The future is here. You cannot go back to the old.
Sep 24, 2022
The future is here. You cannot go back to the old. If you try you’ll be shut out, hit out and it will feel like everything is going wrong and against you. Simply - you’ve outgrown it. Focus on what you want moving forward and put all your energy into that.
Anything that is dragged up from the past will make you feel more confused and upset when you were so clear - get back to that clarity, because you know what you want.
New ideas will be pouring in at rapid speed if you truly allow yourself to realise that the past is truly gone and you are free now.
I was sharing with my Trust Your Intuition Training School Tribe this week, that right now - worlds are merging.
Dimensions are shifting.
Do we truly know what is happening? No. But here’s my intuition on what is intrinsically clear:
The change in the atmospheric sunsets and sunrises that we’ve witnessed since February 2022, have ‘settled’. Around Solstice this June just gone, we witnessed many very red sunsets around our world for a period of time.
They have ‘worn’ now and sunset is looking normal again with still the stunning platinum light glow at dusk and dawn.
I received the messages that the ‘merge/shift’ into the next dimension was occurring - it was the peak of it and now we are ‘here’ at a new evolution of reality.
If you can imagine Earth/our solar system moving up into a higher level of energetic atmosphere- this is what has happened and the skies since February was a 6 Month portal of this transition. It’s no coincidence of the Queens transition with the timing of this dimension shift.
That level of vibration that encloaked the world has been removed. The ‘dark’, can no longer reside here in this dimension.
That static structure of societal consciousness has been unlocked and is not held captive anymore.
We are free now.
However, you might be trying to go back and visit the old - and you’ll be met with a raging fire/rage/anger/get out of here vibe - listen to it.
You’ve shifted and moved for a reason.
You will be experiencing enormous transition in your own life right now, which began in February, peaked in Mar/Apr and has ties into now with old threads being cut for good. Like old threads of the spider web of consciousness that connected you to that old place - whatever that represents to you in your life - is over now, so stop trying to revisit it. However, if you’ve ‘gone back’ it’s to show you - how much you’ve changed and maybe you needed to see that for yourself. Sometimes we go through such an evolution that we don’t even notice it until we go back and… see it for ourselves.
In December 2018/January 2019 Lumeria and Atlantis rising was sooo strong. This December/January marks 4 years since then. 4 is a significant shift in the energy - as it is stable number and solidifies in a whole new era of stable, 'gold' and pure energy. New structures are created and birthed and old realities decimated. In your own consciousness and on our planet today.
What I meant back then and still true today by ‘Lumeria and Atlantis rising’ is that the truth cannot be suppressed any longer.
This is true for shifts occurring in your life right now - what you’ve buried and tucked away, can no longer be tolerated by your Soul dying inside you and busting to come out - so change is happening FOR you… or you’ve reached a tolerance point of ENOUGH! And the fire of cleansing begins 🔥 Let alone, world truths surfacing for those willing to see - by 2027, all will be seeing and we will be in an entirely new reality of living on this planet.
You might be witnessing some cold hard truths in your reality right now:
~ Broken hearts 💔
~ Family ties cut when you thought they already were
~ Relationship break ups you didn’t see coming
~ Massive transition and change in your life you also didn’t see coming (more to come with this one too, you’ve already had ideas today drop in about this! #iseeyou)
~ Financial strain and pressure causing you to reassess, realign and actually do what you say you’re going to do with your life
~ Choices pushing you behind your wildest dreams and….. even though angry waves…. You’re fucking thankful for it, because it is FREEING you
You’ve arrived at this next dimension if you’re focused on your future, but deeply embedded in the now.
You’ve grieved a tonne and are deep in healing protocols selfishly reassessing your life and finally making choices that are aligned with your Highest Self… and it feels…. Freeing. A relief.
And let’s not forget how the Universe has swooped in to help you….
Because you trust. You’ve aligned and you’re choosing - you.
And that… is how it was always meant to be.
This, is what the new dimension - the new earth requires.
Heart felt, Soul led selfishness of choices for you and you alone - pull you into alignment and when everyone does that?
Oh, hello magical synchronistic life flow… 🌟
Are you?
Where are you at with the dimension shift?
1: just waking to hard core truths of reality checks and big life changes I didn’t see coming that I’m still grieving 💔
2: shocked angry and on fire to make changes, rapidly choosing me even though I’m not 100% clear on what that looks like yet but trusting. Taking some sort of action but almost feels like walking through mud
3: at peace, though still waves of grief and feel clear about where I’m going and it’s bringing me deep centred joy thinking about my future… because it’s me 🤍 AND taking radical action in this direction 🔥
Are you 1, 2, or 3? Comment below and let me know.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Are you ready for advance your Psychic Skills and become a member of the fastest growing Ancient Blooded Healer & Rising Lightworker Community in town?
Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator commences in February next year… our 6 month internationally recognised and fully approved Certification to heal, shift your life, step out of the 9-5, become your own boss, do what you love and get paid for it!
You already heal and give life advice anyway, let alone sense all the energies that come with that, so you may as well hone that skill beautiful one, you're here for a reason and have read this far, also, for that reason.
Early Bird is open for the final time and Early Bird closes next Thursday! When this reopens in November, it will be the full investment. Click here for all the details:
P.P.S. If you're ready to accelerate the space you're in, send me a message for my 1:1 private mentoring options to work with me.