The faster you own the fact that you're different, the faster life gets better
Oct 30, 2021
The faster you own the fact that you're different, the faster life gets better.
The faster you realise you can and do walk into the lions den and you wonder why you've ended up here again is because you are training and fine tuning your skills. You didn't take a wrong turn, you were meant to fine tune your skills to an entirely new level.
The faster you realise you have a gift and that you change the energy in a room of people just by walking in and being yourself, the faster life gets better.
It gets better because you realise who you are, what you're here for, how to do that, why your energy affects people the way that it does and they freak out, ghost you, turn on you, want to be around you more,
You go to Healers and Counsellors and they end up not knowing what to do with you, some, but most won't admit it. You walk away feeling worse, starting to believe there must be something REALLY wrong with you because even they couldn't help you.
You feel like you are blocked, that you are missing something or need more help from a different counsellor, because you feel something there. Or something.
But what is ACTUALLY going on here, is that you have a gift by being just who you fucking ARE. The only 'block' is you not owning that fact!
People are captivated by you, sometimes by you feeling on your worst days!
Call you 'their kryptonite'.
Just want to 'hang out' with you, they can't get enough of you they just want to be around you.
Get triggered by you and then come back for more because they just cannot stay away.
Others envy you, hate on you, want to 'beat you up' just for being fucking yourself (high school politics anyone?! Still today, they watch on silently in the background stewing over shit - and 'normal' people #iseeyou)
And this, is where we fine tune our boundary skills. Especially with those that say 'you're like my kryptonite'!
And yet, you won't put these boundaries in place if you don't realise WHO YOU ARE.
You will usually continue to stay in situations that drain your Soul, make you look old before your time, feel paralysed in life unable to move, or swing to the other end and get antsy with control and nit picking EVERYTHING and stewing on shit because you are not facing the cold hard truth that you are simply not happy and won't do anything about it. You stay in toxic relationships whether that be intimate, family, career, or something else.
You are simply not happy because you haven't owned the fact of WHO YOU ARE.
You are a powerful Healer, an Ancient Blooded Healer.
You have a gift to heal and change people just by BEING WHO YOU ARE.
People feel better, 'just being around you'.
People tell you their life stories or hard life situations that they have not told ANYONE ever before and will usually tell you this and want to continue hanging out with you.
Sure, you can do that, but you will get drained super quick! Even if it is 'positive' things they are telling you, unless they are your client and there are boundaries in place - and this, is where you transition into BEING WHO YOU ARE into your Career!
Most people, won't do this.
Simply, they are too scared of their power. Others.. just don't know how on Earth to even do that, where to start or otherwise. (that's what I help with).
Of course, I am not saying everyone needs to do this, no. This definitely is not for everybody.
But if you frequently:
- get told there is just something about you
- that people are captivated by you
- that you sense the Earthquakes and similar subtle vibrations like the animals
- have a strong affinity with animals, pets, protecting wildlife or other animal related activities
- people tell you their darkest, deepest secrets in the first conversation upon meeting you
- constantly feel like you don't fit in anywhere, even after trying different 'groups' yep, nope, still don't
- always feel drained/depleted and like you just can't figure life out or feel like you are going crazy or feel rejected and abandoned most of the time
It's just time you start OWNING your gift. Fine tuning those skills and learning how to turn into into your Career, because let's face it a 'normal' job just doesn't cut it for you. You walk in and see all the things wrong with it, improve systems, make everything better than when you began and people don't like that so you leave yet again to another job for same.
You have a natural ability to INSTANTLY see what is wrong with a situation because you also HAVE THE DAMN SOLUTION at the same time.
Some people think that you're always negative or cynical because you do this, but you are simply a HEALER.
Things RAPIDLY change when you OWN THIS FACT.
The faster you do, you usually find:
- other like minded Souls that don't drain your energy
- get into Healing Careers rapidly
- start finding it a tonne easier to set boundaries and hold your worth like you've never done before
- heal some deep inner wounds that had been trying to bubble to the surface
- feel freer and more confident in your life than you have in a long time
- you feel a relief you have been searching for, for ages, that you looked in every book and counsellor to find to no avail
The faster you own the fact that you're different, the faster life gets better. Usually, this comes after a pile of grief in so many ways, for so many layers as you release your old life.
When you OWN the fact you are difference therefore you OWN YOUR POWER and stand in that truth and EVERYTHING shifts when you do this.
People don't have 'power over' you and you don't end up in abusive or sexually harassing or weird ass situations.
You are not drained by others.
You have your life force back.
YOU FEEL ALIVE AGAIN and you can finally move forward into what on Earth YOU ARE BORN FOR!
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. If you're wondering how to start online and get your zillion gifts out to the world, because let's face it, you are multi-talented, have never fit into the box of following some MLM or other system you are here to do your own creative thing and on your terms, then keep your eyes out for ONLINE PRESENCE - 4 Week Starter Course to Get Yourself Going Online about to DROP later today!
P.P.S. If you know that you are BORN for this and ready to heal, get your shit sorted and move into this as your career full time, my Inner Circle is the place to be, with all areas access, your VIP instant access to everything I create and ever will create, your Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator Certification and Advanced Certifications, let alone 1:1 private mentoring at the highest level, the Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, applications open now, click here for all the details:
P.P.P.S. When my Inner Circle is open, that means, Trust Your Intuition is! We commence training on the 22-02-22 - the magical date of the start of something incredibly healing and life transformative for you - click here for all the details for Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Healer: