The biggest challenge I have had over the years on walking away from negative, toxic, unhealthy relationships
Nov 11, 2022
The biggest challenge I have had over the years on walking away from negative, toxic, unhealthy (so funny, it auto spelled to unearthy) relationships is that the space in between the bad shit and the good shit is definitely…. an adjustment.
There is a lot of loneliness in this space.
Whilst I have buried myself in work over the years, I didn’t realise that undertone of that, was a need to be someone - so that my family would approve. ‘Being sent away’ back as a teenager had detrimental affects for me that I have been living away from the family system for 20 years, but didn’t realise all this time until my 38th birthday recently that I had been subconsciously been waiting for their approval to go home - wtf right?
Oh… how the subconscious subliminal affects us and our generational patterns play out every single day without us even realising it.
And yet.. it has been more than this…
The space.. may be lonely.. and yet.. in creating a better life for myself and my daughter, doing what I love and stepping into entrepreneurship business of freedom of the life I live today with what I create, am creating and dream of creating that is still in process in the ever unfolding vision I hold deep in my Soul that guides me everyday - for me - IS the only way.
The space… may be lonely…
But it is way better here than settling for the toxic unconscious relationships that used to leave me for weeks in darkness of non-communication, confusion, hurt, betrayal and bursts of extreme emotional abuse.
It is way better than having my daughter witness that and thinking it is normal….
It is way better than being told I need to get a real job and send my daughter to school and be normal just so I was accepted and conditionally loved for who I am.
It is way better than settling for what I KNOW is possible and have chosen to live my life accordingly, knowing full well that feeling of FUCK YES and complete deep Soul alignment that shows up when it does, knowing that was the reason I didn’t settle in the first place, said no to and walked away from anything that was not this feeling.
Sometimes we have to turn around and see what we’ve actually walked away from to remind us in the lull moments what we did that for and then we realise… that this isn’t lonely…
This…is Freedom…
And we turn back to remember where we are going and our Soul steps back into the drivers seat once more.
Sometimes it isn’t the little things that make the difference… its the big things… and not many, have the courage of the Lion to walk away from that which no longer serves, because that would mean their ENTIRE life and reality would be different to what they have accustomed themselves to at this point in time.
And yet, those that do… are the ones who inspire those… to know that there is a better life awaiting them, than the toxic entanglements that hold you captive….
You’re the only one that has the key honey…
And life is waiting for you.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.P.S. If you’re ready to release yourself from the ball and chain that holds you back, if you’re ready to heal, if you’re ready to deeply dive into the subconscious and unlock your freedom, your wisdom and your Life Purpose - Life Purpose Accelerator applications are closing soon, click here for all the details for my Inner Circle, the place for Rising Lightworkers & Ancient Blooded Healers:
P.P.P.S. 2023 is just around the corner and… you’re tired of not having the life you want, but KNOW you are settling and just getting by isn’t an option for you anymore! If you’re ready to be supported through 2023 with a divine roadmap of acceleration for your dreams to literally come true, click on the link here, as doors close for 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast next week: