Some people don't know I have a daughter...
Oct 14, 2021
Some people don’t know I have a daughter. Her father lives in New Zealand and before world stuff happened, she would fly to see him for a month or so at time. She is almost 13. I have homeschooled her since she was 4. I rarely speak or post about her these days due to her request.
Between 7-8, was a significant shift in being ‘out in the world’ to being ‘inside in her world’. At 7-8 hormones kick in and…. She isn’t my little girl anymore. She is a tween and… is more like a teen.
I have been treating her as such and respecting her wishes. We used to share so much of ‘us’ together on social media when she was younger, but not anymore. I would much rather respected honour her feelings that plaster her against her wishes - into ANYTHING she doesn’t want to do.
If we can not respect our children’s ‘simple’ wishes - how can they say no to authority when they are older? We expect children to have a sense of self and be able to say no to drugs when they are teenagers (or younger) - but we are not even respecting what they choose in our own homes?? It starts in the home… not in the school yard.
Every time your child says no to you - know that you are strengthening them to have the confidence, courage and strength to say no to drugs when they are older.
And by drugs, well, there is many out there. Some that have become apparent with world stuff with others wondering why adults can’t even stand up for themselves right now in the chaotic world stuff. Honey, it starts in the HOME.
Do you force your children into a yes, when they don’t want to?
Sure, there are boundaries… but with simple, ‘trivial’ things - that mean everything to your child and ‘nothing’ to you?
To be continued... Stay tuned.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. If you want more Conscious Parenting tips or how you would even walk this path, click here:
P.P.S. The core... is what was hit when you were a child... there are layers upon layers healing that occurs when one starts their spiritual journey... but do you heal at your core? At the zero point field where it all began and all resides - the core is where all is travelled through Trust Your Intuition - not all are ready to heal so deeply, but you are, right? Or you wouldn't be reading thus far right? Click here for all the details, we start soon: