Something changed inside of me today โœ๏ธ ๐Ÿ“š ๐Ÿ’Ž

how to find your life purpose how to trust your intuition Jun 08, 2024

Something changed inside of me today โœ๏ธ ๐Ÿ“š ๐Ÿ’Ž I am truly touched and so immensely grateful to those who travelled, who came from far and wide to meet me in person and purchase a signed copy of my book ๐Ÿ“• alongside a mini reading, that I gifted them with their presence in my vortex ๐ŸŒช๏ธ๐Ÿ”ฎ

It sounds silly when I say it out aloud, but I didn’t/haven’t realise the impact that I have had on people ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ For people that know me and have followed me for years, for those that have found me recently and for those that met me for the very first time today. Touching people’s hearts with a few words from what was channeling through me for them as I signed their book and gave them a card ๐Ÿ”ฎ to take with them - tears, healings and realisations galore โœจ

Sometimes, I forget I am a Healer. Yes, even with a moon ๐ŸŒ™ on my forehead. Yes, even though my business is what it is.

Perhaps it’s the isolation initiation. Perhaps it’s a part of me, meeting myself in a different way for the very first time ๐Ÿง˜๐Ÿป‍โ™€๏ธ

Regardless, with a lady walking past with a snake wrapped around her just as I was finishing up, (you wouldn’t read about it ๐Ÿคฃ), naturally I lifted my arm to show her my tattoo and as I did she let the snake reach out to my arm. It did not hesitate and slithered up my arm, as it smelt me with its tongue and was suddenly on my neck, the woman even realised she didn’t ask and said, “‘Pumpkin’ really likes you’.”

It felt like I was coming out of a portal with the snake slithering up my arm (at my book signing in the middle of a street!), all time stood still and was like Spirit piercing the veil - making sure I ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ‘๏ธ REALISED ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ‘๏ธ this moment in time. (Snake, is Lapis Lazuli in The Liquid Crystals - REALISATION).

A month after the dog attack, I made a life changing decision. I either pack up my life and move back to the vicinity of my family system on the other side of the country, or I stay here and make this my Home. I chose to stay. At this time, it marks 2.5years since that decision, and we know what I say about 3 year healing & transformational portals. It hasn’t been an easy few years since that decision. To have stepped into ‘this land’ with my first in person event at the 2.5yr mark, as I walked down the street leaving with these thoughts running through my intuitive mind, and felt how significant it is, to my new life beginning here. After 20 years of roaming and wondering where my home is and 8 years of being purely online in a bubble of etheric technology portal, it feels like the ropes have snapped and I’ve found my ground, my land, my home.

 My heart can rest now โค๏ธ I found my life again. My Ancient Blooded Healer Soul consciously recognises the land underneath my feet as a place I’ve arrived, where I’ve always… been. My Home, had been right in front of me, this last 20yrs. But now, I feel safe to my soul to truly be present here, to be… heart full present here.

I’ve been so scared of the endings….feeling like they cut me deep and I have taken a long time to heal, travelling lands far and wide with much, much time alone, it’s made me very aware of the lessons I’ve learnt from them and seemingly taking my time with everything, lately, with time moving so fast, I’ve never felt so slow in all my life.

I’ve let go of so much, and as a Healer, teach this so often - letting go - but to understand on this level is a loss for words. This level of letting go, especially in the last 6 weeks, has been something I’ve never experienced and it’s proven by the manifestations that have effortlessly showed up without my even conscious trying. It’s blown me and some ๐Ÿคฏ… but of course, this happens leading up to Master Manifestor, to teach what I live, to share the wisdom Spirit wants to channel through the world and touch the lives of which souls are called for this level of evolutionary consciousness to transform their life, mind and energetic Soul.

I’ve been so scared of endings, I forgot life…was just beginning. ๐Ÿ’ซ 

Something inside of me healed today, thank you to all those who were divinely called to a vortex that transcended time, that brought healing and a new lease on life to all that... starts now. 

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ๐Ÿ‘‘

 P.S. To honour this unexpected and explicable rite of passage today, I’ve shifted my Psychic Readings, perhaps your heart, calls forth it to you, click here for all the details:

P.P.S. Just a reminder, that after the 28th July 2024, I won't be taking on any new clients until I am intuitively called out of the zone of completing projects Reality Awareness is ready to ground Home. Send me a message if you know you're called to step into my client space and rise within this sacred vortex of where this is shifting to. Once this portal is closed after the 28th July - there will be a specific frequency that this 'sacred circle of vortex' is destined for and I can feel it in my bones... this will be something else. If you're ready for acceleration on spiritual steroids, this space is for you. Send me a message to discuss what is available and what is right for you. 

P.P.P.S. Master Manifestor has shifted gears... this is going to be one potent 21 Days, click here for all the details if you're ready to take off in your life, for your manifestations to ground and blow your mind out of the water unlike anything ever before, early bird investment increases in just a few days:

P.P.P.P.S. Hows the 'Broken Girl' to 'Rebel Rising' on the bookshelf in the window behind me with the snake ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ #whatarethechances. Says it all ๐Ÿ’ซ