Standing in your power, truth and authenticity can make you shake in your boots 👢

how to trust your intuition Jul 31, 2021

Standing in your power, truth and authenticity can make you shake in your boots 👢

When you need to voice your truth, when you need to say what you really need to say, when you are holding your ground in something that is right for you - you can still walk away from the situation shaking because you just held your ground, spoke your truth and had to continue to hold that in that space. 

That isn't always easy! 

Even if you are well versed in standing your ground, holding your truth and speaking it at the same time - there are some situations that make you shake - and it is normal to hold your ground and shake at the same time! 

However, it gets easier as you hold your ground, but that doesn't mean you won't shake or have to recover from the experience. 

There are times when we will question if we should've - sometimes the immediate outcome can seem worse than we expected or held our ground for in the first place, but it is so important to remember that 99% of the time, it will take a few days or weeks to realise you were grateful you held your ground or understand the deeper reason why you did that anyway - rather than give in, or stay quiet or conform. 

Something changes in you, when you speak your truth, hold your ground and say what you really want to say. Something changes in the atmosphere energetically around you and ripples through the Universe when you face adversity and stay in integrity and true to what you know in your heart is right for you and hold your ground, no matter what they throw at you. 

Your Soul doesn't die for starters AND you continue you on the path of your Life Purpose. 

However, it doesn't mean you won't shake in your boots or walk away questioning if you have done the right thing. 

However, you deep down know you have. It is just outside situations/people can make you question why you did the thing... but you know, even though you start doubting - you just couldn't have done it any other way - you wouldn't have been able to sleep at night right? 

If you haven't already received the bigger picture of your why you did it... know it's coming. 

But you also deep down knowing, that shaking in your boots - was the only option.

Your truth, your integrity, your moral compass - demanded it right? 

That... is something that will go down in history as the one who changed the world. 

People will make you question and doubt and shake..... 

Shake in your boots anyway. 

For this was never about them anyway. 

This is about you - staying in your truth, honouring your truth, your integrity and building that deeper connection to your SOUL aka your Life Purpose. 

And THAT is something worth fighting for. 

You know where your moral compass lays. Stay here some more. 

The shaking and doubt will become less and less and less. 

Go forth. You've done the right thing. 


Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. If you're ready for deep support, if you're ready for intuitive guidance that is specifically channeled for you, if you're ready to HEAL and move on past all the bullshit and finally get on with your life, rather than wonder why things are still not working or continue to seem like the same shit gets dragged up time and time again, then the 21 Day Shifter Program is where we can clear all this out and get you moving again.

Celebrating 5 Years of never missing a Tuesday for Tuesday Tarot (that's a lot of Tuesdays!) the 21 Day Shifter Program, returning you to your Freedom once again, click here for all the details:

21 Days you and me: 

~ Psychic Development

Get clear on trusting your intuition, being able to bounce ideas off me, helping you to hone in on your unique Psychic Gift, so you can amplify your intuition and trust it at the same time. 

~ Intuitive Coaching

Divinely Guided and deeply personalised intuitive guidance, channeled specifically for you, regarding your personal situation. 

~ Psychic Development

Get clear on trusting your intuition, being able to bounce ideas off me, helping you to hone in on your unique Psychic Gift, so you can amplify your intuition and trust it at the same time. 

Click here for all the details: