someone had a grasp on my wings, through the back of my heart/shoulder blades so significantly and all up through my neck. It was super noticeable and tuning into it, knowing exactly where it came from. I just sat with it all day, then during the Full Moon Ceremony, not even noticing it.
This morning though... feeling groggy like I had been drinking almost...(yet I haven't drunk anything for months) made me even more aware at where the wing gripping was coming from. I got up, made myself coffee, showered, went to tend to my clients and walked into my office and sat down reluctantly, realising how much my office needed to be cleaned after a huge week of work. Within 5 minutes one of our kittens was up on my desk walking around and walked over and pushed the Isis mirror off my desk, smashing it to bits.
I sat there in shock, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, in that moment, not realising how significant it was. I crawled under my desk to pick up the mirror bits to put in the bin and broke down crying feeling the wing grip tighten and very aware of what was really going on here now.
'Smashing realities' - the mirror? Was given to me by my Dad for my 21st Birthday when I had my spiritual awakening.
Crying for a moment, 'Why is it all so hard' - I realised, it wasn't just my stuff. It had just gone Full Moon Peak.. and someone had grip of my wings...
Right. That is ENOUGH! ENOUGH!!
Something CLICKED. And I begun deep cleaning and rearranging. But this was different. I lit my sage and smoked the entire house out. I danced around my living room in circles with the fully dried out alive big smoking sage "LET GO OF ME AND TAKE YOURSELF BACK TO YOU!" I commanded as I continued to release all that I felt upon me and removed it OFF me. No, NO AND NO! You can have your crap back thank you very much I am NOT carrying this for you! NOPE! GET OFF AND OUT OF MY FIELD NOW!
I proceeded to energetically clean, dust and smoke the house. I moved things around and the flow feels much better now. THAT needed to happen.
But - as I was doing all this? Not long into it, realising the deeper threads of 'who was holding my wings' (which by the way, is our own self when we look deep enough) that when I just started this cleaning thread... what happened just before the mirror smash? I picked up the photo of Panda on my desk and was staring at it. Then the mirror smashed. It was like, he pushed it off and smashed it, through our kitten in a way.
Then, when I began cleaning, I remembered a vision I had - I don't know if I dreamt it this morning, or it was as I was looking at his picture? - Panda, going into and through the light portal. He is gone now. I could feel him around since he 'left' and now, he has really left. Of course he will come back and visit - but the energy shift this morning? Of him not being around Sooo noticeable. Quite incredible really. No wonder, with this as well, cleaning like this. Setting the new space, new energy, releasing the old realities. Old energies. I placed crystal grids in almost every room. All energetically recoded. Just like from last nights Ceremony. Without even 'thinking' about it. (If you want to know how to energetically clean and set crystal grids send me a message telling me you want to know how to energetically clean and set crystal grids to recode 💎) There have been waves of grief of Panda not being here, even though with new kittens (not planned!), that weren't to replace Panda, but came intuitively to do so, last night before the Full Moon Ceremony I found myself printing out photos and crying about him being gone again, as the Moon rose on the horizon, I realised today, that, that was me feeling him leaving now. Still in awe.
Even though I do this for work, that I am tuning into this stuff for people all day, every day. When it is me, right under my nose, I am still in awe and humbled at this stuff when I just do things, then all the messages of why come flooding in, all the pieces of the puzzle come together. 😮
It was such a strong factor for me back when I began this stuff and got off drugs - take drugs? Or be psychic? Ah, my psychic abilities thank you! It was an easy choice for me! Getting side tracked...
This whole 'smashing realities' thing... became clear when I was energetically cleaning, the flow was SOOOO there - (I only clean when the flow is there! Or do anything when the flow is there) the mirror smashing was another 'family thread going' Dad gave me that mirror. And only 2 days ago, an heirloom from my late Nanna, smashed on my kitchen floor too. I stood there staring at it for a bit, until it came too - not needing to carry generational stuff anymore. Thanks Nanna.
And then it hit me during energetic cleansing and cleaning today, I did every room in the house and it was effortless follow - OH. 😮 THIS. 😮 The 'Reconfiguring Energetic Codes' from the Full Moon Ceremony. 😮 No wonder the drive to do my home happened this morning, because... after last night, well! NO WONDER is all I can say! That was sooo huge in the ceremony last night! (If I was to make this meditation available from the Ceremony - would you want it? Comment 'Reconfiguring Energetic Codes' below and let me know!👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻)
Then about 2 hours ago, I had my office door shut as I do when recording. And it opened, and I expected Adaya to walk in and I looked and as I did, she wasn't there, but at the same time she said, 'What was that?' I got up and was like, 'Um, what WAS that?' It didn't feel like Panda, he has definitely gone through the Light Portal to do what ever Panda things he needs to do for now. But, it wasn't just my door opening and, I don't even know how/why it would've my window wasn't open, so the door pushing open from the wind without my window being open 🤔 but, it was that feeling/sense when there is a big gust of wind and the house feels it, but it wasn't even that, but that is what it felt like, but it wasn't 🤔
What it did feel like? Not, even a person walking in. BUT a WHOLE NEW REALITY SHIFT. It felt like when the breaking glass happened several weeks ago and so many people around the world said they heard it too? THAT. This one tonight? Felt like a cog clicking into place, without the clicking, but more of a locking into place sense. Hard to describe. Did anyone else feel this?
🧡NEW REALITIES EMBEDDED🧡 Is what that felt like. It was a different energy to the breaking glass. More like an 'embed' feeling/sound/shift/hard to describe.
I am going to start tracking these things. Like the breaking glass 'breaking the ceiling of the current reality' 'smashing through to the new reality' and this, plus the Schumann Resonance that they told me to start tracking in the Full Moon Ceremony last night. There is some reason for this awareness and something in this that I am getting messages of. I have been receiving a lot of information recently (that I haven't been sharing) about sacred geometry, the consciousness of humanity, how it is awakening and what is really going on, putting all the pieces of the puzzle together, pretty much what i do with my clients to help them, but I am receiving all this information for humanity for some reason. All going in my book, it's leaving me floored with humbledness, but like what channeled through in ceremony last night! So in awe and deeply humbled!
Sacral Chakra is huge. It is like energetically, if there was a colour a consciousness, that we are dealing with right now, the Third Eye truth is being seen and the Sacral Chakra ALIGNMENT, clearing the slate and birthing new realities is on FIRE right now🔥🔥🔥
Sacral is deeply connected to our JOY centre - it is that deep contentment, that deep Buddha belly laugh. contentment feeling. It is that. Deep seated Peace. Lots of clearing, but lots of peace at the same time. And more and more joy started to flood in. But it isn't that 'quick fix' joy. It is a deep, contented nourishment joy.
HUGE Sacral Chakra Cleansing is going on in the collective right now. Not just knowing the truth of the reality, but actioning it. Breaking patterns at their core - the sacral, connected to the intestines, we hold stuff in our intestines, patterns and realties are being shattered not just the awareness of them, but the physical deep colon cleansing, waking up and NO MORE - ENOUGH!
It is on FIRE right now. Do you feel this too? Would love to hear what you're feeling? Comment below? 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Queen of Our Earth 👑🕊🌏❤️
P.S. If you are needing to bounce your crazy ideas around, needing deep healing so you can be crystal clear and make sense of all the divine intuition and messages you are receiving so you can use it in service for your Divine Life purpose, rather than being overwhelmed and floored by it and ruining every relationship you come into contact with you can channel it for your Divine Life Purpose instead, my 21 Day Shifter Program is exactly where you can do and receive this and much more. Click here for all the details for this or send me a message for more information.