The Lion's Gate Portal 888
Aug 08, 2018The Lion's Gate Portal 888
Today, we have a beautiful Lions Gate opening - has the energy felt beautiful for you these last few days?
Or has it felt super heavy and draining somewhat?
I am getting the strong message these last few days, there has been a significant shift - if you pulled card number 5 yesterday in Tuesday Tarot, this gives you a depth of understanding of the strong collective waves surfacing right now.
There is always significant shifts occurring, yet, you are either aligned with the energy and where it is taking you, looking within, shifting, being aware of your signs and following them, or you are still, climbing out of the slumber.
All is perfect, wherever you are - because it is all on this same web that I speak of...
Yet, the message that has been coming through is, that whilst we are all one big web, and all on different threads of this web, the message strongly beaming through this past few days, is there are several webs, and some have recently climbed through to this next web.
And there are some, releasing themselves from the webs of the past right now.
This Lion's Gate Portal of Planetary Line Up right now, is leading us up to the Solar Eclipse on Saturday evening (AEST).
It feels like there is a big shift with a lot of people that have really dug deep these past few months, whether you have:
~ let things/relationships go
~ let things sleep
~ stopped certain practises/rituals for a time
~ clearing out the remnants/tying up loose ends of things before April this year
~ recalibrating pretty much your entire life right now
There is an 'air' to this energy, that things are about to 'touch down', there is something about to 'land' to 'be birthed' and it is going to shift your life in exponential ways that you didn't see coming.
"The Ancient Blooded Healers are remembering, gathering, rising and so brings the dawn that heralds this deepest rise on this Earth to date. The Legend, has been born."
I am getting the message that over this next few days, allow what is, walk forward in deep curiosity, in deep awareness of allowing.
Take extra care of yourself, walk silently, but powerfully, noticing your energy, the energy of others, notice... what you are being shown.
As this 'touch down' is going to be, what you have been wanting for quite some time, there is something about to shift greatly.
The other message that came through strongly about this Lion's Gate Portal today, is:
"There is FLOW and then there is YOUR OWN FLOW and when you tap into YOUR OWN FLOW herein lays The Secrets of the Universe."
Life is full of contradictions… yet, it is in this delicate balance of knowing the flow and how to ride them, moment by moment, by supporting yourself, gently, with each step forward, do you truly gain your power and flow.
The key, is knowing who you are, knowing your values, knowing what you need to take care of yourself - and doing so.
The only reason you wouldn't stay committed to this space of caring for your self in these ways forever more, is a self worth level, that's all.
And that, can easily be worked on.
Hence, the Lion, full of Courage, dedication, bright Solar Plexus strength, bright like the Father Sun, the Deep Masculine supportive Power - that comes from deeply connecting to:
Do you know - what your own Sacred Flow is? In ALL layers of your Life?
It is here, with this Divine Integration over this Lion's Gate Portal and our upcoming Solar Eclipse in 3 days, now, is your Sacred opportunity for grounded, earthed, dedicated, powerful commitment to change - in your own Life.
Reconnect to the Sacredarity (yes, new word! Sacred Solidarity!) of YOUR OWN FLOW.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. If you want support and clarity in figuring out a way to be able to support yourself, even knowing what your own flow and how to even start with such, in deep celebration of 2 dedicated years of Tuesday Tarot, I have been intuitively guided to drop my 21 Day Shifter Program from $997 to $97, as August deeply honours this powerful space of transformational positive deeply healing, life support and change. Click here for all the details on how I can support you this way: